Lesson 21 Using Behind, Over, Up, Down, and Below

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4th Quarter S.Y.

2020-2021 Grade 1 - Obedience ENG-1-21

Name:________________________________ Date Started: ______________

Score: _____ Date Finished: _____________

Lesson Number/Title: 21 / Behind, Over, Up, Down, and Below

Module Number/Title: 1 / Using Behind, Over, Up, Down, and Below

I. Learning Competency
The learners should be able to…
A. Use the most frequently occurring preposition;
B. recognize names of people, objects, things, places and animals; and
C. identify ways on how to use prepositions.

II. Expected Outputs

At the end of this lesson, the learners should be able to…
A. identify the prepositions in a sentence;
B. use preposition in a sentence; and
C. write sentences using different prepositions.


Video time! Please copy this link below to your search engine to watch our video for
today titled “Up, Down, On, Off” and “Behind, In front of, Below, Between. Be ready
to answer the questions after watching the video.


The contents are intended for use of students of Oakdale Benedictine School. Do not photocopy.
4th Quarter S.Y. 2020-2021 Grade 1 - Obedience ENG-1-21


A prepositions are words that we can use to help us identify the location of persons,
places, things, or animals.
When do we use behind, over, up, down, and under?

1. Behind - when an object is toward the back of somebody or something.

Stay close behind the tree.
Who is the boy sitting behind James?


2. Over - when the movement or position is at a higher level than something else.
A beautiful horse jumped over the fence.
I held a colorful umbrella over my head.

The contents are intended for use of students of Oakdale Benedictine School. Do not photocopy.
4th Quarter S.Y. 2020-2021 Grade 1 - Obedience ENG-1-21

3. Up - Toward a higher position or point.

The balloons are up in the air.
He climbed up the tree

The contents are intended for use of students of Oakdale Benedictine School. Do not photocopy.
4th Quarter S.Y. 2020-2021 Grade 1 - Obedience ENG-1-21

4. Down - Toward a low or lower position.

The ball rolled down the hill.
The children biked down the road.

5. Below - When one object is in a lower position than the other.

She left the toys below the table.
I have a mole below my right eye.

The contents are intended for use of students of Oakdale Benedictine School. Do not photocopy.
4th Quarter S.Y. 2020-2021 Grade 1 - Obedience ENG-1-21

Read and answer “Boot” in page 204-205 of your Grammar Essentials

book. Be ready to share your answer.


Good Job! I can see that you already know how prepositions work. Now,
let us answer some exercises.

“SURF” pages 205-207 | “DEBUG” page 207 | “CHANNEL” pages 208-210

The contents are intended for use of students of Oakdale Benedictine School. Do not photocopy.

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