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Q1: What is the world's most expensive spice by weight??

a. Cinnamon
b. !Saffron
c. Cardamom
d. Vanilla
Q2: In a standard set of playing cards, which is the only king without a moustache??

a. !Hearts
b. Spades
c. Clubs
d. Diamonds
Q3: Which river flows through the Scottish city of Glasgow??

a. Tay
b. Tweed
c. Dee
d. !Clyde
Q4: Rolex is a company that specializes in what type of product??

a. Cars
b. !Watches
c. Computers
d. Sports equipment
Q5: Which essential condiment is also known as Japanese horseradish??

a. Mentsuyu
b. Ponzu
c. !Wasabi
d. Karashi
Q6: On average, Americans consume 100 pounds of what per second??

a. !Chocolate
b. Cocaine
c. Potatoes
d. Donuts
Q7: What direction does the Statue of Liberty face??

a. Southwest
b. Northeast
c. !Southeast
d. Northwest
Q8: Which of the General Mills Corporation's monster cereals was the last to be released in the 1970's??

a. Boo-Berry
b. Count Chocula
c. Franken Berry
d. !Fruit Brute
Q9: Where did the pineapple plant originate??

a. Asia
b. !South America
c. Hawaii
d. Europe
Q10: What was the name given to Japanese military dictators who ruled the country through the 12th and 19th Century??

a. !Shogun
b. Samurai
c. Shinobi
d. Ninja
d in the 1970's??

he 12th and 19th Century??

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