Ielts Writing

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* While some people believe that the government should provide free education to

all students, others argue that this is not a feasible solution.

* The reason why many people are opposed to free education is that they believe
it would be too expensive.
* However, there are a number of arguments in favour of free education. For
example, it would give all students the opportunity to receive a good education,
regardless of their financial situation.

● Complex sentences with relative clauses:

○ The man who lives next door is a doctor.

○ The book that I am reading is very interesting.
○ The city where I was born is very beautiful.
● Complex sentences with participial clauses:

○ Having finished his homework, the boy went outside to play.

○ The woman, tired from her long day at work, fell asleep on the
○ The car, driving down the road, hit a dog.
● Complex sentences with infinitive clauses:

○ I need to go to the store to buy some milk.

○ I want to learn how to play the guitar.
○ I hope to get a good job after I graduate from college.
● Complex sentences with gerund clauses:

○ I enjoy playing video games.

○ I am looking forward to going on vacation.
○ I am worried about failing my exam.

These are just a few examples of complex sentence structures that you can use in
your IELTS academic writing task 2. When using complex sentences, it is
important to make sure that they are clear and easy to understand. You should
also avoid using too many complex sentences in one paragraph, as this can make
your writing difficult to read.

The question:

"Some people believe that the best way to learn about other cultures is to travel to
other countries. Others believe that it is possible to learn about other cultures
without traveling. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion."
The answer:

It is often said that the best way to learn about other cultures is to travel to other
countries. While there is some truth to this statement, I believe that it is also
possible to learn about other cultures without traveling.

There are several advantages to traveling to other countries in order to learn

about other cultures. Firstly, it allows you to experience the culture firsthand. You
can see the way people live, the food they eat, and the customs they follow. This
can give you a much deeper understanding of the culture than you would get from
reading about it or watching documentaries.

Secondly, traveling to other countries allows you to meet people from different
cultures. This can be a very enriching experience, as you can learn about their
lives and their perspectives on the world. You may also make lifelong friends from
your travels.

However, there are also some disadvantages to traveling to other countries.

Firstly, it can be expensive. You need to pay for flights, accommodation, food, and
activities. If you are on a tight budget, traveling may not be an option.

Secondly, traveling can be time-consuming. You need to take time off work or
school, and you may need to apply for visas and other travel documents. If you
are short on time, traveling may not be feasible.

Finally, traveling can be physically and emotionally demanding. You may have to
deal with jet lag, culture shock, and homesickness. If you are not prepared for
these challenges, traveling may not be enjoyable.

In conclusion, there are both advantages and disadvantages to traveling to other

countries in order to learn about other cultures. If you have the time and money,
traveling can be a very rewarding experience. However, if you are on a tight
budget or short on time, there are other ways to learn about other cultures.

One way to learn about other cultures without traveling is to read books and
articles about them. You can also watch documentaries and listen to music from
other cultures. Additionally, you can talk to people from other cultures who live in
your own country.

Another way to learn about other cultures is to participate in cultural events in your
own community. This could include attending festivals, visiting museums, or going
to the theater. You can also learn about other cultures by cooking their food,
learning their language, or practicing their customs.

In conclusion, there are many ways to learn about other cultures without traveling.
While traveling can be a great way to experience other cultures firsthand, there
are many other ways to learn about them as well.

The world is becoming increasingly interconnected. Some people believe that this
is a positive development, while others believe that it has negative consequences.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.


The world is becoming increasingly interconnected, thanks to the development of

new technologies. This has led to a number of positive and negative

On the one hand, interconnectedness has made it easier for people to

communicate and share information. This has led to a more globalized society,
where people from different cultures can learn about each other and work
together. For example, the internet has made it possible for people to connect with
friends and family all over the world, and to share news and information instantly.

On the other hand, interconnectedness has also led to a number of problems. For
example, it has made it easier for criminals to operate across borders, and has
contributed to the spread of diseases. Additionally, it has led to a loss of privacy,
as people's personal information is increasingly being collected and shared online.

