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XRD investigation of GTAW, GMAW, LBW and AGTAW Corten A588

grade steel weldments
J.R. Deepak a,⇑, J. Jeya Jeevahan a, D. Ramachandran b, S.V. Sai Suhas a, P.V. Praneethkumar Reddy a
School of Mechanical Engineering, Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai 600119, India
Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Sathyabama Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai 600119, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Corten A588 grade steel is a weathering with low carbon content less than 0.2%. It is a high strength low
Received 9 April 2021 alloy steel with exceptional corrosion resistant property. Hence Corten A588 grade steel is used in various
Received in revised form 4 June 2021 applications like construction of bridges, roof and side walls of buildings, shipping containers, rail wagons
Accepted 7 June 2021
etc. During fabrication work, when the Corten A588 steel is welded, it gets exposed to very high temper-
Available online xxxx
atures. Due to these few elements having low melting point in the Corten A588 steel base metal gets
vaporized, thereby changing the crystalline nature and phases i.e. metallurgy of the steel. The effects
of GTAW (Gas Tungsten Arc Welding), GMAW (Gas Metal Arc Welding), LBW (Laser Beam Welding)
Corten A588 grade steel
X-ray powder diffraction XRD
and AGTAW (Autogenous Gas Tungsten Arc Welding) based on the heat input and various other welding
GMAW GTAW Weld parameters are investigated analysed and compared. In this research GTAW, GMAW, LBW and AGTAW
Laser Corten A588 grade steel weldments were prepared and XRD test is performed to investigate the crys-
Metallurgy talline structure of the weldments. The d-spacing, phase identification, full width at half maximum
(FWHM), crystalline size is studied and a comparative analysis of all the four different weld which melio-
rates the mechanical, corrosion and metallurgical nature of the Corten A588 is made.
Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Confer-
ence on Futuristic Research in Engineering Smart Materials.

1. Introduction welding the fusion of metal occurs by heating of material to ele-

vated temperature and allowing it cool. Due to this the material
Welding is a metal joining technique used for fabricating engi- gets exposed to high temperature and properties of the material
neering components for various industrial sectors like oil and gas, are completely altered [2].
construction, petrochemical, automobile, food processing, etc. It is Corten A588 grade steel is one such type of a weathering struc-
the method of connecting two or more metallic components with tural steel. Since the late 1800 s, the American Society for Testing
or without the use of heat, friction, and filler wire. Some of the and Materials (ASTM) has standardized all grades of steel in the
most influencing welding factors include, size and shape, type of United States [14]. Corten A588 grade steel is well-known for its
material, power supply, consumables, weld equipment, accuracy corrosion-resistant properties, and it is more sustainable alterna-
required, and the expense of the welding operation [1]. In arc tive than any other for countering corrosion’s negative effects. This
welding processes, continuous electrode wire is fed into the weld was initially created to challenge corrosion of railroad coal wagons
pool by a driven feed roll known as Gas Metal Arc Welding without the need for extra painting or layering. Corten A588 steel
(GMAW). An electric arc is created between the wire’s tip and has a corrosion tolerance of 1 to 7 times than that of high carbon
the weld pool. The electrode wire fed continuously melts and steel coating or galvanizing, which is customarily needed to pre-
becomes a part of the weld pool. An inert shielding gas is dis- serve carbon steel. This can be avoided, resulting in a decrease in
tributed by a nozzle that is concentric with the welding wire guide self-supporting weight and reducing the maintenance cost of steel
tube. The shielding gas is purged near the weld pool to prevent the structure. Decades of use and research of Corten steels have proven
electric arc and the weld pool from contaminations [1]. During that these steels have high corrosion resistance in coastal atmo-
spheres (containing Cl-). A protective rust layer is responsible for
⇑ Corresponding author. the high corrosion resistance which is formed after a very long
E-mail address: deepakcape@gmail.com (J.R. Deepak). time in usage. Hence these steels have been extensively used in

2214-7853/Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Futuristic Research in Engineering Smart Materials.

