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The word Environment is derived from the French word “Environ” which means
D. People get water, power, and oxygen from the environment.

___8. Reforestation is a long ranges answer to massive flooding.

A. The effects of tropical cycles include heavy rain, strong wind and large storm surges.
B. Strong typhoons can disrupt power supply.
C. Forest serves to keep the water in the mountains.
D. Health facilities have been damaged due to heavy flooding.

___9. Mental health is not just a millennial’s issues or senior citizens, but of everyone.
A. A healthy lifestyle is not achieved overnight, but we have to be consistent.
B. Fats are important for good health and proper functioning of the body.
C. A high salt intake can result in high blood pressure and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.
D. Being far from family alone, not knowing where to get the family’s next meal, and other nasty
things on social media can trigger one’s anxiety.

___10. Digital technology played a key role as the economy started reopening.
A. Developments in biotechnology could allow anyone even amateur biologist, to develop a tool that
kill millions
B. Employees began working remotely and use work collaboration tools to ensure productivity
C. Data security is risky as digital technology can be hacked, transmitted by several ways.
D. People are now more into virtual communication rather than cherishing what have in real life.

___11. Which of the following is an objective of the survey report?

A. To present results or findings from experiments.
B. To collect people’s responses or answers about a particular issue or topic.
C. To describe a systematic observation.
D. To analyze a systematic observation.

___12. Which of the following best describes a Field Report?

A. It is sometimes called a trip report.
B. It is commonly called lab report.
C. It is written in formal and organized manner.
D. It is written after getting data from a survey.

___13. Laboratory or Scientific Technical Report is described as ___.

A. A report written after getting data from a survey.
B. A report commonly called lab report which is written in a formal and organized manner.
C. A report which is sometimes called trip report.
D. A report written to describe a systematic observation.

___14. Survey Report is defined as ___.

A. A report written after getting data from a survey.
B. A report which presents results or findings from experiments.
C. A report which is sometimes called a trip report.
D. A report which aims to describe a systematic observation.

___15. The definition of a field report is ___.

A. A report written after getting data from a survey.
B. A report commonly called lab report which is written in a formal and organized manner.
C. A report which is sometimes called trip report.
D. A report written to describe a systematic observation.
___16. _____is data gathering tool composed of a set of questions used in a survey and is utilized in various
fields such as politics, research, marketing, media and so on.
A. Survey Questionnaire C. Field Report
B. Lab Report D. Technical Report

___17. How is Face to Face Interview administered?

A. It is done using a telephone or cellular phone.
B. This involves the researcher.
C. Set personally and the people involved face each other.
D. Administered without the actual presence of the researcher.

___18. Another method of administering a survey aside from Personal Approach.

A. Face-to-face Interview C. Telephone Survey
B. Self-Administered D. Paper-and-pencil

___19. A popular tool requires an easy- administering of the survey where survey
questionnaires are mailed to individuals
A. Online Survey C. Mail Survey
B. Paper-and-Pencil Survey D. Face-to-Face Survey

___20. The process of conducting the survey involves the researcher.

A. Online Survey C. Mail Survey
B. Paper-and-Pencil Survey D. Personal Approach

___21. Below are things to consider in making a survey questionnaire except for one.
A. Should use words that have clear meaning.
B. Should cover all possible options.
C. Should ask two or more questions in one sentence.
D. Should provide an out-option.

___22. Which of the following is a good survey questionnaire?

A. It provides appropriate time reference.
B. It does not have a clear question structure.
C. Should not provide an out-option.
D. It considers double negative questions.

___23. How satisfied are you with your current job role?
o Very Satisfied
o Somewhat satisfied
o Somewhat unsatisfied
o Very satisfied

This is an example of _____ question.

A. Open-ended questions C. Dichotomous Questions
B. Multiple–response questions D. Matrix questions

___24. This type of survey questions are intended for certain respondents only, depending on the
provided answers.
A. Open-ended questions C. Dichotomous Questions
B. Multiple–response questions D. Contingency Questions

___25. HIV/AIDS is transmitted through saliva:

True False
This is an example of _____ question.
C. Open-ended questions C. Dichotomous Questions
D. Multiple–response questions D. Matrix questions

___26. The type of survey question wherein respondents need to provide more than one answer.
A. Open-ended questions C. Dichotomous Questions
B. Multiple–response questions D. Matrix questions

___27. It is a formal piece of writing based on research.

A. position paper C. survey report
B. writing a questionnaire D. research paper

___28. A technique of gathering data by asking questions to people who are taught to have a desired
A. deductive method C. questionnaire method
B. survey method D. research method

