Modeling and Mapping The Spatial-Temporal Changes in Land Use and Land Cover in Lagos: A Dynamics For Building A Sustainable Urban City

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Advances in Space Research 72 (2023) 694–710

Modeling and mapping the spatial–temporal changes in land use

and land cover in Lagos: A dynamics for building a sustainable
urban city
Mfoniso Asuquo Enoh a,⇑, Richard Ebere Njoku b, Uzoma Chinenye Okeke c
Department of Geoinformatics and Surveying, University of Nigeria, Nigeria
Department of Surveying and Geoinformatics, Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Nigeria
Department of Surveying and Geoinformatics, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria

Received 24 February 2022; received in revised form 6 June 2022; accepted 17 July 2022
Available online 5 August 2022


Lagos is Africa’s most populous megacity and one of the world’s fastest-growing urban areas. Lagos city’s land use and land cover
(LU/LC) classes have changed dramatically in recent decades as a result of its continuing population growth and other human and
anthropogenic activities. The UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development must be adopted in order to preserve the available land
cover classes in Lagos. Goal 11 of the Sustainable Development Goals aims to make cities and human settlements more inclusive, safe,
resilient, and long-term. The use of remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS) to track the progress of SDG 11 is an
essential strategy. Remote sensing and geographic information systems were used to model and analyze the data in this study. To achieve
this aim, remotely sensed data, such as Landsat 7 ETM + and 8 OLI, was used to determine the rate of changes in Lagos from 2010 to
2020 by adopting the Maximum Likelihood Classifier (MLC) and then project the likely changes that may occur by 2025 and 2030.
Observed ground truthing information was adopted for validation and for checking the accuracy of the classification. The result shows
that from 2010 to 2015 and to 2020, built-up area had increased from 11.73 % to 12.81 % and finally to 29.51 %, while agricultural land
declined by 11.84 % to 3.37 % and then to 2.99 %. Water bodies and wetland percentages decreased from 19.00 % and 19.50 % in 2010 to
17.39 % and 8.48 % in 2015, and to 18.37 % and 16.92 % in 2020. Forest land and bare land classes have also changed from 25.4 % and
12.52 % in 2010, to 33.37 % and 24.58 % in 2015, and to 18.10 % and 14.11 % in 2020. The study shows that remote sensing and GIS are
excellent tools for monitoring the environment and for the development of a sustainable city.
Ó 2022 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Lagos; Land Cover; Sustainable Cities; Sustainable Development; United Nations

1. Introduction boom in world megacities, especially within developing

countries. The Economic and Social Department of the
All over the universe, there is an unprecedented increase United Nation (2018) highlights that within the last six dec-
in urban cities (Shaw and Das, 2018; Zhou et al., 2019). ades, cities have been expanding, with a record showing
This rapid increase in urban areas tends to promote a that more than half of the world’s population are now
urban dwellers (Osman et al., 2018; United Nations,
2020). According to the World Bank (2020), it is projected
⇑ Corresponding author. that by 2030, more than 60 percent of the world population
E-mail addresses: (M. Asuquo Enoh), will be urbanized, with the figure rising to 75 % (9.8 billion) (R. Ebere Njoku),
(U. Chinenye Okeke).
by 2050 (Li et al., 2013, Simwanda and Murayama, 2018).
0273-1177/Ó 2022 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M. Asuquo Enoh et al. Advances in Space Research 72 (2023) 694–710

Considering this fact, it is obvious that cities may face sus- Remote sensing technology has emerged and has
tainable challenges and slums will become a way of life for become an important tool for assessing the process of the
most urban dwellers living mainly in developing countries. SDGs (Zhou et al., 2019). The technology is a cost-
An et al. (2018) documented that over the years, urbaniza- effective tool as compared to the conventional method for
tion tends to alter existing land use (human aspect) and mapping LU/LC with remotely sensed data (McCord
land cover (biophysical aspect) (LU/LC) patterns and pro- et al., 2017). Remote sensing can be integrated with GIS
duce changes with forest areas being cleared, agricultural techniques for monitoring the achievement of the SDG
land ploughed or grazed upon, wetlands drained, and open indicators. Time series mapping with remotely sensed data
spaces encroached and transformed to land use for an such as Landsat, Sentinel 1, and Sentinel 2 is now freely
entire different function (Singh et al., 2017, Zeng et al., available and has been successfully used over the years to
2019). Awotwi et al. (2018) reported that alterations of nat- monitor urban sprawl, land use and land cover changes,
ural LU/LC and their associated changes often lead to loss land surface temperature, urban heat island, air quality in
of biodiversity, desertification, climate change, urban heat urban areas, and access green and public spaces
island, depletion of the ozone layer, soil erosion, and envi- Ejemeyovwi (2010). Remotely sensed data covers a large
ronmental pollution (Singh et al. 2017, Vigneshwaran and geographic area, which can provide vital information
Kumar, 2018). Owing to these effects, mapping the spatial– about the location, rate, nature, trend, and magnitude of
temporal LU/LC changes provides the government and changes associated with the LU/LC of a location (Zhou
decision makers with information and the necessary tool et al., 2019). GIS can be adopted for mapping and analyz-
for planning and management of the available natural ing the various patterns that are acquired with remote sens-
resources for the achievement of a sustainable city. Sustain- ing data. Case studies show that remotely sensed data can
ability tends to be the quantitative and qualitative avail- be used to extract and update built–up areas (Shackelford
ability of resources. It highlights the level of stability that et al. 2004; Sohn and Dowman, 2007), impervious zones,
exists between man’s activities, due to its social behavior transportation and green areas (Huang et al. 2007, Jin
and knowledge as compared to agricultural production et al. 2011), monitor urban growth and sprawl, and inves-
(Farshad and Zinck, 1993). Sustainability addresses nota- tigate LU/LC data (Shahtahmassebi et al., 2016, Yang and
ble environmental issues such as deforestation, pollution, Li, 2015). All over the world, the relevance of remote sens-
resource degradation, and ozone layer depletion that affect ing, GIS, and models for studying the spatio-temporal
man and influence the resilience of cities (Bonafoni et al. changes of LU/LC dynamics toward achieving SDG goal
2017, Rigden and Li, 2017). 11 and its different indicators has been acknowledged (Fu
The United Nation (UN) member states have officially et al., 2017; Benneth and Smith, 2017). Evolutionary (neu-
adopted an agenda to fix world problems by 2030. The ral networks) models, mathematical (linear and static)
UN 2030 agenda has proposed 17 sustainable development models, multi–agent models, expert system models, hybrid
goals (SDGs) based on the success of the millennium devel- models, cellular automata (CA), and Markov chain models
opment goals (MDGs). It considered the fact that the have all been developed for LU/LC studies (Koch and
action adopted in one locality may influence the outcome Krellenberg, 2018, Phukan et al., 2013, and Ejemeyovwi,
of the action adopted in another locality, with development 2010).The CA_Markov model is a reliable, robust, and
being made to equate with economic, social, and environ- one of the most widely used models for prediction and
mental stability. The SDGs are the United Nation’s blue- analysis of LU/LC change dynamics (Wang et al., 2019;
print for achieving a sustainable future for all nations by Feng and Liu, 2013; Padonou et al., 2017).
2030. It is a call for all countries considered by the World Lagos has witnessed an unprecedented increase in its
Bank as poor, middle-income, and rich to build a better life population size in the last few decades (World Bank,
for their citizens while ending poverty, hunger, and protect- 2020). The population of the city rose from an estimated
ing the environment (United Nations and Nations, 2015).
To monitor the progress of each of the 17 SDGs, the UN Table 1
established sets of indicators and targets (Fu et al., 2017, Lagos population, 1886–2018 (in millions).
United Nations, 2020). Sustainable Development Goal 11 Year Population
(SDG 11) is one of the 17 sustainable development goals
(in km2) (in millions)
(SDGs) established by the UN for all countries. It contains
10 targets, with 7 being outcome–oriented, while the other 1886 3.85 0.025
1911 46.6 0.074
3 are characterized as process–oriented. SDG 11 was estab- 1921 52.3 0.010
lished to ensure that all countries have safe, inclusive, resi- 1931 66.3 0.130
lient, and sustainable cities (United Nations and Nations, 1952 69.9 0.270
2015). For all countries to have a sustainable city, they 1963 69.9 0.670
must create business opportunities, careers, and affordable 1991 96.53 5.80
2006 950.72 13.4
and safe housing. It must invest in public transportation 2018 3,345 23.2
and produce green public space while improving urban
M. Asuquo Enoh et al. Advances in Space Research 72 (2023) 694–710

