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Mauritius Institute of Education

under the aegis of

Ministry of Education, Tertiary Education, Science and Technology
Professor Vassen NAËCK - Head Curriculum Implementation, Textbook
Development and Evaluation



Ms Hélina HOOKOOMSING - Panel Coordinator, Lecturer

Mr Jagdish KORLAPU-BUNGAREE - Deputy Head Master
Mrs Marie Françoise CONSTANCE - Deputy Head Master
Ms Andora LAVAL - Primary Educator



Mrs Taramatee NATHOO - School Inspector
Mr Nunkishore NEERGHEEN - School Inspector
Mrs Dineshwaree RUCHCHAN - School Inspector
Mr Dahmiasdeho GOWRY - School Inspector
Mr Krishnaduth OOCHIT - School Inspector
Mr Doomanlall MOHANGOO - School Inspector
Mr Rajkumar BEEDASSY - School Inspector

Illustration and layout

Mr Isstiac GOOLJAR - Graphic Designer
Mr Leveen NOWBOTSING - Graphic Designer


Ms Hélina HOOKOOMSING - Coordinator, Lecturer

ISBN : 978-99949-40-18-9
© Mauritius Institute of Education (2021)
Phonetics chart

Content pages

Pages 1- 30 31 - 56 57 - 84

Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7

Nature and the Travelling

Theme Superheroes
Environment the World

- Special powers - Nature - Travel

- Animals - Transport
- Superhero - Weather
Key Vocabulary qualities - Recycle/
protect/ pollution

- Speaking cards - Song - Rhyme

- Role-play - Picture - Comparison

Oral description speaking activity
(colouring activity
then linked
to writing)

- Vowels: - Vowels: - Vowels:


- The humming - I read about

Reading - Going to
bird in the different
the cinema
garden countries

Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7

- Newspaper - Nature Card

Writing article - Certificate
- Postcard

Grammar - Opposites - Present tense of - Past tense of

verb ‘to do’ verb ‘to have’
- Past tense of
verb ‘to be’ Negative form (do - Past tense of
not, does not) common irregular
- Simple past verbs
tense - Masculine and
feminine - Adjectives
- Prepositions
(between, before, - Possessive - Comparative
after) pronouns form

- Telling time

End of Unit pg 24 - 29 pg 50 - 56 pg 81 - 84

Literacy session - A Superhero - The Deer in - Sinbad

Family the Forest the Sailor

Unit 5: Superheroes

Unit five

Unit 5: Superheroes

Activity 1 – I listen to and read the speaking cards.

I am Spiderman.
I can climb up walls and roofs.
I rescue people and animals from dangers.

Teacher's note

I am Batman.
Use word/picture cards to
I am intelligent. pre-teach key vocabulary
before doing the reading
I use my physical powers to activity aloud.

fight crime. Introduce and brainstorm

on the word ‘superheroes’.

Encourage pupils to name

the superheroes they know/
their preferred superheroes.
(e.g. Ben 10)

Talk about superheroes that

live near us (e.g. a child
I am Superman. who helps his/her friend in
need etc.), and other
I have many powers and I can fly. ‘super powers’ like kindness
respect etc.
I protect people.
Read each card one at a
time for pupils to listen to
and follow along. Then do
a second reading and help
them to repeat after you.
Note that you can
introduce one superhero
per day.

I am Ironman. Carry out a role play activity

using the speaking cards.
I wear a metal costume.
You may get pupils to make
I use lots of technology to their own speaking cards
based on other superheroes
rescue people. they mentioned.

Unit 5: Superheroes

Activity 2 - I listen to and read a short story.

Going to the cinema

Mika asked his father to take him to the cinema. He invited

his friends Tony and Sonia to watch the film “Batman”.
They were excited to see Batman wearing his special costume.

“Wow, look at him! He is amazing,” said Tony.

Batman climbed high buildings. He was strong and quick. His enemy could not
fight him. Batman rescued people and saved the town from dangers.
Everybody loved him.

“Batman is my superhero! I want to be like him,” Mika said.

“Batman has lots of special powers. He is great!” Sonia shouted.

Keywords: cinema costume amazing quick enemy rescued

superhero special powers

Unit 5: Superheroes

Activity 2a - I circle the correct answer.

1. Who wanted to go to the cinema?

A. Father B. Mika C. Batman

2. In the story, the superhero was ______________.

A. Spiderman B. Superman C. Batman

3. Batman was wearing a special ______________.

A. costume B. friends C. powers

4. The three friends thought Batman was ______________.

A. shy B. horrible C. amazing

5. Batman saved his ______________ from dangers.

A. village B. country C. town

Teacher's note

Carry out pre-reading activities

to explain the meaning of
keywords and help the pupils
to learn them. Recap the
discussion on Superheroes.

Unit 5: Superheroes

Activity 2b – I fill in the blanks with the correct words from the
short story.

Mika and his __________________ went to the cinema. They watched a

____________. Batman was the ____________ . His ___________ could

not fight him. _____________ wants to be like Batman. Sonia thinks that

Batman is _____________.

Activity 3 - I choose and write the correct words to complete

the sentences.

lies caring enemies costumes

1. Superheroes have many different __________________ .

2. They save people from __________________ .

3. Superheroes never tell __________________ .

4. They are __________________ citizens.

Teacher's note
Teacher’s Note: Recap
vocabulary as needed. Discuss
with pupils the qualities of a
superhero (e.g. they always
tell the truth, they care about
their family/friends/the elderly/
animals/the environment).

Unit 5: Superheroes

Activity 4 - I write a newspaper article.


Imagine a superhero has come to visit your school. Wow!

Let’s write a newspaper article to tell everyone.

May 23,
March 1, 2016



On _________________________________(day, date, month and year)

_________________________________(name of superhero)

visited _____________________________________ . (name of school)

____________________________ (name of superhero) talked about

things that make a hero:

A hero is ________________. (brave, afraid)

A hero must ______________ people in danger. (ignore, help)

A hero is ________________ . (kind, unkind)

A hero does not _________________. (lie, tell the truth)

A hero is ___________________. (hardworking, lazy) and

____________________________________. (fair, unfair)

When ___________________ (name of superhero) finished

his talk, everyone clapped their hands.

