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The Multiverse of Magic: the Gathering

in Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition.

y thanks go to Wizards Of The Coast Also need to provide credit to the author of Whispers from
and TSR for creating games that are so the Aeons if I can find them.
inspiring to myself and others. Without
them, creations like this would not be


he following are the goals of this document. As One talent of each color should be based on the "Boon" cycle
parts are defined, they will be created, from the original set of MtG. This is for familiarity and
removed, or modified as necessary to continue player's seeing old and awesome stuff. Ancestral recall
progression on this document. After most of should be pared down to be on par with the rest of these
these goals are satisfactory, this page will abilities, though.
move to the end of the document. These boons should all scale with proficiency modifier in
some way and cost 1 mana of the appropriate color to use.
All characters have mana Lightning Bolt:
All characters have internal mana and are a source of mana Should create an attack at range or add damage to an attack,
for themselves. The amount of they can produce and all dice of an attack, or every attack in a round.
(possibly) use is limited. A creature has an internal mana Healing Salve:
cache equal to their proficiency modifier. This modifier, in
MtG terms, is roughly equivalent to their mana cost (as a Should heal an amount of damage that is small, but can
card). Yes, this means a lvl 20 creature would only be 6 matter. Should this be Proficiency modifier, or Proficiency
(colored) mana to 'summon'. modifier + Ability modifier?
Dark Ritual:
Talents Should upscale a spell or treat caster as if mana had been
All creatures with an internal mana cache should be able to available to do so. The max level of the upscaling should be
spend that mana for abilities. limited, and it should only work on where black mana can.
Creatures should get new abilities when their proficiency Raising a spell one caster level, capped at proficiency
modifier improves, and some abilities should be usable modifier level, seems relatively safe, but may make it a very
without expending mana permanently (like cantrips). These powerful ability (particularly early on).
abilities become locked if mana is all expended for that color.
One point of internal mana is determined by (sub)race. Giant Growth:
Add to damage and/or temp hit points.
Races and Mana:
All races included in official D&D sources and Plane Shift Ancestral Recall:
documents as playable should be listed here. Not sure. Double proficiency modifier on any one roll? Allow
Any: Human, Half-Elf, Half-Orc some form of pre/post-cognition?
Green: Elf (All), Firbolg, naga, Tabaxi
Red: Dwarf, Goblin, Bugbear, Kobold, Orc, Minotaur If using Talents
Blue: Gnome, Kenku, Tortle, Triton, merfolk, vedalken, At level one, you must choose either Intelligence, Wisdom, or
naga, siren Charisma for your spellcasting modifier when using mana
White: Aasimar, Halfling, Kor points to cast a spell.
Black: Aasimar(Fallen), Tiefling, Yuan-Ti, vampire, Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your chosen
aetherborn, Lizardfolk modifier
Special: Hobgoblin (R/W), Dragonborn (depends on Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your
ancestry), Genasi (depends on subrace), Goliath (G/R), Aven chosen modifier
(U/W), Khenra (G/R) Choose a number of abilities below such that they add up
to your proficiency modifier. These must match up with the
Cantrips should be available to near any character, based on mana you produce. These may be changed when your
mana. All 'Green' characters should be able to take proficiency modifier increases.
Druidcraft, for example.
Potential Talents One Druidcraft(P), Guidance(P), Mending(P), or, as a free
action, advantage on a Wisdom (Animal Handling) or
White: Intelligence (Nature) check.
One Light(P), Resistance(P), Thaumaturgy(P), or, as a free Two Bless, Earth Tremor, Entangle, Goodberry
action, advantage on a Charisma (Persuasion) check. Three Barkskin, Enhance Ability, Enlarge/Reduce,
Two Cure Wounds, Sanctuary, Shield, or, as a free action, Maximilian’s Earthen Grasp
advantage on one attack roll. Four Conjure Animals, Meld Into Stone, Spirit Guardians,
Three Lesser Restoration, Prayer of Healing, Warding Wind Wall
Bond, Five As a bonus action, you gain 30 temporary hit points.
Four Beacon of Hope, Daylight, Protection From Energy, In addition, for one minute, your weapon attacks deal an
or, as a reaction, cause an attack roll targetting you to miss. extra 2d6 bludgeoning damage on a hit, and your reach
Five As a bonus action, you gain resistance to bludgeoning, increases by 10 feet. If you're smaller than Huge, you also
piercing, and slashing damage for one minute. become Huge for the duration.
One Dancing Lights(P), Minor Illusion(P), Vicious Mana based casters
Mockery(P), or, as a free action, advantage on a Charisma Most would be abstracted concepts of mana, but a pure mana
(Deception) check. caster is viable and desireable.
Two Command, Disguise Self, Hideous Laughter, or, as a
free action, you can telepathically speak to any creature you Pure Mana-based caster:
can see within 120 feet of you in this manner for the next 24 Call the mana based caster a "Mage" to flow with MtG
hours. players' expectations.
Three Blur, Detect Thoughts, Enthrall, Invisibility Tapping lands needs to be a concept and land ownership
Four Counterspell, Fear, Hypnotic Pattern, Major Image should be important to the class. Abstract the concept based
Five As an action, you create a 20-foot cube of psychic on short/long rests.
energy within 120 feet of you. Each creature in that area "Mana cost" should be tied to spell level to merge the two
must make an Intelligence saving throw. On a failed save, a 'worlds'.
target takes 8d8 psychic damage and is stunned until the end Spells that are cast at higher level should 'cost' more mana
of your next turn. On a successful save, a target takes half as (require more mana points dedicated to the correct color).
much damage. All spells should be available, but the selection should be
Black: heavily restricted by color availability to emphasize maximum
One Chill Touch(P), Poison Spray(P), Spare the Dying(P), or, compatibility with 5e feel and MtG feel simultaneously.
as a free action, advantage on a Charisma (Intimidate) check. Two-color characters should be preferred. One color should
Two Bane, False Life, Inflict, or, as a reaction, impose be preferred as "primary".
disadvantage on an attack roll against you. Class ability to substitute Two mana of any color for one
Three Blindness/Deafness, Darkness, Ray of mana of a single color should be possible, but limited in
Enfeeblement, or, as a free action, regain hit points equal to usage. Green should be able to use this more frequently for
half the amount of damage you dealt with your most recent itself.
attack. Class will be very complex to play, so system mastery
Four Animate Dead, Bestow Curse, Revivify, Vampiric should be high priority for prospective Mage players.
Five As an action, you target one creature you can see
within 120 feet of you. The target must succeed on a Wisdom
saving throw or be paralyzed for one minute.
One Eldritch Blast(P), Sacred Flame(P), Shocking Grasp(P),
or, as a free action, deal an extra 1d4 radiant damage on a hit.
Two Burning Hands, Divine Favor, Guiding Bolt, Hellish
Three Flame Blade, Scorching Ray, Shatter, or, as a free
action, deal an extra 3d10 radiant damage on a hit.
Four Call Lightning, Fireball, Haste, Tidal Wave
Five As an action, choose up to five allies you can see
within 60 feet of you. Each of those allies can use their
reaction to take the Attack action. You can choose the targets
of the attacks.

