Application of Mathematical Modeling in Cost Control of Medical

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Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

Volume 2022, Article ID 3425873, 12 pages

Research Article
Application of Mathematical Modeling in Cost Control of Medical
Equipment Procurement in Public Hospitals

Lihong Chen
Department of Procurement Center, Shanghai Tenth People’s Hospital, Shanghai 200072, China

Correspondence should be addressed to Lihong Chen;

Received 26 April 2022; Accepted 16 May 2022; Published 7 July 2022

Academic Editor: Pan Zheng

Copyright © 2022 Lihong Chen. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

The purpose of this study is to strengthen the procurement management of public hospitals and ensure the quality of medical
equipment. In this paper, combined with the procurement process of medical equipment in public hospitals, on the basis of
RFID technology, a JRP model of random demand for medical equipment procurement in public hospitals is established. At
the same time, according to the type and quantity of decision variables, the DE solution algorithm is redesigned, and based on
the support of the algorithm, a mathematical model for cost control of medical equipment procurement in public hospitals is
established. It can be seen from the analysis results that the cost control system for medical equipment procurement in public
hospitals based on the mathematical model proposed in this paper can play an important role in public hospital equipment
procurement and promote the standardized operation of public hospital procurement management.

1. Introduction thereby reducing the overall cost of hospitals. Therefore,

controlling the procurement cost of medical equipment
Medical equipment investment is an important part of hos- and making it continue to decrease is one of the important
pital construction planning. As the hospital now advocates and direct means to reduce the total cost of the hospital
the business model of “supporting doctors with skills,” the and increase the profit.
increase in various surgeries and inspection items will inev- Budget management is the main method for the hospital
itably increase the investment in related medical equipment. to implement the refined management of large medical
How to effectively control the cost of medical equipment equipment. It is to control the activities of various kinds of
procurement, that is, how to balance the expenditure and medical equipment in the hospital and to demonstrate, pur-
recovery of funds in this area, has become a common con- chase, manage, and coordinate the various resources of the
cern. This paper discusses how to effectively control the pro- hospital. Budgeting is also a comprehensive management
curement cost of medical equipment in a second-class A- model, which requires hospitals to forecast and arrange
level hospital, dynamically observes various constituent fac- future hospital equipment procurement and distribution in
tors of the procurement cost of medical equipment, and puts light of business requirements and development, compre-
forward many insights and methods to effectively control the hensively consider the hospital’s capital status and financial
procurement cost of medical equipment. Moreover, the resources, demonstrate and analyze medical equipment,
effectiveness of the specific content of the comprehensive and make overall planning for equipment budgets. By
equipment procurement system to reduce the procurement strengthening budget management, it can provide support
cost is discussed. The results show that adopting appropriate for the follow-up equipment management work. When car-
bidding procurement methods and establishing a perfect rying out equipment management, hospitals should carry
and standardized procurement system are most conducive out equipment management according to the requirements
to scientifically controlling equipment procurement costs, of budget management, strengthen equipment procurement,
2 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

