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Name of members: Section: Photon

- Gabriel James Malla

- Maira Lorein Bolosan
- Joyce Amante

Chapter 1

I. Background

- Improving Urban Environments' Energy Efficiency

Due to their suitability for urban contexts, where space constraints sometimes limit the
installation of conventional horizontal axis wind turbines, vertical axis wind turbines or VAWTs,
have attracted considerable interest. On the other hand, VAWTs are known to perform worse
than their horizontal counterparts in terms of production and energy conversion efficiency. Thus,
a thorough redesign of VAWTs is urgently required to increase their effectiveness and total
energy output, especially in urban areas where clean energy sources are essential for

- Technological Advancement in Wind Turbine Design

Significant technological advances have been made in the field of wind turbine design in recent
years. Advances in aerodynamics, materials science, and control systems have created new
avenues for enhancing VAWT performance and efficiency. Taking advantage of these
advancements is crucial to developing a new generation of VAWTs that can produce more
power and aid in the switch to greener energy sources.

- Aerodynamic Design and Wind Tunnel Testing

An important factor in wind turbine performance is aerodynamics. Computational fluid dynamics
(CFD) simulations and wind tunnel testing can provide useful information for improving the
aerodynamic design of VAWTs. By examining these factors, research can assist in improving
the production and efficiency of VAWT blade forms and combinations.

II. Objectives

- Boost System Reliability and Durability

Enhancing the longevity and dependability of VAWT systems is a primary goal. This can be
accomplished through the use of predictive maintenance strategies, the selection of durable
materials and parts, and the design of systems with fewer maintenance requirements. Higher
availability and less downtime are the results of increased reliability, which eventually improves
output performance.
- Enhance Energy Conversion Efficiency
Enhancing the energy conversion efficiency of vertical axis wind turbines (VAWTs) is one of the
main goals. Redesigning essential parts will optimize the conversion of wind energy into
electrical power, hence raising the VAWT system's total efficiency.

- Create Sophisticated Control Systems

To improve the performance of VAWTs and adapt them to changing wind conditions,
sophisticated control systems must be developed. Optimizing energy capture through intelligent
control tactics and real-time monitoring should be the goal, particularly in low-wind or turbulent

III. Significance of the Study

- The significance of the study "A Comprehensive Redesign of Vertical Axis Wind
Turbines: Improving Efficiency and Output Performance" lies in its potential to address
critical issues in renewable energy generation. By enhancing the efficiency and output
performance of vertical axis wind turbines, this research can contribute to several
important aspects:

● Renewable Energy Advancement: This study can play a pivotal role in

advancing renewable energy sources, particularly wind power. A more efficient
vertical axis wind turbine design can help harness wind energy more effectively,
reducing our reliance on fossil fuels and decreasing greenhouse gas emissions.

● Energy Sustainability: Improved wind turbine efficiency directly impacts the

sustainability of energy production. It can increase the viability of wind energy as
a consistent and reliable power source, promoting long-term sustainability.

● Economic Benefits: Increased efficiency and output can lead to economic

benefits, such as reduced energy production costs and potentially lower
electricity prices for consumers. Additionally, it can foster the growth of the wind
energy industry, creating job opportunities and stimulating economic growth.

● Environmental Impact: This research has the potential to reduce the

environmental impact of energy production. Higher wind turbine efficiency means
fewer turbines are needed to generate the same amount of power, resulting in
less land use and minimized disruption to ecosystems.

● Energy Grid Reliability: Enhanced wind turbine performance can contribute to

grid stability and reliability by providing a more predictable and consistent power
source. This is crucial for balancing the intermittency of renewable energy
sources with energy demand.
● Technological Advancement: Innovations in wind turbine design can lead to
advancements in related technologies, such as materials, manufacturing
processes, and monitoring systems, with applications beyond just wind power.

In summary, the study's significance lies in its potential to drive positive changes in
renewable energy generation, sustainability, economics, and the environment, while also
contributing to technological progress in the field.
IV. Scope and Limitations
- The research scope encompasses the redesigning and enhancement of Vertical Axis
Wind Turbines, with a specific focus on improving their efficiency and output
performance through aerodynamic design, energy conversion optimization, and their role
within the wider context of renewable energy generation. However, it is important to
acknowledge some limitations in this research, including the study's exclusive focus on
VAWTs, technical complexity, potential resource restrictions, limitations in
generalizability to all VAWT models and locations, restrictions related to the study's
timeframe, and the inherent challenge of fully addressing all environmental and
economic factors influencing wind energy outcomes.

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