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- Mark Scheme /

Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

1 1
C - have the same speed as
radio waves when in a vacuum.

2 ultraviolet / UV OR 1
X-ray OR
γ / gamma (rays)

3 electromagnetic (1) 3
seven (1)
red (1)

4 any two from: 2

remote controls
(infrared) sensors / alarms
specific electrical appliances
thermal imaging

5 (microwaves) 3 × 10 m / s (1) 2
(X-rays) 3 × 10 m / s (1)
- Mark Scheme /

Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

6 any three from: 3

- shielding of operator behind
screen / lead apron / out of room
AND to absorb radiation
- shielding of other parts of
patient with lead / shielding of
other parts of patient AND to
absorb radiation
- distance from source AND
reduces intensity / amount of
radiation / exposure
- limit time of exposure / not too
frequent / max number of X-rays
per year AND to limit dose
- limit strength / intensity of X-ray
beam AND to limit dose

7 (all five numbers correct from 2 3 numbers correct =

top to bottom =) 1, 4, 5, 3, 2 [1]
- Mark Scheme /

Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

8 X-rays 2
ionising/harmful/dangerous (to
humans) (1)
any one from: (1)
patient rarely exposed
low total dose on patient
meaningful comment about
benefit outweighs danger
dentist frequently exposed
total dose on dentist would be
high if stayed in room

9 infra-red next to visible B1

microwaves next to radio waves B1

10 gamma rays B1

11 any two from: 2

transverse wave
travel at same speed
do not need a medium

12 X-rays 1

[Total: 22]

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