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DATE: 03/10/23
1:00p.m. To 4:00p.m.
1. Write legibly with blue or black ink only
2. Both sections are to be written in
and answer to the point.
separate answer sheets.
3. Figures on the right indicate
maximum marks.
Total marks: 100
Q,1 Answer Any ONE.
.Kbescribe etiopathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis and management of
2. Etiology, classification, clinical features, Ulcerative colitis.
diagnosis and treatment of Chronic Kidney disease(CKD).
Q.2 Answer Any TWo.
.A 50 year old male, with history of daily
history of admission with abdominal distension andconsumption of around 300 ml for the past 15 years
and recent
stool for 3 days and irrelevant talking since last 1 jaundice 1 month back, presented with history of black colored
day. On
oriented to time and place; his pulse was 90/min, BP- examination, he was conscious but irritable and not
examination was normal. 100/70 mmhg, had presence of jaundice while other CNS

A) What is the diagnosis for this

patient? (1)
B) What are the precipitating factors for
c) How willyou diagnose and treat this developing this condition? (1)
condition? (4)
. A24 year old female presented with
also complained of breathlessness on history 2 generalized weakness and easy fatigability for last 1 month. She
climbing flights of stairs. On further questioning she also gave a
excessive bleeding during menstruation. On physical history of
examination, she was found to have tachycardia, pallor
koilonychia. Her blood investigations revealed the following. and
Hb-5g/dl, HCT- 35 %L/L, MCV- 60fL, with normal WBC and platelet
RBCS on smear. count and microcytic, hypochromic picture of
A) What is the diagnosis for this
patient? (1)
B) What are the causative factors for
c) How willyou manage this patient? development
of this condition? (1)
3. Write a note on Renal
Replacement Therapy. How will you counsel a patient to prepare
him/her for RRT? (4+2)
Q.3 Answer Any THREE
1. Acute Myeloid leukemia
3.Clinical features and management of Vitamin B12 deficiency
gUrinary Tract Infections

Q.4Answer in 2-3 sentences Any FIVE) (10)
I Write 4 differences between Nephrotic syndrome and Nephritic syndrome.
2. What is chronic diarrhea? Write 4 causes of the same.
3. What is the cause of Pellagra? Enumerate 2clinical signs of Pellagra.
A. Etiology and clinical features of Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome.
5. Writea note on Denosumab.
6. Enumerate 4 ethical issues related to Organ Donation.

Q.5 Answer Any ONE
1. tioloey, Clinical features diagnosis and treatment of Pulmonary
2. Clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of Hypothyroidism. Write a note on Myxedema coma.
Q,6 Answer Any TWO
1.A65 year old male with past history of Myocardial infarction 5 years back,
legs and breathlessness on climbing few stairs for last 15 days, which
presented with history of swelling of
progressed to breathlessness on doing
routine activities and at night after 2-3 hours of sleep, for last 2 days. On examination, he had a pulse
100/min, BP- 130/80 mmhg, Spo2 of 92% on room air and bilateral pitting pedal edema. He was also rate of
found to have
crepitations upto midzone in both lungs. His ECG showed 'gs' pattern in anterolateral leads and 2D-echo
an ejection fraction of 30% with anterior wall showed
A) What is the most likely diagnosis for his
condition? (1)
B) What are the etiological factors for this
condition? (1)
C) How will you manage this condition? (4)

A35 year old farmer from a rural area presented with history of difficulty in
last 2 days and pain in the back of neck for one day. He also revealed a opening mouth and swallowing for
history of injury with a nail while working in
farm 10 days back for which he did not seek any treatment. On
examination, he was found to have tachycardia.
Local examination of the foot revealed a 1 x 2 cm area of ulcer with pus
discharge. Head to toe examination
revealeda lock-jaw, rigidity of abdominal muscles and a markedly abnormal posture with
hyperextended neck. arched back and

A) What is the most likely diagnosis for his condition?

