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Pre-14th Century: Oral Tradition

- Traditional storytelling and folklore were passed down orally.
- Languages like Malay, indigenous dialects, and languages were the primary mediums of

14th Century: Establishment of Brunei Sultanate

- The Brunei Sultanate was founded, marking the influence of Islam on Brunei's culture and

Early Islamic Period

- In the 14th century, Islam was introduced to Brunei by a Muslim Malay trading community.
This marked the beginning of a new era, including the adoption of Malay as the official

15th-17th Century: Malay Literary Influence

- Brunei was influenced by Malay literary works like "Hikayat Hang Tuah" and "Hikayat Seri

16th and 17th Centuries: European Influence

- European powers established trade relations with Brunei, leading to the development of
literature in both Malay and Portuguese.

19th Century: Islamic Texts

- Islamic literature, including religious texts and writings by Muslim scholars, played a pivotal
role in shaping Bruneian literature and language.

Early 20th Century: Royal Chronicles

- The recording of royal chronicles, such as "Adat Istiadat Diraja Brunei," documented Brunei's
history and its rulers.
Late 20th Century: Modern Bruneian Literature
- Writers like Yura Halim and Dato Paduka Haji Mohd Yassin bin Haji Ahmad contributed to
modern Bruneian literature, predominantly in the Malay language.
- Institutions like University Brunei Darussalam (UBD) contributed to literary studies and
publications in Malay.
 Language Preservation
- Efforts to preserve and promote the Malay language and Bruneian cultural heritage through
education and cultural festivals.
 Contemporary Media
- Modern forms of media, such as newspapers, magazines, and online platforms, played a
role in literary expression, cultural documentation, and language preservation.

The languages of Brunei are diverse and reflect the multicultural nature of the country.
Brunei Malay (Bahasa Melayu Brunei) or Kedayan (Kadaian):

 The national language, socially dominant, and replacing minority languages.

 Divergent from standard Malay and mostly mutually unintelligible with it.
Standard Malay:

 The official language of Brunei.

 Also accepted in the printed form and used in all official Brunei government media.
 A standardized version of Malay used in many parts of Maritime Southeast Asia.

 Widely used as a business and official language.

 Spoken by a majority of the population.
 Two daily English-language newspapers in Brunei: Borneo Bulletin and the Brunei
Chinese Languages:

 Hokkien, Cantonese, Hakka, Hoisen, Funchow, and Hainanese are spoken in various
 Mandarin is the language of instruction in private Chinese schools.
Minority Languages:

 Tutong, Belait, Dusun, Bisaya, and Lun Bawang (Murut) are spoken but are being
replaced by Brunei Malay through intermarriage and conversion to Islam.
 Iban, Penan, and Melanau are spoken by immigrants from Sarawak.

 Used by Islamic scholars in Brunei.

 Taught in schools, particularly religious schools.
Indian Languages:

 Spoken by the Indian minority in Brunei.

 Includes Tamil, Malayalam, Telugu, Hindi, and others.
Nepali Languages:

 Spoken by Nepali soldiers stationed in Brunei.

Pidgin (Sabah Malay):

 Used as a local trade language.

In addition to the linguistic diversity, Brunei's literature is predominantly written in Malay or

English. Traditional poetry styles like "Sajak" and epic poems like "Sya’ir Awang Simawn"
are significant in the country's literary tradition. Some works of fiction and literature use Brunei
as a setting, such as "Armageddon" by Dan Brown and "Devil of a State" by Anthony Burgess.
The Language and Literature Bureau plays a crucial role in promoting and developing
literature and folklore in Brunei. They produce textbooks in both English and Malay for use by
students, contributing to the preservation and development of the country's linguistic and literary
Brunei Literature
 The Oilfield Labourers
Type of Character
o Flat: Displays few character traits and often does not change in the whole story
o Round: Has complex traits with distinct personality, background, and motive
o Dynamic: Goes through a dramatic change as a character in the fiction
o Static: Has traits which do not change throughout the story, the same from the
start to the end of the story
 Borneo's Green Heart
Introduction: Brunei Darussalam is often referred to as the "Green Heart of Borneo.
"This poem offers a beautiful and poetic depiction of Brunei, highlighting its key
attributes and characteristics.