Fig. 1. The Administrative Map of Lagos Urban City.

25,000 inhabitants in 1886 to about 74,000 in 1911 (Okude

and Ademiluyi, 2006). By 1975, 2000, and 2018, Lagos
recorded an estimated population count of 3.3 million,
13.4 million, and 23.2 million, respectively (United
Nations and Nations, 2015), (Table 1; Fig. 2). Between
1975 and 2000, the average annual population growth rate
of Lagos was 5.6 %, making the city documented as one of
the world’s most populated urban agglomerations.
Between 2000 and 2018, the population of Lagos rose by
3.8 %, which made the region one of the fastest growing
agglomerations in the world (Adepoju et al., 2006). The
population of Lagos has been projected to be more than
Fig. 2. Graphical presentation of the population growth of Lagos, from
30 million by 2030 and close to 60 million inhabitants by 1886 to 2018 (in millions). Source. United Nations and Nations, 2015.
2050. With this upsurge in population size, it is estimated
that by 2050, Lagos will be ranked as the third largest mega
city in the world after selected cities in China and India per km2. With the rate of population growth of the study
(UN-Habitat, 2006; United Nations, 2020). The city is cur- area, the city is documented to be the largest mega city in
rently experiencing a population density of 5,000 people Africa. The study aims at modeling and mapping the land
M. Asuquo Enoh et al. Advances in Space Research 72 (2023) 694–710

use and land cover (LU/LC) changes in Lagos for the sets, Landsat 7 ETM+ (Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus)
achievement of a sustainable city. To achieve this aim, for 2000 and Landsat 8 OLI (Operational Land Imager) for
the maximum likelihood post classification method is 2015 and 2020, have a spatial resolution of 30 m and were
adopted for comparison in order to identify the changes chosen for their quality and availability. These cloud-free
in the LU/LC dynamics from 2010 to 2015 and from data were obtained from the Global Land Cover Facility
2015 to 2020. (GLCF) earth website at the paths and rows of 190/55,
190/56, 191/55, and 191/56, respectively. To prevent the
2. Materials and methods effects of seasonal changes, all satellite images were
acquired during the same months. Table 2 depicts the char-
2.1. A description of the study area acteristics of the Landsat data adopted for the study. The
supplementary data included a topographic map, a base
Lagos is the largest urban megacity in Africa and one of map, and a Google Earth image. Fig. 3 highlights the
the fastest growing agglomerations in the world (Datu, methodology flow diagram for the study.
2014; Obiefuna et al., 2012). The city has a flat terrain
(low elevation) and exists between latitudes 6022 N and 2.3. Image preparation and classification
6042 N and longitudes 2042E and 3042E within the
South–Western geo–political region of Nigeria (Odumosu Signals that are measured by space satellites are often
et al., 1999). The state shares boundaries with Ogun State influenced by atmospheric particles (Islam et al. 2018).
in the North and East directions, the Atlantic Ocean in Due to these influences, satellite images are often prepro-
the South and the Republic of Benin in the West (Fig. 1). cessed for atmospheric, geometric, and radiometric correc-
Lagos’s aerial extent is approximately 3,700 km2, with tions. Preprocessing increases the quality of image data by
about 725 km2 (19.6 %) of its landmass occupied by wet- reducing or removing internal and exterior radiometric and
lands and water bodies (Odumosu et al., 1999; Datu, geometric errors (Liu et al., 2007). In this study, a series of
2014). The main water bodies which drain the area and sequential procedures of image preprocessing were carried
contribute to the shape of the topography are the Yewa, out with the ArcGIS 10.5, and ERDAS Imagine 10.5 soft-
Ogun, and Imede Rivers. Others are Lagos, Lekki, and ware packages. These procedures include image gap-filling,
Olode Lagoons (Soladoye and Ajibade, 2014). The city sub-setting, and enhancement, as well as radiometric and
often experiences two seasons, called the wet and dry sea- geometric corrections. Landsat 7 ETM + images, which
sons. These seasons are controlled by the tropical maritime are obtained after May 31, 2003, from the USGS Earth
and tropical continental air masses, which blow from the Explorer website, often show zig-zag patterns over the
Atlantic Ocean to bring the wet season and from the satellite ground route. This error was caused by a failure
Sahara desert to bring the dry season (Aderogba, 2012). in the ETM + sensor’s Scan Line Corrector (SLC);
The wet climate lasts from April to October, with June (Mohammady et al., 2015). To rectify the scan line error
being the wettest month, while the dry climate lasts from for the Landsat 7 ETM+ (2010), which was used in this
November to March, with January being categorized as study, the radiometric correction was conducted, and with
the driest month. The wettest and driest months have an the Landsat toolbox inbuilt in the ArcGIS software. To
average rainfall of 315.5 mm and 13.2 mm, respectively. refine the visual perception of the image bands, the false
The average temperature associated with the study area is color composite (FCC) of band combinations (4, 3, and
found to be between 28.5 °C and 25.0 °C. 2) for the ETM + image and (5, 4, and 3) for the OLI/
TIRS image were created and then enhanced with the his-
2.2. Data Acquisition and sources togram equalization tool. The satellite imageries were co-
registered with the Universal Transverse Mercator
In the study, Landsat and other ancillary data were uti- (UTM) zone 32 N coordinate system on the World Geode-
lized to monitor the changes in the LU/LC of Lagos for tic System (WGS) 1984 ellipsoid. The layer stacking was
three epochs. Ground truth data for the LU/LC classes, done by the layer-stacking tool of the ERDAS Imagine
Google data, as well as geomorphological maps, were software by combining different satellite spectral bands in
included as ancillary data. During the dry season, ground the RGB format for all the images (2010, 2015, and
truth data was acquired using a global positioning system 2020) before overlying the shape-file of the study area
(GPS) and provided as reference data points. Landsat data (Lagos) to create the Area of Interest (AOI) and then

