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Sight rail- Example 2:

The six corners of proposed L shape excavation have been set out on site and
offset pegs have been established to help to define the sides of excavation ,the
proposed formation level of the surface of excavation at point (R) is 95.72 m the
surface is to fall at a slope of 1 in 150 from R to W , and is to rise at slope of 1 in
100 at right angles to the line RW , sight rail are to be erected above the offset
pegs P1 and P2 define line RW and offset pegs P3 and P4 define line TU
,reduced levels of corner points :
Elevation of points on ground
R= 96.86 m, W = 96.70 m , V = 97.61 m , U= 96.91 m , T = 96.98 m , S =
97.74 m ,P1 = 96,95m , p2 = 96.45m , P3= 97.12 m P4 = 96.75 m
Ŕ = 95.72 m on excavation, Calculate the highs at which the top of the sight rails
should be fixed above of the tops of the pegs P1 P2,P3 and P4.and the
approximately volume of excavation

Solution :
Consider line P1 R W P2

Formation level at P1 =95.72 + 3/150 =95.74 m
Formation level at P2 =95.72 - 48/150 =95.40 m
For offset peg P1:
Required top of sight rail level = 95.74 + 2.00 = 97.74 m
Actual top of peg level =96.95 m
Level at top of peg – sight rail = 96.95 -97.74 = - 0.79 m
Therefore, distance above peg P1 is 0.79 m
For offset peg P2:
Required top of sight rail level = 95.40 + 2.00 = 97.40 m
Actual top of peg level =96.45 m
Level at top of peg – sight rail = 96.45 -97.40 = - 0.95 m
Therefore, distance above peg P2 is 0.95 m
Consider line P4 U T P3

Calculate formation level at point Z with reference to the line P1 R W P2

95.72 -15/150 = 95.62 m
Back to line P4 U T P3
Formation level at P3 = 95.62 +28/100= 95.90 m

Formation level at P4 = 95.62 -3/100= 95.59 m
For offset peg P3:
Required top of sight rail level = 95.90 + 2.00 = 97.90 m
Actual top of peg level =97.12 m
Level at top of peg – sight rail = 97.12 -97.90 = - 0.78 m
Therefore, distance above peg P2 is 0.78 m
For offset peg P4:
Required top of sight rail level = 95.59 + 2.00 = 97.59 m
Actual top of peg level =96.75 m
Level at top of peg – sight rail = 96.75 -97.59 = - 0.84 m
Therefore, distance above peg P2 is 0.84 m

For volume quantity :

Ẃ = Ŕ – 45 m x 1/150 = 95.42m
V = Ẃ + 15m x 1/100 =95.57 m
Ú = V+30m x 1/150 = 95.77 m
T = Ú +10m x 1/100 = 95.87 m
S = T + 15 m x 1/150 = 95.97 m
Ŕ = S – 25 m x 1/100 = 95.72 m
Hight of excavation = elevation on ground – elevation on excavation
H1 = R-Ŕ= 96.86m - 95.72 m = 1.14 m
H2 = W- Ẃ = 96.70 m - 95.42m = 1.28 m
H3= V-V = 97.61 m - 95.57 m = 2.04 m
H4 = U-Ú = 96.91 m - 95.77 m = 1.14 m
H5= T- T = 96.98 m - 95.87 m = 1.11 m
H6 = S-S = 97.74 m – 95.97 m = 1.77 m
Average of Hight = H1+H2+H3+H4+H5+H6 =1.14 m +1.28 m+2.04 m + 1.14 m +1.11 m+1.77 m
=1.41 m
Area = 45m x 25 m – ( 10m x 30 m ) = 1125 m² - 300 m² = 825 m²
Volume = Area x Average Hight of excavation = 825 m² x 1.41 m = 1163.25 m³

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