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Capstone Project Title Proposal

Group Members: Casas, Mecaila

Marasigan, Henri Angelo C.
Magboo, Lucille G.
Mazo, Dianne
Suarez, Ma. Marie

Proposed Capstone Title: E-Sab: An Online Ordering and Inventory System for Sabfashion

Technology has fundamentally changed how organizations run, especially in the areas of
inventory management and order processing. The aim of this project is to create an online inventory
and ordering system for the retail and wholesale clothes company of Sabfashion. Customers will be
able to easily and conveniently place online orders through the system, and the owner will be able to
effectively manage its inventory. The system will be made to track inventory levels, provide real-time
updates on product availability, and improve the ordering process. Sabfashion hopes to improve
customer satisfaction, lower manual errors, and improve inventory management by deploying this
technology. The method that will be used in the system is Agile Model under Systems Development
Life Cycle, and it entails a series of organized phases for creating, building, and managing the system
to satisfy user needs, including monitoring, logging, and reporting.. A complete solution that unifies
the order placement, inventory management, and fulfillment operations into a single digital platform is
provided by the Online Ordering and Inventory System The system gives business a central location
where they can easily keep track of orders, check inventory levels, and expedite the entire order
fulfillment process.

Research Problem:
The difficulties that an online clothes business faces have been identified as the issue. Despite the
benefits and convenience of online purchasing, there are a number of serious problems that a store
like this could run into that could impede its development and profitability. These issues consist of:
• The intense competition among sellers using social media platforms.
• Difficulty in providing accurate product information.
• They don’t have accurate tracking of their stocks.
• Duplication of posting because of facebook problem
• Time consuming in confirming orders

The Researchers used the Quantitative that was used throughout the duration of the study. The
proponents conducted an interview with the owner and used the interview in order to gather
necessary information on the present status of the business entity. Quantitative measures will be
included to evaluate the time that will benefit the customer, organized the online shopping compared
with the physical store visit, and it will evaluate the customer satisfaction based on the product image
and the detailed description. Furthermore, this study will determine the influence of the suggestion by
the customer to improve the business power stemming from a more accessible website and efficient
inventory management system.

The Agile Model under Software Development Life Cycle of SDLC method is used for this study.
Agile methodologies attempt to produce the proper product through small cross-functional self-
organizing teams that produce small pieces of functionality on a regular basis, allowing for frequent
customer input and course correction as needed. In doing so, Agile tries to address the issues that
traditional "waterfall" methodologies of delivering huge products over extended periods of time
encounter, such as client requirements changing frequently and resulting in the delivery of incorrect
products. The Agile model is a software development approach that emphasizes flexibility,
collaboration, and iterative development. While originally designed for software development, the
Agile model can be applied to the development and implementation of an online ordering and
inventory system.

This research study aims to determine the clothing online ordering and inventory system; the
online ordering system will save customer’s time and faster shopping of the clothes that may they
want; actual picture and details of items without visiting the store; to help customers choose the right
items they wanted because of wide variety of products on the website; to help customers through
suggestions of related clothes they want and need; to increase productivity of the business through
visiting the website because of easier purchasing process and inventorying product; to make the
business available anytime, anywhere for customers even holidays and weekends; part of the service
is the and for easy payment process of the customers.

Description of Final Product/Expected Results:

The E-Sab: Online Ordering and Inventory system will help Sabfashion to increase operational
efficiency as a result of using the system. Automation lowers manual labor, decreases errors, and
streamlines the entire process for order processing, inventory management, and fulfillment.
Customers can explore products, place orders which offer ease and accessibility. Customer loyalty
and satisfaction increase as a result. Online solutions give businesses real-time access to their
inventory levels, allowing them to monitor product availability, avoid stockouts, and maintain optimal
stock levels. This increases the accuracy and effectiveness of inventory management.
Capstone Project Title Proposal
Group Members: Casas, Mecaila
Marasigan, Henri Angelo C.
Magboo, Lucille G.
Mazo, Dianne
Suarez, Ma. Marie

Proposed Capstone Title: E-Lounge Inventory Management System

In the IT industry empowers businesses to operate more efficiently, innovate, and adapt to
changing market conditions. It has a big impact when it comes to the Inventory Management System.
The aim of this project is to help them to create an E-Lounge Inventory Management System of
Agricultural Training Institute(ATI)-MIMAROPA REGION. It will be easy and convenient for them to
disseminate and track all the Information, Education, Communication (IEC) materials through the use
of the system. The system will provide real time data of stock levels and must maintain the accurate
tracking of all the inventory items, printed materials like brochures or flyers which are sent to other
provinces or communities within MIMAROPA. ATI hopes to improve the inventory management
system by using the system. It is a user-friendly inventory management system and its goal is to
reduce the time required to manage and to control their inventory. The Agile Model,under the
Systems Development Life Cycle will be used in the system. By using the system, it will be
maximizing inventory levels and minimizing overstocks or understocks situations.


