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Fluids Work 1.

CFD simulation of a sudden expansion/contraction

Calculate ΔP=f(v) of a sudden expansion/contraction
Last digit of Student Identification:
- Odd: sudden expansion
- Pair: sudden contraction
Last two digits of Student Identification:
- Diameter ratio
Example: 201502054 : sudden contraction and Diameter Ratio (d/D) of 0.54

Upload to Moodle the following archives:

- Workbench Fluids1-Name-Surname.wbpz
- Short report (maximum 10 pages).

Minimum report contents:

1. (1/10) Introduction, simplifications, hypothesis and understanding of the problem
2. (2/10) Brief description of the numerical model
2.1. Turbulence model
2.2. Boundary conditions
2.3. Solver settings
2.4. Convergence
3. (2/10) Sensitivity analysis of the mesh. (2-3 meshes)
Only for the best mesh:
4. (2/10) Short description of the flow. Discuss the results.
4.1. Velocity contours
4.2. Velocity vectors
4.3. Path lines
5. (3/10) Results:
5.1. ΔP=f(v)
5.2. Influence of the diameter ratio in the pressure drop. Ask other groups for 2-3
ΔP=f(v) curves. Compare results of k with following results:


1. Problem identification
1.1 Define goals
1.2 Identify domain

2. Preprocessing
2.1 Geometry
2.2 Mesh
2.3 Physics
2.4 Solver Settings

3. Solve
3.1 Compute solution
4. Post processing
4.1 Examine the results
4.2 Discuss the results
4.3 Verification and validation


1.1 Goals

1. What is the type of flow?
2. What results are you looking for? How will they be used?
• Computation of integral quantities (lift, drag, yield)
• Snapshots of field data for velocities, concentrations, etc.
• Shape optimization aimed at an improved performance
3. What is known about the flow problem to be dealt with?
4. What physical phenomena need to be considered?
5. What degree of accuracy is required? How quickly do you need the results?

1.2 Domain
2. How will you isolate a piece of the complete system?
3. Where will the computational domain begin and end?
• Do you have boundary condition information at these boundaries?
• Can the boundary condition types accommodate that information?
• Can you extend the domain to a point where reasonable data exists?
4. What simplifying assumptions can / have to you make?
• Symmetry, periodicity, porous, boundaries, 2D


2.1 Geometry
1. How will you obtain a model of the fluid region?
• Make use of existing CAD models?
• Extract the fluid region from a solid part?
• Create from sketch?
2. Can you simplify the geometry?
• Remove unnecessary features that would complicate meshing?
• Make use of symmetry or periodicity?
• Are both the flow and boundary conditions symmetric / periodic?
3. Do you need to split the model so that boundaries or domains can be

2.2 Design and Create the Mesh

1. What degree of mesh resolution is required in each region of the domain?
• Can you predict regions of high gradients?
• Will you use adaption to add resolution?
2. What type of mesh is most appropriate?
• How complex is the geometry?
• Can you use a quad/hex mesh or is a tri/tetr hybrid mesh suitable?
• Are non-conformal interfaces needed?
3. Do you have enough computer resources?

• How many cells/nodes are required?
• How many physical models will be used?
4. Import Mesh to Fluent
5. Check mesh and boundaries

2.3. Physics
1. Equations to solve. Physical models
• Turbulence, Energy, Species, Multiphase, Radiation...
2. Materials
• Fluid, Solid, mixture...
3. Operating conditions
• Pressure, gravity, density...
4. Boundary conditions
• Velocity inlet, Mass flow, Pressure outlet, Symmetry, Wall Interface…
5. Initial values
• New/previous
• Constant/patch/hybrid

2.4 Set Up Solver

1. Methods. Discretization
2. Controls
3. Monitors
• Define convergence
• Report & Plots
4. Run calculation
• Steady: Iterations
• Transient: Time steps, time steps size, iterations/time step
5. Check residuals


3.1 Compute the solution

1. The discretized conservation equations are solved iteratively until
2. Convergence is reached when:
• Changes in solution variables from one iteration to the next are negligible
• Overall property conservation is achieved:
• Quantities of interest (e.g. drag, pressure drop) have reached steady values
3. The accuracy of a converged solution is dependent upon:
• Appropriateness and accuracy of physical models
• Assumptions made
• Mesh resolution and independence


4.1 Examine the results

1. Visualization Tools can be used to answer:
• What is the overall flow pattern?
• Where do shocks, shear layers, etc. Form?
• Are key flow features being resolved?
2. Numerical Reporting Tools can be used to calculate quantitative results:
• Forces and Moments
• Average heat transfer coefficients
• Surface and Volume integrated quantities
• Flux Balances

4.2 Discuss the results

1. Correct physical behavior. Conservation of mass, energy…
2. Are the physical models appropriate?
• Is the flow turbulent?
• Is the flow unsteady?
• Are there compressibility effects?
• Are there 3D effects?
3. Are the boundary conditions correct?
• Is the computational domain large enough?
• Are boundary conditions appropriate?
• Are boundary values reasonable?
4. Is the mesh adequate?
• Does the solution change significantly with a refined mesh, or is the solution
mesh independent?
• Does the mesh resolution of the geometry need to be improved?
• Does the model contain poor quality cells?

4.3 Verification and Validation

1. Verification
• Assessment of numerical uncertainty and when conditions permit, estimating
the sign and magnitude of the numerical error itself and the uncertainty in
that estimate
2. Validation

• Assessment of modeling uncertainty by using benchmark data and, when
conditions permit, estimating the sign and magnitude of the modeling error

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