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Scheme of work

Year 8

Year 9
Scheme of work 2023-2024

Week Sections/units First Level of Subject Grammar Strategies/ Notes
page difficulty content phonics
Unit 1.1 My home
1–3 1.1a Là où j’habite 12 Embarquement Who you are, Indefinite article(s) and Nasal vowels Exam-skills tasks:
where you gender Reading (ER1)
live (country, Speaking
region, type (conversation)
of area, type
of house)
1–3 1.1b C’est comment 14 Décollage Describing Definite articles Compile your own Exam-skills tasks:
chez toi ? your house (singular and plural) bilingual vocab lists Reading (ER3)
— rooms, Adjective agreement and learn the words Speaking
design, (number and gender), on them (conversation)
colours including colours Writing (80–90 words)
1–3 1.1c Chez moi, je… 16 Décollage Activities in Subject pronouns + Learn the patterns of Exam-skills tasks:
each room regular -er verbs regular verbs and Listening EL4
present tense + a few apply them whenever
very common irregulars you see a verb that
(être, aller, avoir, faire) looks like one of the
regular conjugations.
1–3 1.1d Dans ma 18 En vol Describing Prepositions of place Exam-skills task:
chambre, il y a… various (easy to use): sur, Speaking (role play)
rooms in sous, dans, entre,
more detail devant, derrière
Unit 1.2 My school
1–6 1.2a À dix heures, 20 Embarquement School time Days, times, both im or in (impossible, Exam-skills tasks:
j’ai maths table and digital and ordinary, intéressant) contrast Reading (ER1)
opinions including 24-hour clock with inn (innocent) Speaking
e.g. et demie/quart, (conversation)
moins le quart, as well
as 9.30, 9.45, 9.15

Cambridge IGCSE™ and IGCSE (9–1) French Third Edition 2

© Hodder & Stoughton 2019
Scheme of work 2023-2024

Week Sections/units First Level of Subject Grammar Strategies/ Notes
page difficulty content phonics
1–6 1.2b Ma journée à 22 Décollage Describing a Reflexive pronouns + Get used to using the Exam-skills tasks:
l’école school day common reflexives e.g. grammar section at Reading (ER4)
se lever, se coucher the back/own Speaking (role play)
reference; read the
explanation before
you do the grammar
1–6 1.2c Mon école 24 Décollage Describing More on prepositions of More on prepositions Exam-skills tasks:
the school place: en face de, près of place: en face de, Listening (EL4)
buildings and de (du, de la, des) près de (du, de la, Speaking
facilities Au rez de chaussée, des) (conversation)
au premier étage etc. Au rez de
chaussée,au premier
étage etc.
1–6 1.2d La vie au 26 En vol Life in a More irregular present Exam-skills tasks:
collège school in tense verbs, e.g. venir, Listening (EL6)
France partir; 2nd and 3rd Speaking (role play)
conjugation regular Writing (130–40
verbs (-ir, -re) words)
Revise subject
pronouns + use of on.

Unit 1.3 My eating

7–9 1.3a Les repas 28 Embarquement Describing Partitive articles (du, de y usually = i (typique, Exam-skills tasks:
typical meals la, des, beaucoup/peu y) but at beginning in Reading (ER1)
(food and de) words from other Speaking
drink) languages it is like (conversation)
English (yaourt)

