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1 I shall provide... Ova Oon your education. [1 Mark J swhis dishes, he went out. [1 Mark ] Ovastes Otneoen washing O wont rave wasted ac vastea Hints: Hints not available 3 ‘The phonemic transcription of the word ‘continuous’ is [ 1 Mark } One tnjoa Ova nies @rse-enjors O pounce Hints: Hints not available 4 ‘The word ‘engineering’ has its primary Str€S§ 01 Sco Mark } Ov Oo i ‘The passive v of Hes performance impressed ss 1 Mark] Ove were impressed her perfomance Ove were ipressed ater perfomance @ ve vse npr wither prance. Qe were impressed at be erormance, ins ntavallbe I stopped wwalbout the future, [1 Mark] Grass Oseory Orowony Owoiea Hints: Hints not available 7 ‘Which of the following is correctly punctuated? [1 Mark ] @ ics, ese room suc. Ors, se 0m auc Ours es sn room auch. Oreste tte som, quickly. Hint: Hin notavalbe 8 "He asked me if I loved him.\Its direct form is [ 1 Mark} Obiayeo ove me? Gb. youtoveiner Ocanyoutove ner Ovnt se Hints: Hints not available 9 She is having me Oren @.. Oreing Orodoing Hints: Hints not available the job for her. [1 Mark ] 10 The synonym of the word ‘grotesque’ is [ 1 Mark ] Oecatsic Orsrieors @iicare O sence Hints: Hints not available uw The sentence pattern for 'Be happy. is [ 1 Mark ] Oves @.< Oveo Ocone Hints: Hints not available 2 "Computers are used widely in most countries; they are a sign of progress. This sentence is [1 Mark] Oainote @ corouna Ocompex Oeone Hints: Hints not available 2 The area of triangle formed by the tines E+ % = 04 a unis °°. ‘ab sq. units e ‘2ab sq. units Ou. '$q. units Mins 242525421 a =Oandy=Ois [1 Mark] It is right angle wiangle with base "2a' units & height 2b’ units ‘Area = 5 X base x height = 5 x 2a x 2b = 2absq. units 4 My a1 et St Stee eee then B= [1 Mark] 6 Theva of (gg + 1 ra + weg) Mak) $ O-z . si nus Hints: Amp( Amp(1 + iv3) — Amp(V3 + i) = § -% =F 7 lim [7 = (1 Mark} ti ie 18 The derivative of sinfatb) wart 'x' is [1 Mark ] Orosiarss Os conc Oainior @.... Hints: Zero unction is not dependent on variable wat. which it isto be differentiated Le. 19 2. equating this with identity matrix, x= 0 20 ‘The value of 'k' for which the equation x” + y? + 4 — 2y — point circle is [ 1 Mark ] = Orepresents a Hints: For point circle, ‘2? + (-1)? — (-k) =0 => k=-5 Osiog(t +2) +e O Hog(2") +e Hints: Puy = 2" +1 => dy=3a%de => gdy = a%de 2 If projection of any line on co-ordinate axes are 3,4 and 5 respectively, length of line is (1 Mark} Oso On O34 Osa Hints: If is length of line, dl = 3, dm Now, (aly? + (dm)? + (dn)? = 3° +4? +57 => a(P +m? +n?) = 50 => d? = 50 => d=5yvi and da = 5 2B cos" cosa) = eisvalidfor [1 Mark Ooczer (cos) = x is valid for0 , If the position vector of points A and Bare (i +3 j — k)and(3i — j 3k + the position vector of midpoint of AB is [ 1 Mark j O@+27-%) @ er. 7-2%) ) Tim 22" = [1 Mark) Hints: x? = x grade — x grad FH radian 26 If both the roots of equations 2? + pa +g = 0 and x? + ma +n = Oare common then [1 Mark ] @n=an Opm=an Opa= im Ovone Flees Yerhertmaethe commen # > pn=qm 2 The domain of f(« On [0,2] On- (0,2) Oo. Oo. Hints: For f(x) to be real Qe 2? > 0+ 2 > 0,2 <2 + Domain = [0,2] wis [1 Mark] 28 The slope of curve y = logVéanar atx = Fis [1 Mark] e. yop aE Blots y= log Tam + = SVE 1 x sect 43 MGS pe OT 1 2x x ip xse@ha 29 ‘The equation x? + y? + 2? = Orepresents [1 Mark ] @ pain in space OQ cesionin pace O circ inspace O pane in space Hints: For sum of three perfect square quantity to be zero, individual quantity must be 2010 ( and 2 = 0) ie. (0,0,0) a point in space 30 J 3yde + f 8ey'de = (1 Mork] Osu 2c Ove Osz2yic ey +C Hints: AM B A } > A and B are intersected sets B~(B~ A) = B-onlyB 2 ‘The value of for which roots of equation 4x? + 8a + 2A = Oare equal is {1 Mark] O1 Hints: For equal roots discriminant = 0» 8° ~ 4 x 4 x 2A = 0 -+ A= 3 ‘While moving a point charge from point A to point B in space, the external work done is ‘not requited. Which of the following is rue? [1 Mark ] Odonata Oot e {s greater than that at'B’ fs greater tham that at’ have same potential Ore poten A and'B'can not be concluded fom hs statement No wok done segue in equotenal suface A metallic piece is immersed and is being weighted continuously by heating the liquid. The apparent weight of piece [1 Mark ] Ovecreass Oceans same O sin vere Hints: App. weight = real weight — upthrust W-Vpe On heating liquid, cs density (p) decreases, hence apparent weight increases 35 ‘A hole is made at the center of the bar magnet, its magnetic moment [ 1 Mark ] Oinaeases Occreass @ versins sane X 21, this is independent of holes at center as two opposite poles are still separated by same distance with same strength 36 fan equiconvex lens of focal length f and power P is cut into half in thickness, what is the focal length and power of each half? [1 Mark | e@. Hints: focal length oc 1 37 The displacement of particle moving along x-axis with respect to time is @ = at + bt? — ct®The dimensions of’ are [1 Mark } Ors Ours Ours Ours Hints: [x] = [et] => L=(c. 7% => [d= LT* 38 ‘The displacement of particle moving in a straight line depends upon time as & = ja” + bt + c. The ratio of initial velocity to its initial acceleration is { 1 Mark 1 Hints: v= = = at +b —+ v(initial) = v(t = 0) 0) ae ace a => acc(initial) = ace(t weaves 39 Focal length of a convex lens will be maximum for [1 Mark ] Oodnetign Oe ui Oger ie @ .ccien Hints: foc > food 40 A current carrying wire in neighborhood produces [1 Mark ] @ ec iet and magnet els O osetia ony Ovtecic et oniy Oro ea Hints: Current carrying wire produces both electric and magnetic fields. 4a A sample expands from volume Vj to V2. The amount of work done by gas is greatest, ‘when this process is [ 1 Mark ] Ovsisbatc @ craic Ossie Oceaua nat case ‘Area enclosed by PV curve is maximum in isobaric process. a2 ‘With increase in temperature, the frequency of sound from an organ pipe [1 Mark ] Occeass Oranges erally OQ eemain unchanged 4a “The electric field at aditance & from center ofa charged conducting shell of radius’ isE, The electric field ata distance from center of the sphere is [ 1 Mark] Electric field inside the charged conducting spherical shell is zero 44 “Three bulbs of 20W, 40W and BOW are arranged in series. The brightness will be highest in’ (1 Mark} Ox Ovw Osow Ocauainan batts Hints: In series arrangement, Brightness oc R 1 Brightness oc 45 Photoelectric effect is verification of [1 Mark ] O wave naure of eecrons @ parce rare og Ove Ovone Hints: One photon emits one electron i particle nature of photon(light) 46 A transistor has an e” = 0.95, it has change in emitter current of 100 mA, then