Teacher's note
Pre-teach the key vocabulary before starting the activity. Take one sentence at a time and work
out the sentence orally first. Encourage pupils to write the name of their superheroes on their own.
They may refer to the speaking cards if needed. Help pupils to realise that everyone can be a
hero regardless of the superpowers (refer to the qualities of a hero). Help children recognise heroes
among people in their own lives (e.g. a parent, a sibling).

Unit 5: Superheroes


Activity 5 - I complete the short story with the correct words.

Can you name some items with the / / sound?

Here are some examples: bat, sat, that,
trap, stamp, ran, band.

cat, Pat, rats, hat, mat

This is _____________.

She is wearing a ______________.

This is her _______________.

Teacher's note
It is sitting on a _______________.
Take one short story at a
time. Go through it line by
line and get pupils to repeat
It likes to chase _______________. after you. Get pupils to look
carefully at the pictures and
help them to identify the
correct word from the ones
given in the box. Read out
each word in the box
hand, apple, Sam, ant, cap laying emphasis on the
vowel sound. Get pupils to
repeat after you and choose
the correct word for each
This is ______________ . line. Help pupils to read the
complete sentences aloud.

He is wearing a ______________ .

He is eating an ______________.

There is an _____________ on his____________.

Unit 5: Superheroes

Activity 6 - I listen to and read the words.

I colour the correct words when I hear the sound /a:/.

Teacher's note
Note that this is the /a:/
sound as in the word ‘car’.
Taking one picture at a
time, get pupils to look
car chair star book carefully at each picture
and name what they
see. Help them to read
aloud the words in the
given boxes. Get pupils to
identify the correct word
and colour in the correct
box. Get pupils to read
aloud again the correct
word and help them to
lay emphasis on the/ /

jar pig apple shark

bell chart party strong

quick garden cinema scarf

Unit 5: Superheroes


Activity 7 - I listen to and read the words.

I tick the correct words when I hear the sound /Ɔ� /.

Teacher's note
ball tall
Taking one picture at a time,
get pupils to look carefully at
each picture and name what
stick big they see. Help them to read
aloud the words for each
picture. Get pupils to identify
the correct word and tick the
correct box. Get pupils to read
aloud again the correct word
and help them to lay emphasis
on the/ Ɔ� / sound.

pencil little

wall small

horse door

table ring

spoon cat

fork torch

Unit 5: Superheroes

Activity 8 - I read and write time.

Wendy is talking to her friend Shyla.

Wendy: “At what time will the

Power Rangers film start?

Shyla: “At ten twelve.”

Wendy: “Do you mean ten o’clock?”

Shyla: “O’clock?”

Wendy: “When the long minute hand shows twelve,

we say o’clock. For example, the clock is showing ten o’clock.”

Shyla: “Oh! I understand now. The film will start to play at

ten o’clock.”

Teacher's note
Pre-teach the key vocabulary. Read the short story and explain it to pupils. Introduce the term
‘o’clock’ and explain when to use this term. Introduce and explain the long minute hand and the
short hour hand. Carry out oral activities on reading time using ‘o’clock’. You may also get pupils to
make their own clock faces using Bristol paper and get them to read time on that. Do Activities 8a
to 8d orally first before letting pupils write in their textbooks. Prepare additional exercises as needed
to consolidate learning.

Unit 5: Superheroes

Activity 8a - I correctly label the clock.

Do you know that time doesn’t stop?

Yes, I know. We have 12 numbers

on the clock face. Let’s name and
write them.

Teacher's note
This activity is for writing number names (e.g. one, two, three) and to familiaze pupils with the
clock face. Do the activity orally first. Encourage pupils to name the numbers in English. Help
them to point to the number and use the word ‘O’clock’.

Unit 5: Superheroes

Activity 8b - I fill in the blanks.

It is eight _______________ It is five _______________

It is ten _______________ It is eleven _______________

It is nine _______________ It is six _______________

Teacher's note
Check pupils have correctly written ‘o’clock’ and have used full-stops.

Unit 5: Superheroes

Activity 8c - I draw the clock hands to show the time.

It is one o’clock. It is three o’clock.

It is four o’clock. It is six o’clock.

Teacher's note
Draw a simple clock on the board and get pupils to do this activity on the board first
before drawing in their textbooks.

Unit 5: Superheroes

Activity 8d - I fill in the blanks with the correct time.

1 2

Shyla wakes up at She takes a bath and gets ready

_________________. at ___________________.

3 4

Shyla eats her breakfast She starts her class/working

at ________________. at __________________.

She meets her friend Wendy

at ________________.

Unit 5: Superheroes

Activity 9 - I learn: Simple past tense.


We are going to learn some verbs in the simple past tense.

This tells us that the action has already happened.

Yesterday, Luna’s father helped her to bake a cake. He mixed the ingredients
in a big bowl and put it in the oven. Then, he washed the dishes and cleaned
the kitchen. He lifted Luna in his strong arms and kissed her on the cheek.
“Dad, you are my superhero!” Luna shouted.

I like that story! Did you notice the word in pink?

We add “ed” to some verbs to form the simple past tense.
Circle the verbs that end with ‘ed’ in the short story.

When using the simple past tense, all personal pronouns
stay the same. Let’s look at the table below.

Simple Past Tense of verb ‘to play’ Teacher's note

I played
Briefly explain ‘simple past tense’
You played and some signal words that pupils
He played can use to recognise the simple
past tense (e.g. yesterday, last
She played week, a year ago etc.). Draw
It played pupils’ attention to the use of ‘ed’
and explain that the personal
We played pronouns remain the same when
using the simple past tense.
They played
Unit 5: Superheroes

Activity 9a - I write the words in the simple past

tense to fill in the blanks: Adding ‘ed’.

She __________________ to school. (walk)

We __________________in class. (talk)

Teacher's note

Prepare additional
I __________________my friend. (visit) exercises to consolidate

You __________________ over the wall. (jump)

He __________________ in the mirror. (look)

They __________________T.V. (watch)

Unit 5: Superheroes

Activity 9b - I write the red words in the simple past tense. I

rearrange the words to make simple sentences: Adding ‘d’.