Cambridge IGCSE™ and IGCSE (9–1) French Third Edition 3

© Hodder & Stoughton 2019
Scheme of work 2023-2024

Week Sections/units First Level of Subject Grammar Strategies/ Notes
page difficulty content phonics
7–9 1.3b La nourriture 30 Décollage Opinions on Irregular adjectives, Give your opinion Exam-skills tasks:
d’ici et d’ailleurs different food e.g. délicieux, frais, whenever you get an Listening (EL4)
(international bon, étranger, gras, opportunity, and then Speaking
tastes) végétarien, meilleur, give the reason for (conversation)
pire (R) the opinion and, if Writing (80–90 words)
Comparative adjectives possible, a
(aussi, plus, moins) justification.
7–9 1.3c Manger 32 En vol Discussing a Meilleur, pire, mieux Exam-skills tasks:
équilibré balanced diet (A) Reading (ER7)
Any relevant irregular
adjectives not included
in 1.3b
Unit 1.4 My body
and my health
10–12 1.4a Aïe, j’ai mal 34 Embarquement Parts of the Expressions with avoir è and ai (also ait, ais) Exam-skills tasks:
body: saying sound the same (très, Reading (ER1)
how well you vrai, allais/t) Speaking (role play)
are (or not)
10–12 1.4b Chez le 36 Décollage Going to the à + definite article Get used to using a Exam-skills tasks:
médecin chemist or Interrogatives, e.g. bilingual dictionary Reading (ER4)
doctor and comment, quand, from French to your Speaking (role play)
explaining depuis quand, pourquoi own language — no
symptoms Depuis with present glossary at the back.
10–12 1.4c Comment 38 Décollage Different Negatives (ne + pas) Build up a bank of Exam-skills tasks:
rester en forme ways of including il n’y a pas de frequently used words Listening (EL4)
keeping fit — Quantifiers (assez, and phrases learn Speaking
sports, très, un peu, trop, them and use them (conversation) Writing
walking beaucoup) regularly. (80–90 words)
instead of
bus etc.

Cambridge IGCSE™ and IGCSE (9–1) French Third Edition 4

© Hodder & Stoughton 2019
Scheme of work 2023-2024

Week Sections/units First Level of Subject Grammar Strategies/ Notes
page difficulty content phonics
10–12 1.4d Une vie saine 40 En vol Healthy More irregular present Exam-skills tasks:
lifestyles tense, e.g. faire, boire, Reading (ER7)
(combination dormir, prendre Speaking (role play)
of diet, Formation of regular
exercise etc.) adverbs and adverbial
expressions of
frequency, e.g.
souvent, une fois par
semaine, régulièrement
Magazine 46 Décollage Le Sénégal
Magazine 48 En vol La Bretagne
Revision corner A1 50 Décollage Compréhensi Middle-level listening
on orale
Revision corner A2 52 Décollage Compréhensi Middle-level reading
on écrite (1) (1)
Revision corner A3 54 Décollage Compréhensi Middle-level reading
on écrite (2) (2)
Unit 2.1 Self,
family, pets,
13–15 2.1a Ma famille 56 Embarquement Introducing S’appeler Phonic focus: ch as in
self, family Describing someone’s Charles a un chat
and pets age (revision of avoir

Cambridge IGCSE™ and IGCSE (9–1) French Third Edition 5

© Hodder & Stoughton 2019
Scheme of work 2023-2024

Week Sections/units First Level of Subject Grammar Strategies/ Notes
page difficulty content phonics
13–15 2.1b Comment sont- 58 Décollage Describing Possessive adjectives: Exam-skills tasks:
ils physiquement ? people mon, ma, mes, ton, ta, Reading (ER4)
physically — tes, son, sa, ses Speaking
self, family, (position, agreement (conversation)
others with noun, liaison)
Asking questions Using
inversion/est-ce que
13–15 2.1c Comment sont- 60 Décollage Describing More irregular Produce material from Exam-skills tasks:
ils de caractère ? people’s adjectives, e.g. each topic to keep for Listening (EL4)
characters paresseux, gentil, revision, e.g. Speaking
mignon, jaloux paragraph containing (conversation)
Position of adjectives main points, mini- Writing (80–90 words)
e.g. mon grand frère, essay, filled-in
mon frère ainé information grid.
How position can
change meaning
13–15 2.1d Les rapports 62 En vol Relationships More reflexive verbs, Exam-skills tasks:
avec les autres with family e.g. s’entendre avec, Listening (EL5)
and others se disputer Speaking (role play)
Introduce singular
disjunctives moi, toi,
lui, elle.
Mon amie etc.
(masculine form before
Unit 2.2 Life at
16–18 2.2a Je me détends 64 Embarquement Leisure Aimer/préférer + Various Exam-skills tasks:
chez moi activities at infinitive pronunciations of s: Reading (ER1)
home Revision of 24-hour like z or s in English Speaking
(computer, clock, e.g. times of TV (danseuse, passe, (conversation)
TV, music programmes and other piscine). Including in
etc.) activities liaison (ils ont)

