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4th Quarter S.Y.

2020-2021 Grade 1 - Obedience ENG-1-019

Name:________________________________ Date Started: ______________

Score: _____ Date Finished: _____________

Lesson Number/Title: 19 / Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives

Module Number/Title: 1 / Using Adjectives in Making Comparisons

I. Learning Competency
The learners should be able to…
A. recognize describing words;
B. recognize names of people, objects, things, places and animals; and
C. identify ways on how to use adjectives.

II. Expected Outputs

At the end of this lesson, the learners should be able to…
A. identify degrees of comparison of adjectives in a sentence;
B. use adjectives to describe people and objects; and
C. write sentences using different degrees of comparison of adjectives.


Video time! Please copy this link below to your search engine to watch our video for
today titled “Degrees of Comparison”. Be ready to answer the questions after
watching the video.

The contents are intended for use of students of Oakdale Benedictine School. Do not photocopy.
4th Quarter S.Y. 2020-2021 Grade 1 - Obedience ENG-1-019


The three Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives

1. Positive Degree - adjectives are use only to describe one thing, person, animal or
place. Hence, it shows no comparison, and the adjective is in its simplest form.
She lived in a big house.
They created a long line.
It was a delicious cake.

2. Comparative Degree - adjectives are use to compare two persons, animals, places
or things. We add -er to the adjective to show comparison. If the adjective has two or
more syllables, the word more or less is used before the adjective.
She lived in a bigger house.
They created a longer line going to the cafeteria.
She baked a more delicious cake than Martha.
She baked a less delicious cake than Martha.

3. Superlative Degree - adjectives are use to compare more than two persons, animals,
places, or things are being compared. Add -est to the adjective to show comparison. If
an adjective has two or more syllables, the word most or least is used before the
His house is the biggest in the village.
Their line was the longest.
Roy’s cake is the most delicious cake in town.
Roy’s cake is the least delicious cake in town.

The contents are intended for use of students of Oakdale Benedictine School. Do not photocopy.
4th Quarter S.Y. 2020-2021 Grade 1 - Obedience ENG-1-019

Additional rules to remember:

1. We add -er or -est to most one or two syllable words that end in consonants
Example: bright - brighter - brightest / near - nearer - nearest

2. We add only -r or -st to adjectives that end in letter -e

Example: safe - safer - safest / brave - braver - bravest

3. We drop the -y and add -ier or -iest to adjectives that end in consonant+y.
Example: pretty - prettier - prettiest / friendly - friendlier - friendliest

The contents are intended for use of students of Oakdale Benedictine School. Do not photocopy.
4th Quarter S.Y. 2020-2021 Grade 1 - Obedience ENG-1-019

4. When the adjective is a one syllable word that ends in vowel-consonant-vowel, we

double the last letter and add -er or -est.
Examples: red - redder - reddest

5. When the adjective is long(has three or more syllables), we add more and most
before the adjective.
Examples: difficult - more difficult - most difficult / nutritious - more nutritious - most

Positive Degree Comparative Degree Superlative Degree

Clean Cleaner Cleanest

Short Shorter Shortest
Lazy Lazier Laziest
Pretty Prettier Prettiest
Delicious More delicious Most delicious
Intelligent More intelligent Most intelligent

The contents are intended for use of students of Oakdale Benedictine School. Do not photocopy.
4th Quarter S.Y. 2020-2021 Grade 1 - Obedience ENG-1-019

Complete the chart by supplying the positive, comparative or superlative degree of


Positive Degree Comparative Degree Superlative Degree

More beautiful


Good Job! I can see that you already know how degree of comparison of
adjectives work. Now, let us answer some exercises.

The contents are intended for use of students of Oakdale Benedictine School. Do not photocopy.
4th Quarter S.Y. 2020-2021 Grade 1 - Obedience ENG-1-019

Name: ___________________________ Date: ______________________

Grade Level: ______________________

Write the correct degree of comparison of adjective in each number. Use the word
inside the parenthesis as clue.
1. Apples are ____________________ than chips.

2. Elephants are ___________________ (big) than bears.

3. Gold is _____________________ (expensive) than silver.

4. Bikes are _____________________ (slow) than cars.

5. My friend is ____________________ (tall) than me.

6. Twinkle is the ___________________ (thin) of them all.

7. My brother is ______________________ (strong) than him.

8. ”Harry Potter” books are ___________________ (interesting).

9. The tiger is the _______________________ (heavy) of the feline group.

10. Michael is ________________________ (handsome) than Edison.

11. French is ______________________ (difficult) than English.

12. The girls are ____________________ (happy) than the boys.

13. Love is _______________________ (important) than money.

14. His car is ______________________ (nice).

15. Russia is _____________________ (large) than France.

The contents are intended for use of students of Oakdale Benedictine School. Do not photocopy.

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