he multiverse of Magic: the Gathering is full of The energies in these lands being so readily accessible to
worlds that span the gamut of the primitive mages means that they can attune to and tap in to these
and the technological. All of these worlds are energies to cast spells. Since the land on any given world is
influenced by the tethers of the land that flavor finite, areas with a lot of mages can create wars based on the
any given region of the world. From civilised land, and many cultures try to cultivate powerful areas that
plains within a robust world to entire planes manifest multiple colors of mana in order to make the most
that have been completely overrun by the of their land. These engineered lands are rarely without
undead, the world someone is on drastically influences the drawbacks, and tapping in to these specialized lands can go
nature of its inhabitants, and vice-versa. so far as to harm a mage that taps in to the power.
This concept is so ingrained in the multiverse that people,
locations, beasts, and sometimes even items created by the
intelligent races of the multiverse are almost universally tied
to one of the elemental energies associated with the world.
These elemental forces are referenced among scholars by
color, as the learned may look into the weave and examine
the threads of energy and see these energies in the colors

Replacing the Old

This document is a re-envisioning of spellcasting
within a fantasy game world. It is designed to
replace standard casting classes with something
that removes the separation of Arcane and Divine
magic to a system based on the land being drawn
from. Ideally, it will be balanced well enough to be
able to work in concert with the standard casting
classes, yet be distinct.
The influence here is from the Collectible Card
Game, Magic: the Gathering. An alternative system
for both magic and for alignment is highly desired
by some, however, and this could be useful for
anyone looking for a change of pace.

A land cultivated by human farmers that are working for the

local church, coming together as a robust community create
white threads of energy that permeate the land. If later, a
necromancer comes through and destroys all the inhabitants,
razes their buildings, salts their fields, and animates the
corpses, the land can be corrupted, becoming black. This
means that this corrupting terraforming is visible to those
who look at the mystic energies and is also tangible to mages.

Tapping the Land

Anyone with the power to attune to lands is referred to
colloquially as a Mage, although this does not guarantee that
they possess the class of the same name. The act of attuning
to a land and channeling its energy for your use is called
tapping the land. A mage may either do this on their behalf, or
grant their ties to the land to others to allow them to access
the mage's power source, but each land can only be tapped
for mana by one creature at a time.