Please cite this article as: J.R. Deepak, J. Jeya Jeevahan, D. Ramachandran et al., XRD investigation of GTAW, GMAW, LBW and AGTAW Corten A588 grade
steel weldments, Materials Today: Proceedings, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2021.06.081
J.R. Deepak, J. Jeya Jeevahan, D. Ramachandran et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

the construction of bridges, transmission towers, homes, guard- applications like construction of chimney, exhaust shroud pipes
rails, and lighting poles [15]. etc. X-Ray Diffraction is a non-destructive research tool used for
Corten steel in India is graded as IRSM railway steel which was studying the crystalline structure of materials. XRD analysis is used
developed to decrease the rate of corrosion. Usually the corrosion to classify the crystalline and amorphous phases present in mate-
is a nuisance in railway coaches which lead to replacement of rail- rial. XRD studies helps in identifying the crystalline phases, orien-
way coaches more frequently. But with the development of IRSM tation, dimensions of lattice, spacing between atoms, and size of
railway steel, the velocity of the train has increased, and the corro- the crystal. Studying the XRD patterns of welded Corten A588
sion resistance has also increased. Corten steels are high-strength Grade steels dealt with the exploration of the material in various
low-alloy steel with microstructures of strong martensite particles additional high temperature applications [19].
scattered in a light ferrite matrix [17]. Many pressure vessel man-
ufacturers have introduced ASTM A588 steels as a choice of mate-
rial for support structure. ASTM A588 steel is commonly used in 2. Case study
the construction of buildings and bridges. To take advantage of
its weathering qualities, it is often used unpainted in some applica- (Lee. W.B et al., 2009) Carried out his XRD investigation on
tions [18]. Inter-critical heat treatment is used to create weather- GMAW welded Dual-phase steel plate of 2 mm thickness. The weld
ing steels. Tiny pools of austenite are form in the ferrite matrix samples were exposed to the atmosphere and the corroded layers
at inter-critical temperature. The alloying of carbon and other alloy were taken under consideration. The exposure time is directly pro-
elements to the steel has a locally enhanced hardenability [8]. portional to the peak broadening, as the exposure time increases
Corten A588 grade steel is a low carbon steel with carbon con- the peak broadening increases. Grain refinement and cumulative
tent around 0.12%. Corten A588 grade steel can be easily welded plastic deformation within the grain are responsible for this peak
for various applications. Most common welding methods used in broadening. This makes the region crystalline [20]. (Cunningham
fabricating Corten A588 grade steel weld joints are short- David R., 1994) In his research on XRD studies on GMAW welded
circuiting transfer gas metal arc welding (GMAW), pulsed gas HSLA (high strength low alloy) steel plate. The residual stress data
metal arc welding (GMAW-P), gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW), were collected using a TEC model 1610 Portable Apparatus for
Metal Active Gas (MAG) welding and in recent days laser beam Residual Stress (PARS) vanadium filtered chromium radiation of
welding (LBW) [3]. In railway industry, MAG welding is the most wavelength 2.290920 Å diffracted from the (2 1 1) planes of iron
common method used for welding. The MAG welding process is at 156° 2 h. Although the diffracted intensities associated with high
similar to that of the GMAW process, which varies only in the 2 h angles are not as large as those associated with lower 2 h angles,
usage of shielding gas to protect the weldment from the environ- changes in 2 h are simpler to discern at high 2 h angles [21]. (Xinge
ment. MAG welding produces a strong weld with high output rate Zhang et al., 2018) Performed XRD analysis on the GMAW spot
using Argo shield a mixture of argon and carbon dioxide as shield- welded 2 mm thick plate of CR590T/340YDP galvanized dual-
ing gas. GMAW welding process produces a high-quality welded phase steel plate using the D/MAX-2500PC, Rigaku X-ray diffrac-
joint with increased production rate and product quality [4]. GTAW tometer (XRD) machine with the following parameters 50 kV volt-
welding is commonly used in several applications because of its age, 300 mA current, Cu Ka radiation, and 4°/min scanning. XRD
accurate material welding with high control, ability to weld a vari- peaks were observed at 45°,65°,83°,98°, and 117°, at the intensities
ety of materials, use of low ampere when compared to other weld- of 1300, 200, 380, 50, and 50 respectively. With reference to the
ing processes, and clean welding. GTAW welding is a little slower XRD pattern, the base metal was majorly composed of ferrite with
than most welding processes [5]. In contrast to GMAW and GTAW 86.2% and 13.8% of martensite [22].
welds, recent research found that friction stir (FS) welds are better (Shipin Wu et al., 2019) Carried out XRD test on the MIG welded
than fusion welds [6]. Avoiding preheating, allowing for cooling to martensite-austenite dual-phase steel plate of thickness 0.5 mm in
below 150 °C between weld passes, and heat treatment with a D8 Advanced with the voltage 40 kV, current 40 mA, and Cu-Ka
minimum temperature rise of 30 °C to 50 °C to ensure complete radiation ranging from 30° to 120° at a step interval of 0.02°. The
dissolution of the inter-metallic elements in the weldment are specimens were electropolished with a solution of 95% alcohol
the steps taken to obtain high-quality welds is FS welding [7]. and 5% perchloric acid prior to the XRD test. The volume fraction
Weld distortions, joint performance, and mechanical properties of austenite for the AW, S-ART, and C-ART deposited metals is 13
are influenced by GTAW welding process parameters. Since the percent, 22 percent, and 17 percent, respectively, according to
welding process requires a non-uniform heating and cooling pro- the XRD trends of all deposited metals. The MWH procedure was
cess, distortions are inevitable [8]. Welding distortion often creates used to determine the dislocation density of martensite in the
issues such as spatial inaccuracies during installation and thus deposited metal. S-ART and C-ART deposited metals have disloca-
component cost rises [9]. tion densities of 0.251015 m 2 and 0.791015 m 2, respectively
Corten A588 grade steel can be rolled, pounded, sheared, and [23]. (Ali Waqas et al., 2019) Performed the XRD test using X’Pert
worked under both hot and cold conditions. It can be easily welded PRO with a copper anode and generator settings with the power
and can be conveniently machined for various applications. When supply 40 mA and 40 KY on a GMA welded low carbon steel plate
Corten A588 grade steel is welded, no complications occur [10]. of 5 mm thickness. The existence of a ferritic structure of predom-
Strong weld joints can be easily prepared by GTAW, GMAW and inantly pure iron in the central part of the former wall is verified
LBW welding techniques [11]. In general if the carbon counterpart through X-ray diffraction analysis. The peaks are formed at
of steel increases, the material becomes less weldable [11]. At 45°,65°,82.5° with intensities at 5500,1500,2000 respectively [24].
room temperature, Corten A588 grade steel is easy to weld [11]. (Zakaria Boumerzoug et al., 2010) Carried out X-Ray Diffraction
High carbon steel is more difficult to weld and needs preheating, (XRD) test on MIG welded low carbon steel plate, using CuKa radi-
where as Corten A588 grade steel which is a low carbon steel does ation to evaluate the primary phases of welded steel. XRD was car-
not requires preheating can be easily welded. Corten A588 grade ried out on the welded HAZ (heat affected zone). Only ferrite phase
steel at high temperatures show a drastic decrease in the ultimate was observed from the XRD results considering the three peaks
stress, and when cooled down its ultimate stress increases but which subsequently showed ferrite peaks: bcc (1 1 0), bcc (2 0 0),
becomes brittle [12]. and bcc (1 1 1) [25]. (Lima. C.R.C et al., 2015) has performed X-ray
XRD patterns of welded Corten A588 grade steel is to be studied diffraction on GMAW welded low carbon steel of 0.8 mm thickness
as Corten A588 grade steel is used in several high temperature plate using Shimadzu equipment (Cu, where the wavelength is
J.R. Deepak, J. Jeya Jeevahan, D. Ramachandran et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

