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Picture Sources

These are the picture sources we did in revision period. Uploading them for your reference.
Picture source is always of 5 marks. First tell what you see in the picture then explain the event
which is shown in the pic.
How to attempt a Picture source:

 What you see

 What is the objective

Q. According to the source, what do you understand about the relation of Pakistan and India? [5]
Q. According to the source, what do you know about the U2 incident? [5]


Q. According to the source, what do you know about the tension between USA and USSR in the year
1960? [5]

Liaqat Ali Khan with American President Harry Trumen

Q. According to the source, what do you know about the relations of Pakistan and USA in 1950? [5]
Lt. Gen. A. K. Niazi & Lt. Gen. Jagjit Singh Aurora signing the document in 1971

Q. What does Source tell us about the outcome of the conflict between East Pakistan and West Pakistan
in 1971? [5]

Questions discussed in class:

We have discussed several questions from different topics of the final term syllabus. For your
reference, you can find the questions of these topics in past papers. I have mentioned at least 1
year for each topic where you can find the question. REMEMBER: if you need good marks in
your paper you must practice questions from past papers. Always check CAIE marking scheme.

 East India Company was interested in the subcontinent [7] [June-2020]

 cause of the War of Independence in 1857 [10] [June - 2020]
 The battle of Buxar. [nov-2021]
 Mir Qasim? [4] [June - 2020]
 why Britain was able to expand into the subcontinent [7] [June - 2020]
 To what extent were the outcomes of the War of Independence beneficial for India?
Explain your answer. [14] [June-2021]
 cause of the War of Independence in 1857 [14] [June-2022]
 establishment of the All-India Muslim League in 1906 [June-2022]
 Why the Muslim League was formed in 1906. [7] [June-2021]
 Opposition of the Morley–Minto reforms of 1909. [7] [nov-2021]
 1905 Partition of Bengal [14] [June - 2020]

Relations of Pakistan with other countries:

 Why did Pakistan apply for membership of the United Nations in 1947? [7]
[N-2019, 5b]
 Explain why Pakistan has given continued support to the Palestinian cause. [7]
[J-2018, 4b]
 Pak – Afghanistan (2017) [N-2014, 5c]
 Pak – Uk & Commonwealth [N-2019, 5c] [N-2016, 5c]
 Pak – China [14] [N -2018, 5c]
 Pak – World Organizations [14] [N-2017, 4c] , [N-2021, 4c]
 Pak – USSR [14] [N-2017, 5c]
 Pak - Bangladesh [10] [J-2016, 1d]
 Pak – Bangladesh [14] [J-2022, 5c]
 Pak – USA [J-2015, 4c] , [J-2021, 5c]
Q: Why has Pakistan supported the Palestinian cause? [7]
Ans: Pakistan has been supporting Palestinian cause for three important reasons.

Firstly, even before the partition, Muslims of the subcontinent had supported the cause of
Palestinians and had rendered political, moral and material support to them. The spirit of
Islamic brotherhood continued even after the partition. The torching of Al-Aqsa Mosque in
1969 by Jews added fuel to the fire.

Secondly, one of the cornerstones of Pakistan’s foreign policy was the support of suppressed
nations. Pakistan has always been against oppression, colonialism, discrimination and had
supported the right of self-determination of every nation. Pakistan has always condemned
Israel and supported the Palestinians on all international forums.

Thirdly, Pakistan has not recognised Israel. Ever since the emergence of Israel state in 1948,
Pakistan has opposed the unjust and unfair policy of western powers who arranged and
supported the settlement of Jews from all parts of the world or unlawfully occupied Arab lands.

Pakistan has raised on the forum of OIC for the rights of Palestinian people and withdrawal of
Israeli forces from the occupied territories.

Q: Why did Pakistan join United Nations? [7]

Ans: United Nations was founded after World War II. Pakistan joined the UNO in September
1947. There were several reasons for this:

Firstly, as a new-born independent country, Pakistan was anxious to be recognised as an

independent country in the world. Moreover, since India was already a member of UNO even
before 1947, Pakistan was also keen to get its membership. As a sovereign state, it was
important for Pakistan to join UNO to make its identity accepted by the world.