Table 2
The characteristics of the Landsat data adopted for the study.
Satellite data Sensor Path/Row Acquisition date Spatial resolution Source
Landsat 7 ETM+ 190/55, 190/56, 191/55 191/56 2010–12–18 30 m USGS
Landsat 8 OLI 190/55, 190/56, 191/55 191/56 2015–12–08 30 m USGS
Landsat 8 OLI 190/55, 190/56, 191/55 191/56 2020–12–20 30 m USGS

M. Asuquo Enoh et al. Advances in Space Research 72 (2023) 694–710

Fig. 3. The methodology flow diagram of the study.

sub–setting. The supervised classification techniques were and improve accuracy because it displays the size, changes,
done with the ERDAS Imagine (2015) software, with a and percentage changes of the respective LU/LC.
basis on the maximum likelihood classification. This
method is much preferable and widely adopted by 2.4. Accuracy assessment
researchers, owing to expert knowledge of the study area
(Bossler, 2010). The classification scheme adopted for the Accuracy assessment is the final stage of the image clas-
study according to Bossler (2010) was built–up area, bare sification process. It is the degree to which the image clas-
land, agricultural land, wetland, forest land, and water sification process agrees with the ground truth information
bodies (Table 3). (Bossler, 2010). With accuracy assessment, the possible
The supervised classification operation requires an ana- sources of errors are highlighted in a classified image, hence
lyst to train areas for each of the classification schemes the information associated with the data is identified (Liu
(Bossler, 2010). These training areas are utilized for speci- et al., 2007). The image classification procedure is incom-
fying the spectral reflectance signature for each of the plete without performing an accuracy assessment of the
LU/LC categories. The signatures aid the classifier in data (Bradley 2009). An important technique known as
assigning the pixels into a category with the same spectral the error matrix or confusion matrix is often associated
pattern. During the supervised classification process, train- with accuracy assessment (Mujabar and Chandrasekar,
ing pixel samples are selected by the analyst by delineating 2013; Story and Congalton, 1986). The error matrix per-
polygons within the respective sites. Spectral signatures for mits the pixels of a classified image to be compared with
the LU/LC types acquired from satellite data are recorded the pixels of the reference image for known classes
by utilizing pixels enclosed by polygons. The post–classifi- (Szuster et al., 2011). It is a square array that highlights
cation method is frequently used to reduce misclassification the number of classes in the rows and columns by equating
M. Asuquo Enoh et al. Advances in Space Research 72 (2023) 694–710

Fig. 4. Lagos classified LU/LC maps for 2000, 2015, and 2020.

them to the number of LU/LC classes that are being Boschetti et al., 2004). The producer’s accuracy is com-
assessed. The categories that are correctly classified are pre- puted as the correctly classified pixels divided by the total
sented within the major diagonal. Entries which are non– reference pixels for the class indicated (Bradley, 2009;
diagonal within the error matrix indicate errors of omission Mohammady et al., 2015). A user’s accuracy is computed
(non–diagonal column entries) or commission (non–diago- as the correctly classified pixels divided by the total classi-
nal row entries). Many other accuracy measures, such as fied pixels. Overall accuracy is computed by dividing the
the overall accuracy (OA), the producer’s accuracy (PA), sum total of all the correctly classified pixels by the total
and the user’s accuracy (UA), exist (Coppins et al., 2004; number of pixels for all the classes (Congalton and
M. Asuquo Enoh et al. Advances in Space Research 72 (2023) 694–710

Table 3
The classification scheme adopted for the study (Bossler, 2010).
Classification classes Description
Built–up All residential, commercial, industrial areas, villages, settlements, and transportation facilities.
Bare land Areas of barren land, rocks, stock quarries, landfill sites, exposed soil, and active excavation.
Agricultural land Cultivated and uncultivated agricultural lands, such as fallow areas and crop fields.
Wetland Mangroves, swamps, and marches occupy land areas.
Forest land Areas of protected forest, deciduous forest, plantations, and land areas occupied by dense trees are characterized by their dark
green color.
Water bodies Rivers, permanently open water, canals, reservoirs, lagoons, lakes, and ponds