4 PART 1 | Introduction

he multiverse of Magic: the Gathering is rich
with lore and several distinct worlds with their
own flavors and histories. Their magic touches Magic: the Gathering
the multiverse and accesses lands from This document is heavily influenced by the Magic:
throughout the multiverse to fuel them. the Gathering collectible card game. Even as it
Mages must tie themselves to the land in expands, it will do so with this thought process in
order to attune themselves to their magic. This mind. Inspiration is gleaned from Wizards of the
influences them dramatically. Their personalities tend to Coast's Unearthed Arcana and Planeshift articles as
reflect the lands that they have tied themselves to, and drastic well as from the card game itself.
changes in either may affect both. Powerful mages fight wars While this document will reference several
over particularly charged land, making them special official D&D sources, I will not provide details that
resources, and many mages will try to terraform an area in are not part of the Free material published by
some way to gain the mana that they seek. Necromancers WOTC for D&D. I will reference ability/spell names,
killing villagers to stain the ground with black mana are but will give a page reference for further details.
Many mages foster connections to the land such that they
control the energies of the area, carving out a territory of Cantrips
their own. Others adapt their personalities to the lands they At 1st level, you know three Cantrips of your choice from the
come across attempting to stay versatile and blend in with mage spell list. You learn additional mage Cantrips of your
their surroundings. choice at higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips Known
column of the Mage table.
Class Features Mana
As a mage, you gain the following class features Your spells have an additional component when compared to
standard spells in the PHB - Mana cost.
Hit Points Mages can cast a very large and diverse variety of spells. In
Hit Dice: 1d6 per mage level order to cast a prepared mage spell, you must have the
Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + your Constitution modifier appropriate colors of mana in the appropriate levels. This
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + your Constitution requires you to attune to plots of land around the world. As
modifier per mage level after 1st long as you have the land attuned, you can access it from
Proficiencies anywhere in the current plane in order to cast your spells.
Armor: None Which spells can be cast at a given moment is limited to the
Weapons: daggers, darts, slings, quarterstaffs, light caster's access to the energy of various plots of land in the
multiverse (see Tied to the Land feature).
crossbows When casting mage spells, you can only cast spells that you
Tools: none have the appropriate mana for. Each spell will have a mana
Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom cost that must be reached in order to cast the spell. Most
Skills: Choose two from Arcana, History, Insight, spells will be a single element and require one mana of that
Investigation, Medicine, and Religion element per level of the spell. Some exceptions will require
multiple elements of mana to cast or even have extra
Equipment capabilities if you have extra mana accessible. Regardless of
You start with the following items, plus anything provided by whether you have a spell prepared, you may not cast a mage
your background. spell that you do not have the mana available for.
(a) a Quarterstaff or (b) a Dagger
(a) a Component pouch or (b) an arcane focus Preparing and Casting Spells
(a) a Scholar's Pack or (b) an Explorer's Pack The Mage table shows how many Spell Slots you have to cast
A Spellbook your Spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these
Spells, you must expend a slot of the spell's level or higher.
Alternatively, you may start with 4d4 x 10 gp to buy your You regain all expended Spell Slots when you finish a Long
own Equipment. Rest.
You prepare the list of mage Spells that are available for
Spellcasting you to cast. To do so, choose a number of mage Spells from
your Spellbook equal to your Intelligence modifier + your
As a student of Arcane Magic, you have a Spellbook mage level (minimum of one spell). The Spells must be of a
containing Spells that show the first glimmerings of your true level for which you have Spell Slots. You may prepare any
power. spells in your spellbook, but you may only cast spells based
on your available Mana.

PART 2 | The Mage 5

For example, if you're a 3rd-level mage, you have four 1st- You can change your list of prepared Spells when you
finish a Long Rest. Preparing a new list of mage Spells
level and two 2nd-level Spell Slots. With an Intelligence of 16, requires time spent studying your Spellbook and memorizing
your list of prepared Spells can include six Spells of 1st or the incantations and gestures you must make to cast the
2nd level, in any combination, chosen from your Spellbook. If spell: at least 1 minute per Spell Level for each spell on your
you prepare the 1st-level spell Magic Missile, you can cast it list.
using a 1st-level or a 2nd-level slot. Casting the spell doesn't
remove it from your list of prepared Spells.

The Mage
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Lands Attunable Cantrips Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
1st +2 Spellcasting, Tied to the Land 1 3 2 - - - - - - - -
2nd +2 Elemental Source 1 3 3 - - - - - - - -
3rd +2 - 2 3 4 2 - - - - - - -
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 2 4 4 3 - - - - - - -
5th +3 - 3 4 4 3 2 - - - - - -
6th +3 Elemental Source feature 3 4 4 3 3 - - - - - -
7th +3 - 4 4 4 3 3 1 - - - - -
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 4 4 4 3 3 2 - - - - -
9th +4 - 5 4 4 3 3 3 1 - - - -
10th +4 Elemental Source feature 5 5 4 3 3 3 2 - - - -
11th +4 - 6 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 - - -
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 6 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 - - -
13th +5 - 7 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 - -
14th +5 Elemental Source feature 7 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 - -
15th +5 - 8 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 -
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 8 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 -
17th +6 - 9 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1
18th +6 Spell Mastery 9 5 4 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 10 5 4 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1
20th +6 Signature Spell 10 5 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1