Cambridge IGCSE™ and IGCSE (9–1) French Third Edition 6

© Hodder & Stoughton 2019
Scheme of work 2023-2024

Week Sections/units First Level of Subject Grammar Strategies/ Notes
page difficulty content phonics
16–18 2.2b Range ta 66 Décollage Jobs in the Imperatives — tu form Improve your spelling, Exam-skills tasks:
chambre ! home [R] e.g. dictate words to Listening (EL6)
your partner, learn Speaking (role play)
how to spell the
16–18 2.2c Bienvenue 68 En vol Visitors to Imperatives — tu and Exam-skills tasks:
chez moi your home vous forms [A] Reading (ER7)
and visiting Speaking (role play)
Unit 2.3 Leisure,
19–21 2.3a Mon temps 70 Embarquement Leisure Jouer + à/de Phonic focus: soft and Exam-skills tasks:
libre activities hard g as in Georges Listening (EL2)
outside the a une guitare Speaking (role play)
19–21 2.3b Tu veux sortir ? 72 Décollage Making plans Near future and other Find examples of the Exam-skills tasks:
— inviting verbs governing the grammar point you Listening (EL3)
and being infinitive, e.g. vouloir, are learning in the Speaking (role play)
invited pouvoir, devoir reading and listening
passages, translate
them into your own
language, and adapt
19–21 2.3c Mes loisirs 74 En vol Describing a Future tense: regular Exam-skills tasks:
week of and common irregular Speaking
activities e.g. aller, faire, être (conversation)
during the Writing (130–40
school words)

Cambridge IGCSE™ and IGCSE (9–1) French Third Edition 7

© Hodder & Stoughton 2019
Scheme of work 2023-2024

Week Sections/units First Level of Subject Grammar Strategies/ Notes
page difficulty content phonics
Unit 2.4 Eating out
22–24 2.4a Je voudrais 76 Embarquement Ordering Ice cream/sandwich Silent x on the end, Exam-skills tasks:
une glace à la fraise drinks and flavours (au, à la) = e.g. aux, eaux + Reading (ER1)
snacks revision of un/une/des liaison before vowel Speaking (role play)
C’est combien ?
22–24 2.4b Je vais au 78 Décollage Dining out in Conditional: je Study role plays given Exam-skills tasks:
restaurant a restaurant voudrais, j’aimerais + in text book, practise Listening (EL4)
noun them aloud with Speaking (role play)
More expressions of partner and adapt
quantity, e.g. verre de, them. Take the
bouteille de, tasse de teacher role as well
as the student role.
22–24 2.4c J’aime manger 80 En vol Comparing Superlative adjectives Exam-skills tasks:
italien different Reading (ER7)
types of food Speaking
in different (conversation),
types of Writing (130–40
restaurant words)
Unit 2.5 Special
25–27 2.5a Jours de fêtes 82 Embarquement Birthdays and Dates (numbers and Phonic focus: é as in
other special months) été
occasions Perfect tense regular
verbs with avoir
25–27 2.5b On fait la fête 84 Décollage Organising a Perfect tense common Use the verb tables Exam-skills tasks:
avec les copains party with irregular verbs and and gradually build up Listening (EL3)
friends, e.g. a verbs with être a knowledge bank of Speaking
barbecue the most common (conversation)
irregular verb forms.

Cambridge IGCSE™ and IGCSE (9–1) French Third Edition 8

© Hodder & Stoughton 2019
Scheme of work 2023-2024

Week Sections/units First Level of Subject Grammar Strategies/ Notes
page difficulty content phonics
25–27 2.5c Une occasion 86 En vol Describing a More on perfect tense Exam-skills tasks:
spéciale special including agreement of Reading (ER6)
occasion in past participle Speaking
the past (conversation)
Writing (130–40
Unit 2.6 Going on
28–30 2.6a Quel genre de 88 Embarquement Countries, Au/en + country Phonic focus: silent s Exam-skills tasks:
vacances ? types of À meaning to or at (+ at the end of a word Reading (ER2)
holidays, au, à la, aux) and how it is Speaking
preferences pronounced when (conversation)
you add an e.
28–30 2.6b Tu passes de 90 Décollage Holiday Adverbial expressions Include examples of Exam-skills tasks:
bonnes vacances ? information, of time and place ((3) A present, past and Reading
travel 2b) future tenses Speaking
activities Use and position of y wherever possible if (conversation)
(R) relevant.
28–30 2.6c Projets de 92 En vol Discussing More irregular future Exam-skills tasks:
vacances future holiday tense, e.g. avoir, Listening (EL6)
plans pouvoir, voir, venir Speaking (role play)
Active use of y Writing (130–40
Unit 2.7 Family and
friends abroad
31–33 2.7a Ma famille 94 Embarquement Contacts in Nationalities (nouns Phonic focus: o as in Exam-skills tasks:
habite à l’étranger other and adjectives w eau, au or aux Reading (ER1)
countries and agreement) and Speaking
possibility of languages = small (conversation)
visiting them letter, countries =

