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- Mark Scheme /

Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

1 Minimum of one arrow on a field 2

line pointing N → S and not
contradicted (1)
central line perpendicular to
poles of magnets AND at least
two other correct field lines (1)

2(a) (plotting) compass OR iron 3

filings (1)
detail of method (1)
use of (plotting) compass to give
direction of field (1)

2(b) steel 1

3 (1. metal bar PQ is a) 4

(permanent) magnet (1)
(because magnet) repels end Q
(2. metal bar RS is an)
unmagnetised magnetic material
(because magnet) attracts both
ends (of RS) (1)
- Mark Scheme /

Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

4 rods repel OR 2
move apart / away (1)
like / same (type of) charges on
both rods (1)

5 1. force of repulsion circled (1) 2

2. no force circled (1)

6 BOTH copper AND gold ticked 1

i.e. 2nd and 4th boxes

7(a) positive 1

7(b) same charges repel 1

[Total: 17]

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