(k) = 1.54 nm). The LCS welded specimen has a low proportion of 3.4. X-Ray diffraction (XRD)
austenitic process, according to the X-ray diffraction pattern [26].
(Ravindra Kumar et al., 2016) carried out XRD analysis directly The XRD analysis of Corten A588 grade steel base material and
on the PC-GTAW-welded low carbon steel substrate surface having GTAW, GMAW, LBW, and AGTAW welded Corten A588 grade steel
2 mm thickness, with CuKa, radiation at 2/min scan rate within the were carried to investigate the different phases developed during
scan angle between 20° less than 20 less than 110°. Different the welding process in the weld zone (WZ)[16]. The sample for
phases were analyzed on the low carbon steel. The ferrite peaks XRD analysis is cut, grinded and polished into 20x20x2mm dimen-
were observed at 45° with intensity of 88, iron carbide peak were sion. Further the samples are cleaned with acetone solution for
formed at 82° at an intensity of 37. The major Fe2C peak was removing dust and impurities on the top surface. XRD test is car-
observed at 94° with intensity of 30 [27]. ried on the base metal and the four welded samples using Rigaku
XRD machine, Japan with Cu Ka with the radiation, ranging from
20 to 80° with the step size of 0.02°.
3. Materials and methods
4. Results and discussion
3.1. Material
4.1. XRD test
Corten A588 grade steel has alloying elements such as Ni, Cu,
Mo, and Cr up 3 to 5% of the overall composition. It has good XRD test helps in identifying the crystalline and amorphous
anti-corrosion property and reduces corrosion by creating dense phases present in material. It also helps to identifying the crys-
stable oxide formed on the top surface layers [13]. In this research talline phases, orientation, dimensions of lattice, spacing between
2 mm thick Corten A588 grade steel is used. The elemental compo- atoms, and size of the crystal. XRD test is carried on Corten A588
sition of the Corten A588 grade steel is rechecked to assure the grade steel base material and GTAW, GMAW, LBW, and AGTAW
quality of the material. The following table 1 illustrates the chem- welded Corten A588 grade steel samples using Rigaku XRD
ical composition of Corten A588 grade steel and the melting point machine, Japan with Cu Ka with the radiation, ranging from 20
of all the elements present in it. to 80° with the step size of 0.02°. The results of XRD test are por-
trayed in Fig. 1. The Table 3 Summarises the XRD peaks of Corten
A588 Grade steel base metal BM and weldments from Rigaku Soft-
3.2. Sample preparation ware.[16]