maintenance, tracking, investigation, assessment, etc., to ature in the practice of procurement activities and
realize the overall arrangement of budget management, gradually upgrade their procurement from traditional
and combine with budget performance assessment to ensure mode to strategic procurement. The core of transforma-
the smooth completion of equipment management goals. tion and upgrading is to comprehensively summarize and
The economic benefit analysis of large-scale medical equip- analyze the cost of product purchase, use, quality inspec-
ment is the foundation of equipment budget management, tion, and maintenance in procurement activities through
and it is also the basis for equipment budget decision- strategic procurement management and further strengthen
making and review. By strengthening the application and cost control [6]. Literature [7] established a TCO model
benefit investigation and analysis of large-scale medical and analyzed the important material procurement activi-
equipment, it can provide data reference for the deployment ties of many companies through empirical research
and management of hospital equipment and ensure the methods. Finally, by using the TCO model, it is confirmed
quality of equipment management. that TCO can help enterprises select suitable suppliers,
According to the procurement process of public hospital optimize supplier management, and strengthen cost man-
medical equipment, this paper establishes a mathematical agement. The author further suggests that the TCO model
model of public hospital medical equipment procurement can be promoted to leading enterprises in various indus-
and controls the procurement cost of public hospital medical tries, which will help these leading enterprises maintain
equipment through the intelligent model. their core competitiveness. Literature [8] proposed that
TCO (full name total cost of ownership) is a concept of
2. Related Work total cost integration. In the application of this theory in
corporate procurement activities, it refers to all costs in
No enterprise can operate independently from procure- the procurement process, including but not limited to
ment activities. According to Porter’s value chain profits, ordering, acceptance, use, maintenance, and defect dis-
as long as the business remains in operation, then the pur- posal. TCO can be used as a procurement tool for enter-
chasing activity is bound to happen. That is to say, enter- prises to better analyze all the costs incurred between
prises must pay suppliers a certain amount of funds in enterprises and suppliers when the procurement relation-
exchange for goods and services, that is, to meet and ship occurs. From the perspective of the time dimension
maintain the operation of the organization through pro- of the procurement activities, the prepurchase cost is all
curement activities [1]. In simple terms, procurement is the costs before the enterprise purchase order is deter-
the necessary economic activity for an enterprise to obtain mined, including the confirmation of procurement
the materials it needs, including a series of operations such requirements, the development and selection of suppliers,
as planning, decision-making, purchasing, tracking, accep- and the internal communication between the enterprise
tance, transportation, and storage [2]. Therefore, in a nar- demand department and the procurement department
row sense, procurement is the purchase behavior of [9]. The interim cost of procurement is the relevant cost
products or services according to their own needs for the incurred when confirming the purchase order of the enter-
purpose of operation and production [3]. From a broad prise, including the cost of purchase price, transportation,
perspective, procurement is an economic activity in which delivery, tax payment, inspection, tracking, and after-
an enterprise obtains ownership of resources through mul- sales. The postprocurement cost is the cost incurred at
tiple channels and methods, cyclically and continuously, the end of the procurement activity cycle, including the
and its purpose is to meet all of its own needs. With the cost of concession receipt, repair cost, maintenance, and
blowout reform of science and technology and the in- upkeep [10].
depth development of regional economic integration, all Literature [11] starts from the TCO theory and studies
enterprises today are faced with extremely fierce market multiple supplier selection models, focusing on the distinc-
competition and changing consumer market. Enterprises tion between the hierarchical model and the mathematical
need to further shorten the reaction time to the market programming model. At the same time, through the
and continuously improve the quality of their own prod- method of empirical research, it demonstrates the practica-
ucts, but also simultaneously reduce production and oper- bility of the multi-item model in procurement activities.
ation costs, so as to maintain a good capital flow and The author stated in the article that the mathematical pro-
ensure the survival and competitiveness of enterprises gramming model is more suitable for the management of
[4]. Procurement activities are one of the important links suppliers’ selection in procurement activities, and this
in the operation of enterprises, and procurement costs multi-item model can help companies obtain more accu-
account for about 60% of operating costs. If the procure- rate procurement costs. Literature [12] empirically ana-
ment cost can be effectively controlled, it can directly lyzes the company’s own procurement strategy and
reduce the operating cost of the enterprise and indirectly overall procurement cost based on historical procurement
create value for the enterprise. Therefore, how to control cost data and suppliers’ procurement performance. The
procurement costs has become an extremely important author uses a mathematical programming model to help
factor for the survival and competitiveness of today’s companies select suitable suppliers and further reduce
global enterprises [5]. their overall procurement costs. Literature [13] studies
With the continuous updating of procurement man- the shortcomings of ABC in selecting and evaluating sup-
agement theory, more and more enterprises use it for liter- pliers. The authors restate the total supplier cost of the
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 3

