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The Philippines in the 19th Century as ➢ Constructed between 1859 and

Rizal Context 1869 under the leadership of

French diplomat Ferdinand de
→The Economic, Social, and Political.
Lesseps, it was officially opened on
Discussed herewith are the historical
November 17, 1869.
events which characterized the country
➢ expedited the importation not only
during that period.
of products but also of books,
Objectives: magazines, and newspapers with
❑ To Analyze the various social, political, liberal ideas from America and
and economic changes that occurred in the Europe, which ultimately affected
19th century, the minds of Rizal and other
❑ To interpret Jose Rizal in the context of Filipino reformists.
his times, and
3. The rise of the export of the crop
❑ To appraise finally the link between the
individual and society.
➢ The exploitation of the Philippines’
natural resources and the progress
Economic Context
of an export crop between 1820
and 1870
1. The end of the Galleon Trade
➢ Products such as sugar, hemp
➢ started when Andres de Urdaneta,
(abaka), and coffee
in convoy under Miguel Lopez de
➢ Many opportunities for the
Legaspi discovered a return route
expanding Chinese population.
from Cebu to Mexico in 1565
➢ Export crops: the hemp- producing
➢ 1564 to September 14, 1815 (250
areas of southeastern Luzon and
years) Trade from Mexican trader:
the eastern Visayas, the sugar
mango, buffalo, tea, and tuba, and
areas of the Western Visayas, and
from Filipino trader: avocado,
the tobacco provinces of
guava, pineapple, papaya, horse,
northeastern Luzon.
and cow.
➢ Intercultural exchanges between
4. Monopolies in the Philippines
Asia (especially Philippines),
Spanish America, and onward to
➢ The opium monopoly (1840’s the
Europe and Africa.
Spanish government had legalized
➢ Liberal ideas to enter the
the use of opium (provided it was
limited to Chinese
➢ Special crops and items, such as
2. The opening of the Canal Suez
spirituous liquors (1712-1864),
➢ An artificial sea-level waterway in
tobacco (1782-1882), and
Egypt that connects the
explosives (1805-1864).
Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea
➢ The tobacco monopoly ( March 1,
through the Isthmus of Suez
1782, Governor General Jose
➢ Lessened the travel time from
Basco) to increase government
Spain to the country to 40 days,
revenue since the annual subsidy
made this more convenient.
coming from Mexico was no longer
sufficient to maintain the colony.
➢ 19th century have continued to
➢ Widespread cultivation of tobacco play a vital role in the country’s
in the provinces of Cagayan Valley, economics and politics.
Ilocos Norte, Ilocos Sur, La Union,
Isabela, Abra, Nueva Ecija, and 3. The rise of the Inquilinos
➢ Qualified system of tenancy, or the
Social Context right to use land in exchange of
1. Education ➢ During harvest time, the
➢ Schools were established and run administrator would collect the
by Catholic missionaries. rent of the inquilinos, organize the
➢ Aiming to convert the natives to delivery of the harvests to the local
the Catholic faith and make them market or to Manila, and remit the
obedient, the colonial government income from sales and rents to the
and the Catholic Church made estate owners.
religion a compulsory subject at all ➢ With the expansion of land owned