change in collector current is [1 Mark | @esna Oess05 ma Oroo95ma Orooma Hints: = $2 > Al. = Ale x a = 100 x 0.95 = 95mA 47 ‘The path of the projectile as seen from another projectile will be [1 Mark] @ acsici in O para Osirstr Ovigzae Hints: Path ofthe projectile fora stationary observer is parabolic whereas for another observer in projectile motion is swaight line 48 ‘Thee identical resistors are firstly connected in series and secondly a resistor is connected in series with parallel of other resistors. The ratio of equivalent resistances respectively is [1 Mark] Recand =R+(R parallel R)= B+ & = 3B 49 “The strength of photoelectric current depends upon [1 Mark ] testy of indentation O reaueny of inientaiaton O paar of meta sutce Oanorese Hints: strength of photoelectric current depends on number of electrons i.e. intensity of incident photons or radiation 50 An isotone of "*Gega is [ 1 Mark } Ores Orsay Orrsex OxKr Hints: Isotone: Same number of neutrons (A-2) st ‘Methyl bromide is converted into ethane by heating it in ether medium with [1 Mark } On On @.. ints: Wurtz Reaction(with Na) 52 If Crg02- —+ Cr¥*, equivalent weight of Crz02- is [1 Mark } O niet we ¥ Hints: Cr,02- + 14H* + Ge~ + 2Cr¥*+ + 7H,O Change in oxidation number of chromium = 2 (6-3) = 6 = Mol. wt Equivalent we 53 The element with the highest first ionization potential is [ 1 Mark ] Os Oc e Oo ‘Hints: B O, As nitrogen has half filled p-orbital, it has higher stability and higher {entation potent sa ‘POs is an anhydride of [1 Mark] Onpo, @ 2,70, Onros On,P.0, Hints: PO, is dimer and exists as PyOyy PO + 6,0 ~ 4HsPOs 55 ‘Which of the following has least boiling point? [ 1 Mark ] One Ox. On: On Hints: Boiling Point Order of Hydrogen Halides : HE>HCI< p: 56 ‘Which of the following is used to absorb sulphur dioxide [ 1 Mark] Orcone. 280 @ kor sation Ono O sotyarous CaCte Hints: SO + KOH ~ KySOs(salt) + HO 87 ‘The number of electrons present in 2.24 L of methane gas at STP are [1 Mark ] Oo.028 «10 On2 «10% @ 6.023 «10 Or2 «108 Hints: 22.4 L of CH, = 6.023 x 10° molecules of CH, = 10 x (6.023 x 1078) electrons 2.24 L of CH = 6.023 x 10 electrons 58 An element M as an atomic mass 19 and atomic number 9. Its ion is represented by [ 1 Mark] Om Our Ou Our ints: M~ has noble gas configuration for stability 59 ‘Maximum number of isomers of an alkene with molecular formula CyHIg is [ 1 Mark Which of the following gives Hf»O2 with dilute acid? { 1 Mark ] @ x0, Onno, oO ‘PbO2 Ocs,0 Hints: Ba. + HO, —> Hy, + BaSO, BaO> isa peroxide and peroxide yields hydrogen peroxide with acid "Based on the reading comprehension below, click the best alternative.” There are some men who seem to be always on the lookout for trouble and, to tell the tuuth, they are seldom disappointed. Listening to such men ane would think that this ‘world is one of the stormiest and most disagreeable places. Yet, after al, itis not such a bad place and the difficulty is often in the man who is too thin-skinned. On the other hhand, the man who goes out expecting people to be like himself, kind and brotherly, wil be surprised at the kindness he meets even in the most, unlike quarters. A smile is apt to 'be met with a responsive smile while the sneer is just as apt to provoke a snap. Men living in the same neigh boarhound may live vastly different lives. But