For some verbs, we only add ‘d’ to

form the simple past tense.

cake a Anna bake


at school arrive late You


like fresh the lychees I


a sega dance children The


baby save a Superman


near a live Tony park

Teacher's note
Briefly explain that we usually add only ‘d’ to verbs that end with an ‘e’. Provide examples on the board
and let pupils come up and add ‘d’ to the words. Pupils may copy these words in their copybooks.
Pupils may learn this as a fun rhyme, e.g. Verbs ending in ‘e’, only add ‘d’. Write it on the board and
get pupils to repeat after you. Vary the pace, tone, and volume (as if it is a tongue-twister) so that it is
more enjoyable for pupils to repeat and learn. Help pupils to read it aloud by themselves. Get pupils
to add ‘d’ to the verbs in red and then help them to rearrange the words to make simple sentences.
Check that they make correct use of capital letters and full-stops. Help pupils to read aloud their simple
sentences once they have completed the activity.

Unit 5: Superheroes

Activity 10 - I listen to and read the words. I colour the pictures and
copy the words when I hear the sound / I /. e

clay chalk tray cup

house arm play crayon

storm pray

Teacher's note
Note that this is the / I / sound as in the word ‘day’. Taking one picture at a time, get pupils to
look carefully at each picture and name what they see. Help them to read aloud the word below
each picture. Read the word aloud laying emphasis on the / I / sound for the correct words and
get pupils to repeat after you. Ask pupils if they can hear the / I / sound in the word. If they can
identify the sound correctly, get pupils to colour the picture and copy the word. Repeat the word
as needed, laying emphasis on the / I / sound, for pupils to identify the sound correctly. There is
no need to lay emphasis on the vowel sounds for the other words.

Unit 5: Superheroes


Activity 11 - I learn: Past tense of verb ‘to be’.

Today is Monday. I am at school.

Yesterday was Sunday. I was at the beach.

My friends and I are in Grade Three.

Last year, we were in Grade Two.

Did you notice the words in bold?

The verbs ‘am’, ‘are’ and ‘is’ change from
present to past tense.
Let’s look at the table below!

Present Past Past

I am I was I was sad yesterday.
You are You were You were very good.
He is He was He was late for school.
She is She was She was the best dancer.
It is It was It was sunny yesterday.
We are We were We were happy.
They are They were They were excited to see the show.

Teacher's note
Read out the character’s dialogue clearly and slowly. Lay emphasis on the verbs in present tense and
then those in past tense. Explain the meanings as needed. Get pupils to repeat the sentences after you.
Help them to read aloud. Draw attention to the verbs and briefly explain that ‘am’ and ‘is’ change to
‘was’, and ‘are’ changes to ‘were’ to form the past tense. Provide pupils with some examples of past
tense indicators to help them recognise that the action has happened in the past (e.g. yesterday, last
year, a week ago, 2 days ago etc.). Write these on the board and help pupils to read them aloud.

Unit 5: Superheroes

Activity 11a - I change the verbs into the past tense. I read the
sentences aloud.

am changes to was
is changes to was
are changes to were
Teacher's note
Let’s practise together!
Carry out the activity orally
before letting pupils write in
1. I am happy. ______________________________
I was happy. their textbooks.

2. You are laughing. _________________________________________

3. What is Ironman doing? ____________________________________

4. The superheroes are saving people. ___________________________

5. Batman is wearing a special costume. ___________________________

6. I am helping my brother. ___________________________________

Activity 11b - I fill in the blanks with was or were. I read the
sentences aloud.

Underline the keywords showing the past.

One has been done for you.

1. Yesterday, I ___________ at home. Teacher's note

2. You ________ ill three days ago. Prepare additional exercises

to consolidate learning.

3. A year ago, my aunt and uncle __________ in Rodrigues.

4. Last week, Ben 10 _____________ in Mauritius.

5. Yesterday, Luna’s father ___________ in the kitchen preparing food.

6. We _________ asleep last night.

Unit 5: Superheroes

Activity 12a - I play an ‘Opposite Game’. Grammar

Do you remember some of the opposites you learned in

Grade 2? Here’s a game we can play to help you learn!
Colour the pairs of opposites. One has been done for you.

I raise my right hand and you wave your left hand.

I sit down and you stand up.

I am sad and you are happy.

I open my eyes and you close your eyes.

Teacher's note
I eat a big cake and you eat a small cake.
Add additional actions with
opposite words (learned in
Grade 2) for pupils to mime.
Once pupils have learned the
key words and mimes of the
game, get them to colour the
pairs of opposites with different
colours for each pair.

Unit 5: Superheroes

Activity 12b - I match the opposite words.

The mountain is high. The window is closed.

The bottle is full. Grandfather is old.

The ruler is long. The wall is low.

Father is young. The glass is empty.

The door is open. The pencil is short.

Unit 5: Superheroes

Activity 13a - I describe the pictures. I listen to

and read the sentences. Grammar

1. A cat is sitting between two dogs.

2. The letter ‘c’ comes before the letter ‘d’.

3. The number ‘9’ comes after the number 8.

Teacher's note
Recap prepositions learned in Grade 2 (in, on, under, over, in front of, behind, next to). Introduce the
prepositions ‘between’, ‘before’, and ‘after’. Explain the meanings as needed. Use concrete examples
to facilitate pupils’ learning (e.g. get pupils to come to the front and use them to give examples of
standing between each other, or between two tables, one pupil is before the other in a line etc.)

Activity 13b - I observe the pictures. I choose and write

the correct prepositions.

before after between

1. Bella is sitting ____________ two superheroes.

2. The number 5 comes ____________ the number 7.

3. The letter ‘p’ comes ____________ the letter ‘o’.

4. The girl is standing ____________ her mother and father.

5. I brush my teeth ____________ going to bed.

Teacher's note
Recap prepositions ‘before’, ‘after’ and ‘between’ using concrete examples and
carry out an oral activity before doing the exercise in the textbook. Prepare additional
exercises to consolidate learning.
Unit 5: Superheroes

Unit 5 End of unit Unit five 5

Activity 1 - I cut and paste the correct descriptions for each character.

Batman Joker

Unit 5: Superheroes


brave afraid helps people in danger

kind unkind does not help people

in danger

fair unfair people like him

tells lies tells the truth people are afraid of him

Unit 5: Superheroes

Unit 5: Superheroes

Activity 2a - I write the past tense of the following verbs.

Remember! We add ‘ed’ to some verbs in the past tense

but some verbs change completely.

1. Mother ______________ the dishes. ( wash)

2. The poor boy ______________ his leg. ( break)

3. Father ______________ in the garden this morning. ( work)

4. Mary ______________ some cakes yesterday. ( make)

5. The boys ______________ to the stadium. (go)

Activity 2b - I write sentences using the past tense.

