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Mechanism of action

Actin monomers bound to thymosin are in
a locked state, where they cannot
associate with either the plus or minus
ends of actin filaments and can neither
hydrolyze nor exchange their bound
Profilin binds to the face of the actin
monomer opposite the ATP-binding cleft,
blocking the side of the monomer that
would normally associate with the filament
minus end, while leaving exposed the site
on the monomer that binds to the plus end.
When the profilin–actin complex binds a
free plus end, a conformational change in
actin reduces its affinity for profilin and the
profilin falls off, leaving the actin filament
one subunit longer.
The complex can
attach to the side of
another actin filament
while remaining
bound to the minus
end of the filament
that it has nucleated,
thereby building
individual filaments
into a treelike web.

Formin protein family have unstructured

domains or “whiskers” that contain several
binding sites for profilin or the profilin–actin
These whiskers help cooperate the Actin-
Formin complex bind and polymerise the
actin filament at a faster rate.
Proteins that bind on the end of Proteins that bind on the side
the filaments of the filaments
It helps in stabilizing
and stiffening the
It stabilizes an actin
It prevents the actin filament at its plus end
filament from by rendering it inactive
interacting with other and greatly reducing
proteins. the rates of filament
It has an important growth and
function in muscle depolymerization

Cofilin – Actin depolymerisation factor.

Cofilin binds along the length of the actin filament, forcing the
filament to twist a little more tightly.
Cofilin binds preferentially to ADP-containing actin filaments rather
than to ATP-containing filaments.
Since ATP hydrolysis is usually slower than filament assembly, the
newest actin filaments in the cell still contain mostly ATP and are
resistant to depolymerization by cofilin.
Cofilin therefore tends to dismantle the older filaments in the cell.
Actin filaments
in differrent
parts of cells.
Actin and Tubulin inhibitor

Cells require the actin gels

formed by filamin to extend
the thin, sheetlike membrane
projections called lamellipodia
that help them to crawl across
solid surfaces. ActA protein helps
pathogen move
inside the cell.

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