Spellcasting Ability Spel

Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your mage Spells, You c
since you learn your Spells through dedicated study and mage
memorization. You use your Intelligence whenever a spell
refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Lea
Intelligence modifier when Setting the saving throw DC for a Each
mage spell you cast and when Making an Attack roll with Spell
one. Spell
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your show
Intelligence modifier you m
Spell Attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Spell
Intelligence modifier
Ritual Casting
You can cast a mage spell as a ritual if that spell has the ritual
tag and you have the spell in your Spellbook. You don't need
to have the spell prepared.
6 PART 2 | The Mage
To attune to a plot of land, you must know the type of energy The most common elemental sources in the multiverse
revolve around The Elements of Magic. Mages through the
it produces and ensure that it is not attuned to another ages have cataloged thousands of Spells, grouping them into
creature. This can be determined through a "Detect Magic" five categories called colors. In some places, these traditions
spell or through a Wis(Arcana) skill check. (Use Int(Arcana) if are taught in schools. In other institutions, the schools are
your DM does not use the Variant for detaching skills and more like academic departments, with rival faculties
attributes). After the mana resonance is determine, you may competing for students and funding. Even wizards who train
attune to the land during a short rest if the above apprentices in the solitude of their own towers use the
qualifications have been met. division of magic into elements as a learning device, since the
Attunement to a plot of land can be ended as a bonus Spells of each color require mastery of different techniques.
Tapping the Land Red Magic
You retain a residual connection to your lands even across Red Mage Savant
different planes in the multiverse, but they can be difficult to Beginning when you select this source at 2nd level, the gold
connect to from inter-planar distances. When you move to a and time you must spend to copy a Red spell into your
new plane all attuned Lands that do not exist on that plane Spellbook is halved.
are dormant. It takes a Long rest to solidify the connection to
one of these dormant Lands. Re-establishing this connection Heart of Flames
is referred to as "tapping" the land. Mana sources that do not Your body and spirit has been infused with the energy of the
come from attuned lands are not similarly restricted. You can flames such that you are considered a Red Mana Source for
still end attunement to a dormant land and immediately the purposes of spell-casting. Because of this, you can cast
begin a short rest to attune a new plot on the new plane. spells as if you were attuned to 1 more red source than you
You cannot prepare spells during a Long Rest in which you are. This increases to 2 at level 6, 3 at level 11, and 4 at level
are tapping land from another plane. 16.
Additionally, you can add your Intelligence modifier to one
Elemental Source damage roll of any spell you cast that deals fire or lightning
damage. If you do this, you take damage of the same type
When you reach 2nd level, you choose an elemental source, equal to half of your Intelligence modifier.
shaping your practice of magic through the five elemental
colors of magic, such as Red Magic. Your choice grants you Fiery Boon
features at 2nd level and again at 6th, 10th, and 14th level. Beginning at 6th level, you can cast a damage dealing cantrip
you know as a bonus action. You must complete a short rest
in order to use this ability again.
Ability Score Improvement
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and Redirect
19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice Beginning at 10th level, you have gained the ability to alter
by 2, or you can increase two Ability Scores of your choice by the flow of magic quickly in response to an enemy casting a
1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 spell. You may spend a spell slot and your reaction to change
using this feature. the target of a spell being cast that has a single target to
another valid target of your choice. If the spell slot used is
less than the spell being cast, this ability fails.
Placeholder ability (18) If a spell is successfully redirected, this ability cannot be
This line will hold the level 18 power that is designed to used again until after the caster takes a Long Rest.
simulate a wizard's level 18 power. It is intended to be a
reasonably high powered ability, but not a capstone. Fork
Starting at 14th level, any time you cast a spell that targets a
single creature, you can choose an additional creature to
Placeholder ability (20) target. You may only use this ability once per short rest. This
This is to reserve a spot for the capstone of the Mage class raises the mana requirements of the spell by 1 red mana and
requires the spell to be cast with a spell slot one level higher.
Elemental Sources
The study of wizardry is ancient, stretching back to the
earliest mortal discoveries of magic. It is firmly established in
fantasy gaming worlds, with various traditions dedicated to
its complex study.