An abode of peace: Emphasizes the nation's commitment to harmony and tranquility,

which are essential to its identity.
A treasure of empire: Refers to the historical significance of Brunei as an empire,
showcasing its rich heritage.

A haven of tranquility: Reinforces the idea that Brunei is a peaceful and serene place to

A kingdom of treasures: Possesses substantial wealth, both in terms of natural resources

and cultural heritage.

An oasis of modern empire: Implies that Brunei is a modern and developed nation
amidst its surroundings.

A space of warmth greeting: Suggests that the people of Brunei are welcoming and

A den of hospitable people: Highlights the hospitality and warmth of the Bruneian

A neoclassical form of politics: Approach or ideology that combines elements of

classical political thought with modern influences and adaptations.

A gateway to beyond comports: Suggests that Brunei is a gateway to new opportunities

and experiences.

An avenue of understanding: Implies that the nation fosters understanding and harmony
among its people.

An environment of treasures: Reiterates the idea that Brunei is rich in natural resources
and cultural heritage.

An ancient Sultanate kingdom: Highlights the historical and cultural significance of

Brunei as a Sultanate.

An indeed pampering Brunei Darussalam: Country is known for its ability to cater to
the needs and desires of individuals, ensuring they feel pampered and well taken care of.

Conclusion: This interpretation showcases the positive attributes of Brunei, celebrating

its history, culture, peacefulness, and the warmth of its people. Brunei Darussalam is
truly a gem in the heart of Borneo, a place of beauty and serenity.

 Travel Brunei Darussalam Poem - Bandar Seri Begawan by John Tiong Chunghoo
1. Introduction and Description: The poem begins by introducing Bandar Seri
Begawan and its unique blend of old and new elements
2. Historical Reference: The poem briefly references the historical event of Michael
Jackson's performance for the Sultan's 50th birthday and the release of his last album.
3. The Brunei River: The poem highlights the river's role in showcasing the Sultan's
Palace, the oil industry, and the city's diverse flora and fauna.
4. Cultural and Daily Life: The poem delves into the cultural aspects and daily life of
the city's residents, describing Malay schoolgirls in traditional attire, bleary-eyed
boys, and a newlywed couple.
5. Natural Beauty: The poem celebrates the natural beauty of the region, mentioning
coconut palms, egrets, and proboscis monkeys
6. Historical and Economic References: The poem briefly touches on the economic
importance of oil in the region and historical decisions such as the cession of
7. Emotional Connection: "home sweet home" ; newlywed couple embarking on their
8. Conclusion: “Paradise on earth”

Literary Analysis
The Oilfield Labourers
1. What role does Yasid play in the story? Is it major or minor?
Yazid, a derrick climber, is a major role in the short story entitled, “The Oilfield
Labourers”. He was the primary character in the tale and one of the people who suffered
in the fire conflagrations that reduced their community to ashes. After what happened to
the elderly man who was burned in the incident, he appeared to be very interested in
death. His character led to the plot twist, which was a crucial aspect of the narrative.
2. What is the story all about?
Yazid interacted with his friends and other labourers of the Oilfield.his friends are
important to him as well as the old man that died on fire the night before they went to the
3. What cultures of Brunei are shown in the fiction?
One of culture of Brunei that are shown in the story is how their economy boosted
by means of oil production. They are known to be affluent in oil industry. Another
culture of Brunei is being compassionate and hospitality are shown by Adam towards
Yazid. In the story when Adam asked Yazid, he offered him a place and help him to bury
the old man. Yazid and Jamal highly valuing their friendship and they are always there to
help and support each other.
4. The fiction is also a cliffhanger. It does not tell who fell. Filipino readers do not like
unfinished stories. Add a concluding paragraph or an ending that fits the story's flow.
It's been two months since Jamal passed away. The shock of unexpected death of
Jamal still lingers and they couldn't believe he was gone. Yasid's friends came together to
remember him, they realized that life could be incredibly unpredictable and how
important it is to cherish every moment because in the blink of an eye, the world can
Borneo's Green Heart
1. What is the intention of this of this piece? Why do you think it is created?
“Borneo's Green Heart", a raise about awareness about the environmental of
Borneo's rainforests, often referred to as the "Green Heart of the island". A unique
biodiversity and ecological significance of this region and potentially advocate for
conservation efforts. It is created to educate, inspire action, or promote preservation of
critical ecosystems.
2. Does it serve its purpose?
Whether a piece is successfully serves its purpose depends on its various factors,
including its content and impact. To evaluate its effectiveness, one would need to
consider the piece's influence on raising awareness, promoting conservation efforts,
encouraging action and to protection Borneo's rainforests.
3. Based on the poem, would you expound whether the people of Brunei are proud of their
country or not.
The poem Borneo’s Green Heart shows that the people of Brunei are proud of
their country. Several lines in the poem indicates their appreciation and love for their
country such as “A gem of a nation”, “A kingdom of treasure”, and “An oasis of modern
empire”. These lines collectively express a sense of reverence and aim to highlights the
positive qualities and attributes of Brunei.
4. Write a similar poem about the Philippines.
Pearl of the Orient Seas
A country in the Pacific's embrace,
Where the sun's first rays grace its face.
Islands scattered like pearls divine,
In eastern seas, they intertwine.

