Yael Salomon Artist Statement 2023

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Artist statement

My paintings are created in a language of paint as a malleable material with multifaceted

appearances ; layers of thick paint forming textures sometimes inspired by nature, sometimes by
architecture or urbanism, sometimes the intertwining of the two, done in quick instinctive
movements, like some kind of transcending dance around the canvas where solely the
unconscious manifests itself.
Then follows the more meditative and slow rhythm of the process where playing with layers over
layers of transparent coloured water claiming both intentional gesture and the “letting go” where
the medium itself decides where to ow, puts forward surprising accident, imperfections, what in
Japanese culture is well known as “Wabi Sabi”, you observe beauty everywhere and in anything,
in the cracks, the defects and the incomplete, embracing it.

This process of layering creates a complexity referencing to us as the human species, as

fascinating creatures of this Earth, our delving in our inner selves, inviting to encounter emotions
of positiveness and growing transcendence, triggering our innate human sensitivity.

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