PART 2 | The Mage 7

The Five Elements

he 5 elements of magic are an important part • Races and Creatures: Humans are exceptional, in that
of the world, almost all magic is tied to these they don’t have a particular aptitude or affinity for one color of
eements, and even creatures are attuned to at mana. For other races, and even for nonsentient creatures,
least one element. Alignment in a world such the connection is much stronger. Elves, for example, are
as this is more readily addressed and attuned typically green aligned. They use nature magic, and they value
in relationship to the elements of magic rather things like balance, stability, and interdependence. Hydras
than some ambiguously defined aspect of are also green aligned, though they don’t use magic and they
moral relativity. don’t have values—even as they can be seen to embody those
values. So if you wanted to summon a hydra, you’d use a
green spell to do it.
Planeswalker • Metaphysical Essence: Sometimes magic or even
You'll notice that not much is said about powerful emotions can change the basic nature of people or
planeswalkers in this document. The Spark should creatures in a way that alters their color alignment. A vile
be the equivalent of an epic level feat or divine curse might change someone from green aligned to black
boon. It should be awarded only in campaigns aligned (or both green and black aligned). A terrible loss that
where it is to become the norm. spurs someone to vengeance might add red to the person’s
This isn't to say that travel between worlds in the color alignment—temporarily or even permanently.
• Personality Traits: Different colors of mana are
multiverse shouldn't happen, but Planeswalkers are
the equivalent of gods in many, if not most, cases. associated with different qualities of personality. It might be
that a person who is emotionally driven, creative, and
energetic is naturally drawn to the use of red mana; or
perhaps using red mana brings out those qualities in a
The Colors of Magic person. Most likely, the effect runs both ways.
A character’s or creature’s “color alignment” is a sort of
shorthand that sketches out its personality, alignment, and
Editor's Note: power suite—the kinds of effects that it creates with its magic
This section is partially copied from the Plane or through its behavior. This section goes over the traits of
Shift: Ixalan document and edited to allow for each of the five colors, and offers suggestions for ways they
Colors to replace the standard alignment system. might influence a D&D character.
Multiple Colors. Many mages, especially Planeswalkers,
routinely draw on two or more colors of mana. In some
All the planes of Magic’s Multiverse are suffused with mana— worlds, color pairs or triads have such a strong identity that
the energy that fuels magic in all its forms. Mana is intricately they are manifested in the world. The guilds of Ravnica, for
linked with the physical world, and different types of terrain example, are each aligned to a specific pair of mana colors,
produce different “colors” of mana. Most mages specialize in and each of the clans of Tarkir used three colors. And some
the use of one or perhaps two colors of mana, and in the lands produce mana of more than one color, so that a
particular types of magical effects that mana can create. highland lake might produce both red and blue mana. Mana
Color is a fundamental organizing principle of the pairs similarly suggest certain principles, create certain
Multiverse, closely linked with everything from physical magical effects, and favor certain personality traits.
geography to human personality. The following are just some Based on the color wheel, it’s possible to speak of two
of the correlations between color and other aspects of colors of mana as either “allied” (adjacent to each other on
existence: the wheel) or “enemy” (separated by another color). White’s
• Lands: Different types of terrain generate mana of allied colors are green and blue; its enemy colors are red and
different colors. For example, mountains produce red black. That doesn’t mean that creatures associated with allied
mana,while plains produce white mana. colors are necessarily on the same side of any conflict, or that
• Philosophical Principles: Each color is associated with a creatures associated with enemy colors are actually enemies.
set of ideals, values, and principles. White is connected with But if conflict does arise—for example, in a party of
protection and order, and green with life and nature. adventurers—it’s more likely to arise between a whitealigned
• Magical Effects: Different colors of mana are used to and a red-aligned character than between a white-aligned and
power different kinds of spells. Spells of fire, lightning, and a blue-aligned one. That’s the natural result of the different
speed draw on red mana, while spells of water, ice, and the personalities and principles associated with each color. A
mind use blue mana. white character might put a lot of stress on the value of law
and order, and of working together toward a common goal. A
red-aligned character values freedom and individuality.