1. Children – play - together.


2. Neelam – write – letter

Teacher's note
Recap the past tense using
examples on the board. Get
pupils to do the activity orally first.
3. Uncle Sam – drive - car. Get them to change the verbs
into the correct past tense and
then help them write their simple
sentences. Note that each
sentence is missing an article that
pupils must include when writing
their sentences (1. ‘The’, 2. ‘a’, 3.
4. I - water - flowers ‘a’, 4. ‘the’). Check that pupils
make correct use of full-stops.
Prepare additional exercises to
consolidate learning.
Unit 5: Superheroes

Activity 3 - I write the given words in the Past Tense.

Past Tense


Activity 4 - I write the opposite of each adjective.

The mountain is high but the hill is ____________________.

Grandfather is ___________________ but father is young.

My pencil is long and yours is _________________.

Sam’s lunchbox is _______________ and Jane’s lunchbox is closed.

The yellow basket is empty but the red basket is ________________.

Unit 5: Superheroes

Activity 5 - I circle the word with the odd sound in each row.

Teacher's note
1. cat boat fat hat Once pupils have completed
the activity, encourage them
to name an additional rhyming
word for each row. Pupils may
also name a rhyming word for
the ‘odd sound’ if they’re able
2. table car far star

3. ball tall fall box

4. horse mice fork torch

5. play tray fly day

Activity 6 - I complete the sentences using the correct preposition.

before between after over

1. We have to reach school __________________ the bell rings.

2. Paul is sitting __________________ father and mother.

3. The dog is running __________________ the poor cat.

4. The butterfly is flying __________________ the flowers.

Unit 6: Nature and the Environment

Unit 6: Nature and the Environment

Nature and
the Environment
Unit six

Unit 6: Nature and the Environment


Activity 1 – I listen to and read a poem. I colour the words and pictures.

I wake up in the morning,
I look outside.

I see the trees,

I breathe the air and feel the breeze.

The sun is shining in the sky.

Birds are singing as they fly.

I walk in the garden.

I smell the grass and flowers.
I sit down for a few hours.

The insects in the soil are crawling,

My mother in the house is calling.

Slowly comes the night

The moon and stars shine bright.

Teacher's note

Brainstorm the title 'nature', explain what it means and what pupils can observe in nature. Talk about
their feelings and appreciation of nature. Get pupils to name the pictures one by one. Taking one
picture at a time, get pupils to colour the pictures and shade their corresponding words.

Unit 6: Nature and the Environment

Activity 2 – I tick a ‘Nature Checklist’.

Nature is all around us. Let’s take a walk

outside. Tick the boxes for things you






tree bark




Teacher's note
Pre-teach the key vocabulary. Ensure that all safety precautions are taken before and during this activity.
Get pupils to go outside and walk around the playground. Ask them to tick things they see outside. After
the activity, discuss the experience with pupils and let them talk freely about what they saw. If most items
on the checklist are unlikely to be found on school premises, you may ask pupils to complete this activity at
home in their garden or locality, with the help of their parent/guardian. Following this, get pupils to share
aloud in class the things they saw. Introduce and briefly explain the vocabulary ‘recycle’, ‘pollution’, and
‘protection’ (i.e protection of the environment) in relation to this activity.

Unit 6: Nature and the Environment


Activity 3 – I listen to and read a short story.

The hummingbird in the garden

Vanessa and Ashley are in the garden. They run around playing but do not damage
the plants and flowers.

Suddenly, they see a small hummingbird. It beats its wings very fast as it flies
making a buzzing noise. “Wow! You are beautiful!” Ashley shouts.

“Do you know that hummingbirds help pollen get from one flower to another?”
Ashley asks his sister.

“Yes! This helps the flowers to make more seeds and this means more plants can
grow,” Vanessa replies.

“They like to drink nectar from flowers,” Ashley says.

They watch the hummingbird fly away. “Bye-bye,” Vanessa and Ashley say.

Keywords: garden plants hummingbird noise pollen seed

Unit 6: Nature and the Environment

Activity 3a – I circle the correct answers.

1. Where are Vanessa and Ashley?

A. They are in the garden. B. They are in the park.

C. They are at school.

2. What are Vanessa and Ashley doing?

A. They are reading a book. B. They are sleeping.

C. They are playing.

3. What do Vanessa and Ashley see?

A. They see a gorilla. B. They see a caterpillar.

C. They see a hummingbird.

4. How do hummingbirds help flowers?

A. They make a buzzing noise with B. They help pollen get from one
their wings. flower to another.

C. They drink nectar from flowers.

Unit 6: Nature and the Environment

Activity 3b – I underline the correct sentences.

5. Which one of these sentences is true?

A. The hummingbird is small. B. The hummingbird is big.

C. The hummingbird is ugly.

6. Which one of these sentences is true?

A. Hummingbirds do not B. Hummingbirds beat their wings

like nectar. very fast when they fly.

C. The hummingbird does not

fly away.

7. Which one of these sentences is false?

A. The hummingbird is in B. The hummingbird is a small bird.

the garden.

C. Hummingbirds cannot fly.

Do we have hummingbirds in Mauritius?

No, we do not. We can find lots of other

birds in Mauritius. Can you name some?

Teacher's note
Read aloud the character’s
dialogue. Get pupils to name
birds they know in Mauritus.

Unit 6: Nature and the Environment

Activity 4 – I learn: Present tense of the verb ‘to do’.

We learned the simple present tense in Unit 3.
Now, we will learn the verb ‘to do’ in the present tense.

Let's look at the table below. Pay attention to the words

in bold!

I do
Which personal pronouns
You do use the verb ‘do’?
Colour these boxes orange.
He does
Which personal pronouns
She does
use the verb ‘does’?
It does Colour these boxes green.

We do

They do

Activity 4a - I complete the sentences with do or does.

1. I ___________ sports to stay in good health.

2. Mary ____________________ her homework everyday.

3. Tom ______________ karate on Saturdays.

4. People _________ gardening to get vegetables and flowers.

Teacher's note
Recap the simple present tense. Get pupils to look carefully at the table and to pay attention to the
words in bold. Ask them what they notice. Briefly explain that in the present tense, we use ‘do’ or
‘does’. Help pupils to identify which personal pronouns use ‘do’ and which use ‘does’. Write these
on the board in two columns. Then read aloud the speech bubble, explain words as needed and
let pupils colour the boxes accordingly. Briefly explain to pupils that verbs in the simple present tense,
including ‘do’ and ‘does’ express actions that are regular/habitual, or generally true.

