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Valed Asynchronous Class

Gabriel James Malla

DG: 10/31/23
TG :2:10 pm

1. Define Magnanimity
Magnanimity is a quality of being generous, forgiving, and noble in spirit l, often
showing kindness and compassion towards others, especially in times of victory or
power. It involves a willingness to rise above pettiness and resentment.
2. What does it mean to be a magnanimous person ?
Being a magnanimous person meanshowing generosity, forgiveness, and a noble spirit
in your actions and attitudes, especially when you have the opportunity to be petty
or seek revenge. It involves being kind and compassionate, particularly in moments
of triumph and power.
3. What is the role of upright and just friendship?
Upright and just friendship plays a crucial role when it comes to providing mutual
support, trust, and a sense of moral grounding. Such friendships are built on
honesty, fairness, and integrity, and they help individuals grow as they rely on
each other’s ethical guidance and support.
4. Differentiate compassion and empathy
Compassion is about action, while empathy is about understanding

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