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C1 Advanced

Unit 9 Test
Section 1: Vocabulary
1 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. You can use some of the words more than once.
There are three words you do not need to use.

ear boggling brain brainchild brainstorm

mind reader scan teaser wave

1 You have to _____________ in mind that you need to get a visa to travel to that country.
2 I found his lecture on the space-time continuum absolutely mind-_____________.
3 When you visit my parents, _____________ your language – they’re rather old-fashioned.
4 We had a great _____________ this morning and came up with some exciting ideas for the
product launch.
5 Britain lost a lot of highly-qualified people to the technology industry in America in the
_____________ drain of the 1990s.
6 Never _____________ about the match. You should be working on your thesis this evening.
7 You’d need to be a mind _____________ to work out her intentions as she’s so unpredictable.
8 This invention was the _____________ of my father, who spent his whole life perfecting its

2 Choose the correct alternatives to complete the text.

Genevieve didn’t mind living (1) unaccompanied/alone/lone at all. She loved doing things
(2) by herself/to herself/all to herself and, in fact, whenever anyone wanted to visit her, she tried to put them
off as she preferred to live her life (3) lacking/for/without anyone else. Consequently, many people thought
she was rather weird living in a big old house – ten rooms all (4) unaccompanied/to herself/lone. After all,
there were many families who had nowhere decent to live and she could accommodate two families at least
in that sprawling manor she had lived in all her life. Her (5) solitary/unaccompanied/alone existence had
become the talk of the village over the past few weeks, especially as a building company wanted to build ten
new homes on the village green to house people who lived in cramped conditions.


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C1 Advanced
Unit 9 Test

Section 2: Grammar
3 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

When I first started learning Korean by myself I thought it (1) _____________ (go) to be easy because I had
a gift for languages. I had a plan of action and I (2) _____________ (aim) to take my first exam in about six
months’ time. However, I hadn’t realised how difficult it (3) _____________ (be). For a start, I couldn’t tune
my ears into the pronunciation. Everything I heard went in one ear and out the other without my
understanding anything. The other issue was, of course, the alphabet. Since I’m a very visual person, I was
convinced that this (4) _____________ (facilitate) my ability to learn the characters. Unfortunately, my
optimism was misplaced and I soon began to realise that I (5) _____________ (struggle) to even master the

I (6) _____________ (be about) to give up and cancel the test booking when a friend told me about his
Korean teacher Soo-Jin Lee. He said that she was fantastic and I should call her. I was delighted because I
was trying to think of some way to remedy the situation; the test was getting closer and I was worried I
(7) _____________ (not stand) a chance of passing if my current rate of learning continued. From our first
class, we hit it off and I became much more aware of where I’d gone wrong when I was trying to learn by
myself. What I had failed to appreciate was the length of time required to learn the basics. My teacher helped
me to realise that if I (8) _____________ (become) proficient in Korean, what I actually needed to do was to
spend much more time learning the characters and pronunciation at the beginning.


4 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word
given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and six words, including the
word given.

1 Sarah’s car broke down so she couldn’t pick me up from the airport like we’d planned.
Sarah __________________________ from the airport, she couldn’t because her car broke down.
2 I broke my leg so I didn’t go on holiday with my family as we had planned.
My family and I __________________________ together, but I couldn’t go because I broke
my leg.
3 We have advanced our understanding of the brain more than people thought possible fifty
years ago.
Fifty years ago, it __________________________ to predict the advances in our understanding of
how the brain works.
4 I thought I wanted to study psychology, but I decided on medicine in order to study the body not
just the mind.
I __________________________ psychology, but then I realised I wanted to learn about the whole
body so I chose medicine.



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