Jean Kalib English

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Topic: The Power of Positive Thought

This topic tells us about the positivity of thought and its impact or power in the life of men. Among all
the creatures of God, only one was endowed with the ability to think and that is Man.

In our work, we chose to speak about "THE POWER OF POSITIVE THOUGHT"

In order to open eyes of even two people for therir future life and that, in our booklet we are going to
see that we talked abit about:

 Conséquences of negative thoughts in our life.

 Advantages of positive thoughts in our life.

Then our booklet is divided in three big parts

1. BTC/NCT History
2. The power of positive thought
3. Conclusion

To do this, there are two types of men in matters of thought including:

 The Pessimists (Pessimism)

 The Optimists (Obtimism)

Pessimism Philosophically speaking, Pessimism is a philosophical doctrine according to which evil

prevails over good.

The word Pessimism is commonly defined as the opinion or state of mind of those who believe that
everything is going badly.

"Despite the bad feeling that creeps into me, I continue to hope, sometimes I override my pessimism
and find myself disappointed in good" as the philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre said in his work nausea
published in 1938

A pessimist is therefore a person who always feels attracted to the negative side of a thing.

Optimist According to didactics, optimism is a philosophical doctrine that holds that all that exists is the
best possible. Ordinarily, optimism is a certain disposition to see things brightly, not to worry about
present embarrassments and to sharpen it well for the future. An optimist is therefore a person who
always seeks to see the positive side of a thing.

It is in a word "Having a Positive thought" Inde

of articles.
Trust in the future: it is a protection for our health because negative thoughts are often worries of life
and difficulties related to fear.

To be afraid of the future is to be afraid of life and this is the root of diseases such as: Vasculo-Cerebral
Accident (VCA) , hypo and hyper tension,...

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