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Identify the actors of the given system:

 Lee Wen (CEO)
 Clients
 Project Leaders
 Team Members
 Employees
 Project Teams

2. Identify the activities from the perspective of the roles:

Lee Wen (CEO):
 Negotiate requirements, time, and fees with clients
 Finalize contracts
 Estimate time for each project phase
 Appoint project leaders and team members
 Manage project leaders' workload and project allocation
 Reconcile discrepancies in project status and time sheets
 Review and approve project status reports and time sheets
Project Leaders:
 Manage projects assigned to them
 File project status reports weekly
 Manage project team members
 Allocate tasks to team members
 Monitor project progress
 Resolve project-related issues Team Members:
 Work on assigned tasks in projects
 File time sheets weekly
 Update project status to project leaders
 Collaborate with other team members
 Seek guidance from project leaders when needed
3. Identify the DSDM phases and the activities that can come in each phasefrom your perspective
of the case scenario:
DSDM Phases:
 Feasibility Study
 Business Study
 Functional Model Iteration
 Design and Build Iteration
 Implementation
Activities for Each Phase:
Feasibility Study:
 Identify client requirements
 Estimate time and effort for the project
 Assess the feasibility of the project
Business Study:
 Finalize project contracts with clients
 Appoint project leaders and team members
 File project identification details
Functional Model Iteration:
 Conduct requirements analysis and software specifications
 Create functional models and prototypes
 Gather client feedback and incorporate changes Design and Build Iteration:
 Develop software design based on functional models
 Code software based on the design
 Conduct unit testing
 Conduct software testing (system testing, integration testing, etc.)
 Resolve discrepancies between project status reports and time sheets
 Calculate salaries and overtime pay for employees
 Generate weekly reports
4. Identify the MoSCoW activities of the given business case:
MoSCoW activities refer to prioritizing activities based on their importance andurgency.
Must Have:
 Negotiate requirements, time, and fees with clients
 Finalize contracts
 File project status reports weekly
 File time sheets weekly
 Conduct software testing
 Resolve discrepancies in project status and time sheets
 Calculate salaries and overtime pay for employees
Should Have:
 Appoint project leaders and team members
 Estimate time for each project phase
 Develop software design and code based on functional models
 Conduct requirements analysis and software specifications Could Have:
 Allocate tasks to team members
 Gather client feedback and incorporate changes
 Collaborate with other team members
Won't Have:
 Manage project leaders' workload and project allocation
 Monitor project progress
5. Create a timebox with activities and milestones based on yourassumption of the activities with
respect to the case study:
Timebox: 1 week (Assumed timeframe for the weekly activities)
Monday: Project leaders file project status reports, employees file time sheets
Tuesday: Lee Wen reviews project status reports and time sheets, reconcilesdiscrepancies if any
Wednesday: Conduct software testing and resolve any issues
Thursday: Calculate salaries and overtime pay for employees, generate weeklyreports
Friday: Wrap-up activities and prepare for the next week

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