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DRAFTS: 1,2,2.1,3,4
DRAFT 1: Title


Natural resources:

The term "natural resources" describes the valuable and necessary

elements or substances that can be found in the environment for human survival.
Air, water, minerals, forests, and wildlife are some of these resources. They
supply us with a variety of commodities and services and are essential to the
continuation of life on Earth. To guarantee these resources' availability for future
generations, sustainable management is necessary.

DRAFT 2: 3 Major Articles


1. Natural resources
Abstract (summary)

The term Natural Resources refers to the functional utility that societies derive
from the environment and is widely used in human geography. “Natural”
resources are also a deeply problematic term because the attribution of utility
and value to the nonhuman world is one of the primary means by which
dominant social groups impose order and control upon the world. This entry
encompasses both the managerial and the critical traditions of thinking about
natural resources. These two epistemological traditions are alive and well within
human geography, their different understandings of the function of geographical
knowledge producing one of the liveliest debates within the contemporary
discipline. The entry is divided into three sections. Section one provides a basic
vocabulary by summarizing the primary distinctions and classifications that
geographers (and others) use to differentiate the biophysical world into different
types of natural resources. Section two explores the irreducibly social nature of
resources, highlighting the distinctive interventions by geographers to debates
over resource scarcity, resource access, politics of knowledge, and resource
materialities. The final section considers six distinctive governance problematics
that have arisen around natural resources: exploitation, conservation,
sustainability, adaptive management, integration, and collaboration.

2. Importance of natural resources conservation: Moving toward the

sustainable world
Abstract (summary)

Existence of human civilization depends upon the ecosystem and ecosystem

services. Maintaining daily livelihood is a biggest challenge for human kind
under environmental degradation and changing climate that is taking place in the
21st century. Development of science and technology has increased the
interaction between human and environment, which has led to rapid depletion of
infinite natural resources (NR). This situation is creating alarming issues and
leading to unsustainable use of NR. Hence, the major problems such as food
crisis, water scarcity, temperature rise, deforestation and environmental pollution
are irreversible in nature causing severe damage to the present and future
generation. In this context, natural resource management (NRM) is the need of
the hour that requires a holistic and integrated approach to manage the social,
economic and environmental issues for sustainable use of NRM. There is an
urgent need to focus on the importance of a sustainable ecosystem with NRM. It
will help the future perspective for the existence of humanity on the earth.
Sustainable utilization and efficient use should be the central theme of the NRM
at various spheres of conservation approaches. This chapter is focused on NRM
and conservation toward sustainable development. Therefore, awareness,
improved technology as well as changing the attitude of people from consumeric
to conservative is the need of the hour. In this direction, future research and
development, planning, and policy formulation need to be addressed toward
natural resource conservation.
2. Conservation of natural resources
Abstract (summary)

The importance of natural resources in sustaining productivity and

environmental protection is now relatively more realized than the past. Over the
past few decades or so, more and more attention is being paid all over the world
to conserve the Natural Resources. Natural resources are an important material
basis for a stable economy and social development too. With Industrialization
and Urbanization, mankind’s great demand for natural resources and their large
scale exploitation and consumption has resulted in the weakening, deterioration
and exhaustion of these resources. Human existence depends on the natural
resources and the environment and the maintenance of which is now
increasingly being considered as essential for mankind. As human populations
increase and natural resources become more limited, there is a critical need for
trained conservation professionals in natural resources conservation. Natural
Resources are those environmental gifts which satisfy the human wants. They
are the means of attaining social objectives. Conservation of natural resources is
the wise use of the earth's resources by humanity to achieve its benefits for the
longest possible period of time and ensure availability of these resources for the
further generation. One difficult task faced by all countries is to guarantee the
lasting utilization of natural resources at the lowest possible environmental cost
while still ensuring economic and social development.



Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH 3, no. 9SE (September 30,
: 1–3.
Jhariya, M. K., Banerjee, A., & Meena, R. S. (2022). Importance of natural
resources conservation: Moving toward the sustainable world. In Elsevier
eBooks (pp. 3–27).