Green, 2019; Liu et al., 2007). The Kappa test K is a com- (Teferi et al., 2013). The LU/LC classes that decrease in
parison of predetermined producer ratings and user- size are depicted with a negative value (–), while the classes
assigned ratings (Viera and Garrett, 2005). K value above that increase in size are represented with a positive sign (+).
0.8 indicates strong to perfect agreement, while 0.6–0.8 The annual rate of change (R) was evaluated according to
indicates moderate; and 0.4–0.6 depicts good agreements the procedures outlined by Batar et al., (2017) and Teferi
(Liu et al., 2007). K is calculated by using the equation (1). et al., (2013). Simple mathematical equations (2), (3), and
K ¼ P ðAÞ  P ðEÞ=1  P ðEÞ ð1Þ (4) are frequently used to calculate trend (K), percentage
change (A), and annual rate of change (R).
Where P (A) is the number of times the k rater agrees,
K ¼ T2  T1 ð2Þ
and P (E) is the number of times the k raters are expected
to agree only by change (Mujabar and Chandrasekar, T1  T2
A¼  100 ð3Þ
2013). T2
T1  T2
R¼ ð4Þ
2.5. Detection of LU/LC changes n
Where K, A, and R depict the magnitude of change, per-
2.5.1. Post-Classification of LU/LC centage change, and the annual rate of change respectively.
In the study, the post-classification comparison (PCC) n is the number of years, with T1 and T2 representing the
method was performed with the ArcGIS 10.5 software initial and final dates, respectively.
and was adopted with the intention of identifying changes
associated with the LU/LC (Mondal et al. 2015). The PCC 2.6. Change prediction and modeling
is a technique that is frequently adopted in LU/LC studies
for comparing data that exists in different sources (Mundia 2.6.1. Model of the Markov chain
and Aniya, 2006; Yuan et al., 2005). The cross–tabulation The Markov chain analysis is a model for simulating
matrix is computed from overlay operations, generated complex activities such as land use change (Liping
from the PCC methods. The method generates pixel agree- et al., 2018). It is a stochastic process based on probabil-
ment and disagreement, which are usually calculated using ity, where a particular land use can be transformed from
the error matrix method. The reference data is represented one form to another (Thomas and Laurence, 2006; Liping
by the rows of the error matrix table, while the classified et al., 2018). This transformation analysis is dependent on
data is represented by the columns (Teferi et al. 2013; transition probability, which indicates that a particular
Morisette and Khorram). pixel of land use at any given time t0 may likely change
to another land use at a time t1 (Ma et al., 2012). Accord-
2.5.2. Gain and loss analysis (Net Change) ing to Singh et al., (2015) and Subedi et al., (2013), the
Net change analysis is computed as the difference transition probability matrix can be depicted mathemati-
between the gain and loss for each of the study classes cally as (5):
(Pontius et al., 2004; Teferi et al., 2013). Gain is repre- 0 1
p11 . . . p1n !
sented as the amount of the LU/LC class i which is added B . X
.. C
Pij ¼ B .. C 0 6 pij 6 1 and
from time 1 to time 2, while loss is categorized as the lost @ .. . . A P ij ¼ 1; i; j ¼ 1; 2;    ; n
amount of LU/LC class j during the classification process pm1    pmn
between time 1 and time 2. In the study, the gains and ð5Þ
losses of the LU/LC analysis were determined from the S ðtþ1Þ ¼ P ij  S ðtÞ ð6Þ
cross-tabulation of the different study years.
Here, P is the probability that a particular land use class
2.5.3. Annual rate of change (R), percentage change (A), can be transformed from a state i to another state j; n is the
and trend (K) land use class, and S is the status of land use. The state of
Trend K (magnitude of change) is the degree of increase the type of land use (St) at the initial time t and the final
or decrease in the respective size of the LU/LC classes time t þ 1 ðSt þ 1Þ is given in (6).
M. Asuquo Enoh et al. Advances in Space Research 72 (2023) 694–710

2.6.2. The cellular automata model 3.2. LU/LC study maps and prediction status
Cellular Automata Markov model (CA_Markov) is a
prediction model that combines the concept of cellular The final LU/LC output maps for the study years (2010,
automata and the Markov chain (Singh et al., 2017). The 2015, and 2020) based on Landsat 7 (ETM + ) and Land-
CA_Markov model is dynamic, represented with time sat 8 (OLI) satellite data are depicted in Fig. 4.
and space as discrete variables (Ma et al., 2012). The
CA_Markov model is represented as follows in reports
by Liping et al. (2018), Singh et al. (2017), and Mondal 3.3. Changes and the annual rate of change
et al. (2015), as shown in (7):
S ðt; t þ 1Þ ¼ f ððS t Þ; N Þ ð7Þ Table 5 depicts the LU/LC change per class for the
study. According to the spatial–temporal analysis, built–
Assuming S is depicted as finite groups of cells at up areas had recorded positive changes of 39.64 km2
timeðt; t þ 1Þ, N is represented as the neighborhood of (1.08 %), 612.53 km2 (16.695 %) and 612.53 km2
given cells, while f is expressed as the rule of local space. (17.775 %) during the study periods (2010–2015, 2015–
2020, and 2010–2020). These positive changes may have
3. Results and interpretation of the study been attributed to rural–urban migration, as more people
are attracted to the study area, due to pull factors (job
3.1. LULC dynamics for the study periods of 2010, 2015, and opportunities, better infrastructure, and other incentives).
2020 Between (2010–2015, 2015–2020, and 2010–2020), agricul-
tural land had recorded negative changes of 310.91 km2
Table 4 summarizes the aerial extent of the LU/LC (8.48 %), 13.59 km2 (0.37 %), and 324.496 km2
classes and their respective proportions for the study years (8.85 %). Depreciation (negative changes) in agricultural
(2010, 2015, and 2020). The spatial–temporal analysis land may have been linked to land degradation (erosion,
shows that build–up has progressively increased through- and flooding) as well as the conversion of agricultural sites
out the study, from 430.449 km2 (11.73 %) in 2010 to to built-up areas and highways. Other LU/LC classes also
470.09 km2 (12.813 %) in 2015 and 1082.623 km2 recorded both positive and negative changes. Water bodies
(29.508 %) in 2020. The analysis shows that built-up areas had depicted positive changes of 35.744 km2 (0.97 %) as
dominate a significant part of the study area in 2020. Agri- well as negative changes of 59.07 (1.61 %) and –
cultural land had decreased from 434.455 km2 (11.843 %) 23.327 km2 (0.64 %). The positive changes in water bodies
in 2010 to 123.545 km2 (3.367 %) in 2015 and may have been due to intensive rainfall and seasonal flood-
109.959 km2 (2.997 %) in 2020, and had covered a smaller ing, while the negative changes may be linked to land
part of the study region. Throughout the study period, encroachment and urban development engulfing the study
other LU/LC classes (water body, wetland, forest land, area. Wetland recorded a positive change of 309.726 km2
and bare land) had either increased or decreased. In (8.44 %) as well as negative changes of 404.195 km2
2010, wet land and water bodies covered 715.213 km2 (11.02 %) and 94.469 km2 (2.58 %). Like water bod-
(19.496 %) and 697.166 km2 (19.004 %), respectively. Both ies, the positive changes of wetland may also be as a result
classes decreased to 311.018 km2 (8.477 %) and of intensive rainfall and flooding, while the negative
638.095 km2 (17.392 %) in 2015 and then increased to changes may also be linked to land encroachment, urban
620.744 km2 (16.919 %) and 673.839 km2 (18.366 %) in development, climate change and deforestation. The posi-
2020. In 2010, 2015 and 2020, forest land was recorded tive change of the forest class (292.4 km2) during the
as 931.83 km2 (25.4 %), 1224.230 km2 (33.367 %) and (2010–2015) periods may be due to afforestation practices,
664.086 km2 (18.1 %), while bare land was 459.481 km2 while the negative changes (560.144 km2 and
(12.525 %), 901.993 km2 (24.584 %) and 517.720 km2 267.774 km2) during the (2015–2020), and (2010–2020) per-
(14.11 %) respectively. iod may result from lumbering activities, population

