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Basics of Web Design HTML5 and CSS3

3rd Edition Terry Felke-Morris Test

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Basics of Web Design
Instructor Materials Chapter 6 Test Bank
Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer.

1. The _______ is the area between the content and the border.

a. border

b. spacing

c. padding

d. margin

2. The default value for the border property for an element is:

a. 1 pixel

b. 0 pixels

c. 3 pixels

d. 10 pixels

3. When using the box model, the _____ is always transparent.

a. border

b. content

c. spacing

d. margin

4. Which of the following configures a margin for an element with the following values:

top margin 30 pixels, left margin 150 pixels, right margin 0 pixels, and bottom margin 0


a. margin: 150px 20px 0 300px;

b. margin: top-30, left-150, right-0, bottom-0;

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Basics of Web Design
Instructor Materials Chapter 6 Test Bank
c. margin: 30px 0 0 150px;

d. margin: 30px 150px 0 0;

5. Which of the following configures padding for an element with the following values:

top padding 0 pixels, left padding 10 pixels, right padding 10 pixels, bottom padding


a. padding: 0px 10px 20px 10px;

b. padding: 0 10px 20px 10px;

c. padding: 10xp 20px;

d. padding: 20px 10px 10px 0px;

6. Which of the following configures a 1 pixel, solid black border for an element?

a. border-all: #000000;

b. border: 1px solid #000000;

c. border-style: 1px solid #000000;

d. border-top: 1px solid #000000;

7. Which of the following, from outermost to innermost, are components of the box


a. margin, border, padding, content

b. content, padding, border, margin

c. content, margin, padding, border

d. margin, padding, border, content

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Basics of Web Design
Instructor Materials Chapter 6 Test Bank

8. The _______ is between the padding and the margin.

a. border

b. spacing

c. padding

d. content

9. Which of the following is used along with the width property to configure centered

page content?

a. margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto

b. margin: top-10, left-0, right-0, bottom-10;

c. margin: 15px 0 5px 0;

d. margin: 20px;

10. When configuring the background color of an element, the background color is

applied to both the content and ______ areas.

a. border

b. padding

c. margin

d. extra

11. Use the ________________ property to configure rounded corners with CSS.

a. border-round

b. border-radius

c. box-shadow

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Basics of Web Design
Instructor Materials Chapter 6 Test Bank
d. background-corner

12. The CSS3 _______ property configures the transparency of an element.

a. opacity

b. transparency

c. background-opacity

d. opacity-background

13. A _________________ is a smooth blending of shades from one color to another.

a. transition

b. transform

c. shadow

d. gradient

14. The ___________________ property configures a shadow effect on the text

displayed within an element.

a. box-shadow

b. linear-gradient

c. text-shadow

d. shadow

15. Use the ________________ property to confine the display of the background


a. background-image

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Basics of Web Design
Instructor Materials Chapter 6 Test Bank
b. background-clip

c. background-origin

d. background-size

16. Use the ___________________ property to resize or scale the background image.

a. background-image

b. background-clip

c. background-origin

d. background-size

17. The letters in the acronym HSLA indicate:

a. hue, selection, lightness, alpha

b. hue, saturation, luminosity, alpha

c. hue, saturation, lightness, alpha

d. hue, shade, luminosity, alpha

18. Use the __________ property to configure a minimum width for an element

a. width

b. minimum-width

c. min-width

d. m-width

19. Use the _______ property to configure a linear gradient.

a. linear-gradient

b. background-color

c. background-image

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Basics of Web Design
Instructor Materials Chapter 6 Test Bank
d. opacity

20. The CSS opacity property configures the display of _____________

a. only the background

b. only the text

c. neither the text or the background

d. both the text and the background

21. Use the __________ property to configure a maximum width for an element

a. width

b. maximum-width

c. max-width

d. width-max

22. Which of the following is NOT a valid value for the border-style property?

a. dashed

b. groove

c. solid

d. triple

True or False.

23. ____ A border can be configured on only one side of an element

24. ____ HSL color is supported by all browsers.

25. ____ A radial gradient is a smooth blending of color emanating outward from a single


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Basics of Web Design
Instructor Materials Chapter 6 Test Bank

1. c

2. b

3. d

4. c

5. b

6. b

7. a

8. a

9. a

10. b

11. b

12. a

13. d

14. c

15. b

16. d

17. c

18. c

19. c

20. d

21. c

22. d

23. False

24. False

25. True

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