Preceding to welding of Corten A588 graded steel of 2 mm 4.2. XRD result of Corten A588 grade base metal
thickness, the rust layer, (patina) is removed using a 120-grade
emery wheel and polished with soft wheel till it obtains a shiny The XRD test was carried in Corten A588 grade steel BM sample,
finish. It is then cleansed with acetone solution and dried in the and the following observations were made. The XRD pattern of
air. Then specimens for XRD inspection were prepared according Corten A588 Grade steel Fe is associated with a cubic structure
to ASTM specifications after the plates were welded and cut. (JCPDS Card No: 089–7194) indexed. The Fe is pure and has a vari-
ety of constituent phases. The diffracted peaks of the Fe compound
are found at 44.270, 64.580, and 81.950, which corresponds to crys-
3.3. Welding of Corten A588 grade steel tallographic diffraction peaks of (1,1,0), (2,0,0), and (2,1,1), respec-
tively. The maximum intensity of the peak is observed at 44.270,
Corten A588 grade steel plate is cut into 150  75  2 mm and its corresponding phase is Iron (1,1,0) having grain size of 30
dimensions using hydraulic shear cutting machine. The GTAW mm. The corresponding d spacing values d (ang.) are 2.044433,
and GMAW weld joint were fabricated using 1.6 mm diameter 1.441863, and 1.17477. The corresponding Crystallite size (ang.)
ER70S-6 solid filler with a heat input of 1338.46 J/mm and values are 270.749752, 198.938328, and 222.734676. The corre-
1174.34 J/mm respectively. The shielding gas used for GTAW and sponding Full-width Half Maxima (FWHM) values are 0.330839,
GMAW weldment prepration is 80% of CO2 and 20% of Ar with a 0.493391 and 0.493391 (Fig. 2. and Fig. 3.).
gas flow rate of 15 lpm. Autogenous LBW weldments were pre-
pared using nitrogen as shielding gas with a low heat input of 4.3. XRD results of GTAW welded Corten A588
71.99 J/mm. AGTAW weld joints are fabricated with 80% of CO2
and 20% of Ar as shielding gas. The high heat input of 1332.3 J/ The XRD pattern of GTAW welded sample Fe is associated with
mm is applied for the preparation of AGTAW weldment. In LBW a cubic structure (JCPDS Card No: 089–7194) indexed. The Fe is
and AGTAW weldments, the Corten A588 grade steel base material pure and has a variety of constituent phases. The diffracted peaks
is directly heated and melted, and the weldment is prepared where of the Fe compound are found at 44.2973990, 64.4995490, and
there was no usage of filler material. Along with the four GTAW, 82.000, which corresponds to crystallographic diffraction peaks of
GMAW, LBW, and AGTAW welded Corten A588 grade steel samples (1,1,0), (2,0,0), and (2,1,1), respectively. The maximum intensity
and one Corten A588 grade base material sample is prepared as per of the peak is observed at 44.2973990, and its corresponding phase
ASTM standard for XRD (X-Ray Diffraction) analysis. The Table 2 is Iron (1,1,0) having grain size of 50 mm. The corresponding d spac-
illustrates the filler material, shielding gas and heat input applied ing values d (ang.) are 2.043164, 1.443554, and 1.174127. The cor-
for preparing the different weld joints. responding Crystallite size (ang.) values are 231.88163, 206.98133,