Table 4
Aerial coverage of LU/LC classes in 2010, 2015, and 2020.
Study Years 2010 2015 2020
2 2
LU/LC classes Area (km ) Area (%) Area (km ) Area (%) Area (km2) Area (%)
Built–up 430.449 11.733 470.090 12.813 1082.623 29.508
Water body 697.166 19.004 638.095 17.392 673.839 18.366
Wetland 715.213 19.496 311.018 8.477 620.744 16.919
Agricultural land 434.455 11.843 123.545 3.367 109.959 2.997
Forest land 931.83 25.4 1224.230 33.367 664.086 18.100
Bare land 459.481 12.525 901.993 24.584 517.720 14.111
Total 3668.971 100 3668.971 100 3668.971 100

M. Asuquo Enoh et al. Advances in Space Research 72 (2023) 694–710

Table 5
Change and the annual rate of change per LU/LC class.
LU/LC Categories Change in 2010–2015 Change in 2015–2020 Change in 2010–2020 Annual Rate of Change (km2/year)
Change Km2 Change (%) Change Km2 Change (%) Change Km2 Change (%) 2010–2015 2015–2020 2010–2015
Built–up 39.641 1.08 612.533 16.695 652.174 17.775 7.928 122.507 130.435
Water body  59.071 1.612 35.744 0.974 –23.327 0.638 11.814 7.149 4.665
Wetland  404.195 11.019 309.726 8.442 94.469 2.577 80.839 61.945 18.894
Agricultural land 310.91 8.476 13.586 0.37 324.496 8.846 62.182 2.717 64.899
Forest land 292.4 7.967 560.144 15.267 267.774 7.3 58.48 112.029 53.555
Bare land 442.512 12.059 384.273 10.473 58.239 1.586 88.502 76.855 11.648

growth and land encroachment. The positive changes up area during this period may be traced to rural–urban
(442.512 km2 and 58.239 km2) of bare land during the migration, population growth, and increase in the birth
(2010–2015), and (2010–2020) study periods may be traced rate. During the 2nd period, the built–up, water body, wet-
to deforestation and land degradation, while its negative land, agricultural land, and forest land classes lost
changes (384.273 km2) during the (2010–2015) may be a 28.29 km2, 139.9 km2, 97.62 km2, 557.92 km2, and
result of increase in population. The annual rate of change 79.48 km2 while also gaining 59.82 km2, 460.97 km2,
for built, water body, wetland, agricultural land, forest 95.91 km2, 116.34 km2, and 170.18 km2. During this period
land, and bare land during the 2010–2015, 2015–2020, (2nd period), the greatest loss and gain were recorded in
and 2020–2020 periods is depicted in Table 5. agricultural land and water bodies. Agricultural land may
have had a great loss, because a greater part of its area,
3.4. LU/LC change dynamics gain and loss may have been over flooded or may have been converted
to built-up areas. Water body may have gained extensively,
Table 6 depicts the gains, losses, and net changes for as their area expanded to include wetland, agriculture, and
each of the LU/LC classes during the 1st period (2010– forest land. During the 3rd period, built-up, water body,
2015), 2nd period (2015–2020), and 3rd period (2010– wetland, agricultural land, and forest land classes respec-
2020). During the 1st period, the built-up area, water body, tively lost 192.81 km2, 52.94 km2, 786.63 km2, 365.30 km2
wetland, agricultural land, and forest land classes lost and 602.53 km2 while gaining 647.81 km2, 539.04 km2,
192.68 km2, 54.48 km2, 723.21 km2, 263 km2, and 31.67 km2, 413.39 km2 and 368.31 km2. These LU/LC
621.09 km2 of their previously existing areas, while gaining classes also depicted net changes of 455 km2, 486.10 km2,
617.55 km2, 281.79 km2, 786.51 km2, 669.43 km2, and 754.96 km2, 48.09 km2 and 234.22 km2. During this period
303.96 km2. The wetland had recorded the greatest loss, (3rd period), the greatest loss and gain were documented in
while also achieving the greatest gain during the 1st period, wetlands and in built-up areas. Wetland may have lost, and
and with a net change of 63.30 km2. Wetland land may built–up may have gained as a result of increase in urban
have recorded losses, because a greater part of its area population, as people had converted wetland areas into res-
has been converted to agriculture and residential sites. It idential, commercial and relaxation centres. Water bodies
may also have benefited extensively from the contributions may also have gained greatly in this period, as their areas
of water bodies, bare land, and forest land. Forest land overflowed and submerged other LU/LC areas. The spatial
may have been lost due to lumbering activities, population dynamics of the gains, losses, and net changes for the three
growth, and other anthropogenic activities ongoing in the study periods (2010–2015), (2015–2020), and (2010–2020)
study area. It may also have benefited from bare and wet are displayed in Fig. 5.
land. Agricultural land had gained massively during the Fig. 6 depicts the final gain and loss in various LU/LC
1st period. The gain in agricultural sites may have been output maps for the study between 2010 and 2020, based
linked to the conversion of bare and forest land into agri- on Landsat 7 (ETM + ) and Landsat 8 (OLI) satellite data.
cultural areas. It may also have been as a result of mecha- The map is prepared with six LU/LC types, namely agri-
nized agriculture. Built-up also recorded gains and losses cultural land, bare land, built-up land, forest land, water
during the 1st period. The gains associated with the built- bodies, and wetland.