8 PART 3 | The Five Elements

Characters and Colors. In the language of the D&D game, White Ideals
d6 Ideal
the colors of mana are a means of categorizing the types of
magic that suffuse all existence. When a spellcaster draws 1 Harmony. I long for a world in which everyone gets
upon or manipulates the Weave (see chapter 10 in the along.
Player’s Handbook), part of that process involves tugging on a 2 Community. It is the duty of all civilized people to
strand that connects to a land that produces mana of the strengthen the bonds of community and the security
desired color. Whether consciously or unconsciously, a druid of civilization.
casting barkskin tugs on a strand of the Weave connected to 3 Peace. It is each person’s responsibility to make the
a forest in the world, drawing out the green mana needed to most happiness for the whole community.
cast the spell.
4 Solidarity. Working together, we are stronger than any
of us alone.
Alignment 5 Law and Order. We all must obey those in authority
Although there is no rule-weight to the concept of drawing on and follow laws, or society will devolve into chaos.
mana of different lands for non-mage characters, your 6 Honor. If I dishonor myself, I undermine the
alignment is to one or more colors and this helps in finding foundation of my community.
direction for roleplaying your character. Non-mage casters, if
allowed in a game with Mages, should choose spells in their Color Combinations.
alignment color primarily for thematic reasons, but this is not Adding blue to white shows an introspective person
required. A Cleric that worships a god of light, for example, is dedicated to law and order, creating archetypes such as the
likely to favor white spells, have a white alignment, and use devout monk or the honorable paladin.
white personality traits. Leaning toward another color can Adding black to white steers it toward tyranny and
show a shift in personality and alignment. corruption, exemplified by oppressive clerics and fallen
Your character's alignment can take up to two of the colors paladins.
of magic in order to help show a broad spectrum of complex Adding red to white makes it zealous to a fault, believing
personalities. that the rule of law should be enforced at near any cost for
This alignment system is designed to replace the standard the benefit of all, as in the case of a fervent paladin.
Lawful/Chaotic, Good/Evil spectrum in order to reflect Adding green to white shows a focus on kindness, gentility,
personality rather than morality. and community and would be useful for healing druids,
bards, and kindly rangers
Order. Protection. Community. White characers believe in Blue
teamwork, leadership, heirarchy, and standing together Wisdom. Contemplation. Manipulation. Blue’s strength is the
against the divide. This can be represented by benevolent power of the mind—its limitless ability to imagine, invent,
rulers or tyrannical overlords. They believe that the whole is strategize, and deceive. Knowledge is power, and victory goes
greater than the sum of its parts and safety is found in to the smarter foe. More information about blue’s
numbers. White magic tends to supportive in nature, and philosophies and powers can be found here.
white warriors frequently stand as the bulwark against which Power Suite: Control, the mind, counterspells, illusion,
their enemies crash. transformation, time, wind, water, and ice
Power Suite: Healing, protecting, binding, bolstering Suggested Backgrounds: Charlatan, hermit, sage
Suggested Backgrounds: Acolyte, folk hero, noble, soldier
Blue Personality Traits
White Personality Traits d8 Personality Trait
d8 Personality Trait
1 I employ a polysyllabic vocabulary that conveys the
1 I can find common ground with even the fiercest impression of tremendous erudition.
enemies, empathizing with them and always working
toward peace. 2 I’m used to helping out those who aren’t as smart as I
am, and I patiently explain anything and everything to
2 I would rather make a new friend than a new enemy. others.
3 If someone is in trouble, I’m always ready to lend aid. 3 I often get lost in my own thoughts and contemplation,
becoming oblivious to my surroundings.
4 I get overly upset when people break even minor rules.
4 I believe that anything worth doing is worth doing
5 I am honest to the point of being blunt or rude. right. I can’t help it—I’m a perfectionist.
6 I go into every situation with at least one backup plan, 5 I want to know how things work and what makes
but I can get lost when my plans go awry. people act as they do.
7 I have no patience for selfish or greedy people. 6 There’s nothing I like more than a good mystery.
8 I like my environment to be well ordered and clean. 7 Messing up just means an opportunity to learn from
my mistakes.
8 There’s no need to rush into action; I prefer to plan
before I act.

PART 3 | The Five Elements 9

Blue Ideals d6 Id
d6 Ideal
1 P
1 Perfection. The goal of a life of study is to constantly to
improve oneself.
2 Education. Information can change the world only you
when it is widely shared. don’t
3 Knowledge. The path to power and self-improvement Stren
comes through mastery of what can be known. failur
4 Change. The world is in constant flux, and we must be
ready to change with it. way t
5 Logic. Emotions must not cloud our clear thinking. Co
6 Self-Knowledge. If you know yourself, there’s nothing Ad
left to know corru
Color Combinations. Ad
Adding white to blue shows an introspective person misd
dedicated to law and order, creating archetypes such as the and i
devout monk or the honorable paladin. Ad
Adding black to blue steers it toward manipulation and destr
misdirection and the behavior of stealthy spies, scoundrels, pries
and infiltrators. Ad
Adding red to blue steers it toward wildness and viciou
unpredictability combined with intellect, and is exemplified stalki
by madcap mages—elementalist wizards or sorcerers.
Adding green to blue solidifies its neutrality, embodied in Red
archetypes such as the sagacious druid or the scholar of Passi
nature. reflec
Black energ
Ambition. Cruelty. Death. Black draws its power from the Po
slow decay of all things and the inevitability of extinction. destr
Supremacy belongs to those who are willing to do whatever it Su
takes—including hastening death’s arrival—to achieve their soldi
ends. Red
Power Suite: Necromancy, fear, pain, darkness, disease,
corruption d8 P
Suggested Backgrounds: Charlatan, criminal, noble 1 I
Black Personality Traits 2 M
d8 Personality Trait
3 I
1 The best way to get me to do something is to tell me I
can’t do it. 4 I’
2 If you do me an injury, I will crush you, ruin your name, 5 I
and salt your family’s lands for all time. b
3 The first thing I do in a new place is note the locations 6 I’
of everything valuable—or where such things might be fe
7 I
4 I get bitter if I’m not the center of attention. e
5 I can’t stand the dangerous idiots who deny their own 8 I
needs in order to help others. It’s often difficult to o
motivate them to do what I want.
6 If others won’t do things when you ask nicely, stop
asking nicely.
7 Inspiring fear can be the most effective way to
motivate people.
8 I don’t care about morality or taboos—only results. I’ll
do whatever it takes to get the results I want.