Table 1
Elemental composition and melting point of corten A588 grade steel.

Base element Fe Cr Mn Si Cu Ni C P Mo ΑΙ W Co Ti V S
Percentage (%) 98.095 0.5 0.36 0.31 0.249 0.197 0.12 0.106 0.021 0.018 0.01 0.006 0.004 0.003 0.001
Melting point (°C) 1535 1857 1245 1410 1083 1453 3500 44.1 2617 660.37 3410 1496 1660 1890 115.2

J.R. Deepak, J. Jeya Jeevahan, D. Ramachandran et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 2
Filler material, Shielding gas and Heat input applied during welding.

Type of weld Filler wire Heat Input (Q) Joule/mm Filler rod dia (mm) Shielding gas
GTAW Weld ER70S-6 1338.46 1.6 Argon + CO2
GMAW Weld ER70S-6 1174.34 1.6 Argon + CO2
LBW Weld No Filler 71.99 No Filler Nitrogen
AGTAW Weld No Filler 1332.3 No Filler Argon + CO2

Fig. 1. XRD of ASTM Corten A588 grade steel BM and weldments.

Table 3
Summary of XRD peaks of BM and weldments from Rigaku Software.

2-theta(deg) d(ang.) FWHM (deg) Crystallite size (ang.) Phase name

Corten A588 44.268434 2.044433 0.330839 270.749752 Iron (1,1,0)
64.584371 1.441863 0.493391 198.938328 Iron (2,0,0)
81.9455 1.17477 0.493391 222.734676 Iron (2,1,1)
GTAW Weld 44.297399 2.043164 0.386334 231.88163 Iron (1,1,0)
64.499549 1.443554 0.473997 206.98133 Iron (2,0,0)
82 1.174127 0.473997 231.943927 Iron (2,1,1)
GMAW Weld 44.243251 2.045539 0.316818 282.707234 Iron (1,1,0)
64.568184 1.442185 0.479522 204.674037 Iron (2,0,0)
81.9215 1.17505 0.479522 229.135 Iron (2,1,1)
LBW Weld 44.236682 2.045827 0.316483 282.999062 Iron (1,1,0)
64.485193 1.443841 0.495556 197.960914 Iron (2,0,0)
81.89725 1.17534 0.495556 221.680453 Iron (2,1,1)
AGTAW Weld 44.257644 2.044907 0.327892 273.172556 Iron (1,1,0)
64.535308 1.44284 0.387509 253.22758 Iron (2,0,0)
81.8605 1.175774 0.387509 283.412028 Iron (2,1,1)

J.R. Deepak, J. Jeya Jeevahan, D. Ramachandran et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 2. Effect of 2h Maximum Intensity Peak of BM and weldments.

