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Group 4


Question 1: What are the pros and cons of Classical Approaches?
Advantages (Pros) Disadvantages (Cons)
- Limited emphasis on job satisfaction and
- Clear organization hierarchy
human relations
- An easy-to-understand division of labor
- Increased levels of pressure placed on
- Increased productivity through monetary
rewards (salary, compensation & benefits)
- Restricts the implementation of new
- Single-leader decision-making
ideas and concepts

Advantages of the Classical Management Theory

While not as common within the modern workplace, the classical management theory can
provide several benefits in the appropriate business setting.
- Clear organization hierarchy
The classical management theory includes three distinct levels of management within an
organization: business owners and/or executives with the highest level of authority to set
the organization’s long-term goals, middle management overseeing managers and setting
department-level goals, supervisors or managers who oversee the day-to-day operations
of that company or enterprise.
This provides a clear outline of responsibilities and objectives for each member of
management and reduces confusion as to what a particular manager should focus on.
- An easy-to-understand division of labor
Under the classical management theory, organizations establish clear labor divisions that
plainly outline an employee’s expectations and duties. Tasks are typically easier to
understand and employees are given specific projects to complete that fall within their
abilities and specializations. As a result, productivity is often increased and workers
avoid having to multitask to fulfill their duties.
- Increased productivity through monetary rewards
The classical management theory believes that employees are strongly motivated by their
physical needs and monetary incentives. Organizations that implement this management
style often incorporate regular opportunities for employees to be rewarded for their
productivity with incentives. This can increase an employee’s feeling of appreciation
through recognition of their accomplishments as well as make it easier for managers to
motivate workers and members.
- Single-leader decision-making
A primary component of the classical management theory is that a single leader or a
select few leaders make decisions on behalf of a company. Organizations that use this
management method make decisions at the highest level and then communicate them
down the management ladder. This can be beneficial for companies that regularly need
decisions to be made quickly or for smaller businesses that rely on a single leader.

Disadvantages of the classical management theory

As with many management styles, the classical management theory also comes with a
few disadvantages that may make this type of management inappropriate for a particular
company or enterprise.
- Limited emphasis on employee job satisfaction and human relations
This theory focuses primarily on the physical needs of an employee and can overlook
their social needs, which is a vital component for some in their overall job satisfaction.
For example, the classical management theory does not consider a worker’s need to
connect with others in the workplace or utilize creativity when performing duties. This
can be a disadvantage for companies that rely on teamwork, creative contributions, and
open communication.
- Increased levels of pressure placed on employees
The classical management theory is primarily concerned with an employee’s productivity
and output. As a result, employees can feel increased pressure to complete tasks in a
certain period, leading to stress and discouragement.
- Restricts the implementation of new ideas and concepts
This management theory is based on the belief that there is one right way to complete
tasks for maximum production. As a result, an organization’s ability to grow and
implement new ideas and concepts is often limited. In turn, employees may feel restricted
in their ability to express their ideas and unique values

⇒ Although the classical theory of management is not prevalent in the modern age,
certain principles and branches of the classical theory still find use in today’s
organizations, especially Weber’s principles of bureaucratic management.
Question 2: What are the pros and cons of Behavioral Approaches?

Advantages (Pros) Disadvantages (Cons)

- Overemphrasis on external
- Increase productivity
- Neglecting the internal motivation
- Focus on teamworking
- Lack of focusing on individual
- Simple to understand and adjust
- Suitable for every Individual
- Limited in long - term development

Disadvantages of the behavioral approach:

- Overemphasis on external motivation
When management treats employees with rewards excessively to motivate working
abilities, this may create the trends of getting used to those privileges. Workers may only
perform their tasks if they receive special rewards. When these benefits were removed,
they might lose their interest and motivation in work => creating a decrease in
enterprises’ long-term profit.

- Neglecting the internal motivation

What needs to motivate people not only from outside influences, but also from their
internal factors, such as the desire to engage in meaningful work, personal growth,
autonomy, etc. These instinctive activities or favors probably trigger creativity,
innovation and job satisfaction. Focus solely on the outside motivation can somehow
refuse to work, which directly affects efficiency.

- Lack of focus on individual needs

The management tends to treat people in homogeneous groups, assuming that the
incentives for everyone may be the same. This, in the long term, limited the people’s
ability to move on in the future. The reasons are that each individual has their own needs,
aspiration and values. Holistically treating people might cause indifference in working.
- Limited in long-term development
Behavioral approach is the term that may used for those who focusing on treating people
with rewards when they complete their task. In some cases, many managers fail to notice
that humans are not robots. Using external motivation somehow forms people into a mold
that when they finish some work effectively, they will receive privileges. This
phenomenon would treat individuals as passive objects to be controlled rather than active
participants in their own development.

Advantages of behavioral approach:

- Increase productivity:
Based on the theory of Mayo’s Hawthron experiments, a group of telephone line workers
were separated and observed working in a private room. During their workday, the group
members were given privileges such as a change in pay-rate, or the freedom to leave
their work
=> They produced more than the others employees, cause they felt their managements
care about their well-being.