Table 6
Gains, losses and net changes for the LU/LC for periods 1, 2 and 3 (in km2).
Study Years 2010–2015 (1st period) 2015–2020 (2nd period) 2010–2020 (3rd period)
LU/LC classes Losses Gains Net changes Losses Gains Net changes Losses Gains Net changes
Built–up 192.68 617.55 424.87 28.29 59.82 31.53 192.81 647.81 455.00
Water body 54.48 281.79 227.31 139.90 460.97 321.07 52.94 539.04 486.10
Wetland 723.21 786.51 63.30 97.62 95.91 1. 71 786.63 31.67 –754.96
Agricultural land 263.00 669.43 406.43 557.92 116.34 441.58 365.30 413.39 48.09
Forest land 621.09 303.96 –317.13 79.48 170.18 90.70 602.53 368.31 –234.22

M. Asuquo Enoh et al. Advances in Space Research 72 (2023) 694–710

Table 8 is a 6  6 error matrix for the projected study

years (2025 and 2030). Here, the row categories highlight
the LU/LC classes while the columns depict the changes
that have occurred. According to the study, the probability
of a build–up changing itself is 0.9204, the probability of a
build–up changing to water bodies is 0.0248, the probabil-
ity of a build–up changing to wet land is 0.0010, the prob-
ability of a build–up changing to agricultural and forest
lands is 0, and the probability of a build–up changing to
bare land is 0.0538. Water bodies have a 0.0120 chance
of becoming built–up LU/LC, a 0.9436 chance of becom-
ing themselves, a 0.0086 chance of becoming wet land
LU/LC, a 0.0001 chance of becoming forest LU/LC, and
a 0.0346 chance of becoming bare LU/LC. Wet land has
a probability of 0.0380 of converting to build–up, 0.1380
of converting to a water body, 0.5114 of converting to
itself, 0.0214 of converting to agricultural land, 0.1122 of
converting to forest land, and 0.1790 of converting to bare
land. The probability of agricultural land transferring to
build–up is 0.0959, transferring to a water body is 0.0022,
transferring to wet land is 0.3357, transferring to itself is
0.1125, transferring to forest land is 0.4415, and transfer-
ring to bare land is 0.0123. The probability of forest land
changing to build-up is 0.0967, changing to a water body
is 0.0025, changing to wet land is 0.3098, changing to agri-
Fig. 5. Gains and losses in LU/LC (in km2) between (a) 2010 and 2015; cultural land is 0.0694, changing to itself is 0.4473, and
(b) 2015 and 2020; and (c) 2010 and 2020. changing to bare land is 0.0743. The probabilities of bare
land converting to built–up, water bodies, wet land, agri-
3.5. Accuracy assessment total for the study periods 2010, cultural land, forest land, and itself are 0.5546, 0.0154,
2015, and 2020 0.0387, 0.0048, 0.0293, and 0.3572, respectively. The statis-
tical analysis further reveals in Table 8 (B), that the prob-
In this study, the accuracy assessment was conducted ability of build–up which transmits to itself is 0.8773, which
using 50 points, with the basis on the ground truthing transmits to a water body is 0.0472, which transmits to wet
information and visual interpretation. The assessment land is 0.0037, which transmits to agricultural land is
was carried out with the Erdas Imagine (ver. 2015) soft- 0.0003, which transmits to forest land is 0.0017, and which
ware for the creation of an error matrix. The overall accu- transmits to bare land is 0.0698. The probability of a body
racy (OA), producer accuracy (PA), user accuracy (UA), of water changing to build up is 0.0420, changing to itself is
and the Kappa statistics (K) were calculated from the error 0.8925, changing to wet land is 0.0143, changing to agricul-
matrix table as shown in Table 7. From the table, we see tural land is 0.0005, changing to forest land is 0.0035, and
that the overall image classification accuracy for 2010, changing to bare land is 0.0472. The probability of wet
2015, and 2020 is 78 %, 84 %, and 90 %, respectively, with land converting to build–up is 0.1683, converting to a
Kappa statistics of 0.70, 0.78, and 0.86. The classification water body is 0.2048, converting to itself is 0.3116, convert-
result is considered reliable since the overall accuracy is ing to agricultural land is 0.0220, converting to forest land
above 80 %, with no single class below 70 % and kappa is 0.1224, and converting to bare land is 0.1709. The prob-
coefficient values close to 1. ability of agricultural land changing to build –up is 0.1613,
changing to a water body is 0.0523, changing to wet land is
3.6. Analysis of projections and modeling 0.3468, changing to itself is 0.0506, changing to forest land
is 0.2851 and changing to bare land is 0.1039. The proba-
3.6.1. Matrix of transition probability bility of forest land changing to build–up is 0.1919, chang-
The transition probability matrix highlights the proba- ing to a water body is 0.0499, changing to wet land is
bility that a particular LU/LC class will transform into 0.3233, changing to agricultural land is 0.0459, changing
another LU/LC class. This matrix is produced by multiply- to itself is 0.2676, and changing to bare land is 0.1214.
ing the column within the transition probability matrix by The probability of bare land converting to built–up, water
the number of cells. Table 8 depicts a 6  6 matrix table. bodies, wet land, agricultural land, forest land and itself is
Here, the rows show the older LU/LC classes while the col- 0.7135, 0.0392, 0.0450, 0.0051, 0.0300 and 0.1671
umns highlight the new LU/LC class categories. respectively.

M. Asuquo Enoh et al. Advances in Space Research 72 (2023) 694–710

Fig 6. (continued)

Table 9 highlights the aerial statistical analysis for pro- 817.542 km2 (22.283 %), wetland at 445.682 km2
jected LU/LC classes for the years 2025 (5 year planning (12.147 %), agricultural land at 58.044 km2 (1.582 %), for-
period) and 2030 (10 year planning period). In 2025, est land at 333.631 km2 (9.093 %), and bare land at
built-up LU/LC is projected to cover an area of 392.076 km2 (10.686 %) in 2030 (10-year planning period).
1408.691 km2 (38.395 %), while water bodies, wetland,
agricultural land, forest land, and bare land are projected 3.7. LU/LC study maps and current status
at 759.532 km2 (20.701 %), 585.972 km2 (15.971 %),
74.507 km2 (2.031 %), 431.977 km2 (11.774 %), and The final LU/LC output maps for the projected years
428.292 km2 (11.673 %), respectively. Built-up LU/LC is (2025 and 2030) are based on the scenarios of the previous
projected to be 1621.996 km2 (44.208 %), water body at years. These maps are depicted in Fig. 7.

M. Asuquo Enoh et al. Advances in Space Research 72 (2023) 694–710

Fig. 6. Gain and loss maps in the LU/LC classes from 2010 to 2020.