___29. The following are the guidelines in writing a survey report, except:
A. keeps it simple C. basic qualities of a good report
B. modes of ordering D. value communication

___30. If there is a big range in the data gathered, it is more useful to use data in a______.
A. group frequency table C. frequency data
B. tally data D. none of the above mentioned

___31. It is a textual generalization, consisting of text and numbers.

A. demand C. findings
B. summary D. writing

___32. In conducting a survey report it is important that the objective is ____.

A. not clear C. focused
B. accurate D. readable

___33. What are you going to do with the data or information collected after conducting a survey?
A. it should be properly written
B. it should be properly documented before it could be disseminated
C. it should be properly organized before it could properly disseminate
D. none of the abovementioned

___34. Summarizing teaches students how to discern the most important ideas in a text.
A. yes B. no C. maybe D. not sure

___35. Which of the following structure state the aim/purpose of the report, when and how the report
A. conclusion B. main body
C. introduction D. content

___36. It is an alternative way to a frequency diagram.

A. bar-line data B. bar-line graph C. pie chart D. Content

___37. Given the following data, what is the frequency of red M&M’s?
Sarah recorded the color of each M&M she pulled out of the bag: yellow, red, blue, blue,
brown, red, green, red, brown, yellow, blue, red, brown, red, yellow, green, green, yellow, brown,
blue, yellow, red, brown, green, red.
A. 7 B. 8 C. 10 D. 26
___38. Given the same data as above, what is the missing number in the frequency distribution table?

A. 3 B. 4 C. 6 D. 7

___39. The frequency table below shows consumption of coffee by the number of cups. How many people
were surveyed?

A. 8 B. 10 C. 18 D. 20

___40. 4. What percent of people drink 4-7 cups of coffee per week?

A. 44% B.3% C.11.1% D.16.7%

___41. In reporting the result of a survey, the figures gathered should be given in the form of ____.
A. data and graph C. percentage and proportions
B. bar and line D. document and figure

___42. The following are the tips in conducting a successful survey, except ___.
A. use response scales whenever possible
B. asks direct questions
C. speaks your respondent’s language
D. breaks the report into separate section

43. Which among the following can be a possible claim/stand on the issue about Social Media?
A. Divorce should not be legalized in the Philippines.
B. Social media gives negative effects on students’ academic performance.
C. Bullying affects students’ behavior in school.
D. Smoking should be banned in public places.

44. Which among the following can be a possible claim/stand on the issue about Smoking?
A. Divorce should not be legalized in the Philippines.
B. Social media gives negative effects on students’ academic performance.
C. Bullying affects students’ behavior in school.
D. Smoking should be banned in public places.

45. Which among the following can be a possible claim/stand on the issue about Bullying?
A. Divorce should not be legalized in the Philippines.
B. Social media gives negative effects on students’ academic performance.
C. Bullying affects students’ behavior in school.
D. Smoking should be banned in public places.

46. The following are things to consider about defending your own stand/claim except for one:
A. You must clearly identify the issue that you believe is affecting you and your
B. From the issues that you identified, you should not take on a side that you can defend.
C. Given the issues that you chose, identify other concepts or ideas that you can associate with the
D. Formulate statements that will express your stand towards the issues.

Directions: Identify the statement which supports the claim in every item.

47. Kids are super spreaders of Covid 19 virus.

A. Kids loves chatting with friends.
B. A US study published in the Journal of Pediatrics show that children have higher level of virus
compared to adults.
C. Children are required to wear masks.
D. Children needs not to be vaccinated.

48. Pollution is seen as a major world problem.

A. Some of the lands disappearing beneath rising seas.
B. The earth is considered the only planet in the universe that supports life.
C. The word Environment is derived from the French word “Environ” which means surrounding.
D. People get water, power, and oxygen from the environment.
49. Reforestation is a long ranges answer to massive flooding.
A. The effects of tropical cycles include heavy rain, strong wind and large storm surges.
B. Strong typhoons can disrupt power supply.
C. Forest serves to keep the water in the mountains.
D. Health facilities have been damaged due to heavy flooding.

50. Mental health is not just a millennial’s issues or senior citizens, but of everyone.
A. A healthy lifestyle is not achieved overnight, but we have to be consistent.
B. Fats are important for good health and proper functioning of the body.
C. A high salt intake can result in high blood pressure and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.
D. Being far from family alone, not knowing where to get the family’s next meal, and other nasty
things on social media can trigger one’s anxiety.

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