Bridge, G., & Wyeth, R. (2020). Natural resources. In Elsevier eBooks (pp.
DRAFT 2.2: 15 articles


1. Conservation of natural resources

The natural resources of the world fall into two main groups. The one,
represented by the products of agriculture and forestry, may be renewed, either
annually or at longer intervals, by cultivation, and may be consumed as income,
while the other, including mineral wealth, must be regarded as capital, and once
consumed is not renewed. Soils should perhaps form a third category, for while
they may be maintained in fertility for thousands of years, as in China, they are
only too easily ruined by careless or greedy exploitation, leading to exhaustion
and erosion, or by mining operations, which may cause subsidence as in parts
of England, or burial under debris through hydraulic mining as in California. This
paper is mainly concerned with the conservation of those mineral resources on
which modern industrial civilization increasingly depends.

2. Natural Resources and Environmental Issues

Natural resources and environmental concerns have been prevalent not only in
India, but in other countries of the world as well, but in most cases, India has
been the major country that has experienced the depletion of natural resources
and environmental degradation. In this research manuscript, the main focus has
been laid upon India; India is the most populous country in the world and with
the impact of population explosion, there is exhaustion of natural resources and
environmental degradation. The main areas that have been highlighted are rural
poverty and environmental degradation, effects of disasters and natural hazards,
assessing risks, impacts and opportunities from natural resources and the
environment, precise insinuations for environment, sustainability and green
development, greening rural development and economic growth and
environmental sustainability. The issues have been taken into account and the
measures also have been underscored that are essential in order to lead to
preservation and sustenance of natural resources and the environment.

3. Sustaining natural resources in a changing environment: evidence,

policy and impact

This article explores the global impacts of a changing environment on the

sustainability of resources. In a global context characterized by continued
population growth and accelerated urbanization in emerging economies and the
least developed regions of the world, pressures on environmental resources are
intensifying. Extreme effects on ecosystems in both urban and rural communities
are of enduring concern, as evidenced in water and food insecurity, and poor air
quality. The author compares varying approaches to the collection and use of
evidence, and the ways in which researchers may influence policy decisions and
their implementation. Drawing on large and small-scale studies conducted in
different regions of the world from a range of disciplinary perspectives, the article
seeks to unravel the triangular relationship between research evidence, policy
and impact, while paying attention to the tools used to assess impact on, and of,
policy. In conclusion, the author considers how coordinated efforts by
academics, public, private and third-sector practitioners across disciplines and
national borders might produce stronger evidence and knowledge with which to
inform decision-makers, empower citizens and achieve sustainable
development, thereby supporting the needs of present and future generations.

4. Natural Resources, Their Importance And Ways Of Conservation

Natural resources are nature’s gift to man, to maintain a comfortable and

peaceful life. Human beings have the responsibility of conserving the resources
by taking the right steps. This will help to maintain the environmental balance
and satisfy the needs to the fullest. For this reason it is important to convey to
people by arranging seminars and conferences, in order to educate the public by
environmental experts. Fast depletion of the resources such as forests, natural
gas, wildlife, oil, petrol etc is the biggest concern. The reason for this depletion is
the improper and excessive use and the growing population that puts a
tremendous strain on nature. A planned and prudent use can protect the
resources from getting extinct. A nation's resources often determine its wealth
and status in the world economic system, by determining its political influence.
Resources are known as capital converted to commodity inputs to infrastructural
capital processes. A wide range of industrial material and biological material
from plant and animal, directly or indirectly are used in production and in
manufacturing of medicine.

