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Quarter:4 Grade Level: V

Week: 1 Date/s: May 1-5, 2023
(Day 1) Monday (Day 2) Tuesday (Day 3) Wednesday (Day 4) Thursday (Day 5) Friday


Time: Learning Area: English 5
MELC: Objectives
Infer the target audience (EN5VC- At the end of the lesson, learners are expected to:
IIIe3.7) 1. Use verbal and non-verbal cues in a TV
2. Infer target audience
3. Infer purposes of the visual media

Day 1 – May 1, 2023 Monday – Regular Holiday

Day 2 – May 2, 2023, Tuesday

Read and answer the activity
Activity A
Directions: Examine each visual media and answer the questions that follow. Copy and answer in
one whole sheet of paper.

1. What kind of audience does the story “Si Langgam at si Tipaklong”

A. adults
B. teenagers
C. children
D. none of the above

2. An alphabet song has so many views on Youtube. Who do you think

are its viewers?
A. kids
B. seniors
C. youths
D. adults
3. A milk ad is intended for what target audience?
A. mothers
B. fathers
C. children
D. either A or B
4. What do you think is most target group of the movie Frozen II?
A. children
B. seniors
C. youths
D. adults

5. iPhones are expensive. It cost 30,000 up to 100.000 depending on

the model unit. Who do you think are the group of people who can
afford this kind of phone?
A. People who are not wealthy
B. people belonging in low class socioeconomic status
C. people belonging to the middle-class socioeconomic status
D. people belonging to the high-class
socioeconomic status

Day 3 – May 3, 2023, Wednesday

Read and answer
Activity B
Directions: Infer the message of each image in the first column. Then in the second column,
choose and write the appropriate target audiences for the given image. You may choose one or
more target audiences. Write your answers only in one whole sheet of paper.
Issues in the community Audiences

□ law makers / environmentalists

□ youths /learners
□ adults
□ factory owners
□ teachers
□ loggers
□ environmentalists
□ learners
□ teachers
□ business owners

□ front liners
□ senior citizens
□ teachers
□ learners
□ infants
□ drivers
□ children
□ MMDA officials
□ traffic enforcers
□ commuters
□ the president of the country
□ low- and middle-class people
□ Local Government Officials
□ media / reporters
□ wealthy people

Day 4 – May 4, 2023, Thursday

MELC: Objectives
Using Verbal and Non-Verbal At the end of the lesson, learners are expected to:
Cues in a TV Broadcast 1. Use verbal and non-verbal cues in a TV broadcast
2. Infer target audience
3. Infer purposes of the visual media

A. Reviewing the previous lesson or Presenting the new lesson

Read the following statements and if it is fact or opinion.
1. Magnets have two poles, the north and the south.
2. Magnets can generate electricity.
3. All objects can be attracted by a magnet.
4. Opposite poles of the magnets do attract.
5. Similar poles of the magnets retract.

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

Look at the pictures and answer the following questions
C. Presenting examples/instances of the lesson
Comprehension question:
1. Whenever you watch TV for news broadcast, what do you observe about the presenters or
2. Do they make you understand the news clearly and effectively? Why?

D. Discussing new concepts and Practicing new skills #1

Television is one of the most powerful tools in communicating information, especially in
news broadcasting. TV news Broadcast is considered the most frequent and trusted source of

Communication is simply the act of transferring information from one place to another.
Communications can be spoken or verbal communication: face -to-face, telephone, radio or
television and other media or non-verbal communication: body language, gestures, how we
dress or act our scent.

Communication in television broadcast

In a television broadcast, the director should use a series of standards, calls and set
procedures to direct the efforts of the video crew. A consistency of protocol allows the crew to
anticipate their responsibilities by following standard operating procedures with clearly
defined and universally understood jargon.

Verbal and non-verbal cues used in a television broadcast.

❖Standby Cue
❖4-minutes count down
❖ Speed up
❖Come closer
❖You are in camera
❖ Ok Go back Cut
❖ Stretch or slowdown
❖30 seconds
❖15 seconds
❖ Keep talking on time

E. Discussing new concepts and Practicing new skills #2

To find out more about this topic, watch the supplemental video in this link

F. Developing Mastery
Using the graphic organizer below, list the verbal and non-verbal cues used in television
Verbak and

G. Finding Practical applications of Concepts and skills in daily living

H. Generalizing and Abstractions of the lesson

Complete the statement below by arranging the jumbled terms.
Let us remember that…
1. Speakers use rbveal and non-verbal escu to convey meaning
2. Non-verbal cue includes all the communications between people who do not have a direct
verbal slationtran.

I. Evaluating learning
Directions: Use the appropriate verbal/non-verbal cues in the following television broadcast
situations. Choose your answer from the given choices. Do this in your notebook.
keep talking cut you are in camera standby 30 seconds

__________ 1. The director signals the anchor to look at the camera.

__________ 2. The director wants everybody in the set to standby in one minute.
__________ 3. The director signals to standby in 30 seconds.
__________ 4. There is remaining time in the set, the director wants the anchor to talk more
and spend the time left.
__________ 5. This means over, cut the show and it is finished

J. Additional activities for application or remediation

Day 5 – May 5, 2023, Friday

A. Reviewing the previous lesson

Read the following statements carefully, match column A to the correct terms to the column
B. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
Column A Column B
1. It is the most powerful tool in A. Communication
communicating information, especially
in news broadcasting.
2. It is the act of transferring B. Non-verbal communication
information from one place to another.
3. Body language, gestures including C. Television
how we dress or act our scent
4. Face to face, telephone, radio or D. Verbal and non-verbal communication
5. Stand by, speed up, come closer, 30 E. Verbal Communication
seconds and the like are also known as

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

Stand by

Cut Speed up

Youre in

4 minute
Verbak and Stretch or
non-verbal slow
talking on


C. Presenting examples/instances of the lesson
Study and familiarize yourself with the following verbal and non-verbal cues below.

D. Discussing new concepts and Practicing new skills #1

Choose which letter corresponds with the verbal and non-verbal cues above. Pick the letter of
the correct answer.
____1. Cut
____2. on time
____3. come closer
____4. keep talking
____5. stand by
____6. speed up
____7. ok
____8 stretch or slow down

E. Developing Mastery
Diad activity: Together with your partner. Practice and execute together the Verbal and non-
verbal cues. Representatives will be chosen to present their mastery of the cues after the
given 10-minute time.

F. Generalizing and Abstractions of the lesson

1. Why do you think verbal and non-verbal cues play a vital role in television
2. Why are hand signals, gestures and symbols commonly used instead of other forms of
communication in television broadcasting?

G. Evaluating learning
Directions: Identify the verbal and non-verbal cues shown by the following images.

H. Additional activities for application or remediation

IV- Remarks
V- Reflection
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons work? (No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help solve?
G. What innovation or localized material did I use/discover which I wish to share with
other teachers?

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