A land of nature, in every view,

From Luzon's peaks to Mindanao's blue.
A tapestry of cultures, diverse array,
In the Philippines, traditions light our way.

Pearl of the East, our cherished home,

A place where unity brightly has shone.
The Philippines, where dreams are sown,
In your embrace, we've flourished and known

Travel Brunei Darussalam Poem - Bandar Seri Begawan

1. Why do you think the concert of Michael Jackson is mentioned in the poem?
2. Here's the corrected paragraph with improved grammar:
There are two assumptions. First, it could be that the author is suggesting that Sultan
sees Michael Jackson as a friend who can bring fun to people when they go home.
Second, it also informs us that even the late Michael Jackson admired the beauty of
Brunei. The mention of Michael Jackson's concert in the poem could be interpreted as a
metaphor or a cultural allusion. Pop icon Michael Jackson is well-known worldwide, and
his performances were celebrated everywhere. This allusion could represent how Brunei
embraces and values diverse forms of art and culture. It might be seen as a manifestation
of Brunei's global openness and its participation in international affairs. For readers
familiar with Michael Jackson's songs and his influence on the international
entertainment industry, the inclusion of such a reference can also provide a sense of
relatability.What items are described in the poem? How is each described?
a. Items with Direct Description
 Boats - Motored Boats
 Palace - Gleaming Sultan’s Palace
 blouse and skirt - Long white blouse and ocean blue skirt
 Egrets - Orange and black species of egrets
 Monkeys - Long flabby nose, human like faces

b. Items with oblique description

The natural beauty, cultural practices, and historical sites of Brunei are all mentioned
in the poem. Each of these components is presented in a distinct and stirring way

 The majestic mosques. - the poem depicts the magnificent mosques of Brunei,
showcasing their wonderful construction and symbolic value. They are
referred to as "opulent," which accurately captures their grandeur and beauty.
 The water Village - The water village is referred to as having a "Venetian way
of life," which alludes to a distinctive and beautiful way of life that is
comparable to the famous water city of Venice.
 "Houses on stilts" describes the charming image of classic homes perched
over the river. The jungle and rainforest As a way of highlighting their
lushness and the sensation of awe they evoke
 The jungle and rainforests are referred to as "green giants." The sultans place
 The Sultan's Palace is described as "glorious" and "shining white,"
emphasizing its importance to history and culture. The river When the river's
waters are described as "glistening," an impression of pristine beauty is

3. How the persona in the poem value the country?

The persona in the poem values the country through showing us the fascinating
nature and culture in Brunei Darussalam and telling us the poignant experiences that built
the beauty and uniqueness of that country. We all have different ways of showing how
we value our country and the author of this poem expresses the worth of their country by
creating a magnificent poem and how author mesmerized by the beauty of his own

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