Unit 6: Nature and the Environment

Activity 4b - I make questions using 'do' or 'does'.

We can also use ‘do’ and ‘does’ to ask questions.
The verb is put at the beginning of the question.
For example: Do you want to go swimming?
Does he like butterflies?

Make your questions using the words in the table.

Then, write them below.

I live in summer?

Do you want chocolate?

he/she/it rain a pencil?

Does we like in Port Louis?

they have a new bicycle?

1. _________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________________

4. _________________________________________________________

5. _________________________________________________________

6. _________________________________________________________

Teacher's note
Carry out the activity orally first. Help pupils to build up their questions. There are many questions that
can be made correctly. Allow a variety of correct responses. Write some responses on the board.
You may get pupils to write their questions in their copybooks first. Check their work and then let them
write in their textbooks.

Unit 6: Nature and the Environment


Activity 5 – I learn: Negative forms ‘do not’ and ‘does not’.

We learned the negative form in Unit 2.
Now, we will learn the verb ‘to do’ in the negative form.
Look carefully at the words in bold!

I like rain. I do not like rain.

I do not like
this cake.

I like this cake.

Fred does not like to read in the dark.

Remember this!
We use ‘does not’ for verbs ending in ’s’ or ‘es’.
For other verbs we use ‘do not’. Teacher's note

Examples: Recap negative form with

'am', 'is' or 'are'. Read and
Mika plays with his friends. explain the examples given.
Mika does not play with his Clearly point out when to use
‘do not’ and ‘does not’.
friends. Bring to pupils’ attention that
we must remove the s or es
from most verbs when using
Wendy washes her hands. ‘does not’ there are some
Wendy does not wash her hands. exceptions to this. For Activity
5a, tackle one sentence at a
time orally then in writing.
The children shout. Prepare additional exercises
for consolidation of negative
The children do not shout. form ‘do not’ and ‘does not’.

Unit 6: Nature and the Environment
Activity 5a - I write the sentences in the negative form using
do not or does not.

1. Tom collects stamps. _______________________________________

2. You sing in the bathroom. ____________________________________

3. Julie closes the door. _______________________________________

4. I recycle paper and empty cans. _______________________________

5. They open the windows. _____________________________________


Activity 6 - I listen to and read the short text. I rewrite the story
changing the underlined words into the masculine or
feminine form.

In Unit 4, we learned some nouns that are used

for both male and female. Can you name some?

Teacher's note
One day, two girls went to a park. They sat on the
Recap masculine and
grass and watched the butterflies. A boy walked feminine words. Pre-teach
by. He dropped an empty bottle on the ground. The the key vocabulary as
needed. Make use of word/
little girls remembered what their teacher said: picture cards as needed to
facilitate learning. Carry out
“Protect nature. Do not litter.” So, the girls asked oral activities before doing
the Activity in the textbook
the boy to pick up the bottle and put it in a bin. (e.g. match masculine and
feminine opposites, make
____________________________________________________________columns of masculine and
feminine words and get pupils
to provide answers that you
____________________________________________________________write on the board.)
Read the text aloud and
explain the meaning as
needed. Help pupils to read
____________________________________________________________out the text. Then, get them
to do the writing activity.
Note: Some underlined words
____________________________________________________________in the story do not need to
change form. Draw pupils’
attention to this and ask
them if the word needs to be
____________________________________________________________changed or not.

Unit 6: Nature and the Environment


Activity 7a - I complete a ‘Nature Card’.

I am a friend of nature. I see birds flying. I smell fresh

grass and I feel the sunshine on my skin. Are you a friend
of nature too?

I am a friend of nature.

I see...
I smell...

I feel...

I hear... Teacher's note
________________________ ____________________________
Recap key vocabulary.
Pupils may use the words
in the box below to help
________________________ ____________________________
them. Emphasize the
notion that if we are ‘a
friend of nature’, we
________________________ ____________________________
should recycle and protect
the environment, and we
should not pollute. Prepare
________________________ ____________________________
additional activities to
consolidate learning of
the concepts ‘pollution’,
‘recycle’, and environment

flowers birds happy leaves grass breeze

wind sunshine rain bees cold cars

Unit 6: Nature and the Environment

Activity 7b - I write a certificate of friendship.

Certificate of friendship
I award this certificate to

_____________________________ (name)

from __________________________________ (class)

of ____________________________________ (school).

You are my friend because



I am your friend because



Together, we care for nature

__________ Awarded by _________________
(Date) (Your friend)

Teacher's note
Recap key vocabulary as needed. Do this activity orally first. Brainstorm with pupils what makes
a good friend. Ask them what they like about their friends and write these responses on the board.
Then, ask them if they think they are a good friend to others and get them to justify their answers.
If pupils provide different responses, add these to the ones on the board. Ask pupils how they can
care for nature together. Brainstorm ideas on the board.Pupils may do this activity in their copybooks
before writing in their textbooks. As an additional activity, pupils may add their own drawings to
the certificate.

Unit 6: Nature and the Environment

Cut out the pictures below and paste them

to decorate your card.

Teacher's note
Materials needed: Bristol paper, glue, scissors, colouring pencils. Get pupils to make their own nature cards.
They may use Activity 7 as a model for writing and use these pictures to decorate. Pupils may also draw
and colour their own pictures. They may also cut and paste a few pictures on to the ‘Nature Card’ page
in their textbooks

Unit 6: Nature and the Environment

Unit 6: Nature and the Environment

Activity 8 - I learn: Possessive pronouns.


In Grade 2 we learned possessive adjectives.
Can you name them?
Now, we will learn possessive pronouns.
Let’s look at the pictures and read the sentences.

I am Brenda.
This is my school-bag. The school-bag is mine.

You are Kevin.

This is your book. The book is yours.

Teacher's note
Carry out oral activities
to recap possessive
He is Hans. adjectives. Go through
This is his dog. The dog is his. the examples in the
textbook one at a
time, drawing pupils’
attention to the
possessive pronouns.
Get pupils to repeat
after you. Using the
board, explain to pupils
She is Kelly. the possessive pronoun
for 'it'.
This is her jacket. The jacket is hers.

