Reflection - Delbi

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Human being is a social animal. What makes a man different from an animal is his capacity for reasoning. Only human beings have got the power to distinguish between what is good and what is bad (McCracken T (2005)). The most important advantage of his reasoning power is the ability for reflection. He can reflect upon any incidents happened in the past. If the incident was bad, he can reflect upon that incident and plan the steps for not repeating those mistakes. If the event happened in the past was a good one, he can reflect upon that and make new methods for improving his abilities to handle those kinds of situations more better in the future. (Silove D (1997)). Human being is not an infallible creature (Davis. L (1991)). He makes mistakes very often. So it is very important to reflect upon the mistakes and correct it. The importance of reflection increases when it is related to medical industry. A small mistake or negligence can endanger the lives of many (Kennerley H (1993)). So reflection plays very essential part in the every human being lives. There are many methods and techniques to make effective reflections. There are many models of reflection in different fields of lives. There are a number of methods to make the reflection effective in the medical field. Gibbs reflective model is one among the popular models in the medical field. (Gibbs. G. (1998)). The specialty of this model is that it has got 6 steps which are very relevant in the process of reflection. They are the following: (1). Description of the event (2). Feelings (3). Evaluation (4). Analysis (5). Conclusion and (6). Action Plan. In the description of the event we have to describe the incident in detail without missing any relevant pieces of information like the place of the incident, what were we doing at the time of incident, who all were there at time, how did everybody act at time and what was the result or effect of that incident....etc. In the second section Feelings the main aim is to recall the incident including the feelings at the time of incident and how everybody behaved at that time. The third stage is evaluation stage. It is in this stage we evaluate the incident mainly what was good and bad about the incident. Fourth stage is analysis and it is in this place we analyse the incident. It is better to divide the whole incident into many parts for the easier and effective analysis. The stage of action plan is the stage where we formulate strategic planning. Strategic planning is a tool that evaluates the goal of the organisation in the future. According to this definition, strategic planning is important in any organisation for the achievement of its goal. In other words action plan is the stage where we formulate the actions for the future in order to reduce the number and seriousness of some unlikely events. The last one is conclusion. In conclusion we have to make a through note of all the aspects discussed during analysis and action planning.

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