Mention causative organism. (1+1)
B) Which other complications are expected in this
c) How will you treat and prevent this disease? (3)

3. Write a note on Post-exposure prophylaxis in A) HIV and B) Rabies (3+3).

Q.7 Answer Any THREE
1. Dengue hemorrhagic fever
2.Clinical features and management of Infective endocarditis
Z.Microvascular complications of Diabetes Mellitus.
4.Classification of Hypertensionaccording to JNC8 criteria. Write a note on management of
Q.8 Answer in 2-3 sentences (Any FIVE)
LDefine/Differential cyanosis, Enlist 2 causes. (10)
2. Enlist 4 causes of diastolic murmurs.
3. Drugs for treatment of complicated P. falciparum malaria.
4Enumerate 2 SGLT2 inhibitors, mention 2 major side effects of SGLT2 inhibitors.
5. Enumerate 4 neurological opportunistic infections in HIV.
6. Describe 4 common ailments in geriatric population.
DATE: 04/10/23 TIME: 1:00p.m. To 4:00p.m.
1. Write legibly with blue or black ink only and answer to the point.
2. Both sections are to be written in srparate answer sheets.
3. Figures on the right indicate maximu marks.
Total marks: 100

Q,1 Answer Any ONE, (10)

1. Describe anatomy and functions of Cerebellurn clnical features of Cerebellar diseases (5+5).
2. Clinical features,diagnosis and treatment of Organo-phosphorous poisoning. (3+2+S)
Q.2 Answer Any TWO. (12)

1. A 40 year old female, presented with history of pain in small joints of both hands, wrist and ankle joints for last
6 months. She also gave a history of difficulty in closng of fist and gripping objects with her hands which was more
pronounced in morning and decreased as the day progressed On examination, her vitals were normal. She had
swelling and redness over bilateral interphalangeol and netacarpophalangeal joints of both hands. Her blood
investigations revealed a normal CBC, ESR of 90 mm/h, uric acid 3 mg/dl (normal 2.4-6.0 mg/dl) and RA factor- 45
IU/ml (normal0-15 IU/mL).
A) What is the most likely diagnosis for this patient? (1)
B) What are the diagnostic criteria for this condition? (1)
C) How willyou manage this patient? (4)
10 years, presented with
2. A 64 year old male, smoker, with past history of Hyperlension and Diabetes for last
accompanying him also noticed
history of inability to move his left arm and leg lor last 6 hours. The relative
conscious and
deviation of mouth and drooping of saliva from his mouth. Gn physical examination, he was
and power of
oriented. His pulse was 70/min and BP of 170/100 mmhg. He had dysarthria, left UMN facial palsy
were normal. His MRI showed an area
3/5 in left arm and leg with hypotonia while the power of right sided limbs
of infarct in right corona radiata ond right temporo parietal area.

A) What is the diagnosis for this patient? (1)

condition? (1)
B) What are the etiological factors for development of this
C) How will you manage this patient? (4)

3. Indications and Interpretation of CSF analys1s (2+4)

Q.3 Answer Any THREE (18)

1. High altitude related illnesses
2. Clinical features and Management of Aluminium phopshide
3. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
4. Adult Immunization
Q.4 Answer in 2-3 sentences (Any FiVE) (10)
1. What is Sarcoidosis? Which is the stain used tor diagnosis cf sarcoidosis?
2. Enumerate roles of Physician in Health care system.
3. Enumerate A) X-linked recessive and B) X-linked dominant diseases.
4. What is Babinski sign? Mention 2 causes for a positive Babinski sign.
5. Write a note on tumor markers.
6. What is Horner's syndrome? Mention 2 causcs.

Q.5 Answer Any ONE
1. EtioBogy, Clinical features diagnosis and treat1neat of Comnunity Acquired Pneumonia.
2. Clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of Chronic Cbstructive Pulmonary disease according to GOLD

Q.6 Answer AnyTWO

1. Management of Multidrug resistant (MDR) tuberculosis as per NTEP.
2. Clinical features and management of Leprosy
3. Skin manifestations of systemic diseases.

Q.7 Answer Any THREE

1. Psoriasis
2. Schizophrenia
3. Enumerate diseases related to alcohol abuse. Write a note on
Wernicke's encephalopathy. (2+4)
4. Neurosyphilis.