In my opinion, the positive consequences of interconnectedness outweigh the

negative. I believe that the benefits of being able to communicate and share
information with people from all over the world far outweigh the risks. However, it
is important to be aware of the potential dangers of interconnectedness, and to
take steps to protect oneself from them.

The topic of the essay is:

Some people think that governments should spend more money on public
transport, while others believe that this money should be spent on improving roads
and highways.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Here is the essay:

In recent years, there has been much debate about how governments should
spend their money. Some people believe that the money should be spent on
public transport, while others believe that it should be spent on improving roads
and highways. In this essay, I will discuss both of these views and give my own

Those who believe that money should be spent on public transport argue that it is
a more efficient way to move people around. They point out that public transport
can carry more people than cars, and that it does not cause pollution. They also
argue that public transport is more affordable than car ownership, and that it can
help to reduce traffic congestion.

Those who believe that money should be spent on improving roads and highways
argue that it is important to have a good infrastructure in place. They point out that
roads and highways are essential for businesses to operate, and that they are
also important for people to travel long distances. They also argue that improving
roads and highways can create jobs and boost the economy.

I believe that both public transport and roads and highways are important, and that
the government should spend money on both. However, I believe that the money
should be spent in a way that gives priority to public transport. This is because
public transport is a more efficient way to move people around, and it is also more
environmentally friendly.

In conclusion, there are strong arguments for both spending money on public
transport and spending money on roads and highways. However, I believe that the
government should give priority to public transport. This is because public
transport is a more efficient and environmentally friendly way to move people


● Describe a time when you had to make a difficult decision.

Here is a possible answer:

I had to make a difficult decision when I was choosing my university. I had been
accepted to two great schools, but they were both very different. One was a large,
public university in the city, and the other was a small, private college in the
country. I knew that I would have a great education at either school, but I had to
decide which one would be the best fit for me.

I thought about my goals for the future and what I wanted to get out of my
education. I also thought about my personality and what kind of environment I
would thrive in. Ultimately, I decided to attend the small, private college. I felt like it
would be a better fit for me because it was a more intimate environment and I
would have more opportunities to get involved in extracurricular activities.

I am happy with my decision and I believe that it was the right one for me. I am
getting a great education at my college and I am enjoying my time here. I am also
making a lot of friends and I am involved in many activities. I am confident that I
will be successful in the future.

Here are some follow-up questions that the examiner might ask:

● Why did you choose to apply to those two schools?

● What were the pros and cons of each school?
● What was the most difficult part of making your decision?
● Are you happy with your decision?
● What advice would you give to someone who is making a similar decision?

Question: Describe a memorable trip you have taken. Where did you go? What did you do

there? Why was it memorable for you?

Answer: One of the most memorable trips I have taken was to the beautiful city of Paris,

France. I had the opportunity to visit Paris last summer with my family. During our stay, we

explored various famous landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower, Louvre Museum, and Notre-

Dame Cathedral.

One of the highlights of the trip was ascending the Eiffel Tower and enjoying the

breathtaking view of the city from the top. We also spent a significant amount of time

wandering through the Louvre Museum, marveling at the world-renowned art pieces,

including the iconic Mona Lisa. Additionally, we explored the charming streets of Paris,

indulging in delicious French cuisine and visiting local markets.

The trip to Paris was memorable for several reasons. Firstly, it was my first time visiting

Europe, and experiencing the rich history and culture of Paris was truly fascinating. The city's

architectural beauty and the art collections left a lasting impression on me. Secondly, I got to

spend quality time with my family, creating lifelong memories together. We bonded over

exploring new places, trying new foods, and sharing our excitement at every step of the

Overall, my trip to Paris holds a special place in my heart. It was a captivating experience

that exposed me to a different culture, allowed me to witness stunning landmarks, and

strengthened the bond with my family. It is a trip I will cherish and remember fondly for the

rest of my life.

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