Cambridge IGCSE™ and IGCSE (9–1) French Third Edition 9

© Hodder & Stoughton 2019
Scheme of work 2023-2024

Week Sections/units First Level of Subject Grammar Strategies/ Notes
page difficulty content phonics
31–33 2.7b Je vais chez 96 Décollage Visiting family Tu and vous forms, Understand when to Exam-skills tasks:
ma famille à and friends register use formal and Listening (EL4)
l’étranger abroad informal register Speaking (role play)
31–33 2.7c J’ai rendu visite 98 En vol Describing Imperfect tense Make sure you Exam-skills tasks:
à ma famille à past visits to understand when you Reading (ER4)
l’étranger friends and need the imperfect Speaking
family in tense and when you (conversation)
other need the perfect Writing (130–140
countries tense words)
Magazine 104 Décollage La Martinique
Magazine 106 En vol La Provence
Revision corner B1 108 Décollage Écrire une Middle-level writing
Revision corner B2 110 Décollage Préparation Include work on Role-play practice
jeu de rôle intonation, liaison,
Unit 3.1 Home
town and
34–36 3.1a Je vais en ville 112 Embarquement Describing Conjunctions: alors, gn like Spanish ñ Exam-skills tasks:
home town car, donc, ou, et, mais, (oignon) Speaking (role play)
and area parce que, quand
34–36 3.1b À la campagne 114 Décollage Describing Quantifiers all in list [R] Formulate and learn Exam-skills tasks:
et en ville town and your own responses Reading (ER4)
country to the most likely Speaking
locations, questions to come up (conversation)
giving in each topic.

Cambridge IGCSE™ and IGCSE (9–1) French Third Edition 10

© Hodder & Stoughton 2019
Scheme of work 2023-2024

Week Sections/units First Level of Subject Grammar Strategies/ Notes
page difficulty content phonics
34–36 3.1c Je déteste ma 116 En vol Advantages Quantifiers all in list [A] Exam-skills tasks:
ville and Listening (EL4)
disadvantage Writing (130–40
s of different words)
places to live

Cambridge IGCSE™ and IGCSE (9–1) French Third Edition 11

© Hodder & Stoughton 2019
Scheme of work 2023-2024

Week Sections/units First Level of Subject Grammar Strategies/ Notes
page difficulty content phonics
Unit 3.2 Shopping
1–3 3.2a Qu’est-ce 118 Embarquement What is for Cardinal numbers, up Soft c (with i or e or ç) Exam-skills tasks:
qu’on achète ? sale in to 100 + hard c with a, o or u Speaking (role play)
various Interrogative: Quel / (sounds same as qu
shops, prices quelle ? etc. and k)
1–3 3.2b Faisons les 120 Décollage Shopping for Revision of quantities + Make notes as you Exam-skills tasks:
courses food, e.g. paquet, 500 g, listen but remember Listening (EL4)
supermarket litre, kilo, morceau … to cross them out Speaking (role play)
and small de (see core vocab) afterwards.
shops Demonstrative
adjectives (A),
including -ci, -là
1–3 3.2c Achetons des 122 Décollage Shopping for More on possessives: Circumlocution: Exam-skills tasks:
cadeaux presents, votre/notre/leur + finding ways around Reading (ER3)
including plurals words you cannot Speaking (role play)
explaining More on register remember or do not
what shape know, particularly
things are useful in role play
and what
they are
made of
1–3 3.2d Tu penses que 124 En vol Shopping for Interrogatives qui, quoi, Exam-skills tasks:
ça me va ? clothes que (A) Speaking
including Lequel etc (R) (conversation)