levels. by missionary congregations (friar
➢ King Philip II’s Leyes de Indias (Laws eatates), the proportions of
of the Indies) mandated Spanish farmlands leased to inquilinos also
authorities in the Philippines to increased allowing many of them
educate the locals, to teach them to sub-lease parcels of their land to
how to read and write and to learn sharecropper or kasamas.
Spanish ➢ This system eventually became
➢ The first formal schools were the very profitable that some
parochial schools opened in their inquilinos acquired lands of their
parishes by the missionaries, such own and entered in other gainful
as the Agustinians, Franciscans, commercial ventures. Some
Jesuits, and Dominicans inquilinos even ceased becoming
farmers and relegated the job
2. The Rise of Chinese Mestizo, completely to their sub-tenants.
➢ The development of commercial
agriculture in the archipelago Political Context
resulted in the presence of a new
class. 1. Liberalism
➢ Alongside the landholdings of the ➢ A worldview founded on ideas of
church and the rice estates of the freedom and equality which
pre-Spanish nobility, there includes a wide range of political
emerged haciendas of sugar, philosophies that consider
coffee, and hemp, typically owned individual liberty to be the most
by enterprising Chinese-Filipino significant political goal, and
mestizos. underscore individual rights and
➢ In fact, some of the families which equality of opportunity.
attained reputation in the ➢ Liberals normally believe that
government is necessary to protect
individuals from being abused by
others though they are also aware Monarchy still under control of the
that government itself can pose a Spanish Crown
threat to liberty. ➢ the first constitution in Europe to
➢ The French revolution (1789-1799) deal with national sovereignty,
started a political revolution in recognizing sovereignty as coming
Europe and consequently in some from the people and not from the
other parts of the globe. King.
➢ The Cadiz Constitution, which was
2. The impact of the Bourbon reforms formally implemented in Manila
➢ When the Spanish Bourbon King V. soon after, established the
(b.1700-1746) assented to the principles of universal male
throne, he and his successors, suffrage, national sovereignty,
Ferdinand VI (r.1745-1759), Charles constitutional monarchy, and
III (r.1759-1788), and Charles IV freedom of the press, and
(r.1788-1807), advocated a advocated land reform and free
century-long effort to reform and enterprise.
modify the Spanish empire. ➢ Dealing with policies on Spain’s
➢ These policy changes, known colonies including the Philippines,
jointly as the Bourbon Reforms, the constitution issued a decree
endeavored to curtail contraband “granting all its colonies
commerce, reclaim control over representation as province in the
transatlantic trade, restrict the Spanish Cortes through deputies
church’s power, reform state chosen by the various capital cities
finances to fill dwindling royal
coffers, and found tighter
administrative and political control
within the empire.
➢ Ideally, the Bourbon reform
policies were advantageous to the
Philippines, which was under Spain
from 1565 to 1898. However since
the Philippines was practically far
from Spain, and so it was hard for
Bourbon advocates to check if
reform policies were properly
implemented in Spain’s colony in
the Far East.