5. The Natural Resources And Sustainable Development

The use of natural resources into the productive technological processes means
the direct consumption of resources for satisfaction of needs of products and
services. The exploitation of natural resources can be performed in a complex,
coordinated manner, through the simultaneous satisfaction of more consumption
demands.The actual generation evidently supports the degradation and
sometimes decreasing of natural resources because of the past generations.
The future generation will support not only the actual cost of environmental
degradation, of natural resources diminishing but also the cost of accumulation
into the environment of atmospheric pollutants and toxic heavy metals, of losing
the tropical forests and biodiversity. For this reason it is necessary the actual
consideration of the needs for the future generation, even if that implies
supplementary charges for political institutions that are obliged to satisfy only the
economical, social and environmental demands and needs for the actual

6. Precision conservation of natural resources for sustainable

Soil & Water are the most important limiting factors in enhancing agricultural
production. Effective rainwater management is vital to increase and stabilize
crop yields. The objective of the present study is to effectively conserve the soil
& water by estimating the spatial distribution of runoff for the most probable
rainfall events for the area and considering the structures/earth work etc. already
made in the catchments. A rainfall and runoff model has been developed treating
the area as a network of square grid cells of 10 m/sup 2/. In the present study
United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service Curve
Number method has been used for estimating the runoff in each cell. Finally,
continuous grid maps have been generated to query at each cell: (1) the
catchment's area in Hectares, (2) the runoff quantities in thousands of cubic
meters for various events, (3) the balance runoff after interception in thousands
of cubic meters, (4) the weighted curve number for reference to read runoff from
tables if required, (5) the peak rate of runoff in cumec. Hard copies are prepared
for the same, providing data at selected points. In This work, it is demonstrated
that, we can effectively utilize the facilities offered by GIS to go for precision
conservation and to visualize through simulations to the rural population
interactively to sensitize on conservation and agronomics.

7. All About Renewable and Non-renewable Resources

Resources refer to all the materials present in our environment which are used
by living beings. Natural resources are materials present in nature and are used
by humans. Renewable resources are those which cannot be depleted and
could be reused. Examples of renewable resources include air, water, soil, solar
energy, etc. Natural resources that are limited in quantity are referred to as
non-renewable resources. The examples are coal, petroleum, etc.

8. Managing Natural Resources through Sustainable Environmental


Management of natural resources is pivotal for sustained economic growth—the

increasing ecological footprints causing biocapacity deficit threaten the resource
conservation agenda. The study identified the potential causes and
consequences of natural resource depletion in a broad cross-section of 138
countries. Ecological footprints, international migrant stocks, industrial
value-added, and population growth influenced natural resource capital across
countries. The results show that ecological footprints, industrial value-added,
and population growth are the detrimental factors of resource capital. In contrast,
continued economic growth is helpful to conserve natural resources for future
generations. The rise and fall in natural resource degradation are evident in the
wake of international migrants’ stocks to support an inverted U-shaped
relationship between them. The Granger causality inferences confirmed the
one-way linkages, running from international migrant stocks, economic growth,
and population growth to natural resource degradation. It verifies migrants-led,
affluence-led, and population-led resource degradation. Ecological footprints
Granger causes industrial value-added across countries. The forecasting
estimates suggested that economic growth would likely to influence greater in
magnitude to resource degradation by its innovation shocks of 4.791%, followed
by international migrant stocks, population growth, ecological footprints, and
industrial value added by their innovation shocks of 4.709%, 1.829%, 1.247%,
and 0.700%, respectively. The study concludes that international migrant stocks
should be managed smartly, causing more resource degradation via a channel
of increasing biocapacity deficit across countries.

9. How Can We All Help Conserve Nature?

When we speak about conserving nature, we are really talking about taking care
of our future, because nature provides essential resources for our survival and
enjoyment. We asked an international group of scientists working on different
environmental issues worldwide to identify important practical actions that we
can all do to help conserve nature. We obtained nearly 100 responses and
grouped them into three main categories: (1) Actions to reduce our ecological
footprint; (2) Actions to conserve nature; and (3) Actions that help us connect
with nature. We briefly explain actions that can be performed daily to reduce our
impact on nature, and provide some useful links for further reading.