procurement process in the article, including the purchase random JRP and the JIT efficiency in the process of
price of the goods, the associated normal operating costs, inventory management
and additional operating costs due to product defects.
On this basis, empirical analysis is carried out through (2) It reselects the parameters of the DE algorithm and
mathematical models, which improves the scientificity designs the solution process. The DE algorithm is
and objectivity of supplier selection and evaluation. Litera- designed according to the type and number of deci-
ture [14] takes the three dimensions of suppliers, enter- sion variables of random JRP and the structure of
prise purchase orders, and purchased products as the the model, and the sensitivity analysis of the param-
research objects and studies the selection cost of suppliers eters of the algorithm is carried out
through quantitative analysis. The author makes full use of (3) It solves the optimal investment level of RFID tech-
the TCO theory to construct a data model for cost struc- nology and improves the efficiency under the opti-
ture analysis and uses a scientific method to solve the mal investment level and analyzes the impact of its
problem of supplier selection and purchase order alloca- procurement cost and inventory cost, as well as the
tion. Literature [15] quantifies the hidden procurement reasonable investment scale of RFID. Moreover, it
cost and establishes a comprehensive evaluation index sys- examines the impact of parameter changes on RFID
tem for the problem of more accurate selection of the best technology investment. Similar to the process of
supplier. In this quantitative model, procurement-related determining JRP, the schematic diagram of the JRP
factors such as procurement quality, procurement time, model under random demand conditions is shown
and delivery punctuality are fully considered, and the total in Figure 1
procurement cost is calculated to improve the accuracy of
supplier selection. Literature [16] believes that the best The JRP model of stochastic demand is also based on
way to evaluate, analyze, and select suppliers is to use the JRP of deterministic demand, and the stochastic JRP
the TCO model. In the procurement practice of the enter- still takes the total cost as the objective function, which
prise, the TCO model can help the enterprise to better is composed of inventory cost and joint procurement cost.
reduce the overall procurement cost, directly improve the The cost of joint procurement of deterministic JRP is the
profitability of the enterprise, and then ensure the compre- joint procurement cost of stochastic demand JRP model.
hensive competitiveness of the enterprise from the per- It sets the warehouse’s maximum inventory level and
spective of operating benefits. determines the inventory cost and out-of-stock cost of
the JRP model of demand based on the distribution of
random demand. These two costs are described in three
3. Mathematical Modeling of Procurement sections below.
Cost Control
(1) Joint procurement cost
Under the periodic inspection strategy, the set inventory
level is checked regularly, and the ordering process occurs According to the joint ordering cost of the determined
when the inventory level is reduced to a certain level (mini- demand, JRP is composed of the main ordering cost S and
mum service level). The goal of inventory levels is to meet the secondary ordering cost si ; the corresponding random
customer demand within the inspection cycle T and order demand JRP annual ordering cost si is [17]:
lead time. The safety stockpST i for different commodities is
usually denoted STi = z i σi ki T + L. Among them, z i is the n   n  !
service level factor, σi is the standard deviation of the S si 1 s
Co = + 〠 = S+ 〠 i : ð1Þ
demand forecast error of commodity i, ki is the joint pro- T i=1 ki T T i=1
k i
curement frequency of commodity i, and L is the order lead
time. Multiplying the order lead time by the inventory cost
of the classic JRP constitutes the inventory cost of the ran-
dom demand, which is the basic random JRP and the basis
for the construction of the random JRP in this paper. (2) Inventory cost
The research on random demand JRP decision based on
RFID technology has the following characteristics: Referring to the inventory model of a single commodity,
after the order for commodity i is placed, after the lead time
(1) Based on the deterministic JRP, it is the first attempt Li , the warehouse will receive the ordered commodity that
to establish a JRP model based on the random has reached the maximum inventory level Ri of commodity
demand of RFID technology. Using the link between i. In the mode of joint procurement, if the initial inventory
RFID technology investment and RFID return on level of commodity i is Ri − Di Li , and if the procurement fre-
investment, it links the investment of RFID technol- quency of commodity i is ki , the order for this commodity
ogy in the JRP process and the impact of RFID tech- will be issued at time ki T, and the order will be received at
nology on JRP cost. Moreover, it takes the lowest time ki T + Li . Therefore, the inventory level of commodity
total cost of JRP for RFID investment as the research i in the central warehouse before the arrival of the goods is
goal and improves the procurement efficiency of Ri − Di ðki T + Li Þ. Therefore, the average inventory level Qi
4 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

Supplier Supplier


Supplier Supplier

Information flow

Figure 1: Schematic diagram of the JRP model under random demand conditions.

of commodity i in the central warehouse in time ki T + Li is is expressed as


  Li + k i T
1 L + ki T C H = 〠 hi R i − D i
Qi = ½ðRi − Di Li Þ + ðRi − Di ðki T + Li ÞÞ = Ri − Di i : i=1
2 2   ð4Þ
1 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
ð2Þ = 〠 hi Di ðki T Þ + zi δi ðki T + Li Þ :
i=1 2