3. The Cadiz Constitution

➢ During the Napoleonic occupation
of Spain, a liberal constitution was
promulgated in Cadiz in March
1812. It was drafted by elected
representatives, the Cadiz
Constitution was put in practice in
almost all the areas of the Hispanic
The Philippines in the Nineteenth Century many nation-states around the globe. The
as Rizal’s Context century was also a period massive changes
in Europe, Spain and consequently in the
Introduction Philippines. It was during this era that the
power and glory of Spain, the Philippines’
To understand Rizal’s life, thoughts, colonizer waned both in its colonies and in
and work, we must understand first the the world (Manego, J.,Paragas, R.,
economic, social, and political aspect of the Barrientos, M. A, & Francisco, R, 2018).
time when he was born, grew up and
became the Rizal that we knew. The 19th Economic Aspect
century Philippines as Rizal’s context will be
further discussed into 3 aspects, namely, The end of the galleon trade.
economic, social, and political. The A galleon is a ship carrying goods.
economic aspect will focus on end of the The Galleon Trade is a ship trade. Prior to
galleon trade, opening of the Suez Canal, the coming of the Spaniards in the
opening of ports to world trade, rise of the Philippines, Filipinos are already trading
export crop economy, and monopolies. The with its neighboring countries such as
social aspect will include education, the rise China, Japan, Siam, India, Cambodia,
of the Chinese mestizos and the rise of the Borneo, and the Moluccas. When the
inquilino. On the other hand, the political Spaniards came, the trade relations to
aspect will concentrate on Liberalism, these countries were continued and made
impact of the bourbon reforms and the Manila known as the center of commerce
Cadiz constitution. in the
The Philippines in the Nineteenth Century In 1565, the Spanish government
as Rizal’s Context closed the ports of Manila to all countries
except, Mexico, thereby giving birth to the
Jose Rizal was born in the 19th Manila – Acapulco Trade, popularly known
century where the Philippines is still under as the “Galleon Trade”. The Manila Galleon
the colonization of Spain. Much of Spain’s Trade allowed modern, liberal ideas to
colonies have gained its independence enter the Philippines, eventually and
except the Philippines, Cuba, Puerto Rico gradually inspiring the movement for
and the Spanish Sahara. Philippines was the independence from Spain. It was in 1815
richest in terms of natural resources and when the Galleon Trade ended with
trade potential (de Viana, 2014). Filipinos Mexico’s war of Independence (Manego,
during those times are unfortunate victims et. al., 2018).
of the Spaniards where human rights are
denied to Filipinos, there is no equality Opening of the Suez Canal.
before the law, there is maladministration The Suez Canal connects the
of justice, discrimination, frailocracy, and Mediterranean and the Red Seas. It was the
forced labor and Philippines has no work of Ferdinand de Lesseps, a French
representation in the Spanish Cortes. diplomat, under the Suez Canal Company. It
opened on November 17, 1869. With the
19th century was also a century of use of steamships, it lessened the travel
change. It is commonly depicted as the time from Philippines to Spain in just 32 to
birth of modern life, as well as the birth of 40 days compared to more than 3 months
before. Products are now exported and Monopolies.
imported fast including books, magazines, The development of fiscal
and newspapers. People can travel in a monopolies was the fundamental condition
shorter time. It encouraged the ilustrados, for the continuity of Spanish colonial power
including Jose Rizal, to study abroad. in the Philippines and it was primarily the
revenues from tobacco that guaranteed the
Opening of Manila ports to world trade. fiscal resources necessary to sustain the
The growing numbers of foreign Spanish presence after the transoceanic
merchants in Manila spurred the system collapsed during 1810–15. From
integration of the Philippines into an then until 1882, the fiscal monopolies
international commercial system linking sustained the administration of the colonial
industrialized Europe and North America state, but now outside the imperial context
with sources of raw materials and markets in which it had been embedded for more
in the Americas and Asia. In principle, non- than two centuries (Fradera, 2004.)
Spanish Europeans were not allowed to For the first time ever, the
reside in Manila or elsewhere in the islands, Philippines ceased to be an economic drag
but in fact British, American, French, and to the royal treasury. The Government still
other foreign merchants circumvented this has 1 320 656 pesos even after the overdue
prohibition by flying the flags of Asian accounts had been paid. The Philippines
states or conniving with local officials. In became known globally as the largest
1834 the crown abolished the Royal Tobacco – producing country in Asia.
Company of the Philippines and formally Filipinos were offered jobs in cigar and
recognized free trade, opening the port of cigarette factories. Thus, more Filipinos
Manila to unrestricted foreign commerce became employed. It triggered internal
(Dolan, R., 1991 as stated by Ariola, M., trade (Ariola, M., 2018).