We are Kim and Jess.

This is our rabbit. The rabbit is ours.

They are Yash and Bruno.

They are playing with their toys. The toys
are theirs.

Unit 6: Nature and the Environment

Activity 8a - I write the correct possessive adjectives and

possessive pronouns.

Personal pronouns Possessive adjectives Possessive pronouns







Activity 8b - I fill in the blanks with the correct possessive pronouns.

Teacher's note
Prepare additional
1. This dog is __________________ . (I) exercises to consolidate

2. These building blocks are _________________. (we)

3. This book is _________________. (he)

4. Those umbrellas are _________________. (they)

5. The medal is _________________. (you)

6. The gifts and balloons are________________. (her)

Unit 6: Nature and the Environment

Activity 9 - I listen to and read a poem. honics

I underline words with the sound / /.

Do you remember some words with the / / sound?

Underline the words in this poem which have this sound.

Look! It’s a book!

Teacher's note
The cook is reading a book. This activity is for the/ /
sound as found in the
Look! It’s a ball of wool! word ‘look’.

The wool is on the wood.

Look! It’s a hook!

The hook is next to the hood.

Activity 10a - I listen to and read the words.

I draw the correct pictures.

nut sun cup Teacher's note

Note that this activity is for the / Λ /
sound as found in the word ‘up’.
Using word/picture cards, briefly
recap the sound / Λ /.
You may choose words randomly to
read aloud. Get pupils to put their
finger on the word. Read it out lay-
ing emphasis on the vowel sound.
Get pupils to repeat after you.
Explain the meaning of the word.
Ask them if they can hear the
jug bus drum / Λ / sound and if they hear it at
the beginning, middle or end of the
word. If they cannot hear it, repeat
as necessary until pupils can
recognise it. Select several pupils to
read out the words. Get pupils to
draw a corresponding picture for
each word. Use the word/picture
cards as needed for support.

Unit 6: Nature and the Environment

Activity 10b - I fill in the blanks with the correct letters.

Choose the correct letters from the box below

to fill in the blanks.

um ut ug un up

t h ___ ___ b m ___ ___ b ___ ___

___ ___ b r e l l a h ___ ___

Unit 6: Nature and the Environment

Activity 11a - I choose and write the correct words. I circle the
pictures with the sound / /. a

flower cow sun hand mouse clown tree

mouth pig cloud house owl
Teacher's note

This activity is for the /a / sound as found in the word ‘cow’.

If you think there are too many words, you may take one row at a time.

Activity 11b - I circle the correct letters and I fill in the blanks.

1 c r__ __ n ow a ou 4 f l __ __ r oi ow ou

2 r __ __ n d aw oo ou 5 s h __ __ e r o a ow

3 h __ __ l oo oi ow 6 b r__ __ n ou ow aw

Unit 6: Nature and the Environment

Unit 6 End of unit Unit six 6

Activity 1 - I read and I write true or false.

1. Flowers are important in nature. ___________

2. It is good to clean my yard. ___________

3. It is good to cut down lots of trees. ___________

4. We use paper-bags in Mauritius. ___________

5. Killing animals and birds is funny. ___________

6. It is good to litter. ___________

7. It is bad to light fires in a forest. ___________

Unit 6: Nature and the Environment


Activity 2a - I put the verbs in the Simple Present Tense.

Do you remember how to use the simple present tense?

1. Meena ___________________ up early in the morning. (to wake)

2. The children ___________________ in the school yard. (to play)

3. The dog ___________________ at night. (to bark)

4. Mother ___________________ food for the family. (to prepare)

5. He ___________________ a big fish in the river. (to catch)

Teacher's note
Recap simple present
tense as needed. Use
the board to facilitate
learning. Help pupils
to read aloud their
complete sentences.

Unit 6: Nature and the Environment

Activity 2b - I make sentences using the simple present tense.

The teacher go television.

The boys clean cakes.

I writes my bedroom.

Veena likes on the board.

You watch to a football match.

1. _______________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________

4. _______________________________________________________

5. _______________________________________________________

Teacher's note
Note that there is only one correct option for each subject in the first column. Check that pupils write
correctly using capital letters and full-stops. Help pupils to read aloud their complete sentences.

Unit 6: Nature and the Environment

Activity 3a - I complete the following sentences with do or does.

1. Mira ___________ her homework by herself.

2. ___________ you have a pet ?

3. ___________ mother like to read?

4. The pupils ___________ activities every day .

Activity 3b - I write the sentences in the interrogative

form using ‘do’ or ‘does’.

Remember! Put a question mark (?) Teacher's note

at the end of each question. Recap the interrogative
form using ‘do’ and ‘does’.
Provide examples on
the board to recap how
to change affirmative
sentences into interrogative
form. Do the activity orally
1. Vic makes a kite using coloured papers. first before letting pupils write
in their textbooks.


2. The children swim in the sea.


3. They collect shells on the beach.


Unit 6: Nature and the Environment

Activity 4a - I match part A with the negative sentence in part B.

Teacher's note
Remember! We put “not” This activity consolidates learning of
both negative forms ‘do/does not’ and
in the negative sentence. ‘is/are not’.


Rina is eating an ice cream. We do not live in a big house.

Father washes the car. The pupils are not playing quietly.

The pupils are working quietly. Grandmother does not wash the car.

They live in a big house. Kristel is not eating an ice cream.

Unit 6: Nature and the Environment

Activity 4b - I write the sentences in the negative form using

do not or does not.

1. Sonia grows beautiful flowers in her garden.


2. Birds fly over the hills.


3. They keep their classroom clean.


4. Tommy collects shells on the beach.


5. I like playing football.


Unit 6: Nature and the Environment

Activity 5 - I fill in the blanks with the correct possessive pronouns.

1. This pencil is for Sara. It is ____________

2. Give me my book. It is ____________

3. These marbles belong to Jim. They are ____________

4. We live here. This house is ____________

5. The brothers have a pet dog. The dog is ____________

Activity 6 - I identify and colour the word with the same sound
in each row.

1. book bird cook boy soil

2. crown cat bear brown sun

3. cup leaf fly rain mug

4. wood bed nest wool plate

Unit 7: Travelling the world

Travelling the world

Unit Seven

Unit 7: Travelling the world


Activity 1 - I listen to and read a rhyme.

