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The passive  Personal/Impersonal constructions

1 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense in the passive.

Flooding destroys hillside community

A state of emergency 1) was declared (declare) after severe flooding in the hills near
Rio de Janeiro yesterday. So far, nearly 100 people 2) have been killed (kill), several
neighborhoods 3) Have been destroyed (destroy) and many people
4) have been left (leave) homeless. Although the storms 5) had been predicted
(predict) earlier this week by meteorologists, no one anticipated the severity of the rain.
Currently, flooded houses 6) are being searched (search) by emergency services, but a lot
of people 7) are reported (report) to be still missing. Two thousand residents
8) Have already been evacuated (already/evacuate) from their homes and tonight they
9) are being sheltered (shelter) in a local sports hall.
The total extent of the damage 10) hasn’t been estimated (not/estimate) yet, but many homes,
roads and bridges will have to 11) be rebuilt (rebuild) once the flood waters go
down. It 12) is thought (think) that deforestation in the area was what contributed
to the speed of the flood.

2 Correct the mistakes.

1 Which one of the entries should been awarded the prize for best recyclable product?
Which one of the entries should have been awarded the prize for best recyclable product?
2 Pollution caused with fossil fuels can be reduced by using green energy.
Pollution caused by fossil fuels can be reduced by using green energy.
3 He was seen cross the street to pick up the litter.
He was seen crossing the street to pick up the litter.
4 Who was she offered the research position?
Who did she offer the research position?
5 He is expected that he will publish his report on polluting companies soon.
It is expected that he will publish his report on polluting companies soon.

The causative
3 Read the situations and write sentences using the causative form.
1 Someone will do Jenny’s make-up before she presents the documentary on global warming. What will Jenny do?
Jenny will have her make-up done before she presents the documentary on global warming.
2 A mechanic is fixing Will's electric car. What’s Will doing?
Will is having his electric car fixed.
3 The house was flooded last night. What happened to the family?
The family got their house flooded last night.
4 Rising sea levels destroyed Gabriella's beach house. What happened to Gabriella?
Gabriella got her beach house destroyed by rising sea levels

© Leirilivro & Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE Digi Up 11o ano

Extra Grammar Worksheet 3.1 (Level 2)

5 A wind turbine was installed before Oleg moved into his new house. What had Oleg done?
Oled had a wind turbine installed before he moved into his new house.
6 Louise has been paying someone to safely dispose of the waste from her company. What has Louise been doing?
Louise had someone paid to safely dispose of the waste from her company.

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 2 Digi Up 11o ano

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