Q.S Answer in 2-3 sentences (Any FIVE)

1. What is the formula for calculation of Anion gap? Mertion two
causes of anion gap acidosis.
2. Enlist newer modalities for diagnosis of Tuberculo sis
3. Enlist 4 causes of hypo pigmentation of skin.
4. Define Asthma. What are Charcot-Leydern crystals?
5. Premarital counseling for prevention of genetic disorders.
6. Define lllusion. Mention two conditions where it is seen.

DATE: 06/10/2023 MARKS: 100 TIME: 12:30 TO 3:30 PM


1) Write legibly with bluc or black ink only and answer to the point.
Draw diagrams wherever necessary.
3) Figures on the right indicate marks.
Section 1

10 marks
QUESTION 1- Write down ANY ONE from the following questions.

A. Write Definition of Severe Acute malnutrition. Write diflerence between Kwashiorkor &
Marasmus and Management of SAM.
2. Discuss Principles of Development and milestones achieved till 2 years of age.

QUESTION 2- Write down ANY TWO from the following questions. 12

marks and
KA 2-year-old child, weight 10 kg presented with Diarhoea. Classify Dehydration
Write down Management of Severe Diarrhoea
and Describe application of National
2. Write WHO Staging of Vitamin A Deficiency 11-month-old child.
Control Programme against Nutritional Blindness for
presented with fever with chills -Write
3. A 3-year-old male child with 12 kg weight
differential diagnosis. Describe treatment of P. falciparum malaria.
questions. 18 marks
QUESTION 3 -Write down ANY THREE from the following

during Antenatal and Post-Natal Period.

1. Counselling of Mother regarding Breastfeeding
encountered in Toddler Age Group and Describe PICA.
2. Enumerate Behavioural Problems
3. Universal Immunization Program Management of Iron Deficiency Anaemia.
A. Clinical Features and Diagnosis of
following questions. 10
QUESTION 4-Write down ANY FIVE from the

X.Classify Dengue Iliness Deficiency

2. Clinical Features of Zinc Conditions causing Microcephaly.
3. DefineMicrocephaly and Enumerate Etiological
A. Define Hyperkalaemia and Write its
5. Infant Mortality Rate
6. What is BMI and its applications in


DATE: 06/10/2023 MARKS: 100 TIME: 12:30 TO 3:30 PM


1) Write legibly with blue or black ink only and answer to the point.
2) Draw diagrams wherever necessary.
3) Figures on the right indicate murks.
Section 2
QUESTION 5- Write down ANY ONE from the following questions. 10marks

Enunierate causes of Neonatal Jaundice. Write Pathophysiology of phy siological jaundice.

Describe treat1ment Modalities of Neonatal Jaundice.
2. Enumerate causes of Respiratory Distress in New-borm and write aetiology,
pathophysiology and management 0f RDS in Preterm.

QUESTION 6- Write down ANY TWO from the follow ing questions. 12 marks

X. Describe Foetal Circulation and Haemodynamics of PDA.

2. 5-year-old Female Child with 17 kg weight presented with Status Epilepticus Deseribe
management of Status Epilepticus
3. A 4-year-old male child presented with Generaized Oedema and Oliguria Write
Ditlerential Diagnosis and Treatment of Minimal Change Nephrotic Syndrome.

18 marks
QUESTION 7-Write down ANY THREE from the follow ing questions.

W.Clinical Features of Hypothyroidism in Children.

2. WHO Classification of Community Acquired Pneumonia and its management.
.3.Clinical Features and Management of Hepatic Encephalopathy.
4. Discuss Approach towards a 3-year-old child presented with blood in urine. Write
management of Acute Glomeruloncphritis in Children.
QUESTION 8- Write down ANY FIVE from the following questions.

1. Modified Jones Criteria for Acute Rheumatic Fever.

2. Difference between Caput Succedaneurm and Cephalhematoma.
3. Enumerate 4Autosomal recessive Disorders. ex
Complications of Measles on
8. Mantoux Test.
6. Side Efects of Long-Term Steroid Therapy.

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