Cambridge IGCSE™ and IGCSE (9–1) French Third Edition 12

© Hodder & Stoughton 2019
Scheme of work 2023-2024

Week Sections/units First Level of Subject Grammar Strategies/ Notes
page difficulty content phonics
Unit 3.3 Public
4, 5 3.3a Parlons de 126 Embarquement Banks, Cardinal numbers over i as in billet, bouteille Exam-skills tasks:
l’argent changing 100 contrasted with i (file, Speaking (role play)
money, post il)
4, 5 3.3b On reste en 128 Décollage Post office, Relative pronouns qui, Listen to native Exam-skills tasks:
contact ? phone, que, qu’, (dont) speakers regularly, Listening (EL4)
internet in e.g. access audio and Speaking
Francophone listen again. (conversation) Writing
country (80–90 words)
4, 5 3.3c Zut, j’ai perdu 130 En vol Lost property Preceding direct and Exam-skills tasks:
mes clés… scenarios indirect object Reading (ER6)
pronouns, including pp Speaking (role play),
agreement Writing (130–40
Unit 3.4 Natural
6–8 3.4a 132 Embarquement Things I do to Il faut + infinitive silent ent on the end Exam-skills tasks:
L’environnement et help the + on doit + inf of present tense Speaking (role play),
moi environment verbs contrasting with Writing (short
ent in other places answers)
(les poules du
couvent couvent)
6–8 3.4b On adore les 134 Décollage National Present participle (R) When you give a Exam-skills tasks:
parcs nationaux parks in including with en piece of information, Reading (ER4)
Francophone back it up with extra Speaking
countries and details whenever (conversation),
their possible. Writing (80–90 words)

Cambridge IGCSE™ and IGCSE (9–1) French Third Edition 13

© Hodder & Stoughton 2019
Scheme of work 2023-2024

Week Sections/units First Level of Subject Grammar Strategies/ Notes
page difficulty content phonics
6–8 3.4c Notre 136 En vol Environment Present participle (A) Exam-skills tasks:
environnement est al problems including with en Reading (ER5)
en danger ! and possible Listening (EL6)
solutions Speaking
(conversation) Writing
(130–40 words)
Unit 3.5 Weather
9, 10 3.5a Le temps qu’il 138 Embarquement Describing Compass directions h usually silent but Exam-skills tasks:
fait weather in (including au before can be aspirate Listening (EL2)
different parts and de after) (contrast habiter with
of haricots)
9, 10 3.5b Les prévisions 140 Décollage Weather Si + present + future Get the general gist Exam-skills tasks:
météorologiques forecasts (R) first (R&L), then sift Reading (ER4)
out the details you Writing (80–90 words)
need, watching out
carefully for distractor
9, 10 3.5c Les 142 En vol Weather Common expressions Exam-skills tasks:
changements de problems, followed by the Listening (EL6)
climat climate subjunctive of regular Speaking
change, verbs (R) (conversation)
weather in
the past

Cambridge IGCSE™ and IGCSE (9–1) French Third Edition 14

© Hodder & Stoughton 2019
Scheme of work 2023-2024

Week Sections/units First Level of Subject Grammar Strategies/ Notes
page difficulty content phonics
Unit 3.6 Finding
the way
11–13 3.6a Trouver son 144 Embarquement Giving simple Pour aller à…. ion (television / Exam-skills tasks:
chemin directions in station / nation etc.) Reading (ER2)
town Speaking (role play)
11–13 3.6b Ça se trouve 146 Décollage Explaining Ça (A)/ceci /cela (R) se Adapt phrases you Exam-skills tasks:
où, s’il vous where places trouver already know by Listening (EL3)
plaît… ? are in town heart, as it helps you Speaking (role play)
to deliver accurate
and authentic
11–13 3.6c Pouvez-vous 148 En vol Understandin Cela, ceci, celui/celle- Exam-skills tasks:
expliquez g more là/-ci Reading (ER6)
exactement… ? complicated Speaking
instructions (conversation) Writing
(130–40 words)
Unit 3.7 Travel and
14, 15 3.7a On se déplace 150 Embarquement Different En/à + means of Phonic focus: eu as in Exam-skills tasks:
types of transport chez eux Speaking
transport: (conversation)
getting to
school /
work / going
on holiday