10. Ways to Conserve Natural Resources at Home

Our planet is our only home and our ultimate provider. Everything that we use in
day-to-day life is directly or indirectly drawn from natural resources. However,
not all natural resources are renewable. Non-renewable resources (like coal, oil,
minerals) cannot be replenished naturally. With a rise in the global population, it
is becoming increasingly important to use these resources judiciously. Reckless
exploitation of these resources has led to a global temperature spike, loss of
biodiversity, and greenhouse emissions.To save these natural resources for the
future generation and reduce environmental degradation we must take steps to
conserve them and promote sustainable living.

11. Investment for a sustainable energy resources in the future

Taking into account that today the consumption of energy has grown six times
since half a century ago, investments are needed for diversifying the sources of
energy consumption and raising the efficiency of energy use. In this article
authors concentrate on declaring trends in the energy field in the last decade,
with emphasis on production, consumption and installed capacity. We also focus
on shaping a view for the Romanian energy market, which even though it is a
net importer of energy, has a great potential for various resources: natural gas,
coal, oil, uranium ore and renewable resources. Finally the subject of financing
investments in renewable energy is discussed. All these arguments combined
may explain our country’s average score for the Energy Sustainability Index that
gives us a middle place in this country ranking.

12. The role of environmental regulatory quality in the relationship between

natural resources and environmental sustainability in sub-Saharan Africa

Natural resources benefit economies through economic growth and

development. However, continuing unsustainable exploitation of these resources
tends to harm the sustainability of the environment. Therefore, this paper
explores the role of environmental regulatory quality (ERQ) in the relationship
between natural resources (NR) and environmental sustainability (ES). The
study covered 28 sub-Saharan African countries (SSA) from 2005-2017.
Regarding the estimations, we utilized cross-sectional dependence, first-and
second-generation unit root, and cointegration tests for preliminary checks.
Finally, we used the system-GMM estimation for the analysis. We found that
environmental regulatory quality improves environmental sustainability in SSA.
We also observed that natural resources degrade environmental sustainability.
Furthermore, we noticed that natural resources complemented environmental
regulatory quality to reduce environmental sustainability in SSA. Therefore, we
establish that ERQ in SSA does not complement NR to induce environmental
sustainability. Based on the findings, we appeal for effective and rigorous
implementation of environmental policies and regulations in SSA.

13. Roles of natural resources, globalization, and technological

innovations in mitigation of environmental degradation in BRI

The environmental issue has become a global problem that needs to be

examined frequently, motivating researchers to investigate it. Thus, the present
study has investigated the asymmetric impact of natural resources, technological
innovation, and globalization on the ecological footprint in the presence of the
environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) in Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) economies.
This research divided the BRI economies into high income, middle-income, and
low-income levels to capture income differences. The study has used annual
time series data from 1990 to 2018. The study applied a novel Augmented Mean
Group estimators method to calculate the robust and reliable outcomes. The
findings show that natural resources drastically damage the environment quality,
whereas technological innovations are helpful in reducing environmental
degradation. Moreover, the result of the interaction term (natural resources and
technological innovations) negatively impacts the ecological footprint.
Interestingly, these findings are similar in the three income groups. In addition,
globalization improves environmental quality in the middle-income BRI
economies but reduces in high-income, low-income, and full sample countries.
Furthermore, the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) concept has been
validated across all BRI economies. In line with these findings, several relevant
policies are recommended for a sustainable environment in the BRI economies.
14. Sustainable Use and Management of Natural Resources in
Construction: The Importance of Recycling

The saving of raw materials to reduce the consumption of non-energy resources,

beyond fossil fuels, and the amount of waste to send to landfill have an interest
in the construction sector, which is one of the main consumers of these
resources. This interest recalls the importance of recycling. This short paper
discusses a number of factors influencing the strengthening of recycling, based
on the author’s multi-year studies and research on sustainable buildings.

