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Mata Pelajaran :Bahasa Inggris No. Urut :..............................

Hari/Tanggal : .......................... Nama :...............................

Waktu : 60 Menit Kelas : I ( A/B/C/D )

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, or c !

Text for number 1- 3

This is my classroom. There are forty six students and one teacher.
There are forty seven chairs, twenty three tables and one desk in the
classroom. On the wall, there are twenty six files hang on it. My classroom
is clean and tidy.

1. How many students are there ?.

a. There are forty six
b. There are twenty three
c. There are twenty six

2. How many files are there ?

a. Twenty five
b. Twenty four
c. Twenty six
3. There are . . . chairs in the classroom.
a. 24
b. 37
c. 47
4. Ten , . . . ,eight, seven, . . ., five

a. Four, three
b. One, four
c. Nine, six

5. The number before thirty seven is . . .

a. Thirty four
b. Thirty five
c. Thirty six

What does he do ?
6. a. Fight
b. block
c. Do the horse stance

7. Abdul goes to school

by . . .

a . bicycle
b. pedicab
c. motorcycle

8. My father goes to Surabaya by . . .

a. plane
b. ship
c. pedicab

9. _____ a ship on the sea.

a. There is
b. There are
c. Is there
10. There are . . . and . . .
a. Ship, a train
b. bus, a plane
c. ship, a bus

11. This is a . . .
a. car
b. pedicab
c. bicycle

12 . My father has a new computer, . . . bought it in Mangga Dua.

a. He
c. they

13. I am Andi. He is Irfan. . . . are deskmates.

a. She
b. He
c. They

14. He . . . Mr. Tono. She is Mrs. Tina. They . . . my parents.

a. are, is
b. am, are
c. is, are
15. Halim is writing a letter . . . is writing a letter to his grandmother.
a. She
b. He
c. We
16. Ali : What is it?
Mia : It is . . .
a. Telephone
b. Mobile phone
c. Smartphone

17. Rini, Ines, and I are in the classroom, . . . are cleaning the classroom.
a. They
b. We
c. You

18. He sends an email on a . . .

a. Smartphone
b. Computer
c. Post

19. I usually throw the rubbish in the . . .

a. river
b. dustbin
c. street

20. We shouldn’t throw the rubbish in the . . . and . . .

a. River , dustbin
b. Dustbin, street
c. Street, River
21. What if everyone throws small things
in the river ? It can cause . . .
a. Floods
b. Clean
c. cleaning

22. They, . . . play football.

a. Can’t
b. Can
c. do

23. Fatimah . . . ride a bicycle.

a. Can
b. Can’t
c. Don’t

24. Write down the words.
a. my house
number is . . .

b. 18 =

25. Arrange into correct words

a. D – t – u – s – i– b – n

b. R – i – b – u – s – b – h

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