We assume that the demand for all purchased commod- When the demand for commodity i is greater than the
ities is independent and identically distributed, and random maximum inventory, the warehouse will be out of stock.
demand follows a Brownian motion process. Moreover, In the out-of-stock mode under the regular inspection
under the premise that the decision variables ki and T are strategy, it will cause the corresponding out-of-stock cost
determined, in the demand period of ki T, the demand for to the central warehouse. The total out-of-stock cost Cs
commodity i follows a normal distribution, and its corre- is expressed as [19]
sponding mean and standard deviation are expressed as Eð ð∞
xi , ki TÞ = Di ki T and Varðxi , ki TÞ = δi ki T, respectively, and dxi
C s = 〠 πi ðx i − R i Þ f ð x i , k i T + L i Þ
its probability density function is f ðxi , ki T + Li Þ. Ri ki T
Therefore, the maximum inventory level of a commodity ð∞
is equal to the expected demand plus the amount of safety
πi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
=〠 δi ð k i T + L i Þ ðy − zi Þ f ðyÞdy
stock in the safety period. Considering that the lead time kT
i=1 i zi
of commodity i is Li , the maximum inventory level of com- ð∞ ð∞ !
π pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
modity i in each purchasing cycle is expressed as [18] = 〠 i δi ð k i T + L i Þ yf ðyÞdy − z i f ðyÞdy
i=1 ki T zi zi

pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi n
πi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
Ri = Di ðki T + Li Þ + zi δi ð k i T + L i Þ : ð3Þ =〠 δi ðki T + Li Þð f ðzi Þ − zi ð1 − F ðzi ÞÞÞ:
i=1 i
Among them, f ðz i Þ and Fðz i Þ are the probability density
function (PDF) and cumulative distribution function CDF
of the standard normal distribution corresponding to com-
modity i, respectively. Then, the inventory holding cost CH (3) Total cost of joint procurement
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 5

By constructing purchasing cost, inventory cost, and to the random uncertainty of demand, the capability of
out-of-stock cost, the stochastic JRP total cost TC with K, RFID technology is mainly reflected in the ability to improve
T, and zi as decision variables is the sum of the above three the efficiency of joint procurement and reduce the cost of
costs: joint procurement. In order to distinguish the demand
! uncertainty JRP and the stochastic JRP after RFID invest-
n   ment in this section, we call the demand stochastic JRP as
1 si
TCðK, T, z i Þ = C o + C H + C S = S+ 〠 JRP1. Its corresponding total cost is TC1, and the random
T i=1
  JRP of RFID investment demand is JRP2, and its corre-
1 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
+ 〠 hi Di ðki T Þ + zi δi ðki T + Li Þ sponding total cost is TC2. The JRP decision model deter-
2 mined in this paper based on RFID technology is based on
πi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi the JRP1 model. At the same time, referring to the RFID
+〠 δi ðki T + Li Þð f ðzi Þ − zi ð1 − F ðzi ÞÞÞ:
i=1 i
T technology investment efficiency model, the JRP model of
RFID investment is established. The model considers the
ð6Þ impact of RFID on two costs of JRP, namely, the impact
of ordering efficiency, and introduces the impact of effi-
By derivation of TC with respect to zi , the following for- ciency factor R and inventory efficiency, which affects
mula can be obtained: inventory cost and out-of-stock cost, and introduces JIT
efficiency factor I.
∂TC ðK, T, zi Þ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi π pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
= hi δi ðki T + Li Þ + i δi ðki T + Li Þ After the ordering efficiency factor and the JIT efficiency
∂z i ki T factor are given, according to the equation, we get the total
df ðzi Þ cost TC2 of the JRP model based on RFID technology to
 − ½1 − F ðzi Þ + zi f ðzi Þ : determine the demand:

The standard normal distribution function satisfies df ð TC2ðT, K, z i , I, RÞ = I ⋅ CH + R ⋅ C O + I ⋅ C S + C I + CR

