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It was the final step in the centralisation of India’s administration.

• The ending of the East India Company’s commercial activities and making it into the British
Crown’s trustee in administering India.

• Codification of laws under Macaulay.

• Provision for Indians in government service.


• For the first time, the legislative and executive functions of the Governor-General’s council were

• This act served as the foundation of the modern parliamentary form of government. The
legislative wing of the Governor-General’s Council acted as a parliament on the model of the British

• It extended the company’s rule for an indefinite period, unlike the previous charter acts. Thus, it
could be taken over by the British government at any time.

• Company’s influence was further reduced by this act. The Board of Directors now had 6
members who were Crown-nominated.

• It gave birth to the Indian civil services and was open to all including Indians. This ended the
system of appointments by recommendation and started a system of open and fair competition.

• For the first time, local representation was introduced into the legislative council in the form of
four members from the local governments of Bengal, Bombay, Madras and North Western Provinces.

Indian council act 1861

• Lord Canning, who was the Governor-General and Viceroy at the time, introduced the portfolio
system. In this system, each member was assigned a portfolio of a particular department.

• For legislative purposes, the Governor-General’s Council was enlarged. Now, there were to be
between 6 and 12 additional members (nominated by the Governor-General).

• There were appointed for a period of 2 years. Out of these, at least half of the additional
members were to be non-official (British or Indian).

• Their functions were confined to legislative measures.

• Lord Canning nominated three Indians to the Council in 1862 namely, the Raja of Benares, the
Maharaja of Patiala and Sir Dinkar Rao.

• Any bill related to public revenue or debt, military, religion or foreign affairs could not be passed
without the Governor-General’s assent.

• The Viceroy had the power to overrule the council if necessary.

Indian council act 1892

• The act increased the number of additional or non-official members in the legislative councils

In 1892, out of 24 members, only 5 were Indians.

The members were given the right to ask questions on the budget (which was barred in the
Indian Councils Act 1861) or matters of public interest but had to give notice of 6 days for it.

They could not ask supplementary questions.

The principle of representation was initiated through this act. The district boards, universities,
municipalities, chambers of commerce and zamindars were authorised to recommend members to the
provincial councils.

The legislative councils were empowered to make new laws and repeal old laws with the
permission of the Governor-General. Inc

Indian council act 1909:

Indians were given membership to the Imperial Legislative Council for the first time.

It introduced separate electorates for the Muslims. Some constituencies were earmarked for
Muslims and only Muslims could vote their representatives.

The members could discuss the budget and move resolutions. They could also discuss matters of
public interest.

They could also ask supplementary questions.

No discussions on foreign policy or on relations with the princely states were permitted.

aka morley minto act morley sos and minto viceroy

Govt of india act 1919:

Direct election was introduced

But eligibility was only for 17000 ppl

Also made provisions for public service commission

Legislative assembly had 145 members and the tenure 3 years elected and nominated

Council of state had 60 members and tenure was 5 years elected and nominated

Both had off and non off members

Viceroy was Chelmsford montague was sos


 The Government of India Act 1935 curtailed the power concentrated in the hands of the Central
Government and distributed it among the decentralised form of government.
 Separate electorates for women, despite the fact that they had not requested it, were
beneficial to women's advancement in the decision-making process. Workers had their own
representation as well, which aided in the progress of the working class.
 This Act was the first attempt to give the provinces an autonomous status by freeing them
from external interference.
 Another reason was that this Act provides voting rights to more people than were given under
the Government of India Act, 1919.
 This Act also suggested the establishment of a federal government that would allow princes to
participate in India's political activities.
 Furthermore, the drafters of the Indian Constitution took into account those characteristics of
the Government of India Act that were well-suited to a free India.
 The Constitution of India also borrowed the feature that every state should have a Governor
who would be elected by the Central Government.
 The Public Service Commission that we see in Article 315 of the Indian Constitution had also
been taken from the Government of India Act, 1935.

Furthermore, the Act did not speak of the defence which was an integral part of national security nor
about the rights of the people of the country. Also, voting rights were limited to only 10% of the
pulapotion, not making the government democratic.