itis not the neighbourhood which is quarrelsome, but the man within us. And we have itin our power to change our neighbourhood into a pleasant one by simply changing our own ways. 61 Thepssgeis about [2 Maris] Q cour sisgreeble and hstile wold Ostia and pleasant word Q cur inaterent and unresponsive word @ ise wart and what one makes oft Hing Hsnotavalabe 2 ‘The author's own view of the world is that itis [ 2 Marks ] Qone tte velit and quits paces O aninpeasant and bent place © e's own excessive sensiviy that makes bad place Ov srt pace for tase who stein ite ins ins nova 63 ‘Which of the following is opposite in meaning to the expression thin-skinned’ as used in the passage? [ 2 Marks ] @riersive Onwetigen Oscars Oovsiate Hints: Hints not available 64 “On the other hand unlikely quarters”. The statement shows that people’s reaction to our attitude is [2 Marks | O eneay intron @ srisigy responsive Octen averse O coanstavouaie Hin Hintsnox avaible 6 ff: R— Rand g: R + R be two functions such that (x) = 2x - 3 and g(x) =. +5, the function (fog) 1x) = [ 2 Marks ] Hits: fog(x) = f(g) = (a + 5)=2(2° +5) — 3 = 229 +7 y= +7 a= (Fy imerchange x andy for required answer 66 The coefficient of z* in the expansion of (1+ @ +a? + a*)! is [2 Marks] Osrs50 Osess Os. Ono Hims: (1+ a+ 0% +24) = (14 e)(1+2)) = (14 2)" 424)” = (1+ Cre +!" Op2 = LH C28 + Coat... collecting coefficient of a4 =" C1 x" Ci +" Ci = 310 7 ‘The sum of series 1 + 2x + 3a? + 4a%+. infinity where <1 is [2 Marks ] a Hints: It is arithmetico-geometric sequence with a=1, r= x and d=1 Lyte +o sy S=5+aee 6 in 28 (2) We sin (25) + sin 1( 2) = Bhan 1 then x’ equals to [ 2 Marks] a Te Tab Hints: sin (225) + sin 4 ls rg 2tan'a + 2tan-*b = 2tan'x If 2sin2@ — 3sinO — 2 = 0, the general solution for'@ is [2 Marks] One + (-1y"t Orns (are Onn + (-r $ @ ux —(ayt Hints; 2sin?6 — 3sinf —2=0 => (sin® — 2)(2sin? +1) =0 7 The focus of parabola y* + 42x + 2y—15 =Ois [2Marks] Oas Oa» Our Ou.a Hints: y? + 4c + 2y— 15 =0 => (y +1)? = —4(e— 4) Comparing this with (y — k)? = da(ar — A) we get, k=-1,a=-1andh= 4 $0, focu a .ii Ifwis cube root of unity) 1 w w?| = [2Marks] Lwto Ovai Ova Hints: Performing Ry + Ry + Ry + Rg weget 3 ltwtw® ltwtw*| |3 0 0 1 w a? 1 w a= 1 wF wo lw w —3V3i 3(w x w— a? x a?) 3( n If @ and B are roots of equation x? + ax + b = O, then the value of a? + 6%is [2 Marks | O_(a' + sat) Ore + sab @ 0300 Or — sab Hints: Here a+ 8 = a and a8 = b Now, a3 + 6% = (a + 8)’ ~ 3a8(a + 8) a Tex) = = kwhen x= 0 ‘The value of k’ for which the given function is continuous at x= is [ 2Marks] 225, when x £0 = [2Marks } 1 z 1 ~F Hitan JES) = Zitan* fltan“tan§] = B “The number of ways in which 5 boys and 5 girls sit in a circle so that no two boys sit together is [ 2 Marks | @axs Osrs1 Oss z Oo-2 Hints: First ofall, § boys can be arranged in (5-1)! ways ina circle with one space ‘vacant between consecutive two boys "Now 5 gitls can be arranged in 5! in those vacant spaces between boys. Total ways x5! 6 Jsectx tanz dz = (2Marks] @ ects +e Orssecte “+e O beets +0 Ossects +e Hints: f sectx tanz dz = f sec'x secr tanz dx puty=secx = dy =seex tanx dx Le futdy = ty +e= teects +e 7 ‘The area bounded between the curve y = 4, y-axis and the lines y= 1, y=4is [2 Marks ] Oo3.sq. unis OG agua @ oc, unts Or woe Hints: Itis area between parabola x" by, yaxisandlinesy = 1,24 q.units @, Hints: (@ x 6)? +(@. BY? = 144 ‘absin6)? + (abcos6)? = 144 —> ab=12 —> 4x b=12 => b=3 7 ‘The equation of sphere concentric with 2x” + 2y® + 22 — 6x + 2y — 4z = 1 and double its radius is [ 2 Marks ] Oveye2-aty-e 1 Ont 42428604 2y 42 1 Woe? 525? 