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1 mark
1.How will you test for the gas which is liberated when HCl reacts with an active metal?
2.Write the name and chemical formula of the products formed by heating gypsum at 373K
3.The pH of a sample of vegetable soup was found to be 6.5.How is this soup likely to taste?
4.Which bases are called alkalies? Give an example of alkalies.
5.Write the names and chemical formula of the products formed by the action of chlorine on slaked lime
6.Curd is not kept in copper and brass utensils.Why?
7.Fresh milk has a pH of 6.When it changes into curd,will its pH value increase or decrease?Why?
8.What is the colour of litmus in a solution of ammonium hydroxide?
9.Name the gas evolved when dilute sulphuric acid acts on sodium carbonate.
10.Why should water be never added dropwise to concentrated sulphuric acid?
11.Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction between sodium carbonate and hydrochloric acid indicating the
physical state of the reactants and the products
12.Write a balanced chemical equation for a neutralization reaction,mentioning the physical state of the reactants and the
13.During summer season,a milkman usually adds a very small amount of baking soda to fresh milk.Give one reason
14.Name the gas usually liberated when a dilute acid reacts with a metal.What happens when a burning candle is brought
near this gas?
15.What would be the colour of litmus in a solution of sodium carbonate?
16.What effect does an increase in concentration of H+(aq) in a solution have on the pH of solution?
17.Which one of these has a higher concentration of H+ ions? (1 M HCl or 1M CH3COOH)
18.Which gas is generally liberated when a dilute solution of hydrochloric acid reacts with an active metal?
19.Which gas is evolved when sodium hydrogencarbonate reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid?
20.On adding dilute hydrochloric acid to copper oxide powder,the solution formed is blue-green.Predict the new
compound formed which imparts a blue-green colour to the solution.
21.How does the flow of acid rain water into a river makes the survival of aquatic life in the river difficult?
22.How is the pH of a solution of an acid influenced when it is diluted?
23.How does the pH of the solution change when a solution of a base is diluted
24.Arrange the following in an increasing order of their pH values:
NaOH solution, blood, lemon juice.
2 marks
25.What is a neutralisation reaction?Give one example
26.State the chemical name of Plaster of Paris.Write a chemical equation to show the reaction between Plaster of Paris and
27.State in brief the preparation of washing soda from baking soda.Write balanced chemical equation of the reaction
28.What is the colour of FeSO4.7H2O crystals?How does this colour change upon heating?Give balanced chemical
equation for the changes.
29.Classify the following salts into acidic,basic and neutral:Potassium sulphate,ammonium chloride ,sodium
carbonate,sodium chloride.
30.A student dropped a few pieces of marble in dilute HCl contained in a test tube.The evolved gas was passed through
lime water.
(i)What change would be observed in lime water?
(ii)Write balanced chemical equation for the above change
31.What happens when chlorine is passed over slaked lime at 313K?Write chemical equation of the reaction involved and
state two uses of the product obtained.
32.Tooth enamel is one of the hardest substances in our body.How does it undergo damage due to eating chocolates and
sweets?How do toothpastes prevent this damage?
33.(i)Name the products formed when sodium hydrogencarbonate is heated.
(ii)Write the chemical equation for the reaction involved in the above.
34.What is meant by ‘water of crysatallisation’ of a substance?Describe an activity to show that blue copper sulphate
crystals contain water of crystallisation.
35.A compound ‘X’ of sodium is commonly used in kitchen for making crispy pakoras.It is also used for curing acidity in
the stomach.Identify ‘X’,what is its chemical formula?State the reaction which takes place when it is heated during
36.What is ‘Baking powder’? How does it make the cake soft and spongy?
37.Write the chemical formula for bleaching powder.How is bleaching powder prepared? For what purpose is it used in
paper factories?
38.Write the chemical formulae of washing soda and baking soda.Which one of these two is an ingredient of antacids?
How does it provide relief in stomach ache?
39.What is observed when sulphur dioxide is passes through
(a)water (b)lime water?
Also write chemical equation for the reactions that take place
40.Given below are the pH values of four different liquids:
7.0, 14.0, 4.0, 2.0
Which of these could be that of
(i)lemon juice,