Mountbatten became viceroy and launched mountabatten plan to divide india and pakistan

Cyril Radcliffe had to draw borders

Bengal and Punjab were divided into halves on the basis of religion

3 princely states undecided hyd junagarh and jk

Sardar vallabhai patel hyd annexation

1. The first sos of india is Charles wood. Nominated by the cabinet and the viceroy is answerable to
him, he looks into pol and admn matters.
2. India is a parliamentary form of govt
3. Princely states are the states outside the british province, total 566 princely states. Three didn’t
sign which were hyd(nizam) jk(hari singh) and Junagarh
4. Advocates are legal practitioner in india
5. Separate electorate is about the muslim league, wanted muslim representatives elected only by
muslims, it led to the partition of india
6. Dyarchy (dual govt) provincial leval (transferred and reserved subjects) central (The central
subjects included all subjects directly administered by the Government of India or in which extra-
provincial interests were dominant9) Introduced in 1919
7. Partition of india, mountbatten plan 1947 independence act india and Pakistan
8. Bicammmeral legislation 1919, division of power into houses council of state60 and legislative
assembly 145 aka federal house in 1935, present rajya and lok

9. The Indian Bar Committee, or Chamier Committee, was appointed in 1923 to address issue of
growing dissatisfaction over the distinction (Indian legal practitioners) (British legal
practitioners). demand for the establishment of an all-India Bar that would ensure judicial
appointments based solely on merit, eliminating any bias. The Committee was tasked with
examining whether the Indian Bar should be constituted on an all-India or provincial basis. They
were also asked to assess the extent to which existing distinctions between barristers and vakils
could be removed. Based on the Committee's recommendations, the Indian Bar Councils Act
was passed in 1926. This act brought significant changes to the legal profession in India. It led to
the establishment of Bar Councils at the provincial level and aimed to address the disparities
and inequalities between barristers and vakils. Overall, the Chamier Committee and the
subsequent Indian Bar Councils Act played a crucial role in shaping the legal profession in India,
ensuring a more equitable and merit-based system.
10. Simon Commission to review the working of goi 1919 and the govt, there were in Indians. Simon
go back, jinnah(14) and nehru report 1928 simon report 1930 round table conference in 1930-32
british govt published white paper in 1933 which led to the passing of goi 1935.
11. Constituent assembly prez sp Sinha and rajendra prasad The major criticism of the Constituent
Assembly of India was that it was not formed by universal suffrage. Many feel that it was
dominated by Congress members and lawyer-politicians. There were allegations that since the
Constituent Assembly was formed during the British order it was not a sovereign body. The
committee took an unreasonable time to frame the Constitution. The committee consisted
majorly of Hindus. Are all these criticisms true? Not at all! The constituent assembly consisted of
members from all the religions, castes and cultures of the society. This means that equal
opportunity is given to all. The time taken by the constituent assembly to frame the Constitution
is reasonable since India is a big country and they have to account for people from all the
sections of the society. The secular provisions in the Constitution is a proof that the Constitution
gave equal rights and opportunities to everyone irrespective of their caste and religion.
12. Morley minto
13. Montague
14. Goi 1935
15. Muslim league 1906 dec 30 in dhaka muhammad ali jinnah face to create a separate state for
16. Mountbatten last viceroy and g gopalachari last sos
17. Liaquat ali khan first pm
18. Jawaharlal nehru first pm
19. GOI 1919
20. Ica 1861 1892 1909
21. Language debate Hindi vs Hindustani vs English , numerals , most were against English wanted
emotional and national integration. Mahatma Gandhi died and political conditions changes
therefore Hindustani was eliminated from the viiith schedule. Similar issue in numerlas. Non
hindi members agreed on hindi but few hindi members like nehru were against it. Finally hindi
was accepted as official language and numerlas were written in roman form.
22. Formation of constituent assembly

In 1934, M N Roy proposed the idea of a constituent assembly.

The demand was taken up by the Congress Party in 1935 as an official demand.

The British accepted this in the August Offer of 1940.

Elections were held for the formation of the constituent assembly under the Cabinet Mission plan of

The members of this assembly were elected indirectly, i.e., by the members of the provincial assemblies
using the method of a single transferable vote of prop.

 Frame the Constitution of India and make sure that everyone in the country gets equal rights and

 The assembly adopted the National flag on July 22, 1947.

 Enact the laws

 In May 1949 the assembly approved India’s membership in the British Commonwealth.

 On January 24, 1950, Dr Rajendra Prasad was elected the first President of India through this committee.

 Adopted both the National anthem and National Song on January 24, 1950.

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