- Focus on teamworking
Each individual in the holistic group will definitely affect each other. Building a
community which people develop their skills homogenously may create general progress.
On top of that, when people receive rewards in the same way, not only they can motivate
each other, but also cause no jealousy in communication.

- Simple to understand and adjust

Addmittely, this simple approach may be feasible in professional environments. The
reason is that the behavioral approach solely concentrates on observable behaviors, which
people can intimate and follow incredibly. For instance, some of the new employees first
coming to the enterprises may have no experience to work. However, following their
leader, professionals will definitely benefit them to far more development.

- Suitable for every individual

It can be seen that behavioral approach is feasible and practical in real-life situations. In
fact, this is not a kind of experiment required practice, it can be adapted to everyone. This
kind of approach focuses on how people behave in reality then rewards are given to them
in a wish that these privileges will satisfy the employees. Each person is always craving
praise and compliments. This practice, therefore, does wonders for enterprises in the long
Definition of Classical Approaches
Classical Theory is the traditional theory that emerged in the late 19th century and early
20th century, wherein more emphasis is on the organization rather than the employees
working therein. According to the classical theory, the organization is considered as a
machine and the human beings are different components/parts of that machine.
The Classical Theory has the following characteristics:
● It is built on an accounting model.
● Emphasizing detecting errors and correcting them once they have been committed.
● It is more concerned with the amount of output than the human beings.
● Human beings are considered to be relatively homogeneous and unmodifiable.
Thus, labor is not divided on the basis of different kinds of jobs to be performed in
an organization or company.
● It is assumed that employees are relatively stable in terms of the change, in an
organization or company.
● It is assumed that the authority and control should be vested with the central
authority only, in order to have a centralized and integrated system.
Classical Approaches were divided into three branches:
Scientific Management (Frederick W. Taylor)
● Focusing on scientific methods and empirical research to examine the most
effective methods to accomplish specific tasks
● It aims to extract the best out of every employee by assigning jobs based on
employee skill set and competency
● Workflow is divided between managers and employees. Managers strategize,
train, and monitor employees; employees perform their assigned roles

Advantages (Pros) Disadvantages (Cons)

Potential worker dissatisfaction,
Increased productivity and cost reduction monotony, and limited attention to
employee well-being
Taylor’s scientific management principles
- Develop a science for each element of work
- Scientifically Select, Train, Teach, and Develop the worker
- Cooperate with the Worker
- Divide the Work and Responsibility
Administrative Management ( Henri Fayol)

● It aims to improve organizational productivity by focusing on methods that

managers can use to synchronize internal processes
● Fayol believed managerial practices are key to driving efficiency in organizations
● Seeking to heighten managerial performance instead of individual worker/member
efficiency in organization.
Advantages (Pros) Disadvantages (Cons)
Clear lines of authority and efficient Potential communication barriers and
coordination inflexibility in adapting to change

Principles of management ( Henri Fayol): Fundamental rules of management that could

be applied in all organizational situations and taught in schools.
Specialization increases output by making
Division of work
employees more efficient.

Managers must be able to give orders, and

authority gives them this right

Employees must obey and respect the rules that

govern the organization.

Every employee should receive orders from

Unity of command
only one superior

The organization should have a single plan of

Unity of direction
action to guide managers and workers.

The interests of an employee or group of

Subordination of individual interests
employees should not take precedence over the
to the general interest
interests of the organization as a whole.

Workers must be paid a fair wage for their


This term refers to the degree to which

subordinates are involved in decision-making.

The line of authority from top management to

Scalar Chain
the lowest ranks is the scalar chain.
People and materials should be in the right
place at the right time.

Managers should be kind and fair to their


Management should provide orderly personnel

Stability of tenure of personnel planning and ensure that replacements are
available to fill vacancies

Employees allowed to originate and carry out

plans will exert high levels.

Promoting team spirit builds harmony and unity

Esprit de corps
within an organization

Bureaucratic Management (Max Weber)

● An ideal organization, or bureaucracy, has a hierarchical structure of management
with clearly defined rules and regulations.
● Labor is divided and relationships are impersonal. This ensures order and
uniformity throughout an organization, producing a specialized workforce.

Advantages (Pros) Disadvantages (Cons)

Clear rules and procedures, fairness, Excessive red tape, slow decision-making
consistency, and predictability in decision- processes, potential resistance to change,
making potential dehumanization of employees
Characteristics of Weber’s Bureaucracy

Division of Labor Jobs broken down into simple, routine,

and well-defined tasks
Authority Hierarchy Positions organized in a hierarchy with a
clear chain of command
Formal Selection People selected for jobs based on technical
Formal Rules and Regulations System of written rules and standard
operating procedures
Impersonality Uniform application of rules and controls,
not according to personalities
Career Orientation Managers are career professionals, not
owners of units they manage

Definition of behavioral approach

The behavioral approach suggests that the keys to understanding development

are observable behavior and external stimuli in the environment. Behaviorism is
a theory of learning, and learning theories focus on how we are conditioned to
respond to events or stimuli. These theories explain how experience determines

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