In this study the Researchers used the Quantitative methods and System development Life
Cycle(SDLC).The type of quantitative methods that are used in this study is the cross-sectional
studies using interviews to gather data that the researcher analyzes the result of the interview. The
researchers used this method to design hypothesis and analysis from gathered information of the
Agricultural Training Institute(ATI)-MIMAROPA REGION and observed present conditions. The
researcher encountered the manual inventory in this study and proposed a system that can help them
to create an E-Lounge Inventory Management System.The Agile Model under Software Development
Life Cycle of SDLC method is used for this study.The Agile Model under Software Development Life
Cycle of SDLC method is used for this study. This approach allowed for the dynamic and iterative
development of software, which was consistent with the study's goal of creating an effective E-
Lounge Inventory Management System. By combining quantitative research methods with the Agile
Model inside the SDLC, this study aimed to provide a comprehensive solution to the identified
inventory management issues in the ATI-MIMAROPA REGION.

Research Problem:
Research Problem: The problem of this business in terms of inventory faces has been identified.
These issues consists of;
●Lack of manpower
●Time consuming counting stocks(Manual inventory)
●They don't have tracking of the IEC stocks

Final Product/ Expected Results:

The E-lounge Inventory Management System is a user-friendly interface that makes it simple to enter
and retrieve data. The system will help ATI to track and inventory all the EIC materials. The system
will provide real-time data of stock levels, the system must maintain accurate tracking of all inventory
items, including electronic devices, accessories, and other supplies. By maximizing inventory levels
and minimizing overstock or understock situations can also cost saving.
Capstone Project Title Proposal

Group Members: Casas, Mecaila

Marasigan, Henri Angelo C.
Magboo, Lucille G.
Mazo, Dianne
Suarez, Ma. Marie

Proposed Capstone Title: Collegio De Naujan Information Management System

With the introduction of technology in place of human labor, this has enabled many individuals
to produce exceptional services while it is in a minimum amount of resources. For educational
institutions, it is a common factor to use Microsoft Word or Excel. However this still does not
overcome the difficulties it faces when it comes to managing valuable data of students, staff and
teachers. In order to improve the current system, the Collegio De Naujan Information Management
System provides real-time access to faculty members an established repository for academic,
administrative, and financial data, easy entry and access to student information, grades, and
attendance.Furthermore, the management of admissions, funds and resources by administrative
personnel helps optimize the budgeting and resource allocation. Additionally, the system has an
effective measure for security in sensitive data. The system Agile methodology will be used in the
system. This approach ensures the system will be effective to provide an efficient workflow and
support the institution’s significance.


The researcher used the Quantitative methods and System Development Life Cycle(SDLC).The
quantitative methods are used in this study cross- sectional studies using the interview to gather
information or data.This quantitative methods design hypothesis and analysis from gathered
information of Collegio De Naujan.In this study the researcher encountered the time consuming using
of manual process of students information including class schedules,enrollment,encoding of grades.
In methodology the researcher used the Agile Model under Software Development Life Cycle of
SDLC method. The Agile model is a software development approach that emphasizes to improve the
current system, the Collegio De Naujan Information Management System provides real-time access
to faculty members, an established repository for academic, administrative, and financial data, easy
entry and access to student information, grades, and attendance.The Agile Model was combined with
the study's use of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) methodology. The Agile model, a
software development process that is in line with the basics of quantitative research, possesses two
qualities: emphasis and adaptability.
Research Problem:
Research Problem The difficulties that an Information Management System has been identified. Here
are some common problems;
●Lack of manpower
●Time consuming
●Using a manual process(excel)

Final Product/ Expected Results:

Results Collegio de Naujan Information Management System will help to improve the educational
system for students, teachers and staffs and the institution as a whole.Transparency in a variety of
areas, including attendance, grades, and finances, is guaranteed by the system's data tracking and
reporting capabilities. This system could be a big opportunity for the institution to compete with other
schools even if this institution is newly established and also the system can be used for long-term
goals as the institution continues to grow.

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