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ĐỀ 1

1. Which of the following is a legal document?

a) Directive No. 16/CT-TTg of the Prime Minister dated 31 March 2020 on implementation of
urgent measures for prevention and control of Covid-19.
b) Official letter No. 45/TANDTC-PC of the Justice Council of the Supreme People's Court
dated 30 March 2020 on trial for criminal offences against regulations on prevention and control
of Covid-19 pandemic.
c) Circular No. 39/2016TT-NHNN of The Governor of the State Bank of Vietnam on 30
December 2016 on prescribing lending transactions of credit institutions
d) A and C are correct.

2. Which of the following is TRUE?

a) Case law is not the source of law in civil law countries
b) Statute is not the source of law in common law countries
c) Stare Decisis doctrine plays an essential role in the hearing of courts in common law system.
d) None of the above

3. Which one is entitled to make a Circular?

a) Chairman of the National Assembly
b) Prime Minister
c) The Governor of State Bank of Vietnam
d) President of HCMC People's committee

4. The term 'private law' refers to:

a) The body of laws that derive from the deciding of cases.
b) The body of laws that seeks to regulate the relationship between individuals.
c) The legal principle that states that a person has the right to privacy
d) The body of laws that seeks to regulate the relationship between the State and its citizens.

5. Which one of the following is regarded as a private law topic?

a) Criminal law
b) Contract law
c) The law relating to human rights
d) Administrative law

6. Which of the following countries DOES NOT have a common law legal system?
a) The United States of America
b) Australia
c) Germany
d) B and C

7. The phrase 'civil law' can refer to those legal systems whose laws are based on Roman
law. It can also refer to:
a) Laws created by judges.
b) The body of laws that does not relate to criminal offences.
c) The supplementary system of law that is based on fairness and equality, and seeks to mitigate
the harshness of the common law.
d) The body of laws that establish what conduct is criminal and the punishments for engaging in
such conduct.

8. What does the doctrine of stare decisis mean?

a) Judges are bound by statute.
b) Judges must decide the case on the facts.
c) Judges may apply the law set out in relevant decision of previous superior courts and
sometimes courts of the same standing.
d) Judges must apply the law set out in relevant decision of previous superior courts and
sometimes courts of the same standing. coi trong chapter 1 (cai dâu tiên)

9. According to Vietnam's law, to whom may an offer be made?

A. Only a specified individual.
B. Only a single group of people specifically identified in the offer.
C. The entire world
D. Only to persons over the age of 18.
10. A U.S. company sends a purchase order to an Italian shoe company. The Italian shoe
company sends a letter confirming the purchase order. The CISG provides:
A. the acceptance by the Italian company cannot be withdrawn under any circumstances.
B. the Italian company can withdraw the acceptance if the withdrawal reaches the U.S. before its
C. the acceptance by the Italian company was effective when sent.
D. None of the above is correct.

11. A, a New York firm, sends a purchase order to B in Sweden. A standard clause on the
purchase order states that "All disputes are to be heard in the courts of New York." B
confirms using its standard form, which states that "all disputes are to be resolved in
arbitration before the ICC, Sweden." Under the CISG:
A. A contract exists on A's terms because B's terms were a material alteration and do not become
a part of the contract.
B. A contract exists on B's terms because the modification is immaterial.
C. No contract exists because B's terms were a counteroffer that was not accepted by A
D. A contract exists because A did not promptly object to the new terms.

12. Which of the following does not have the legal entity status?
a) Sole proprietorship
b) Representative office of a foreign company in Vietnam
c) Branch of a shareholding company
d) All of the above

13. Which of the following is CORRECT?

a) According to the Vietnam's law, a sale contract signed by an unauthorised representative is
null and void in any circumstances.
b) According to the Vietnam's law, an export contract need not made in writing.
c) According to the Vietnam's law, a sale contract without the price term is null and void
d) None of the above.

14. A buyer in Florida, USA orders 1000 pounds of fresh lettuce from a seller in HCMC,
Vietnam. The purchase order provides for a price of 78 cents per pound, delivery by
December 15, and payment within 30 days after delivery. The seller sends an
acknowledgement providing that payment is due within 10 days after delivery. The buyer
remains silent on the seller's acknowledgment. Which of the following statements is true?
a) The contract is not formed if the applicable law is Vietnam's law.
b) The contract is formed if the applicable law is CISG.
c) The contract is not formed if the applicable law is CISG.
d) Both A & C

15. What is the difference between private law and public law?
a) Private law refers to the relationship between individual citizens. Public law refers to the
relationship between individual citizens and the state.
b) Public law refers to the relationship between individual citizens. Private law refers to the
relationship between individual citizens and the state.
c) Private law relates to crimes committed inside the home. Public law relates to crimes
committed in public places.
d) Private law relates to court hearings conducted in private. Public law relates to court hearings
conducted in public.