zi Þ/dzi = −zi f ðzi Þ. Therefore, we can get n  
T n 1 si
= I ⋅ 〠 k i Di h i + R ⋅ S+ 〠
  2 i=1 T i=1 ki
∂TC ðK, T, z i Þ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi π
= δi ðki T + Li Þ hi − i ½1 − F ðzi Þ : ð8Þ n
πi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
∂z i ki T +I⋅ 〠 δi ðki T + LÞ f ðz i Þ + C I + C R :
i=1 i
At the same time, if ∂TCðK, T, z i Þ/∂z i = 0, the optimal z ∗i ð12Þ
must satisfy the following relation:
It can be seen from the equation that if I = 1, it means
F ðz∗i ðK, T ÞÞ = 1 − k T: ð9Þ that there is no JIT efficiency improvement for the JRP pro-
πi i cess. If I = 0, it means that the commodity order is com-
pleted immediately, no inventory cost occurs, and no out-
Alternatively, it is written as an expression in the follow- of-stock cost occurs, and the “Justin Time” for customer ser-
ing inverse function form: vice is realized. Similarly, if R = 1, it means that there is no
  improvement in ordering efficiency for JRP process by RFID
hi technology. When R = 0, it means that the supply capacity is
z∗i ðK, T Þ = F −1
1 − ki T : ð10Þ
πi infinite, and no order cost occurs. In order to find the best
relationship between I and R, the relationship between I
Because of ∂2 TCðK, T, z i Þ/∂z 2i = ðπi /ki TÞ δi ðki T + LÞ f and CI , and the relationship between R and C R , we need to
ðz i Þ > 0, once K and T are determined, z∗i can be uniquely build a functional expression that relates these relationships.
obtained by formula (10). By substituting formula (10) into The order efficiency function and the JIT efficiency function
formula (7), we obtain the expression of the objective func- are, respectively, expressed as
tion TCðK, T, z i Þ of the stochastic JRP, as shown in
I = V + ðU − V Þe−λCl , ð13Þ
n n  
1 1 si
min TCðK, T, z i Þ = 〠 Di hi ki T + S+ 〠 R = N + ðM − N Þe−βCR : ð14Þ
2 T i=1
πi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Among them, 0 ≤ V ≤ U ≤ 1, U is the lowest JIT effi-
+〠 δi ðki T + LÞ f ðzi Þ: ciency, that is, the efficiency without RFID investment, and
i=1 i V is the highest efficiency after the implementation of RFID
ð11Þ technology. 0 ≤ N ≤ M ≤ 1, M is the lowest efficiency of
ordering, that is, the efficiency without RFID investment,
We build a JRP model based on RFID investment sto- and N is the highest efficiency after the implementation of
chastic demand. First, we need to clarify the relationship RFID technology. Here, the determination of U, V, M, and
between RFID technology investment cost and return. Due N values can refer to the experience of RFID project
6 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

Target vector: 2 5 4 3 0.23 3.1 2.5 3.8 1.5

Xtr1: 1 3 2 5 0.65 2.9 2.0 1.1 3.9

Xtr2: 2 2 3 4 0.53 3.1 1.4 1.2 3.6

Xtr3: 5 1 4 1 0.12 3.6 1.9 3.9 1.9

Variant vector: –0.2 2.4 1.6 6.2 0.81 2.7 1.8 0.02 4.6

Corrective vector: 2 2 (2.4) 2 (1.6) 3 0.81 1 1.8 3.8 1.5

ki∈ (1, 5), T∈ (0, 1), zi∈ (1, 4)

Figure 2: Schematic diagram of mutation operation.

implementation and can be estimated by investigating the ties, the length of the basic procurement cycle, and the
impact of the use of RFID technology in related industries length of the safety stock factor. The decision variables of
on efficiency. Among them, λ, β is the RFID investment effi- the second method are derived from formulas, which are cal-
ciency control coefficient, which is used to adjust the RFID culated with reference to formula (10) given the joint pro-
technology investment effect according to the actual RFID curement period K and the basic procurement period T of
implementation. different commodities.
In order to analyze the efficiency improvement produced The base purchase period is a decimal value between 0
by the investment in RFID technology, we bring equations and 1. The safety stock factor needs to consider the proper-
(13) and (14) into equation (11); if TC2ðT, K, zi , I, RÞ is dif- ties of the population of the normal distribution function,
ferentiated with respect to I and set to zero, we can obtain when the confidence level is 0.6827, z i = 1:0, and when the
the following equation: customer service level is 99.99%, z i ≈ 3:08. The level of cus-
tomer service is determined according to the ability of the
∂TC2ðT, K, z i , I, RÞ ∂CI enterprise itself. Therefore, we can set the value range of 1
= CH + CS +
∂I ∂I to 3, such as [1,3] or [1,2]. Under the second strategy, the
1 ∂½ln ðU − V Þ − ln ðI − V Þ search method of K and T can be completely referred to
= CH + CS +
λ ∂I the content of Chapter 3, and then, the optimal combination
1 1 of K and T is found and then the optimal z i is calculated. For
= CH + CS − = 0:
λI −V the sake of distinction, we call the JRP solution for the first
ð15Þ strategy as JRP0 and the JRP solution for the second strategy
as JRP1. Below, we set up the design process of the DE
From equation (15), if we can determine C H and C S , we algorithm.
can get the optimal I ∗ : The solution process of the redesigned DE algorithm is
also divided into the following three steps:
I∗ = + V: ð16Þ (1) Parameter setting and initialization process
λ ⋅ ðC H + C S Þ
The algorithm parameters are divided into two catego-
Similarly, for equation (12), TC2ðT, K, zi , I, RÞ takes the ries: problem-related parameters and DE algorithm-related
derivative of R and makes it zero, and if C O can be deter- parameters. The problem parameter setting can refer to rel-
mined, we can also obtain the optimal R∗ : evant research examples, and the DE algorithm parameter
setting is based on the actual solution experience. The spe-
R∗ = + N: ð17Þ cific setting process is as follows:
β ⋅ Co
(i) Problem parameter setting: we set the lower bound
By constructing the JRP model (JRD1) under the con- kLower and the upper bound kUpper for each ki , respec-
dition of random demand and the JRP model of random tively, and we set kLower = 1 and kUpper = 5, where i
demand based on RFID technology, the optimal T, K, z i , = 1, 2, ⋯, n. At the same time, we design the initial
I, R is deduced. Next, we construct the DE solving algo- value of T to be located at ½0, 1, and the value range
rithm based on the two stochastic demand JRP model of zi to be (1, 2).
structures, the number and type of decision variables.
The population length of the designed DE algorithm can (ii) DE algorithm parameter setting: we set the DE algo-
be calculated in two ways. In the first way, all the decision rithm population size pop, chromosome length l,
variables can be randomly generated by the DE algorithm, mutation operator F,~ and crossover probability CR,
but the range of each variable, especially z i , needs to be respectively, and set t as the t-th generation popula-
determined. The population length of the DE algorithm is tion, and the objective function (total cost) as the fit-
the length of the combined procurement cycle of commodi- ness function fit. Since there are two initialization
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 7