15. Sustainable Exploitation of Natural Resources and National Security

Although the presence of natural resources on a country’s territory does not by

itself lead to conflict, in specific situations this may constitute an aggravating
factor for the risks pertaining to a country’s national security and long term
development. The aim of this article is to outline the links and interactions
between the availability of natural resources, their sustainable exploitation and a
country’s national security and stability. The topic of the economics of conflict
has generated a growing interest in the last 20 years, given the changing nature
of the modern conflicts and their underlying economic factors. Some of these
conflicts have been shown to be sustained, if not generated, by the availability of
lucrative natural resources, leading to their classification as “resource wars”.
Following the analysis of the influencing factors, a conclusion can be drawn
regarding the need for the countries relying for their economic development
solely on the exploitation of natural resources to implement sustainable
development measures, not only to promote long term economic growth, but
also in order to avoid this type of conflict.


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Vedantu. (n.d.). All about renewable and non-renewable resources. VEDANTU.

Lee, T., Anser, M. K., Nassani, A. A., Haffar, M., Zaman, K., & Abro, M. M. Q.
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conserve nature? Frontiers for Young Minds, 7.

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DRAFT 3: Sentence outline


l. Introduction
A. Definition of natural resources.
B. Importance of natural resources.

ll. Reasons for conserving natural resources.

A.To support life by supporting ecological balance.
B. To ensure that the future generations will be able to access the
C. It will preserve biodiversity.
D. To make sure the human race survives.

lll. We should conserve our natural resources.

A. Practice Reduce,Reuse,Recycle.
B.Use energy efficient appliances and vehicles.
C.Support sustainable agriculture and forestry practices.
D. Advocate for policies that promote conservation.

lV. Challenges to conserving natural resources.

A.Lack of awareness and education.
B.Resistance to change from individuals and industries.
C.Political and economic barriers.

V. Conclusion
A. Recap about natural resources
Cabanting, Nhoella Khates P. 10/15/23

12STEMB1 Draft #4

EAPP 001

This paper aims to show the ways to conserve our natural resources.

(background information)

The sustainability of our world and future generations depends on the

conservation of natural resources. We may take steps to improve the
environment if we are aware of the many types of resources, the need for
conservation, effective measures for preservation, and the difficulties we

Natural resources are the foundation of the sustainability of our world.Natural

resources are materials created in nature that are used and usable by humans.
They include natural substances like soil, water and energy supplies like coal
and gas that serve to satisfy human needs and wants (Barsch and Bürger 1996;
Minc 1976). The overuse of these resources, however, in recent years has
resulted in their depletion and destruction. Therefore, protecting natural
resources is essential to ensuring a sustainable future for future generations.


Earth’s natural resources include air, water, soil, minerals, plants, and animals.
Conservation is the practice of caring for these resources so all living things can
benefit from them now and in the future.

Living without resources is not possible. For this is why it is important that we
take good care of them. The article seeks to demonstrate how to protect our
natural resources.

II. Body

Using natural resources responsibly is one method to preserve them. We may

reduce the rate of depletion of non-renewable resources like minerals and fossil
fuels by consuming fewer of them. By incorporating energy-efficient habits and
technologies into our daily lives, we may accomplish this. For instance, taking
the bus or carpooling rather than driving alone can cut down on fuel use and
carbon emissions.

Ecosystem conservation is also essential for the preservation of natural

resources. In addition to providing a home for numerous species, forests operate
as carbon sinks, absorbing greenhouse gasses from the atmosphere. Protected
areas and sustainable logging techniques help preserve biodiversity and stop
soil erosion by preserving forests.

III. Conclusion:

In conclusion, conserving natural resources is crucial for a sustainable future.

Resources conservation efforts greatly benefit from responsible consumption
practices like cutting back on energy use and recycling. Additionally, preserving
ecosystems supports the continuation of crucial natural services. As people of
this world, it is our duty to act right now to protect natural resources for the
benefit of our future generations.

ICF. (2021, April 21). Preserving natural resources for future generations.

Conserving Earth. (n.d.).

Fahad, & Fahad. (2020). Ways To Save Natural Resources & Its Conservation.
Earth Reminder.

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