Fig. 3. Effect of d spacing between atom of BM and weldments.

and 231.943927. The corresponding Full-width Half Maxima 4.5. XRD results of LBW welded Corten A588
(FWHM) values are 0.386334, 0.473997, and 0.473997.
The XRD pattern of LBW welded sample Fe is associated with a
cubic structure (JCPDS Card No: 089–7194) indexed. The Fe is pure
and has a variety of constituent phases. The diffracted peaks of the
Fe compound are found at 44.240, 64.480, and 81.900, which corre-
sponds to crystallographic diffraction peaks of (1,1,0), (2,0,0), and
4.4. XRD results of GMAW welded Corten A588 (2,1,1), respectively. The maximum intensity of the peak is
observed at 44.2366820, and its corresponding phase is Iron
The XRD pattern of GMAW welded sample Fe is associated with (1,1,0) having grain size of 8 mm. The corresponding d spacing val-
a cubic structure (JCPDS Card No: 089–7194) indexed. The Fe is ues d (ang.) are 2.045827, 1.443841, and 1.17534. The correspond-
pure and has a variety of constituent phases. The diffracted peaks ing Crystallite size (ang.) values are 282.999062, 197.960914, and
of the Fe compound are found at 44.240, 64.570, and 81.920, which 221.680453. The corresponding Full-width Half Maxima (FWHM)
corresponds to crystallographic diffraction peaks of (1,1,0), (2,0,0), values are 0.316483, 0.495556, and 0.495556.
and (2,1,1), respectively. The maximum intensity of the peak is
observed at 44.2432510, and its corresponding phase is Iron
(1,1,0) having grain size of 20 mm. The corresponding d spacing val- 4.6. XRD results of AGTAW welded Corten A588
ues d (ang.) are 2.045539, 1.442185, and 1.17505. The correspond-
ing Crystallite size (ang.) values are 282.707234, 204.674037, and The XRD pattern of AGTAW Welded sample Fe is associated
229.135. The corresponding Full-width Half Maxima (FWHM) val- with a cubic structure (JCPDS Card No: 089–7194) indexed. The
ues are 0.316818, 0.479522, and 0.479522. Fe is pure and has a variety of constituent phases. The diffracted
J.R. Deepak, J. Jeya Jeevahan, D. Ramachandran et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

peaks of the Fe compound are found at 44.260, 64.540, and 81.860,

which corresponds to crystallographic diffraction peaks of (1,1,0),
(2,0,0), and (2,1,1), respectively. The maximum intensity of the
peak is observed at 44.2576440, and its corresponding phase is Iron
(1,1,0) having grain size of 50 mm. The corresponding d spacing val-
ues d (ang.) are 2.044907, 1.44284, and 1.175774. The correspond-
ing Crystallite size (ang.) values are 273.172556, 253.22758, and
283.412028. The corresponding Full-width Half Maxima (FWHM)
values are 0.327892, 0.387509, and 0.387509.