10 PART 3 | The Five Elements

Green Ideals
Red Ideals d6 Ideal
d6 Ideal
1 Acceptance. Things are as they are for a reason, and it’s
1 Freedom. Everyone should be free to pursue their own foolish to try to change them.
2 Nature. The natural world is more important than the
2 Emotion. My heart tells me what it needs. All I have to constructs of civilization.
do is listen and act accordingly.
3 Potential. The secret to happiness is to find one’s place
3 Adventure. Life is an adventure, and it’s up to each in the natural order and embrace it.
individual to experience it.
4 Interdependence. My role is deeply connected to the
4 Relationships. Part of life is embracing the passion, web of life, and my actions have consequences for
loyalty, and camaraderie that ties us to others. everyone around me.
5 Creativity. The world is in need of new ideas and bold 5 Live and Let Live. Ideals aren’t worth killing or going to
action. war for.
6 Sincerity. No one should pretend to be something 6 History. Only through studying the past can we avoid
they’re not. repeating past mistakes.

Color Combinations. Color Combinations.

Adding white to red makes it zealous to a fault, believing Adding white to green shows a focus on kindness, gentility,
that the rule of law should be enforced at near any cost for and community and would be useful for healing druids,
the benefit of all, as in the case of a fervent paladin. bards, and kindly rangers
Adding blue to red steers it toward wildness and Adding blue to green solidifies its neutrality, embodied in
unpredictability combined with intellect, and is exemplified archetypes such as the sagacious druid or the scholar of
by madcap mages—elementalist wizards or sorcerers. nature.
Adding black to red creates the archetypes of wonton Adding black to green steers it toward the darker and more
destruction and icons of bloodthirsty barbarians and battle vicious aspects of nature, in the form of sinister druids and
priests. stalking rangers.
Adding green to red leads to an intensely primal creature, Adding red to green leads to an intensely primal creature,
embodied in a totemic barbarian or fierce ranger. embodied in a totemic barbarian or fierce ranger.
Nature’s abundance. Lush growth. Vibrant life. Green knows
that the artificial trappings of civilization are temporary but
the vast ecosystems of nature will always endure—adapting
and evolving in a delicate balance. Those who would prosper
must also evolve, embracing their wild side and letting nature
have its way.
Power Suite: Nature, plants, animals, growth
Suggested Backgrounds: Acolyte, guild artisan, hermit,
Green Personality Traits
d8 Personality Trait
1 I’m sharply attuned to the cycles of nature, and can
almost feel the pull of the full moon.
2 My instincts never lead me astray.
3 I get along better with animals than I do with most
4 There is more wisdom in a forest pool than in any
5 Beasts of the wild have no need for manners, and
neither do I.
6 Nothing raises my ire like seeing people treat life as
7 I can identify hundreds of bird species by their songs.
8 I see omens in every ripple, gust of wind, and flight of

PART 3 | The Five Elements 11

Spark v2.0
The Multiverse of Magic: the Gathering
in Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition.