4 267 — 62 + 2y— de = 25 Od egy Ate py ote 3 Hints: Comparing with x? + y? + 2? + ux + 2vy + 2wz+e=0,u=—F..¥ $.w=-Lande Now center = (u, = 4,1) and radius “Vi FOF 6 = 2 w)= [Now required sphere is, 2 @- 38443) + (2-1)? =4? => 2x? + 2y? + 227 — Ge + 2y — 42 = 25 80 A body of mass 3 kg falls from the multi storied building 100 m high and buries itself ‘2m deep in the sand. The time of penetration will be [ 2 Marks One Oseec Oos sec @ v.09: Hints: Velocity while reaching just at ground, /2gH = J2% 98 x 100 = 1960 Now for penetration, 0 = V1900 — 2 xa x2 => a=490m/s? Now, 0 = vV1960 ~ at => 0 = V1960 ~ 490 x t => t= 0.09sec at ‘A boy playing on the roof of a 10 m height building throws a ball with speed of 10 mis ‘at an angle of 30° with the horizontal, The distance at height of 10 m from ground the ball will each is (g = 10 m/s?) [2 Marks ] Orom Quam Osam Osim Hints: For same height level, the distance is range 2x20?) 8.66m a2 A-cyclist moving with a speed of 4.9 m/s on a level road can take a sharp circular turn of radius 4m, the coefficient between the cycle tyres and road is [ 2 Marks ] Ooa Gv: Oon Ooa Hints: p= 2 = 1% $= Hi = 0.6125 83 A particle executing simple harmonic motion of amplitude 5 cm has maximum speed of (0.314 mvs. The frequency of its oscillation is [ 2 Marks ] @.. Orn Orn Onn Hints: Uae = Aw = A x (2m f) => fa Sa = oly =e a4 In an interference pattern at a point we observe the sixteenth order maximum for light of {600 nm. The number of order of light is replaced by another source of 480:nm is [ 2 Marks ] On Or ex Ou Hints: The order ata point follows, mAy = MA. => 16 x 600 = ny x 480 => ne 85 The electric potential V at any point (x, y, 2) all in meters in space is given by V = 4? ‘Volt. The electric field at the point (1,0,2) in volvmeter is [ 2 Marks ] O seston pstvex- at O seston pstve x-axis Oe tong postive x-axis @ sing negaive x-axis x Hints: E(1,0,2) = —32 = —8x = —8 x 1 = 8 = B along negative x-axis 86 “The reading of volimeter in given circuit is [ 2 Marks ] Cc Ow Ow @. Ow Hints: The two C’s are in parallel (2C) and this 2C is in series with 3C. If-V"is voltmeter reading, (10-V) is voltage drop in 3C. ‘As charge is same in 2C and 3C, 2C x V = 3C x (10~V) => V = 6volt. 87 An open has fundamental frequency af 300 Hz. Ifthe first overtone of this pipe is equal to first overtone of another closed pipe, length of closed pipe will be [2 Marks ] Or075em @arsem Osan Orosem Hints: First overtone of open pipe = First overtone of closed pipe 2x fo=3x fe 2x 300 =3 x = L=0415m 88 A train moves towards a stationary observer with speed of 34 m/s and 17 mis separately but blows a whistle of same frequency. The ratio of notes registered by observer is (velocity of sound is 340 m/s) [ 2 Marks ] Or On Ore @ rs Hints: For source moving towards stationary observer “The focal length of the objective and the eye piece of compound microscope are 2 em and 3 cm respectively. The distance between objective and eye piece is 15cm. The final image formed by eye piece at infinity. The distance of image from objective lens