Could Technology Ever Replace Teachers

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Background Info

For many students, going to school changed a lot since the COVID-19 pandemic. All of a sudden,
seeing your teacher in person every day changed to only seeing them through a screen. Even though
it was a big change, students still managed to get through the school year. This has led some people
to wonder if technology could ever replace real-life teachers.

Some say that technology will never be able to replace the special relationship between teachers and
students. All those hours spent together means that teachers really get to know their students. So,
teachers offer emotional support and life advice that technology could never replace. Plus, students
feel more motivated when they have that human connection with their teacher. “Good job!” just
doesn’t feel the same coming from a computer.

However, some think that students can learn better with technology than with live teachers. With the
internet, students can access way more resources and information. There are plenty of educational
apps and websites that students can learn from, too. By learning on technology, students can also
learn at their own pace. This is important for students who have learning difficulties or don't do well
in a classroom.

Do you think teachers should always be there to teach students? Or students are better off learning
through a screen? Let us know your opinion!

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