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Tynara 1

Tynara Musabekova
Ms. Grace Park
English Language
10 April 2020

Many people around the world support Thomas Mann`s saying, “ War is
a cowardly escape from the problems of pice. ” Even though I partly agree with
this idea, I believe that war is not a good thing and cant be a solution. Firstly,
what is war? War is a conflict usually between or in a nation. I don’t think that
any conflicts can be solved by bombing urban areas, shooting each other, and
flattening cities. Looking at what we get at the end makes me think about how
war can be a good thing.
It is proven by previous war actions that it makes a lot of people suffer
during and after. Is showing one`s authority or desire to be in charge of worth
it? Innocent citizens are the ones who suffer the most. Sons, uncles, and fathers
leave their families to give honor and protect fatherland, and no one knows
when will they return or will they return at all. Not telling about their families.
Poor kids are deprived of fatherly attention and care. This adds even more
pressure on rest family members. Financial, physical and moral weight makes
people emotional weaker, while they must stay strong.
War makes young and perspective students lose their chances to become
professionals. Young personalities won’t be able to develop their academic and
social skills. The young generation might grow as scared individuals with low
self-confidence. Everything that has been done until this moment will become
useless. What could be sadder than looking at a young child that is afraid of
loud sounds because it reminds them of shooting noises.
On the contrary, there are a lot of examples of how the war changed
countries, people`s mindset in a better way. As an example, I want to tell about
a fragment from Leo Tolstoy`s composition called War and Peace. Pierre one of
the main characters was saying that Russia also needs a revolution to see that
status is not the main thing in life. Speaking another language instead pf your
mother tongue doesn’t make a person modish. Besides, when bad things like
war happen people start to persuade what they have.
To conclude I will say that life is a hard game by itself. We are during it
even worse by fighting with each other. Instead of supporting will give more

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