Secondly, just after the partition Pakistan was faced with the problem of the accession of the
states of Junagarh, Hyderabad and Kashmir. It was vital for Pakistan to seek the membership in
order to present her case before the Security Council effectively. Furthermore, on 1 st April 1948,
India had shut off the water supplies to Pakistan (Canal Water Dispute). So to find a solutions to
such problems, Pakistan joined UNO. UNO supported Pakistan by helping it draw a treaty with
India (Indus Water Treaty, 1960) with the help of World Bank.
Thirdly, Pakistan was keen to play its role in supporting the independence struggle of several
Asian and African countries. So to play its role as a peaceful nation against colonization, racial
discrimination, territorial and regional aggression, Pakistan joined the UNO in 1947.
Q: How successful had Pakistan been as a member of world organisations between 1947 and
1999? Explain your answer. [14]
Ans: Pakistan has been taking keen and active interest in international organisations. Pakistan
joined UNO in September 1947. In the beginning Pakistan remained involved in arguments
about rights of Kashmiris and the solution for the Kashmir problem in which Pakistan was not

But later, Pakistan has been very active in the proceedings of the United Nations and the
Pakistani delegations made effective contribution for the independence of many states, which
were under colonial rule in 1950s particularly in case of Muslim states such as Palestine.
Pakistan has contributed effectively and regularly to the United Nations peace-keeping missions
in African and Asian countries. Pakistan was elected thrice as member of the Security Council.
Pakistan was effective in getting resolutions passed in General Assembly asking for withdrawal
of Soviet troops from Afghanistan and always supported the Palestinian and Arab cause.
Chaudhry Zafarullah Khan of Pakistan worked as a judge of international Court of Justice for a
number of years. Thus, on the whole Pakistan has been a successful member of UNO.

Pakistan was far more enthusiastic about CENTO because other member states were mostly
Muslim. Pakistan regularly tried to persuade the other members to establish a unified
command for CENTO. However, despite regular meetings, the group never developed a
permanent structure or a system for raising troops for mutual defence. The USA supported
CENTO, but never actually joined. Thus by 1979 the organisation had quietly dissolved. In
September 1954, Pakistan joined SEATO, but the decision faced opposition from within the
Pakistan government and so the treaty was not ratified until 1955. The treaty also applied to
only against the communist aggression, thus Pakistan was to receive no help for its wars with
India. Pakistan had also hoped for a permanent military force to protect all member countries
against any attack – it was, however, not accepted. It did not support Pakistan during 1965 and
1971 wars. Finally Bhutto withdrew from the organisation in 1972 after the Bangladesh Crisis.
Therefore, the membership of SEATO and CENTO has not been successful on part of Pakistan.

Since the foundation of OIC, Pakistan had been an active member of it and had been actively
participating in the activities of OIC aimed at Islamic unity, solidarity and stability. Pakistan has
also taken part in all summits and conferences held under the banner of OIC. Pakistan also
contributed her due share in all respects for the achievement of its objectives. It had raised
voice for the Palestinian Cause. Sharif-udin-Pirzada, the former minister of Pakistan, have been
the Secretary-General of OIC. The summit showed that Pakistan had many friends all over the
Muslim world. One result was that Pak was receiving aid from fellow Islamic countries, like Iran
(giving loans totalling $730 million). Thus Pakistan also remained a prominent member of OIC.

On 21st July 1964, largely as a result of the work of Ayub Khan, Turkey, Iran and Pakistan set up
the Regional Cooperation for Development (RCD). This encouraged the three countries to
develop closer trade links and help each other with industrial projects, such as setting up mills,
and factories.
In case of Canal Water Dispute, the UN played a significant role when the President of the
World Bank made a recommendation that it should provide financial and technical support to
resolve the disagreement. This proposal formed the basis of the Indus Water Treaty signed in
September 1959. The World Bank also provided finance to help establish hydro-electricity and
soil reclamation programmes which have been vital for the stimulation of Pakistan’s economy
and industries.

Pakistan has been an active member of NAM organization and took active part in its
deliberations. Pakistan has been an effective member of Common wealth except during the
1972-1989. Pakistan has always stood for justice, equality, peace, security and rights of the

On the whole Pakistan has been quite successful as a member of world organizations.

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