4.7. Discussion

The cubic a-Fe structure is indexed with (JCPDS Card No: 089– Fig. 4. Effect of FWHM of BM and weldments.
7194) the XRD pattern. Similarly, the XRD patterns of C, Cr, and Ni
correspond to cubic structure (JCPDS Card No: 089–7194, 089– is more than the base metal except for GTAW as shown in the
7194, and 089–7194) indices. The peak intensity of LBW welded Fig. 5.
sample is recognizably increased, this might be because of the The GTAW and AGTAW welded sample has large grain size of 50
presence of C, Cr, and Ni which less than 0.4%, but not recorded mm which is the highest grain size among all the welds where as
on the diffracted peaks as the XRD instrument selects the elements the base metal has the grain size of 30 mm. As the grain size
which are only more than 5%. The Table 4 illustrates the major increases, the total area of the grain boundary reduces, which leads
intensity XRD peaks of different weldments and base metal. to increase in the strength of the material. The grain size of GMAW
The intensity of the peak has also increased drastically for the welded sample is 20 mm. In LBW weldment the grain size reduced
GMAW weldment, whereas for GTAW and AGTAW weldments to 8 mm, the total area of the grain boundary increases. This leads to
the XRD peak intensity has decreased. This may be attributed to increase in the strength of the material, so the LBW welded sample
the C and Cr segregation from the grain boundary to the grain. is stronger than other welded Corten A588 samples and the base
Residual compressive stress is observed in the weld samples, if metal also. LBW welded sample has the highest d value which
the lattice constant value is greater than the normal JCPDS (Joint resulted in the lowest grain size among all the welded samples
Committee on Powder Diffraction Standards) value. as shown in the Fig. 6.
The d value of the base Corten A588 steel plate 2.0444 d (ang.)
which is greater than the d value of standard JCPDS 06–0696 (Fe) 5. Conclusion
2.0268 d (ang.). The Corten A588 rolled steel plate Base metal is
exposed to residual compressive stress during roll of the plate dur- From the XRD analysis, different phases, maximum peak inten-
ing manufacturing process. The same trend is observed in GTAW, sity, stress, FWHM, d spacing, grain size developed in the Corten
GMAW, LBW, and AGTAW, where the d value is more than the base A588 grade steel base material and GTAW, GMAW, LBW, and
metal. This is because of the heat being applied during welding AGTAW welded Corten A588 grade steel at the weld zone (WZ)
process. is summarised as follows
As the heat input during LBW welding is 71.99 J/mm which is
comparatively less than other welding technique, the FWHM value  The XRD pattern of Corten A588 Grade steel Fe is associated
is more, whereas for the AGTAW the heat input is high which leads with a cubic structure (JCPDS Card No: 089–7194) indexed.
to the decrease in FWHM value and resulting in inferior mechani- The diffracted peaks of cubic a-Fe compound are found at
cal properties when compared to LBW weld. The LBW welded Cor- 44.270, 64.580, and 81.950, which corresponds to crystallo-
ten A588 steel sample posses better mechanical properties as the graphic diffraction peaks of (1,1,0), (2,0,0), and (2,1,1), respec-
FWHM (Full Width Half Maxima) value of the LBW welded Corten tively. The XRD patterns of C, Cr, and Ni correspond to cubic
plate is more than that of base metal and any other welding as structure (JCPDS Card No: 089–7194, 089–7194, and 089–
shown in the Fig. 4. 7194) is not recorded on the diffracted peaks as the presence
The crystalline size of GMAW welded Corten A588 is higher of C, Cr, and Ni elements is less than 0.4%
when compared to other weldments as its periodicity is high.  Maximum intensity peak of GMAW weldment is increased dras-
GTAW weldments have a crystal size of 231.88 which is due to tically whereas for GTAW and AGTAW weldments the XRD
the peak broadening. The peak broadening results in reduction in maximum intensity peak has decreased attributed to the C
size of the crystal. The crystalline size of the LBW welded sample and Cr segregation from the grain boundary to the grain.
is the highest among all the welded samples. The crystallite size  Residual compressive stress is observed in GTAW, GMAW LBW
of the GMAW, LBW and AGTAW Welded Corten A588 grade steel and AGTAW weld samples, which is due to the lattice constant
value observed is greater than the normal JCPDS (Joint Commit-
tee on Powder Diffraction Standards) value. The Corten A588
Table 4
Major Intensity XRD peaks of BM and weldments from Rigaku software.
rolled steel plate Base metal is exposed to residual compressive
stress during roll of the plate during manufacturing process.
2-theta d(ang.) FWHM Crystallite size  The d value of the base Corten A588 steel plate 2.0444 d (ang.)
(deg) (deg) (ang.)
which is greater than the d value of standard JCPDS 06–0696
Corten A588 44.268434 2.044433 0.330839 270.749752 (Fe) 2.0268 d (ang.). The same trend is observed in GTAW,
GTAW Weld 44.297399 2.043164 0.386334 231.88163
GMAW, LBW, and AGTAW, where the d value is more than
GMAW 44.243251 2.045539 0.316818 282.707234
Weld the base metal. This is because of the heat being applied during
LBW Weld 44.236682 2.045827 0.316483 282.999062 welding process.
AGTAW 44.257644 2.044907 0.327892 273.172556  The FWHM of LBW weldment is high 0.5 which is due to the
heat input 71.99 J/mm applied during LBW welding is which
is comparatively less than other welding technique. The
J.R. Deepak, J. Jeya Jeevahan, D. Ramachandran et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

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