Table 7
Accuracy assessment for supervised classification of Landsat 7 EMT+, and OLI classified images (2010, 2015, and 2020).
Class Reference Totals Classified Totals Number Correct Producers Accuracy (%) Users Accuracy (%) Kappa Index
(a) Accuracy assessment Total (2010)
Water 6 6 3 50.0 50.0 0.4318
Build-up 26 25 23 50.0 60.0 0.5455
Forest 5 4 3 60.0 75.0 0.7222
Agricultural land 10 8 7 70.0 87.5 0.8438
Wetland 3 4 3 100.0 75.0 0.7340
Totals 50 50 39
Overall classification Accuracy = 78.0 %; Overall kappa statistics = 0.7046
(b) Accuracy assessment Total (2015)
Water 6 6 3 66.67 66.67 0.6212
Build-up 26 25 26 57.14 80.00 0.7674
Forest 5 4 3 66.67 100.00 1.0000
Agricultural land 10 8 7 85.71 75.00 0.7093
wetland 3 4 3 100.00 75.00 0.7340
Totals 50 50 42
Overall classification Accuracy = 84.0 %; Overall kappa statistics = 0.7843
(c) Accuracy assessment Total(2020)
Water 6 6 5 83.33 83.33 0.8106
Build-up 30 28 27 62.50 100.00 1.0000
Forest 4 4 3 75.00 75.00 0.7283
Agricultural land 7 8 7 100.0 87.50 0.8547
wetland 3 4 3 100.0 75.00 0.7340
Totals 50 50 45
Overall classification Accuracy = 90.00 %; Overall kappa statistics = 0.8637

M. Asuquo Enoh et al. Advances in Space Research 72 (2023) 694–710

Table 8
The Transition Probability Matrix.
LU/LC classes Build–up Water body Wet land Agricultural Land Forest Land Bare Land
A 2025: Probability of changing to:
Build-up 0.9204 0.0248 0.0010 0.0000 0.0000 0.0538
Water body 0.0120 0.9436 0.0086 0.0001 0.0011 0.0346
Wet land 0.0380 0.1380 0.5114 0.0214 0.1122 0.1790
Agricultural Land 0.0959 0.0022 0.3357 0.1125 0.4415 0.0123
Forest Land 0.0967 0.0025 0.3098 0.0694 0.4473 0.0743
Bare land 0.5546 0.0154 0.0387 0.0048 0.0293 0.3572
B 2030: Probability of changing to:
Build - up 0.8773 0.0472 0.0037 0.0003 0.0017 0.0698
Water body 0.0420 0.8925 0.0143 0.0005 0.0035 0.0472
Wet land 0.1683 0.2048 0.3116 0.0220 0.1224 0.1709
Agricultural Land 0.1613 0.0523 0.3468 0.0506 0.2851 0.1039
Forest Land 0.1919 0.0499 0.3233 0.0459 0.2676 0.1214
Bare land 0.7135 0.0392 0.0450 0.0051 0.0300 0.1671

Table 9
Statistical analysis of projected LU/LC classes in 2025 and 2030.
Study Years 2025 (5 years planning period) 2030 (10 years planning period)
LU/LC classes Area (km ) Area (%) Area (km2) Area (%)
Built up 1408.691 38.395 1621.996 44.208
Water body 759.532 20.701 817.542 22.283
Wetland 585.972 15.971 445.682 12.147
Agricultural land 74.507 2.031 58.044 1.582
Forest land 431.977 11.774 333.631 9.093
Bare land 428.292 11.673 392.076 10.686
Total 3668.971 100 3668.971 100

3.8. Discussion infrastructural needs and services, and tackle insecurity

The study focuses on the application of remote sensing The study shows that there has been a progressive
and GIS for modeling and mapping the land use and land decrease in urban agriculture in Lagos, from 434.45 km2
cover (LU/LC) changes in Lagos for raising a sustainable in 2010 to 109.95 km2 in 2020. This decline in agricultural
Lagos city. The United Nations defines 10 targets and 15 land may be attributed to urbanization and other infras-
indicators for addressing the SDG goal 11. The respective tructural development. The projected values show that by
targets highlight the SDG goals, while the indicators depict 2025 and 2030, urban agriculture cover in Lagos will fur-
the metrics by which countries seek to know. Table 10 ther decline to 74.50 km2 and 58.04 km2 respectively. From
shows selected targets and their indicators for the achieve- the study, we see that urbanization is threatening the exist-
ment of SDG goal 11. ing food production system in Lagos, as man’s survival is
Table 4 depicts the summary of the LU/LC changes in completely dependent on it. The conversion of residential
Lagos city. According to the study, the built–up class areas into agricultural land increases the food requirements
increased progressively throughout the study year, from of Lagos residents, who are competing for limited natural
430.449 km2 in 2010 to 10.82.62 km2 in 2020. This incre- resources (water and land). Since urban agriculture in
ment in the built-up area may be attributed to urbaniza- Lagos is fast disappearing into other land cover, there is
tion, migration, and infrastructural development in a need to adopt sustainable agriculture as an ideal route
Lagos. In Lagos, urbanization has some negative conse- for achieving SDG goal 11. Since food is an integral part
quences, such as an increase in crime, the spread of disease, of society, agricultural systems must be less wasteful and
the overstretching of available basic amenities, environ- more productive, green infrastructure must be improved,
mental pollution, the reduction of public spaces, and the and innovative methods of agriculture must be established
development of slums. The projected analysis shows that to tackle food insecurity.
by 2025 (5–year planning period), the built–up area of The study showed that forest cover had declined from
Lagos will increase by 1408.69 km2 and by 2030 (10–year 931.83 km2 in 2010 to 664.08 km2 in 2020. This reduction
planning period), the trend may rise to 1621.99 km2. To in the forest environment may be linked to deforestation
attain sustainability and achieve SDG goal 11 in Lagos and urban expansion in the study area. By 2030, the pro-
by 2030, there is a need to build affordable houses, upgrade jected analysis shows that the forest cover will further
slums, expand the public transportation network, address decline to 333.631 km2. Going by the trend, we see that for-
M. Asuquo Enoh et al. Advances in Space Research 72 (2023) 694–710

Fig. 7. Lagos LU/LC projected maps for 2025 and 2030.