16. Which of the following accurately reflects the distinction between substantive and
procedural law?
a) Substantive law reflects the rules on procedure and evidence. Procedural law reflects the
elements or conditions for the law to apply.
b) Procedural law reflects the rules on procedure and evidence. Substantive law reflects the
elements or conditions for the law to apply.
c) Substantive law and procedural law are synonymous.
d) None of the above.
17. Art 24 of Vietnam Constitution 2013 stipulates that 'Everyone shall enjoy freedom of
belief and religion; he or she can follow any religion or follow none. All religions are equal
before the law.' Which of the following is CORRECT?
a) These legal norms consist of 3 elements: Hypothesis, Disposition and Sanction
b) These legal norms lack hypothesis and sanction
c) These legal norms lack sanction only.
d) None of the above

18. Which of the following country would be a typical example of the semi-presidential
a) Russia
b) Republic of Korea
c) Ukraine
d) All of the above

19. Which of the following is CORRECT?

a) The governing law for the contract signed between two Vietnamese companies could be the
Korean Law if the parties so decide
b) The franchise contract must be made in writing and notarized or certified.
c) Commercial contract is governed by the Commercial Law only.
d) None of the above

20. Which one of the following usually amounts to an offer under the CISG?
a) Goods sold through a machine.
b) Advertisements.
c) Displays of goods.
d) An invitation to submit a tender
ĐỀ 2
1. In criminal liability, the proof against the accused must be…?
a) Proof in ultimacy
b) Proof of adequacy
c) Proof beyond reasonable doubt
d) Proof of preponderance

2. Which of the following is TRUE?

a) Precedents are the source of law in Vietnam
b) Precedents are one type of legislative documents in Vietnam
c) Precedents are selected and announced by courts of all levels in Vietnam
d) A and C are correct.

3. Which one is entitled to make an Ordinance?

a) Chairman of the National Assembly
b) National Assembly Standing Committee
c) President of Vietnam
d) Prime Minister

4. According to Vietnam's law, a contract is null and void if - câu này ko ra thi
a) the price term is not included
b) the quantity term is not included
c) force majeure and dispute settlement are not included
d) None of the above

5. Regarding the civil capacity of a minor, which one of the following statements is true?
a) A contract for the purchase of necessaries is void if the purchase is made by a minor
b) Minors have full contractual capacity providing that the other party is aware that he’s dealing
with a minor
c) A minor never has capacity to enter into a legally binding contract.
d) None of the above

6. According to Vietnam's law, the sale of goods contract is null and void if:
a) The contract is not made in written form or equivalent.
b) The contract is concluded by an unauthorized person although the legal representative … but
shows no objection within a reasonable period.
c) The contract is concluded without a price term.
d) None of the above

7. Which of the following is a legal document?

a) Directive No. 16/CT-TTg of the Prime Minister dated 31 March 2020 on implementation of
urgent measures for prevention and control of Covid-19.
b) Official letter No. 45/TANDTC-PC of the Justice Council of the Supreme People's Court
dated 30 March 2020 on trial for criminal offences against regulations on prevention and control
of Covid-19 pandemic.
c) Circular No. 39/2016/TT-NHNN of The Governor of the State Bank of Vietnam on 30
December 2016 on prescribing lending transactions of credit institutions
d) A and C are correct.

8. Which of the following is TRUE?

a) Case law is not the source of law in civil law countries
b) Statute is not the source of law in common law countries
c) Stare Decisis doctrine plays an essential role in the hearing of courts in common law system.
d) None of the above

9. Which one is entitled to make a Circular?

a) Chairman of the National Assembly
b) Prime Minister
c) Head of the Government' office
d) President of HCMC People's committee
10. The term 'private law' refers to:
a) The body of laws that derive from the deciding of cases.
b) The body of laws that seeks to regulate the relationship between individuals.
c) The legal principle that states that a person has the right to privacy
d) The body of laws that seeks to regulate the relationship between the State and its citizens.