The Social Aspect
Rise of the export crop economy.
The rapid development of the Education.
economy began to flow in the Philippines The economic developments
through cash crops. By the first half of the precipitated social, political, and cultural
nineteenth century, majority of the exports developments. For example, the new
of the Philippines came from cash crops like economy demanded a more literate
tobacco, sugar, cotton, indigo, abaca, and population to address the rising need for a
coffee (Wani – Obias R., Mallari, A., & more professionalized workforce to man
Reguindin-Estella J., 2018). British and the trading activities in Manila and other
Americans were predominant in the foreign centers. This demand compelled the
trade. The Chinese occupied the position of issuance of colonial government order in
intermediaries between foreign western 1863 that required all towns to set up
merchants and the domestic market. primary schools to teach the population
Despite the dominant presence of how to read and write (Wani-Obias,,
foreigners in the Philippine economy “a 2018).
native middle class was rising.” (Legarda, B., Finally, after 300 years under
1999; Giraldez A., 2001). Spanish rule, the reformed educational
system gave Filipinos the opportunity to
pursue higher learning, study liberal
western ideas and develop valuable The rise of the inquilino.
leadership skills. This gave birth to select An inquilino is a tenant who rents
group of enlightened individuals who call lands from the landlords (friars) then
themselves as Ilustrados. The Ilustrados subleases the land to a sharecropper or
played a major role in the Philippine kasama. The Inquilino System is a three-
revolution against Spain. Prominent tiered system composed of the Spanish
Ilustrados were Graciano Lopez Jaena, religious hacenderos at the topmost part
Mariano Ponce, Marcelo H. del Pilar, who has direct authority, followed by the
Antonio Luna and the Philippine National Inquilinos or lessee. They pay a fixed annual
Hero, Dr. Jose P. Rizal (Dacumos, 2015). amount. The bottom part is the
sharecroppers or the kasama.
The rise of the Chinese mestizos. This system became very profitable
Since the pre-colonial times, that some inquilinos acquired lands of their
Filipinos had trade relations with the own and entered in other gainful
Chinese. A time came when the influx of commercial ventures. Some inquilinos
Chinese settlements made the Spaniards ceased becoming farmers and relegated
suspicious that led to stringent state polices the job completely to their sub- tenants
towards them such as higher taxes, (Manebog,, 2018).
restriction of movement with the
establishment of the Chinese enclave
(Parian), to actual policies expulsion. But
the Chinese proved to be “necessary
outsiders”. Eventually and gradually, they
became integrated into colonial society,
giving rise to intermarriages with Indios
that gave birth to Chinese mestizo (Wani –
Obias, 2018).
By the late nineteenth century,
prominent mestizo families were noted for Political aspect
their wealth and formed the major
component of a Filipino elite. As the export Liberalism
economy grew and foreign contact The principal ideas of liberalism –
increased, the mestizos and other liberty and equality – were first realized
members of this Filipino elite, known successfully in the American Revolution
collectively as ilustrados, obtained higher and then achieved in part in the French
education (in some cases abroad), entered Revolution. This political and social
professions such as law or medicine, and Philosophy challenged conservatism in the
were particularly receptive to the liberal European continent. Liberalism demanded
and democratic ideas that were beginning representative government as opposed to
to reach the Philippines despite the efforts autocratic monarchy, equality before the
of the generally reactionary--and friar- law as opposed to legally separate classes.
dominated--Spanish establishment (Dolan, The idea of liberty also meant specific
1991). individual freedoms: freedom of the press;
freedom of speech; freedom of assembly;
and freedom from arbitrary arrest (Garcia,
C., De Viana, A. & Cruz, C., 2015).
The Philippines’ actual experience questionable matters as regards the
of liberalism came from the role modeling effectiveness of the Bourbon Reform
of the “First liberal governor-general in the project. The reform process was also seen
Philippines,” Governor – General Carlos as so complex that Spanish reformers
Maria Dela Torre. He held the position from sometimes promoted distinctly different
1869 to 1871 and is widely considered to be kinds of policies for provinces in its diverse
the most beloved of the Spanish Governor empire. While historians are questioning
– General ever assigned in the country. His the overall timing, impact and effectiveness
rule was essential in the dawn of national of the Bourbon Reforms, its impact at least
consciousness of the locals in the 19th is that it gave people, especially the native
century. His liberal and democratic Philippines, the idea that colonization could
governance had provided Jose Rizal and the be done without much intervention from
other a preview of a democratic rule and the Catholic Church (Manebog,,
way of life (Manebog,, 2018). 2018).