est loss in Lagos city is a threat to attaining sustainability. temperature and promote diversity (Burke and Ewan,
Hence, afforestation and sustainable practices should be 1999). It is an important part of the urban landscape that
encouraged. Forests and trees provide the essential cover is intended to celebrate cultural diversity, engage with nat-
required to maintain a sustainable city. They provide the ural phenomena, and preserve memories (Thompson,
necessary ecosystem services for human well-being and 2002).Urban bare and open spaces mitigate the effects of
for the achievement of Goal 11 of the SDGs. A green city urban pollution and minimize the effects of urban heat
surrounded by forests and trees is a healthy and safe place islands.
to live. Trees and forests serve as natural filters for harmful Water (including wet land) is an integral part of life, as
air pollutants. They promote resilience and safety in cities man cannot live without it. The study shows that by 2030,
by providing shade and cool air. Shades and cool air min- there will be a reduction in the wetland class and an incre-
imize extreme temperatures and mitigate the effects of cli- ment in the water body. Since wetlands play an important
mate change. role in sustaining urban cities, there is a need to protect
There was an increment in bare land from 451.48 km2 in them if Lagos is to achieve SDG goal 11 by 2030. Wet-
2010 to 901.99 km2 in 2015 and a decline to 517.72 km2 in lands can protect urban cities and make them safe and
2020. This increment and reduction in bare land and open resilient by providing vital ecosystem functions, including
space may be linked to human activities and other infras- flood control. It supplies urban areas with water and pro-
tructural development. The projected study shows that by vides the green open spaces required for recreational
2030, bare land and open spaces will decline by activities.
392.076 km2. Reducing bare land and open green spaces
in Lagos is a threat to the city’s sustainability. Hence, plan- 3.9. Conclusion
ning the city to include open spaces is an important step
towards the achievement of SDG goal 11 by 2030. Open The study involves the application of remote sensing
spaces promote air quality, minimize traffic noise, reduce and GIS for modelling and monitoring the land use and
M. Asuquo Enoh et al. Advances in Space Research 72 (2023) 694–710

Table 10
Selected Targets and Indicators of the UN SDG Goal 11, ‘‘The proportion of the urban population that lives in slums, informal settlements, or in
inadequate housing.”
Targets Current Indicators Background explanation to Lagos city
Target 11.1–‘‘highlight that by 2030, ensure ‘‘The proportion of the urban population that Uncontrolled urbanization promotes informal
access for all to adequate, safe, and affordable lives in slums, informal settlements, or in settlements and poverty, leading to spatial
housing and basic services and upgrade inadequate housing.” inequalities in Lagos. Due to this, it has become
slums.” necessary to develop politics for the
identification and quantification of the number
of people living in slums, poor housing, and
informal settlements. A sustainable and
prosperous city intends to minimize spatial
inequalities while providing solutions to urban
Target 11.3–‘‘highlight that by 2030, enhance ‘‘Ratio of land consumption rate to population Lagos is experiencing an unprecedented increase
inclusive and sustainable urbanization and growth rate.” in its population. Due to this, it is important to
capacity for participatory, integrated and ‘‘Proportion of cities with a direct participation acquire information on its existing LU/LC and
sustainable human settlement planning and structure of civil society in urban planning and the resulting changes. Consideration should
management in all countries.” management that operates regularly and involve alterations, owing to changes from one
democratically.” land use to the other.
Target 11.6–‘‘highlight that by 2030, reduce the ‘‘The proportion of urban solid waste regularly In Lagos, solid waste is often produced on a
adverse per capita environmental impact of collected and with adequate final discharge out daily basis. These wastes are not properly
cities, including by paying special attention to of total urban solid waste generated by cities.” managed and end up in drainage channels as a
air quality and municipal and other waste result. A safe and resilient city seeks to manage
management.” all of its generated waste and improve
cleanliness. Sustaining solid waste management
is essential for a sustainable city and should
include recycling, waste reduction, re-use, and
properly disposing of systems.
Target 11.7–‘‘highlight that by 2030, provide ‘‘The average share of the built–up area of cities Public spaces in Lagos are fast disappearing,
universal access to safe, inclusive and that is open space for public use for all, by sex, owing to an increase in population. To reclaim
accessible, green and public spaces, in age, and people with disabilities.” urban spaces, there is a need to humanize the city
particular for women and children, older ‘‘Proportion of a person’s victims of physical or and make it communal. Public spaces improve
persons and persons with disability.” sexual harassment, by sex, age, disability status, community cohesion, quality of life, and civil
and place of occurrence, in the previous identity.
12 months.‘‘ Sexual harassment violates human rights. In
Lagos, women and girls are subjected to
violence, thereby reinforcing their subordination
to men, their dignity, and posing a hazard in
public spaces.

land cover (LU/LC) changes in Lagos with a view to build- take place in Lagos by 2025 (5 year planning period) and
ing a sustainable Lagos city. Lagos is the largest mega city 2030 (10 year planning period). Ground truthing informa-
in Africa and one of the fastest growing cities in the world. tion was collected for validation and to check the accuracy
Urbanization in the city tends to threaten existing land use of the study. The results show that from 2010 to 2015 and
classes in a way that agricultural land, forest cover, open to 2020, the built-up area had progressively increased from
spaces, and wetland areas are converted to residential sites. 430.449 km2 (11.73 %) to 470.09 km2 (12.81 %) and to
To sustain the available land cover classes in the study 1082.623 km2 (29.51 %). Agricultural land had declined
area, there is a need to expand green public spaces, build from 434.455 km2 (11.84 %) to 123.545 km2 (3.37 %) and
affordable houses, improve resilience to risk assessment to 109.959 km2 (2.99 %). Throughout the study, water bod-
and protect forests, water bodies and agricultural land. ies and wetland areas increased and decreased progres-
The United Nations 2030 Agenda includes a goal on sively, from 697.166 km2 (19.00 %) and 715.213 km2
human dwelling places (SDG 11), which aims to make (19.50 %) in 2010 to 638.095 km2 (17.39 %) and
the human environment inclusive, safe, resilient, and sus- 311.018 km2 (8.48 %) in 2015, and to 673.839 km2
tainable. As a result, the study sees remote sensing and (18.37 %) and 620.744 km2 (16.92 %) in 2020. Forest land
GIS as an important technique for monitoring the progress and bare land had changed from 931.83 km2 (25.4 %) and
of SDG goal 11. In the study, remotely sensed data (Land- 459.481 km2 (12.52 %) in 2010 to 1224.230 km2 (33.37 %)
sat 7 ETM + 2000 and Landsat 8 OLI 2015/2020) were and 901.993 km2 (24.58 %) in 2015 and to 664.086 km2
used to access the spatial–temporal LU/LC changes of (18.10 %) and 517.720 km2 (14.11 %) in 2020, respectively.
Lagos from 2010 to 2020 for the purpose of building a sus- The study shows that remote sensing and GIS are excellent
tainable, safe, and inclusive city. Projection analysis was tools for monitoring the environment for the achievement
conducted to assess the LU/LC changes that may likely of sustainable and safe cities.
M. Asuquo Enoh et al. Advances in Space Research 72 (2023) 694–710

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