Cambridge IGCSE™ and IGCSE (9–1) French Third Edition 15

© Hodder & Stoughton 2019
Scheme of work 2023-2024

Week Sections/units First Level of Subject Grammar Strategies/ Notes
page difficulty content phonics
14, 15 3.7b On y va à pied 152 Décollage Travelling on Venir de + present Practise asking Exam-skills tasks:
ou en bus ? foot and by tense questions as well as Listening (EL3)
bus answering them. Speaking (role play)
Make sure you know
all the question forms.
Learn to predict
questions that might
14, 15 3.7c Les 154 En vol Describing a Venir de + present and Exam-skills tasks:
déplacements route in town imperfect Reading
urbains Revise prepositions of Speaking (role play)
place and add au bord Writing (130–40
de, loin de (du, de la, words)
des, de l’)
Magazine spread 160 Décollage La Suisse
Magazine spread 162 En vol Le Maroc
Revision corner C1 164 En vol Activités Higher-level listening
d’écoute plus
Revision corner C2 167 En vol Exercices de Higher-level reading
lecture plus

Cambridge IGCSE™ and IGCSE (9–1) French Third Edition 16

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Week Sections/units First Level of Subject Grammar Strategies/ Notes
page difficulty content phonics
Unit 4.1 French
16, 17 4.1a 170 Décollage French Less common In conversations Exam-skills tasks:
L’enseignement secondary negatives ne… jamais, remember to include Listening (EL4)
secondaire en school ne…rien, ne… opinions and extra Speaking
France system personne, ne….plus, details. Also make (conversation)
ne…que comparisons with
Ordinal numbers your own experience
where possible.
16, 17 4.1b Mes souvenirs 172 En vol Primary Le mien, le tien etc. Exam-skills tasks:
de l’école primaire school More practice with Reading (ER7)
memories imperfect tense Speaking (role play)
Writing (130–40
Unit 4.2 Further
education and
18, 19 4.2a Après le 174 Décollage Different Disjunctive/emphatic Study the questions Exam-skills tasks:
collège pathways - pronouns: moi, je …, first (R & L) — they Reading (ER4)
young people pour toi, pour lui, pour will give you an idea Speaking (role play)
talking elle about what is coming.
18, 19 4.2b Mes projets 176 En vol Higher Conditional tense, Exam-skills tasks:
d’avenir education present Listening (EL5)
and career Speaking
possibilities - (conversation)
sixth formers Writing (130–40
talking about words)
future plans

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Unit 4.3 Future
career plans
20, 21 4.3a Les métiers 178 Décollage Different All negatives + ne… Recognise cognates Exam-skills tasks:
types of jobs aucun, ne….ni…ni (R) and near-cognates to Reading (ER3)
and careers - help you work out Speaking
your own, meaning. (conversation)
people you
20, 21 4.3b Mon futur 180 En vol Various Ne…aucun, ne…ni…ni Exam-skills tasks:
métier people (A) Listening (EL6)
talking about Conditional tense — Speaking (role play)
career perfect Writing (130–40
pathways words)
Unit 4.4
22, 23 4.4a J’arrête les 182 Décollage Part-time and Expressions of time: Do not leave gaps, Exam-skills tasks:
études pendant un gap-year jobs pendant, il y a, pour e.g. make an Reading (ER4)
an ! educated guess. Speaking (role play),
Writing (80–90 words)
22, 23 4.4b Je vais poser 184 En vol Job adverts Quand + future tense Exam-skills tasks:
ma candidature and Years, e.g. 1998 (in Listening (EL6)
applications context of CV) Speaking

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Unit 4.5
and technology at
24–26 4.5a Je vais leur 186 Décollage Communicati Distinguishing/using Learn to infer Exam-skills tasks:
téléphoner ng by mixed tenses, e.g. in meaning — Listening (EL4)
telephone at answerphone sometimes the Speaking (role play)
work messages answer needs a bit of
working out.
24–26 4.5b L’informatique 188 Décollage Information Forming questions: French intonation Exam-skills tasks:
au travail technology at rising intonation, usually falls towards Reading (ER3)
work inversion, question end of sentence, Writing (80–90 words)
words except with questions
A quelle heure… ? + when it rises
time revision
24–26 4.5c Mon entretien 190 En vol Interview for Après avoir/être Exam-skills tasks:
d’embauche casual work Reading (ER7)
Speaking (role play)
Writing (130–40
Unit 5.1
International travel
27, 28 5.1a Les différents 192 Décollage Travelling Imperfect tense (only Exam-skills tasks:
moyens de transport abroad by previously covered on Speaking (role play),
train, car and En vol spread) Writing (80–90 words)