11. Which one of the following is regarded as a private law topic?

a) Criminal law
b) Contract law
c) The law relating to human rights
d) Administrative law

12. Which of the following countries DOES NOT have a common law legal system?
a) The United States of America
b) Canada
c) France
d) B and C

13. The phrase 'civil law' can refer to those legal systems whose laws are based on Roman
law. It can also refer to:
a) Laws created by judges.
b) The body of laws that does not relate to criminal offences.
c) The supplementary system of law that is based on fairness and equality, and seeks to … the
harshness of the common law
d) The body of laws that establish what conduct is criminal and punishments for engaging in
such conduct

14. What does the doctrine of stare decisis mean?

a) Iudges are bound by statutes
b) Judges must decide the case on the facts
c) Judges may apply the law set out in retevant decision of previous superior courts and
sometimes courts of the same standing.
d) Judges must apply the law set out in relevant decision of previous superior courts and
sometimes courts of the same standing

15. According to Vietnam' law, to whom may an offer be made?

A. Only a specified individual
It. Only a single group of people specifically identitied in the offer
C. The entire world.
D. Only to persons over the age of 18.

16. A U.S. company sends a purchase order to an Italian shoe company. The Ite shoe
company sends a letter confirming the purchase order. The CISG provides:
A. the acceptance by the Italian company cannot be withdrawn under any circumstances
B. The Italian company can withdraw the acceptance if the withdraw reaches the before its
C.the acceptance by the Ialian company was effective when sent
D. None of the above is correct.

17. A, a New York firm, sends a purchase order to B in Sweden. A standard clause on the
purchase order states that "All disputes are to be heard in the courts of New York." B
confirms using its standard form, which states that "all disputes are to be resolved in
arbitration before the ICC, Sweden." Under the CISG:
A. A contract exists on A's terms because B's terms were a material alteration and do not become
a part of the contract.
B. A contract exists on B's terms because the modification is immaterial.
C. No contract exists because B's terms were a counteroffer that was not accepted by A
D. A contract exists because A did not promptly object to the new terms.

18. Which of the following does not have the legal entity status?
A. Sole proprietorship
B. Representative office of a foreign company in Vietnam
C. Branch of a shareholding company
D. All of the above

19. Which of the following is CORRECT?

A. According to the Vietnam's law, a sale contract signed by an unauthorised representative is
null and void in any circumstances.
B. According to the Vietnam's law, an export contract need not made in writing.
C. According to the Vietnam's law, a sale contract without the price term is null and void.
D. None of the above.

20. A buyer in Florida, USA orders 1000 pounds of fresh lettuce from a seller in HCMC,
Vietnam. The purchase order provides for a price of 78 cents per pound, delivery by
December 15, and payment within 30 days after delivery. The seller sends an
acknowledgement providing that payment is due within 10 days after delivery. The buyer
remains silent on the seller's acknowledgment. Which of the following statements is true?
a) The contract is not formed if the applicable law is Vietnam's law.
b) The contract is formed if the applicable law is CISG.
c) The contract is not formed if the applicable law is CISG.
d) Both A and C.

21. What is the difference between private law and public law?
a) Private law refers to the relationship between individual citizens. Public law refers to the
relationship between individual citizens and the state.
b) Public law refers to the relationship between individual citizens. Private law refers to the
relationship between individual citizens and the state.
c) Private law relates to crimes committed inside the home. Publie law relates to crimes
committed in public places.
d) Private law relates to court hearings conducted in private. Public law relates to court hearings
conducted in public.
22. Which of the following accurately reflects the distinction between substantive and
procedural law?
a) Substantive law reflects the rules on procedure and evidence. Procedural law reflects the
elements or conditions for the law to apply.
b) Procedural law reflects the rules on procedure and evidence. Substantive law reflects the
elements or conditions for the law to apply.
c) Substantive law and procedural law are synonymous.
d) None of the above.

23. Which of the following country would be a typical example of the semi-president
a) Russia
b) Republic of Korea
c) Ukraine
d) All of the above

24. Which of the following is CORRECT?

a) The governing law for the contract signed between two Vietnamese companies could be the
Korean Law if the parties so decide
b) The franchise contract must be made in writing and notarized or certified.
c) Commercial contract is governed by the Commercial Law only.
d) None of the above

25. Which one of the following usual amounts to an offer under the CISG?
a) Goods sold through a machine.
b) Advertisements.
c) Displays of goods.
d) An invitation to submit a tender.

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