Impact of the bourbon reforms. Cadiz constitution.

The Bourbon Reforms were a set of The Cadiz Constitution of 1812
economic and political laws promulgated mandated the transformation of the
by the Spanish Crown and under the orders Spanish government from monarchy to
of several kings of the House of Bourbon, constitutional monarchy, the parliamentary
mainly in the eighteenth century. The system in the creation of law, division of
strengthening of the power of the crown power in the government, equality, free
with clear lines of authority for trade, competition, and divestment of
functionaries contrasted with the complex properties held in mortmain or the
system of government that developed properties from the church and other
under the Habsburg monarchs. In institution (De Pedro, 2005 as stated by
particular, the crown pursued state Francisco, V. & Francisco P., 2018).
supremacy over the Catholic Church, The changes made by the
resulting in the suppression of the Society adaptation of the new constitution brought
of Jesus in 1767, as well as the attempt to confusion to the Spanish people and the
abolish ecclesiastical privilege (Briceno, majority of the population wanted the old
2019). system of the government because their
The Bourbon Reforms consisted of perspective in the new system was just a
changes in economic, political, and new version of the absolutism in France.
administrative matters in the peninsular The social and political transformation in
territories including its colonies such as the Spain paved way to the rise of different
Philippines to gain positive impact on the groups which later on affected the political
economy of Spain. situation in the Philippines and influenced
The Bourbon Reforms should be the Illustrados (the Enlightened Ones)
advantageous to how Spanish including Jose Rizal as he ventured to Spain
administrators run the Philippines but to to pursue his studies and do his mission.
some extent only. The impact is limited
because the Philippine is far from Spain,
and it was hard for the bourbon advocates
to check if reform policies were properly
implemented. Moreover, there were
Key Points: Key point 09: By the late nineteenth
century, prominent mestizo families were
Key point: noted for their wealth and formed the
The Philippines in the Nineteenth Century major component of a Filipino elite.
as Rizal’s Context is divided into 3 aspects,
namely: Key point 10: The Inquilino System is a
1. Economic three-tiered system composed of the
2. Social Spanish religious hacenderos at the
3. Political topmost part, followed by the inquilino,
then the kasama or sharecropper.
Key point 01: Jose Rizal was born in the 19th
century under the colonization of Spain. Key point 11: The principal ideas of
liberalism – liberty and equality – were first
Key point 02: 19th century is considered a realized successfully in the American
century of change. It is commonly depicted Revolution.
as the birth of modern life, as well as the
birth of many nation-states around the Key point 12: The “First liberal governor-
globe general of the Philippines” is Governor –
General Carlos Maria Dela Torre.
Key point 03: The Manila – Acapulco Trade
is popularly known as the “Galleon Trade”. Key point 13: The Bourbon Reforms were a
set of economic and political laws
Key point 04: Ferdinand de Lesseps was the promulgated by the Spanish Crown and
person behind the construction of the Suez under the orders of several kings of the
Canal. House of Bourbon, mainly in the eighteenth
Key point 05: The construction of the Suez
Canal lessened the travel time from Key point 14: The Bourbon Reforms gave
Philippines to Spain in just 32 to 40 days the Filipinos the idea that colonization
compared to more than 3 months before. could be done without much intervention
from the Catholic Church.
Key point 06: Cash crops includes tobacco,
sugar, cotton, indigo, abaca, and coffee. The Key point 15: The Cadiz Constitution of
Philippines became known globally as the 1812 mandated the transformation of the
largest Tobacco – producing country in Asia Spanish government from monarchy to
constitutional monarchy.
Key point 07: Government order in1863
required all towns to set up primary schools
to teach the population on how to read and Definition of Terms
Monopolies. It is a market structure where
Key point 08: The Ilustrados or the there is exclusive control or power of one
Enlightened ones played a major role in the party to sell goods and services.
Philippine revolution against Spain
Galleon Trade. It means a ship trade.
Liberalism. It is a doctrine based on liberty Chinese Mestizo. He/she is a person with
and equality. mixed ancestry, one parent is Chinese the
other is a native.
Nationalism. It is loyalty or devotion
towards one’s own nation or country Inquilino. He is a tenant who rents lands
because of shared beliefs, culture, and subleases the lands to a sharecropper.
interests, etc.
Sharecropper. It is also known as kasama
Patriotism. It’s a feeling of attachment to
one’s country. who rents a land from an inquilino.

Revolution. It is a drastic, sudden, and Liberal and democratic ideas. These are
radical change. concepts of equality, justice, and freedom.

Galleon. It is a ship carrying goods. Autocratic monarchy. It is a form of

monarchy where the monarch usually a
Frailocracy. It means rule of the friars. king or a queen holds a supreme autocratic
Spanish Cortes. It means the national
assembly of Spain consisting of the nobles Insulares. He/she is a Spanish born in the
and representatives of the nation. Philippines.

Industrialized. It means developed due to Mortmain. This is the inalienable

having a lot of industries. possession of property or land by the friars
or any religious or ecclesiastical
Steamships. It is a steam powered vessel corporation.
propelled by a steam engine.

Circumvented. It means to avoid

something by outwitting.

Intermediaries. It means middleman or link

between two parties.

Internal trade. It is the buying and selling of

goods and services within the Philippines

Precipitated. It means something

happened suddenly or unexpectedly

Literate. It means educated or can read and


Enlightened. It means persons who were

freed from ignorance and misinformation.

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