The world is big but it can look small,

There’s lots of space for us all.

The world is big and the world is round,

There are many ways to travel around.

You can travel in a bus,

You can travel in a train,

You can travel in a boat,

You can travel in a plane.

There are many things to do and see,

You can travel the world with friends and family!

Unit 7: Travelling the world

Activity 2 - I talk about different countries.

The Grade 3 Team is learning about different countries. The friends take
turns to talk about each country.
Teacher's note

Read aloud the short text

Where are you from? and characters’ dialogue.
Explain the meaning of words
as needed. Pre-teach key
vocabulary. Take one country
Tell me about your country. at a time, read aloud and
get pupils to repeat after you.
Help pupils to do this activity
as a role-play, taking turns to
ask each other ‘where are
you from’ and ‘tell me about
Brazil your country’. You do not
need to do all countries in
one lesson.

I am from Brazil. We have a huge rainforest. We

have famous football teams and football players.


I am from Canada. We speak English and French.

There is a lot of nature here. We protect
our wildlife.


I am from Australia. There are many unique

animals here. We also have poisonous insects
and reptiles.

Unit 7: Travelling the world


I am from Egypt. We have big deserts and

pyramids. One of the longest rivers in the
world is found here.


I am from China. We have the biggest population

in the world. The giant panda is found here.


I am from India. We speak many different

languages. We make Bollywood films.


I am from Italy. We like to eat fish, pasta, and

pizza. We make famous cars.


I am from Seychelles. It is an island in the Indian

Ocean. Our national bird is the Black Parrot.

Unit 7: Travelling the world

Activity 3 - I cut and paste the flags in the correct box.

Mauritius India Brazil

Italy Canada Australia

Seychelles China Egypt

Unit 7: Travelling the world

Unit 7: Travelling the world

Teacher's note
Brainstorm on the flag of
Mauritius, describe it and
explain its importance.
Help pupils to talk about
some flags they already
know. Pre-teach key words
then proceed to the activity.
Pupils may refer to Activity 2
to help them complete this
cut and paste activity.

Unit 7: Travelling the world

Unit 7: Travelling the world

Activity 4 - I copy the correct word for each picture.

car bus boat train airplane taxi passport bag suitcase

camera map ticket hotel

Teacher's note
Recap key vocabulary. Carry out the
activity orally first before letting pupils
write in their textbooks. Get pupils to look
at the pictures carefully and name the
things they see. Brainstorm and discuss
the idea of going on a holiday. If you
consider there are too many words, take
one row at a time.

Unit 7: Travelling the world


Activity 5 - I listen to and read a poem.

I will travel around the world,

I will meet other boys and girls,

I will learn about other children’s ways,

I will know their languages and their names,

Ni hao
I will learn to play new games. Hola Bonjour

I will cross the seas and deserts,

I will climb the mountains high,

I will see the cities, take some photos,

And then I will say “goodbye”.

Teacher's note
Pre-teach key vocabulary. Read aloud once for pupils to listen. Then read aloud line by line, getting
pupils to repeat after you. Prepare post-reading activities (oral activities as well as written exercises)
to formatively assess pupils understanding of the poem. Brainstorm with pupils countries they have
visited or would like to visit and why.

Unit 7: Travelling the world


Activity 6 - I write a postcard.

To _______________________________

I travelled to _____________________________________________

I went with _______________________________________________

We travelled by ____________________________________________

We will stay for ____________________________________________

So far, we have visited _______________________________________

I enjoyed ________________________________________________

From ___________________________

Teacher's note
Show different postcards to pupils and discuss them. Pre-teach key vocabulary. Do the activity
orally first. You may do this as a shared writing activity. Take the first line and brainstorm responses
with pupils. Write these on the board. Then get pupils to choose and write their answers. Pupils do
not need to choose the same answer. Proceed in the same way for the following lines. Pupils may
write their postcard in their copybooks first before doing the activity in their textbooks. Help pupils to
read their postcards aloud once they have completed the activity. As an additional activity, you
may get pupils to make a postcard by drawing and colouring one side of an A5 size sheet of Bristol
paper, and writing their message on the other side.

Unit 7: Travelling the world

Activity 7a - I learn: Irregular past tense.

Do you remember we learned the past tense in Unit 5?

There are some verbs that change completely in the
past tense. Let’s learn together! Match the verb to its
corresponding past tense.

sit saw

wake ate

come sat

see said

eat took

tell woke

get came

make told

take got

say made

Teacher's note
Carry out the activity orally first. You may use the board
to facilitate learning. You do not need to do all words in one lesson.

Unit 7: Travelling the world

Activity 7b - I complete the table with the correct irregular verbs.

Present Tense Irregular Past Tense









Activity 7c - I underline the irregular past tense in the story below.

Gulliver woke up. He was on a beach. Many tiny men came near him. Gulliver

ran away. He went into a cave. The little men saw him. They spoke to Gulliver

nicely and gave him food. Gulliver ate the food and drank some sweet juice.

They took Gulliver to their village. After a few days, Gulliver made a boat. He

said goodbye and sailed back home.

Teacher's note
Read the story aloud line by line and get pupils to repeat after you. For each sentence, question
pupils about which word they think is in irregular past tense. Bring pupils’ attention to the verbs in
irregular past tense. Help them to identify these verbs and underline them.

Unit 7: Travelling the world

Activity 7d - I complete the table below.

Present Tense Irregular Past Tense














Teacher's note
Prepare additional exercises to
consolidate learning.

Unit 7: Travelling the world


Activity 8 - I learn: Past tense of the verb “to have”.

In the past tense has and have become had.

I have I had
You have You had
He has He had
She has She had
It has It had
We have We had
They have They had

Activity 8a - I complete the sentences with the past tense of the

verb “to have”.

a. I _____________ a toy train.

b. The train _____________ black wheels.

c. My grandmother _____________ this doll since she was a little girl.

d. My friends _____________ never seen such a beautiful doll.

e. We _____________ a nice time playing with the doll.

Teacher's note
Briefly explain past tense of the verb ‘to have’. You may use the board to help you. Clearly show
and explain to pupils the present tense and past tense for each pronoun. Carry out Activity 8a orally
first before letting pupils write in their textbooks.

Unit 7: Travelling the world

Activity 9 - I listen to and read a poem.

