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Q.1: Tick the correct answers. [14]

i. 6418x41=
243138 263138 none of these
ii. The rule of the given pattern 3000,600,120,24 is:
Divisible by 5 divisible by 6 none
iii. The missing number in a sequence 150,300,450,_____,750 is:
iv. 600 550 650
v. 7 is a _____ number.
Prime common even
vi. Factors of 12 are:
1,6,2 1,2,3,4,6,12 1,2
vii. First common multiple of 5 and 10 is:
5 10 20
viii. All ______ numbers are divisible by 2.
Odd even prime

Q.2: Attempt any ten questions. [30]

i. 532÷14
ii. 5790÷10
iii. 2245 x 34
iv. 10255 x 35
v. Subtract 32338 from 73563
vi. Find the sum of 26217 and 17890
vii. Write first five multiples of 4
viii. Find first three common multiples of 14 and 21
ix. Find common factor of 4 and 20
x. Write the number 45,673 in words
xi. Write in ascending order: 59,50,49,40,80

Q.3: Compare. [06]

i. 6890 6390

ii. 2184 2184

iii. 55 -55

iv. 6890 6890

v. 2349 2439
vi. 99 80

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