Target vector: 3 4 1 1 0.18 2.2 2.3 1.8 1.2

Target vector: 0.16 0.78 0.42 0.32 0.95 0.63 0.51 0.35 0.94
< 0.4 > 0.4 > 0.4 < 0.4 >4 > 0.4 > 0.4 < 0.4 > 0.4
crossing: 1 5 3 4 0.53 3.1 1.4 1.2 3.8

3 5 3 1 0.53 3.1 1.4 1.8 3.8

Figure 3: Schematic diagram of crossover operation.

methods, the pp-th chromosome epp of the t-th gen-

eration population is initialized:

Parameter setting:
chromosometpp = ðk1 , k2 ,⋯,kn , T, z 1 , z 2 ,⋯,z n Þ ð18aÞ Random requirement JPP problem
parameters and algorithm parameters
Alternatively, the pp-th chromosome pp of the t-th gen- setting
eration population is initialized as
Population initialization:
chromosometpp = ðk1 , k2 ,⋯,kn , T Þ: ð18bÞ Initial chromosomes and the
population are generated, and the
Among them, pp = 1, 2, ⋯, pop, the chromosome length initial fitness value and the initial
under two different strategies is l = n + 1 or l = n + 1 + n. optimal chromosome are calculated
After these parameters are set, the algorithm goes to the next
step to initialize the population. Gen > Maxgen Y

(2) Initialize the population to calculate fitness and N

objective function values
Mutation operation:
Similar to the population initialization process of the Based on step 4.3.2 (3) -
DE algorithm in Chapter 3, if we define the algorithm
population as P, the population is initialized as Ptpop = f
≤ xti, j ≤ xi, j , ~i = 1, 2,⋯,pop ; ~j = 1, 2,⋯,l ; x~i, j ðtÞ ∈
X ti jxlower
i, j Mutation operation:
X ti g. Among them, xlower i, j = K lower /T lower, xi, j = K upper / Based on step 4.3.2 (3) -
T upper , and when ~j ≤ n, xti, j is usually calculated by
upper Mutation operation:
= round x lower
~i, j + rand ð 0, 1Þ × x~i, j − x lower
~i, j : ð19Þ
Based on step 4.3.2 (3) -

Among them, “round” means rounding, and rand(0,1)

is used to generate random numbers between (0,1). Result output:
Here, we still take the objective function as the fitness Current optimal fitness and the
function. The calculation process of TC and TC1 refers to current optimal solution based on
formula (11), and the calculation process of TC2 refers to the elite selection strategy
formula (12). The purpose of population initialization is to
generate the current optimal solution, the best fitness, and Gen = gen + 1
the chromosomes under the best fitness. These parameters
are used in the update process of the DE algorithm.
Output the optimal
(3) The main program of the DE algorithm runs results

In order to better explain the flow of the DE algorithm,

we take a four-commodity problem as an example to illus- End
trate the three operations of the DE algorithm.
Figure 4: Flowchart of the DE algorithm.
(i) Mutation operation: here, the t-th generation chro-
mosome of the DE algorithm population is selected
8 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

ERP docking module

Device planning data Device management data

module module

Approval of the data module Data Equipment financial

step by step library data module

Equipment procurement Equipment supplier

data module data module
Device information
query module

Figure 5: Equipment supply management system.