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Week Sections/units First Level of Subject Grammar Strategies/ Notes
page difficulty content phonics
27, 28 5.1b Vacances en 194 En vol Comparing Passive voice (present Always check your Exam-skills tasks:
groupes different tense) work for accuracy — Reading (ER6)
types of check verb tenses Speaking
holidays and and agreements (conversation),
journeys particularly carefully. Writing (130–40
Unit 5.2 Weather
on holiday
29, 30 5.2a Quel temps 196 Décollage Comparing Pluperfect tense [R] Make sure you Exam-skills tasks:
fait-il dans ce coin ? weather at include all of the Reading (ER3)
various information you are Speaking
holiday asked to give. (conversation),
locations Writing (80–90 words)
29, 30 5.2b Quelles 198 En vol Describing Pluperfect tense [A] Exam-skills tasks:
vacances ! weather and Listening (EL6)
its effects in Speaking (role play)
past holidays
Unit 5.3 Festivals
and faiths
31, 32 5.3a Les fêtes et les 200 Décollage Festivals and Comparative adverbs; Use the grammar Exam-skills tasks:
fois différentes faiths in more on prepositions, clues to help you Listening (EL4)
different parts e.g. contre, malgré, work out meaning. Speaking
of the world sans, sauf, selon (conversation)
Writing (80–90 words)
31, 32 5.3b Une fête de 202 En vol Describing a More on comparative Exam-skills tasks:
famille family adverbs + ne pas si + Reading (ER7)
(religious) adjective; superlative Speaking
festival in a adverbs (conversation)
different part
of the world
with France

Cambridge IGCSE™ and IGCSE (9–1) French Third Edition 20

© Hodder & Stoughton 2019
Scheme of work 2023-2024

Week Sections/units First Level of Subject Grammar Strategies/ Notes
page difficulty content phonics
Unit 5.4
33, 34 5.4a Les recettes 204 Décollage Cooking a Indefinite pronouns + Exam-skills tasks:
d’autres pays meal from a quelque chose, Listening (EL5)
different part quelqu’un Speaking (role play)
of the world
33, 34 5.4b Comment 206 En vol Describing Indefinite adjectives Work with a partner Exam-skills tasks:
mange-t-on à dishes eaten quelque(s) etc. (revise and use peer review Reading
l’étranger ? with family in those covered and on a regular basis. Speaking
a different complete list) Test each other and (conversation)
part of world criticise each other’s Writing (130–40
and work. words)
with France
Unit 5.5
35, 36 5.5a Les problèmes 208 Décollage Environment Revise depuis + Practise different Exam-skills tasks:
de l’environnement al problems present tense and forms of writing you Listening (EL4)
in a particular extend to + imperfect might need in exam, Speaking
area and tense [R] e.g. e-mail, postcard, (conversation)
what is being letter, essay.
35, 36 5.5b Les solutions 210 En vol Spotlight on a Verbs governing Exam-skills tasks:
environnementales different infinitives with Reading (ER6)
canadiennes area, what prepositions e.g. Speaking
has been commencer à, refuser (conversation)
done and de Writing (130–40
future plans words)
Magazine spread 216 Décollage La Belgique
Magazine spread 218 En vol La Nouvelle-

Cambridge IGCSE™ and IGCSE (9–1) French Third Edition 21

© Hodder & Stoughton 2019
Scheme of work 2023-2024

Week Sections/units First Level of Subject Grammar Strategies/ Notes
page difficulty content phonics
Revision corner D1 220 En vol Améliorer Higher-level writing
votre français
Revision corner D2 222 En vol Une Include work on Higher-level topic
conversation intonation, liaison, conversation
naturelle pronunciation

Cambridge IGCSE™ and IGCSE (9–1) French Third Edition 22

© Hodder & Stoughton 2019

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