agic: the Gathering is a beloved When establishing the setting of D&D as based on the Magic All liv
collectible card game that has been the Gathering card game it is necessary to alter the nature of innat
around since 1993, sparking the the campaign to give it the correct feel. Magic, and even to ch
imagination, creativity, and tactical creatures, need to be tied to the colors of mana in such a way partic
might of people for 25 years. In the that it resonates throughout the game. It needs to be a as "ta
multiverse of Magic are a vast number defining feature of everything within the world such that consi
of worlds, each brimming with their sages and scholars speak of the colors of magic on a daily has e
own lore and ripe for the creative to create stories within. basis. due t
Attempts to translate Magic to the rules of D&D or other The colors of magic and the use of mana should be
role-playing game systems have frequently fallen flat, ingrained in the system and inseparable from it. Morality may
however, as the spells are balanced against each other, not be ambiguous, but the colors and their influence is not. It is a
against a mechanical system in which a single character or literal and tangiable part of the world. To that end, the colors
small team narrative thrives. A duel between planeswalker is will replace the default alignment system that is assumed
akin to a war between different governments that exist on in the D&D world.
multiple planets... A war between entities with world-ending Additionally, mana can be detected even by a trained
power at their fingertips. Translating the summoning spells, scholar that cannot cast magic, and anyone may tap in to
the low level spell counters, and more to a system designed mana if they have access to it.
with large-scale battles between mystical overlords is hard to
convey, but the sheer beauty of the worlds created for Magic Detecting Mana
beg for games set within its multiverse. Mana can be sensed through use of the Arcana spell, but how
it is used depends on the goal. In order to determine what
Not a Planeswalker?!? color a creature is, a Wisdom (Arcana) contested by the target's
You may notice that the default assumption is that passive Charisma (Arcana) is neccessary. Success informs the
characters are explicitly assumed not to be creature of the colors of mana associated with the target's
planeswalkers. This is for many reasons, one of personality and physical being.
which is that all Planeswalkers are effectively epic
level Mages that have full mastery over a multiverse To determine what colors of mana a creature has access to
of spells, artifacts, and most importantly, planar (same DC as above) or a spell uses (DC 10+Spell Level), an
travel. They cannot easily be created in a balanced Intelligence(Arcana) check can inform the creature.
fashion in D&D, and are the functional equivalent
of characters from D&D lore like Bigby or
Elminster, only stronger. Struggle for Mana
Planeswalkers can plane shift effectively at will, Wars are fought over land, but in the multiverse of Magic: the
create portals effectively at will to summon allies, Gathering, they are far more personal battles, as they shape
destroy entire continents, and challenge gods the very energies that a creature can use and ties themselves
single-handedly or even control them in some to. People can change the landscape of an area over time or
cases. with dramatic action/spells. They can steal land from their
That said, it is also understood that a Dungeon opponents by wresting the land from its owners. They can
Master may want to add that level of power to a even destroy land outright, killing its ties to mana all together.
character or a party of characters in their campaign. Due to this, even cultures which share color foci can end up
To that end, the divine/epic boon called 'The Spark' in embittered battle over the land that they control. This is
has been added. It is grotesquely over-powered for especially true when mages are involved. Whether those
an average campaign, so be warned. It will mages are the clergy of a holy faith or mad necromancers
fundamentally change the nature of your game and bent on turning the world to an undead wasteland, full
it will reach levels of high fantasy that haven't been
seen in D&D since the characters themselves
casters are feared and respected.
became immortals and gods in the original version
Creatures themselves are also mana sources. Each
of the game (BECMI OD&D).
creature fuels a certain amount of mana tied to their power.
They can use this mana to bolster themselves or cast a quick
spell to turn the tide of battle. Powerful individuals can train
themselves to tap in to this mana, ripping it from the creature
The Colors of Mana in order to fuel their abilities. This can exhaust or even kill
the creature.
Tapping Out
Rules Changes Mage Restrictions
To blend D&D with Magic: the Gathering, a hybridization of It may seem odd that Mages find it more difficult
rules is necessary. The blending is focused more on staying to access and change their mana than most
balanced with the D&D mechanics than with the rules and spellcasters. This is intentional. Mages have the
implementation of Magic, but is heavily flavored by the latter. most diverse and complete spell-list of any other
So long as basic assumptions for character creation are the class, so they are more heavily restricted in what
same, standard D&D characters and Spark characters they are allowed to access at any time.
should be roughly balanced with each other. If a Mage wants to start casting healing spells
and they are tied to black and green lands, they
have no recourse but to sever their connection to
some of the black or green lands and find a plains
Duration of a turn or special type of land that produces white mana in
One of the sticking points in translating the game order to have access.
to an RPG format is how quickly a caster regains This does not prevent them from memorizing a
their ability to cast at full strength. This happens white spell, merely casting it without the requisite
every turn, but turns are an ill-defined abstraction. mana.
Is a turn a few mere seconds or is it days? How
does mana being tapped and land being played tie
in to this? This abstraction is possibly one of the
biggest difficulties in managing a Magic: the
Gathering role-playing game.
For the purposes of this document, a turn in a
Duel between Planeswalkers is roughly equivalent
to a timeframe between a short and long rest. This
is still an intentionally ambiguous time-frame.

All creatures are tinted to at least one of the five colors of
mana. To represent this, a character has a number of mana
points equal to their proficiency modifier. This mana
represents the creature's alignment and soul, so the choice of
each point, once made, is unchanging (except for large story-
based events that the DM may work with a player to create).
At least one of the first two points is required to be of the
color of your alignment. Creatures with more than one color
in their alignment are required to set their mana to both
colors of their alignment.
Mana like this is an expendable resource, and can be spent
on various abilities and spells. Each point may be used once
per long rest and abilities, like spells, have mana costs
associated with them.

The spellcasting ability gains the following modification for
all casters:
At first level and every odd level after, you gain one mana.
This mana may be of any color unless it is bound by another
restriction (See Mage's Tied to the Land ability). This mana is
in addition to mana gained from proficiency or from subclass
abilities. Most spellcasters can change their class-based
mana's color during a short rest with no restriction on

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