Waste equipment Auction of waste Treatment of waste

storage equipment equipment

Spare parts
Purchasing qualification
management audit
Device management
requirement management


Supplier Supplier Supplier


Equipment Order
receiving settlement

Figure 6: Schematic diagram of the procurement management information platform process.

as the target vector of mutation. Within the range of defined range, it will be replaced by a randomly gen-
the t-th generation population, three different integer erated qualified number. If the generated gene falls
numbers r 1 , r 2 , r3 that are different from the target within the defined domain, the algorithm rounds
vector are randomly generated, representing the r 1 the locus of ~j ≤ n. Similarly, for the gene processing
-th, r 2 -th, and r 3 -th chromosomes of the population, at ~j > n, if it exceeds the defined range, it is replaced
respectively. If I presume mutation operator F = 0:4, by a randomly generated qualified number; other-
then the whole mutation process according to the wise, the calculated value of the variation formula is
first strategy is shown in Figure 2. Figure 2 shows taken
the schematic diagram of genes with multiple abnor-
mal chromosomes after DE algorithm processing (ii) Crossover operation: for each dimension, a vector with
mutation. The basic processing idea is that if the a length of 9 is randomly generated, which corresponds
mutated gene is abnormal, such as beyond the to the initial chromosome length of 9 (4 + 1 + 4), and a
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 9

Equipment management and procurement

management information platform

Waste equipment management Equipment management system

Equipment registration
Waste equipment storage
Equipment maintenance
Auction of waste equipment
Early warning management
Treatment of waste equipment
Accessories replacement

Waste processing
Spare parts management system

Spare parts storage Supplier management system

Spare parts out of the warehouse
Supplier registration
Spare parts early warning
Equipment registration
Spare parts maintenance
Supplier qualification certification
Analysis of spare parts inventory
Real-time communication

Supply application

Online signing contract

Order out of the warehouse

Procurement management system

Spare parts procurement

Purchase green channel

Purchase information release

Supplier analysis

Apply accepted

Order settlement

Figure 7: Architecture diagram of procurement management information platform.

new chromosome is constructed with reference to puts the best fitness, the chromosome correspond-
expression (4-18a). If randnðtÞ = 4, CR = 0:4, new ing to the best fitness, and the optimal solution
chromosomes will be generated according to the quan-
tum crossover rule, as shown in Figure 3 The flow chart of DE algorithm to solve the random
demand JRP is shown in Figure 4.
(iii) Algorithm selection and update operations: accord-
ing to the greedy selection rule, the selection opera- 4. Cost Control System for Medical Equipment
tion of the DE algorithm is performed, the fitness of Procurement in Public Hospitals
each chromosome is calculated, and the current
optimal fitness and the current optimal chromo- Through the business demand analysis and data analysis of
some are output the medical equipment quota management system in the
opposite hospital, various business flow charts have been
(iv) The algorithm repeats algorithm steps (1)-(3) until used to clearly show the current equipment supply manage-
the maximum number of iterations is reached or ment business process. Therefore, the function that the sys-
the algorithm converges tem should achieve can be derived. Its functional modules
(v) The algorithm outputs the optimal result include user login module, planning module, auditing mod-
ule, equipment ordering module, storage and outgoing mod-
(vi) When the maximum number of iterations is ule, payment module, statistical query module, and
reached, the DE algorithm stops running and out- equipment supplier data module. The specific functions that
10 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

Traditional purchasing
management theory

Strategic procurement Strategic

Conceptual management theory cooperation
Transformation theory Task
model management

Equipment Improve Replace

procurement cost Value creation Value
control system theoretical model control

Value constellation management

Plan Budget Supervise Analyse

Report Improve Assess Exam

Figure 8: Overall framework of equipment procurement cost control system.

Table 1: Statistical table of the effect of the cost control system for medical equipment procurement in public hospitals based on
mathematical modeling.