(ii)distilled water,
(iii)1 M sodium hydroxide solution,
(iv)tomato juice?
3 marks
41.(a)Write the name given to bases that are highly soluble in water.Give an example.
(b)How is tooth decay related to pH?How can it be prevented?
(c)Why does bee sting cause pain and irritation?Rubbing of baking soda on the sting area gives relief.How?
42.A white powder is added while baking breads and cakes to make them soft and fluffy.Write the name of the powder?
Name its main ingredients.Explain the function of each ingredient.Write the chemical reaction taking place when the
powder is heated during baking.
43. “Sodium hydrogencarbonate is a basic salt”.Justify the statement.How is it converted into washing soda?Explain.
44.What are strong acids and weak acids? Identify the strong and weak acids from the following list.
Hydrochloric acid,acetic acid,formic acid and nitric acid.
45.(a)What is universal indicator?
(b)Write the chemical equation involved in the preparation of sodium hydroxide.Name the process.
46.A gas ‘X’ reacts with lime water and forms a compound ‘Y’ which is used as a bleaching agent in a chemical
industry.Identify ‘X’ and ‘Y’.Give the chemical equation of the reaction involved.
47.(i)Name the compound which is obtained from baking soda and is used to remove permanent hardness of water.
(ii)Write its chemical formula.
(iii)What happens when it is crystallised from its aqueous solution?
48.A compound which is prepared from gypsum has the property of hardening when mixed with proper quantity of water.
(i)Identify the compound.
(ii)Write the chemical equation for its preparation.
(iii)Mention one important use of this compound.
49.What is neutralisation reaction?Give two examples.
50.What is tooth enamel chemically? State the condition when it starts corroding.What happens when food particles left in
the mouth after eating degrade?Why do doctors suggest use of tooth powder/paste to prevent tooth decay?
51.What is Plaster of Paris chemically?How is it prepared?List its two important uses.
52.What is baking soda chemically called?Give reaction involved in its preparation.Write one of its uses.
53.(a) What is an alkali?Give an example.
(b)Why do HCl,HNO3 , acidic characters in aqueous solutions of compounds like alcohol and glucose do not
show acidic character ?
54.Name the products formed in each case when
(a)hydrochloric acid reacts caustic soda.
(b)granulated zinc reacts with caustic soda
(c)carbon dioxide is passed into limewater.

55.(a)Why does an aqueous solution of an acid conduct electricity?
(b)How does the concentration of hydronium ions(H3O+) change when a solution of an acid is diluted?
(c)Which has higher pH value,a concentrated or dilute solution of hydrochloric acid?
(d) What would you observe on adding dilute hydrochloric acid to
(i)solid sodiumcarbonate placed in a test tube?
(ii)zinc metal in a test tube?
5 marks
56.Describe an activity with diagram to illustrate that the reaction of metal carbonates and metal bicarbonates with acids
produces carbon dioxide.Write the relevant equations of all the reactions that take place.Name any two forms of which
calcium carbonate is found in nature.
57.(a) Identify the acid and the base whose combination forms the common salt that you use inyour food.Write its formula
and chemical name of this salt.Name the source from where it is obtained.
(b)What is rock salt?Mention its colour and the reason due to which it has this colour.
(c)What happens when electricity is passed through brine?Write the chemical equation for it.
58. (i)Explain why is hydrochloric acid a strong acid and acetic acid, a weak acid.How can it be verified?
(ii)Explain why aqueous solution of an acid conducts electricity.
(iii)You have four solutions A,B,C and D.The pH of solution A is 6,B is 9,C is 12 and D is 7.
(a)Identify the most acidic and most basic solutions.
(b)Arrange the above four solutions in the increasing order of H+ ion concentration.
(c)State the change in colour of pH paper on dipping in solution C and D.
59.(i)Dry pellets of a base ‘X’ when kept in open absorbs moisture and turns sticky.The compound is also formed by
chlor-alkali process.Write chemical name and formula of X.Describe chlor-alkali process with balanced chemical
equation.Name the type of reaction occurs when X is treated with dilute hydrochloric acid.Write the chemical equation.
(ii)While diluting an acid,why it is recommended that the acid should be added to water and not water to the acid?
60.A student dropped few pieces of marble in dilute hydrochloric acid,contained in a test tube.The evolved gas was then
passed through lime water.What change would be observed in lime water?What will happen if excess of gas is passed
through lime water?With the help of balanced chemical equations for all the changes explain the observations.
61.(a)Identify the compound of calcium which is yellowish white powder and is used for disinfecting drinking
water.Write its chemical name and formula.How is it manufactured? Write the chemical equation for the reaction
involved.Also list two other uses of the compound.
(b)Write the balanced chemical equation of chlor-alkali process.
62.(a)Mention the pH range within which our body works.Explain how antacids give relief from acidity.Write the name of
one such antacid.
(b)Fresh milk has a pH of 6.How does the pH will change as it turns to curd?Explain your answer.
(c)A milkman adds a very small amount of baking soda to fresh milk.Why does this milk take a longer time to set as

(d)Mention the nature of tooth pastes.How do they prevent tooth decay?
63.(a)Crystals of a substance changed their colour on heating in a closed test tube but regained it after sometime when
they were allowed to cool down.Name the substance and write its formula and explain the phenomenon involved.
(b)Name the compound whose one formula unit is associated with 10 water molecules.How is it prepared?Give
equations related reactions.Give two uses of the compound.
64.(a) Explain the following chemical properties of acids with the help of balanced chemical equations only.
(i)when an acid reacts with a metal carbonate
(ii)when an acid reacts with a metal bicarbonate
(iii)when an acid reacts with a metal oxide
(b)You re given three solutions A,B and C with pH values 2,10 and 13 respectively.Write which solution has more
hydrogen ion concentration among the three and state the nature ‘acidic or basic’ of each solution.
65.(a) A metal compound ‘X’ reacts with dil.HSO4 to produce effervescence.The gas evolved extinguishes a burning
candle.If one of the compound formed is calcium sulphate,then what is ‘X’ and the gas evolved? Also write a balanced
chemical equation for the reaction which occurred.
(b)(i)Name one antacid.How does it help to relieve indigestion in stomach?
(ii)A farmer treats the soil with quick lime or calcium carbonate.What is the nature of soil?Why does the farmer
treat the soil with quick lime?

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