is [ 2 Marks | Ore Osen Oren Onan Hints: For eye piece, = 2+ L — viae(1)(2}=\iac(1(u) + éae(1) (ny) \implies u=3 cm $ For objective lens, image of objective lens acts as an object for eye a Image distance for objective len (for eye piece Rem 90 The equivalent resistance of the given circuit across M and N when the switch is closed is [2Marks SWITCH M ANN AWN 102 SQ S00 = 15a Orn Ox Osa Ora Hints: When switch is closed, 1097 is shorted by closed switch path and 150 is shorted by last stright wire with zero resistance Now, 209 and 59 are in parallel 40 1 (Charge q’is uniformly spread on the conductor of radius ’, The ring is now allowed to rotate about its axis with uniform frequency of 'f Hz. The magnitude of magnetic field Induction atthe cencer of spring is [ 2 Marks ] Out oR poNT Hints: Magnetic field at center of circular coil(B) = 7" Here, N=1 and 92 ‘The binding energy of electron in a hydrogen atom is 13.6 eV, the energy required to remove the electron from the first excited state of Li?* is 2 Marks } Orzaev @ rose Orseev Ona Hints: Binding energy of H-atom o H-like ion 3.65 For Li?*, 2 = 3.and frst excited state represents, n= 2 30.6eV. 93 “Two identical batteries each of e.m.f, 2V and internal resistance 10 are available 10 produce heat in external resistance by passing a current through it. The maximum power that can be delivered across R using these batteries is [ 2 Marks ] Osw O12sw Ow Osaw Hints: Power across R (P)= 17 For maximum power, R = req 0.735 g of metal were deposited when a current of 0.2 A were passed through M+ ion for 30 minutes. The value of ‘nis (Atomic weight of metal = 197) [2 Marks ] + 0.735 = SO) 95 1.235g of a metal carbonate on heating strongly gives 0.44g of C'O2. The atomic weight cf metal ifthe formula of metal oxide is MO is [2 Marks ] Orss Ons Orsa @u5 Hints: Here valency of metas is 2 as metal oxide is MO tut. of metal earbonate __wt. of. COs ‘Tyra of metal carbonate — Truk of COs 1235 _ tt = a OM B= 31.75 Atomic weight = B x valency = 31.75 x 2 = 63. 96 ‘The Ky, of Hglzis3.2 x10-. The concentration of I~ ion in saturated Higly solution is [2 Marks ] On. 102m Osx Oox 109M Osx 10-'m Hints: For AB» type, Ky =4s' => 8 Hgl, + Hg** + 21- Hence 2x 2x10 Keys) = (8200409 = 9 x 10-2 4x 10M 7 ‘A gas formed by hydrolysis of calcium carbide on passing into dilute H2zSOx in presence of H{g$Ox forms [2 Marks | Ovsexicacit Srcearserae Ocaticasa O prorat Hints: Hydrolysis of Calcium carbide gives acetylene which on hyération in presence of jute Ha SO and HgSOx gives aldehyde ive. CHC HO (acetaldehyde) 98 ‘The gas formed by roasting iron pyrite can act as [ 2 Marks } Qoexianeony O cesta ony @ bors oxidant and edvcmat Hints: 4FeS2(Iron Pyrite) + 1102 + 2F e203 + 8SO2 “The gas is SO, which acts as oxidant and reductant as well as bleachant 99 The product obtained after heating alcoholic potassium hydroxide into ethyl chloride ‘when treated with Baeyer's reagent gives [ 2 Marks ] Oormsiersce Orie Sevnecic Oeitana Hints: Boll: CHyCH,Cl + ale. KOH ~+ CH,CH,(ethene) + KCl + H,0 Ethene with Baeyer’s reagent gives -diol CHC Hy + (KMnO, + KOH) + 2K»MnO, + CH»OHCH,OH(ethanediol) 100 NHg(excess) + Cl + A(t) + NHiCh. the ga On @., Oc, Osancreot (a and) Hints: 8N Hz (excess) + 3Cly —> No(t) + 6NH,Cl Is [2 Marks ]

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