No. Cost control No. Cost control No. Cost control

1 81.421 20 83.748 39 88.994
2 83.906 21 79.917 40 88.236
3 85.060 22 85.896 41 91.460
4 86.548 23 80.946 42 82.206
5 89.309 24 89.212 43 86.927
6 91.146 25 82.835 44 90.777
7 87.050 26 90.513 45 82.321
8 84.836 27 91.314 46 83.567
9 82.388 28 81.307 47 82.499
10 80.449 29 91.543 48 80.325
11 82.452 30 79.152 49 91.302
12 90.958 31 84.065 50 86.035
13 89.631 32 89.820 51 87.832
14 83.687 33 85.314 52 81.333
15 85.705 34 80.048 53 88.433
16 89.994 35 89.002 54 88.910
17 82.295 36 87.456 55 83.767
18 80.719 37 85.653 56 80.221
19 85.524 38 82.464

can be realized are as follows: (1) user login: it is used to ver- Inbound and outbound: it is used for the management of
ify the user’s identity and access rights to determine their equipment arrival, inbound, outbound, etc. by business
operation rights. (2) Plan input: it is used for the input of departments and equipment users. (6) Payment: it supports
equipment plan. (3) Audit module: it is used to verify input, statistics, and inquiry of expenses for equipment. (7)
whether the equipment plan is reasonable. (4) Equipment Statistical query: it is used for different needs of different
order: it is used by the business department to input various users and can flexibly check and count data information
information related to equipment into the system. (5) related to the equipment. (8) Equipment supplier data: it is
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 11


Cost control
1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 52 55


Figure 9: Statistical diagram of the effect of the cost control system for medical equipment procurement in public hospitals based on
mathematical modeling.

used for the access, approval, and annual evaluation of sup- tion theoretical model is replaced by value management. The
pliers. The connection between modules is shown in overall framework of the equipment procurement cost con-
Figure 5. trol system is shown in Figure 8.
As can be seen from Figure 6, the equipment manage- On this basis, the effect of the model proposed in this
ment and procurement management platforms of public paper is verified, and the procurement cost control effect of
hospitals can be roughly divided into supplier management, the model in this paper is counted. The results are shown
equipment management and procurement management, in Table 1 and Figure 9.
and waste equipment management according to the order From the analysis of the above chart data, we can see that
of equipment circulation. the cost control system for medical equipment procurement
After further refining the three-layer structure, the pub- in public hospitals based on mathematical modeling pro-
lic hospital equipment management and procurement man- posed in this paper can play an important role in equipment
agement information platform can be divided into five procurement in public hospitals.
subsystems: equipment management system, supplier man-
agement system, procurement management system, spare 5. Conclusion
parts management system, and waste equipment manage-
ment system. The platform not only realizes the equipment Under the development situation of the new medical reform,
safety management but also realizes the informatization of my country has made major reforms in improving the pro-
equipment procurement, so that the coal enterprises can curement quality and efficiency standards of public hospi-
greatly improve the continuous production capacity of the tals, which has achieved the steady development of hospital
enterprises while producing safely. At the same time, pur- business and promoted the transformation of hospitals from
chasing equipment or accessories through online bidding extensive management to refined management. In the man-
not only ensures the quality of equipment or accessories agement of large-scale medical equipment, by evaluating the
but also greatly saves the procurement cost of enterprises. benefits of large-scale medical equipment, the use efficiency
The architecture diagram of the equipment management of the equipment can be clarified, and it can also provide ref-
and procurement management information platform is erence for the planning and project establishment of large-
shown in Figure 7. scale medical equipment. The benefit evaluation of the hos-
The conceptual model of the system is the theoretical pital’s medical equipment before the purchase can judge the
basis of the equipment procurement cost control system benefit of the capital investment, evaluate whether the
and the most fundamental theoretical basis for the construc- investment is feasible, and prevent the waste of funds and
tion of the system. This construction is based on the optimi- idle equipment. Combined with the procurement process
zation of the conceptual model of strategic procurement, of medical equipment in public hospitals, this paper estab-
changes the cooperation mode of the project, and replaces lishes a mathematical model of medical equipment procure-
the bargaining based on the traditional procurement man- ment in public hospitals. Data analysis shows that the cost
agement theory by strategic cooperation. On the other hand, control system for medical equipment procurement in pub-
based on the theoretical model of value creation based on lic hospitals based on the mathematical model proposed in
lean construction, the control method of the project is trans- this paper can play an important role in public hospital
formed, and the task management based on the transforma- equipment procurement.
12 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

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