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Revision Worksheet

Long answer questions:-

1. Explain what ASCII is and how it works in encoding characters.

ASCII stands for "American Standard Code for Information Interchange." It is a system
that assigns numbers to characters, like letters and symbols. Each character has its own
unique number so that computers can understand and store text.

2. Choose any three special characters or symbols used in ASCII and provide their
corresponding ASCII codes.


a. Space- ASCII code 32

b. Comma- ASCII code 44
c. Full stop - ASCII code 46
3. What are the limitations of ASCII and how it may not be suitable for encoding characters
in languages other than English.
• There are only 256 characters in ASCII.
• ASCII was originally created to convert from English into binary and doesn't work
well for languages with special characters or symbols.
4. What is a value?
A value is a number that can be used in calculations, comparisons, or as a way to
store data.
5. How does a computer utilize ASCII codes in various aspects of its operation?

When you press a key on the keyboard it sends a signal to the processor. The
signal varies according to which character you selected on the keyboard.
When the processor receives the signal it stores the character using ASCII code.
It stores the binary number.
6. What is a pixel?
A pixel is a tiny square of an image. The word pixel is short for 'picture element'. Many
pixels together form images and make up what you see on the screen.

7. What is the process by which images are converted into digital data?

Images are turned into digital data by dividing them into tiny squares called pixels. Each
pixel is assigned a color, and these colors are stored as numbers in the computer.
8. Explain the role of resolution in digital images. How does a higher resolution image differ
from a lower resolution image?
Resolution is the number of pixels in an image. A higher resolution image has more
pixels and is clearer, while a lower resolution image has fewer pixels and may look blur.
9. Describe the process of converting audio sounds into digital data. What is the role of
sampling in this process?
The sound wave is continuous and smooth. A computer cannot save continuous data.
The computer must break up continuous data into chunks that can be stored in bytes in
its memory. This process is called sampling. A sample is a slice of the sound taken at a
moment in time.
10. What is the significance of the sampling rate in digitizing audio? How does a higher
sampling rate impact the quality of the digital audio?
The sampling rate is how many snapshots of sound are taken each second. A higher
sampling rate captures more details and makes the digital audio sound closer to the
11. What are frames in the context of Digital Video?
In digital video, frames are like pictures that play quickly one after another to make a
moving video. Each frame shows a different moment in the video.
12. Why do websites collect data from their visitors? What are the primary reasons behind
data collection online?
Websites collect data to understand their visitors, provide better content, and show
personalized ads. They also use data to improve their services and make money.
13. Explain the advantages of data collection.
Data collection helps websites
• improve user experience,
• offer relevant content, and
• create targeted ads.
It also assists in making websites more efficient and effective.
14. How can collecting data help websites provide personalized content and services to
By collecting data about a user's preferences and behavior, websites can show content
and services that match what the user likes, making the experience more personal.
15. Discuss the role of data collection in targeted advertising.
Data collection helps websites show ads that are more relevant to users based on their
interests and online behavior, which can be more effective for advertisers.

16. What are cookies?
Cookies are small files that websites store on your computer to remember information
like login details or your preferences.
17. When you are browsing the web, what are two clues that tell you a website is secure?
Two clues that a website is secure are:
• An "https://" prefix in the website's URL.
• A padlock icon in the browser's address bar.

18. What are cookies used for in a website?

Cookies are used to remember your login information, your preferences, and to track
your activity on the website for various purposes, including advertising.
19. What steps can individuals take to control the information they share online?
Individuals can control the information they share online by adjusting privacy settings,
being cautious about sharing personal details, and using secure passwords. They can
also clear cookies and use private browsing modes.

True or False

20. ASCII stands for "American Standard Code for Information Interchange." - True
21. In ASCII, each character is represented by a unique numeric code. - True
22. ASCII can represent a wide range of characters, including symbols and numbers.- True
23. Higher resolution in digital images means fewer pixels are used to create the image.-
24. Websites collect data from their visitors primarily to understand user behavior and
provide a better user experience. - True
25. Data collection online is always carried out with the user's consent. - False
26. Cookies are small pieces of data that websites use to remember user preferences and
login information. -True

Fill in the blanks

27. In ASCII, the code for the letter 'A' is ____65________.

28. In digital images, a higher resolution results in a clearer and more detailed picture.
29. In digital audio, the __sampling____ rate determines how often sound is captured and
30. Websites collect data from their visitors to understand user behavior and provide a better
user _experience___________.
31. ___Cookies___ are small pieces of data that websites use to remember user
preferences and login information.


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