With A Friend

I can talk with a friend

and walk with a friend,

I can share my umbrella with a friend

and dance in the rain with a friend,

I can play with a friend

Teacher's note
and stay with a friend,
Pre-teach the key vocabulary
as needed before reading the
poem aloud. Help pupils to read
aloud with you. Lay emphasis I can do pair work with a friend
on concepts such as friendship,
sharing, being kind, respect etc. and learn my verbs with a friend

I can eat with a friend

and share with a friend,

I can ride with a friend

and go around the world with a friend,

A friend means so much to me!

(Adapted from “With a friend”- Vivian Gouled)

Unit 7: Travelling the world

Let’s read the following sentences carefully.

The underlined words are adjectives. They
are used to describe nouns.

Teacher's note
Activity 10 - I learn: Adjectives.
Briefly explain adjectives and
how they are used. Make use
of realia as concrete examples
Sabrina is wearing a blue dress. to help pupils understand (e.g.
a round ball, a rough stick,
a soft piece of cotton wool
etc.). Carry out word/picture
Mrs. Ally is a kind woman. card matching activities to
reinforce learning.

The towel is soft.

Sam is wearing a big and round hat.

Sonia is happy.

Activity 10a - I fill in the blanks with the correct adjectives.

red rough small angry round nice heavy

1. Mr. Henry is a _______________ man.

2. Donna is playing with her ______________ sailboat.

3. Father is _______________.

4. The Mauritian flag is _____________, blue, yellow and green in colour.

5. The ball is _____________________.

6. The wall is ____________________.

7. The man is carrying a ________________ suitcase.

Unit 7: Travelling the world

Activity 11 - I learn: The comparative form.

Mika and Sonia are comparing school materials.

I have a long ruler.

My ruler is longer than yours.

My bag is big.

Rahul’s bag is bigger than yours.

Unit 7: Travelling the world

When using the comparative form, we add er

to the adjectives.

Example: Long longer

a. The wall is high. This hill is ______________.

b. The ball is small. The marble is _____________.

c. Mika is tall. His father is _____________.

d. The stick is short. The pencil is _____________.

Some adjectives that end with ‘e’ take only ‘r’

in the comparative form:

Example: brave braver

a. My class is large. Your class is _______________.

b. Bill is wise. Paul is _______________.

c. The path is wide. The street is ______________.

Unit 7: Travelling the world

For some adjectives we double the last

letter and add ‘er’

Example: sad sadder

a. My cat is fat. Your cat is ______________.

b. My dog is big. Your dog is ______________.

c. My book is thin. Your book is ______________.

For adjectives ending with ‘y’ we remove the ‘y‘

and replace it with ‘ier’.

Example: lazy lazier

a. My basket is heavy. Your bag is ______________.

b. My dress is pretty. Her dress is _______________.

c. Mika’s towel is dry. Sonia’s towel is ______________.

Teacher's note
Pre-teach key vocabulary using picture/word cards as needed. As there are several comparative
form grammar rules explained in the textbook, plan more than one lesson so as to facilitate learning
of each one. Prepare additional exercises to consolidate learning (e.g. matching word-cards,
additional worksheets etc.).

Unit 7: Travelling the world

Activity 12a - I read aloud and I circle the / :/ sound. honics

shirt boy sun

farm girl man

lamp circle bird

thirteen flag bread

Teacher's note
This activity focuses on the / :/ sound as found in the word ‘girl’.

Activity 12b - I write words with the / :/ sound.

Unit 7: Travelling the world


Activity 13a - I write the correct missing letters.

I complete with oy or oi .

b ___ ___ t ___ ___ p ___ ___ son

c ___ ___ ns ___ ___ l ___ ___ sters

s ___ ___ l c ___ ___ l v ___ ___ age

Teacher's note
Help pupils to name the pictures in English if they can. Help them to choose the correct letters for words
that are unfamiliar, write it on the board and get pupils to spell them out.. Read each word aloud laying
emphasis on the / / sound and get pupils to repeat after you.

Unit 7: Travelling the world

Activity 13b - I choose and circle the words with the / / sound.

1 2 3

box fish blue

toy old coins

play boy one

4 5 6

train sad foot

beach joyful pointing

voyage afraid dry

Teacher's note
This activity focuses on the / / sound as found in the word ‘boy’. Take one picture at a time.
Read each word aloud for pupils to listen, laying emphasis on the / / sound accordingly. Get
pupils to identify the correct words and read them aloud. Then, get them to circle the word.

Unit 7: Travelling the world

Activity 14 - I circle and I write the correct words with

the / / sound.

deer leg jug

dog tear toy

boy hand fear

friend ear sun

girl year man

Teacher's note
This activity focuses on the / / sound as in the word ‘ear’.

Unit 7: Travelling the world

Unit 7 End of unit Unit seven 7

Activity 1 – I say a tongue twister.

Two tiny turtles travelled to Tamarin.

Activity 2 - I match part A to part B to form sentences.

I copy the sentences.

Sheena was happy to see my cousin.

I saw her friend.

Yesterday, his parents went to visit your grandfather.

You told him a story.

We ate a cake with our family.

Teacher's note
Help pupils to match the correct parts of the sentences. Note that this activity focuses on
irregular past tense but you may draw pupils’ attention to the possessive adjectives in part B
to help pupils match correctly.

Unit 7: Travelling the world

1. ______________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________

4. ______________________________________________________

5. ______________________________________________________

Activity 3 – I tick the correct pictures.

1. Which ruler is longer?

2. Which boy is smaller?

Unit 7: Travelling the world

3. Which t-shirt is larger?

4. Which boy is happier?

Teacher's note

Carry out this activity orally

first. Read each question
aloud and get pupils to tick
5. Which cat is fatter? the correct pictures. For
each picture, help pupils to
say aloud simple sentences
about which one is longer,
smaller, fatter etc. (e.g. the
yellow ruler is longer / the
boy with the blue t-shirt is

Unit 7: Travelling the world

Activity 4 – I colour the pictures with the / / sound in blue.

I colour the pictures with the / :/ sound in yellow.

Teacher's note
Carry out this activity orally. Help pupils to name each picture aloud and identify the vowel
sound. Pupils then colour the pictures accordingly. Provide assistance as needed. As an
additional activity, get pupils to say aloud and write one sentence using one of the words
with the / / sound and one with the / :/ sound.

© Mauritius Institute of Education - 2021

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