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1. Determine how dehydration works with salt water and pure water only.
2. Execute the experiment accurately and understand it’s significance.
Results and Observation:
1. What do you think happen to the potato that’s bathing in the plain water?
When the potato that’s bathing in plain water drives the potato cells into the cell walls,
the potato submerged in it will grow into a larger slice.
2. What happen to the potato that’s bathing in the salted water?
Salt water action causes to pull out the moisture in the process of dehydration. As a
result, the potato soaked in the salted water will become dehydrated due to the high
concentration of salt.
3. What if you were to use something other than salt, such as vinegar? What would
be the effect on the potato?
The effects of soaking potatoes in vinegar would be as the same as that of salted water
but also includes discoloration, texture changes, and a slight vinegar odor. We must
keep in mind that the salt water is acting as a dehydrator through pulling the moisture
out of the potato. The potato begins to lose moisture as the water is taken out of it. The
potato shrivels up as it is being dehydrated.
In conclusion, the dehydration can be brought on by hypernatremia (high blood levels of
sodium ions) which is completely different from hypovolemia or defined as loss of blood
volume, particularly plasma. It also produces reactions that are highly beneficial to
biology and chemistry, such as the formation of disaccharides like sucrose and the
conversion of alcohols to ethers. The method of linking two molecules or compounds,
after the water has been removed is called dehydration. Dehydration falls into the
category of chemical reactions, which are processes in which compounds known as
reactants change into new substances known as products.

The dehydration process is one kind of condensation reaction. An unsaturated

compound is created when certain water molecules are extracted from one of the
reactants during the amalgation of two chemicals. The fact that water is always one of
the products is another further indication that a reaction is a dehydration process.

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