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Narendra Modi Medical College

Prelim Examination
Instructions:1) Write each section in separate answer book.
2) Write legibly, no mark will be given to unreadable content.
Date: 09/10/2023 Time: 1.00pm to 4.00 pm
Section-! Total Marks: 100
0-1 Answer any ONE (out of2)
a) Describe Etiopathology and Management of Carcinoma of lower end of Esophagus.

. b Describe Clinical presentation and Management of Small BowelObstruction.

Q-2 Answer any TWO (out of 3) (12)
.Management of Male 45 year old known case of Portal Hypertension presented with Hematemesis
and Hypotension.

b) Adult male presnted with Pain in Right upper abdomen ,fever with chills and
anorexia since 3 days.
His total WBC count is 12,000, USG abdomen shows 6*7 cm size lesion in
right lobe of liver with
1) Diagnosis?
2) Management of this patient.
.gA female of 35 presented with Chronic Constipation, burning pain during defecation and
while defecation since 10 days
blood drops

1) Diagnosis?
2) Management of this patient.

Q-3 Write short notes on any THREE( out of 4)

a Congenital Umbilical Hernia.
bERCP (Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography)
g Pilonidal Sinus.
d) Nipple Discharge

Q-4 Answer only in 2-3 sentences (any FIVE) out of 6

o Courvosior's Law
Define Omphalocele
rSentineal Lypmhnode
d) Sentineal Tag
Signs of Hypoparathyroidism
Signs of Hyperthyroidism P.T.O
Q-5 Answer any ONE(out of 2)
a) Describe Medical and Surgical management of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

b) Describe causes and management of Lymphedema of lower limb.

Q-6 Answer any TWolout of 3) (12)

a) A 50year old smoker male presented with macroscopic hematuria .

1) Causes of Macroscopic Hematuria.
2) Workup and initial management of Macroscopic Hematuria.

b) Initial Management and investigations of an adult of Road traffic accident presented with
head injury with GCS score of 8.
c) A20 year boy came with sudden onset of pain in his right scrotum after visiting the Gym
associated with vomiting once.
1) Differential diagnosis of Acute Scrotum
2) Management of this patient.
Q-7 Write short notes on any THREE( out of 4) (18)
aY Tension Pneumothorax
b Deep Venous Thrombosis
çUreteric calculous
d) Phimosis

Q-8 Answer in 2-3 sentences any FIVE (out of 6) (10)

Claudication pain
B) BXO(Balanitis Xerotica Oblitrans)
c Cushing's triad in head injury.

Fournier's Gangrene.
e)Define dry gangrene.
f)Ankle-Brachial pressure index.
Narendra Modi Medical College
Prelim Examination
Instructions:1) Write each section in separate answer book.
2) Write legibly, no mark will be given to unreadable content.
Date: 10/10/2023 Time: 1.00 pm to 4.00 pm

Section-I Total Marks 100

Q-1 Answer any ONE (out of 2) (10)

a) Describe wound healing and various factors affecting wound healing process.
b) Describe premailgnant conditions of Tongue and management of Carcinoma of Tongue.
Q-2 Answer any TWo (out of 3) (12)

a) A 60 year old diabetic is suffering from Infective Gangrene of his right foot and is advised for Below
Knee Amputation. Describe the salient features of Consent for this Surgery.
b) An adult patient was admitted with acute severe abdominal pain,vomiting and abdominal distension.
There is tachycardia, fever and sytolic blood pressure is 80mm of Hg. X-ray shows free gas under both
the domes of diaphragm.
1) Patient is having which type of Shock?
2) How willyou conduct Resuscitation of this patient?

c) 30 year old lady came with low grade fever and swelling in her left side of the neck,posterior to the
Sternomastoid since last one month. The skin overlying is normal and the swelling is non tender and firm
and matted in consistency.

1) Investigations required for diagnosis?

2)Describe the treatment plan.
Q-3 Write short notes on any THREE (out of 4) (18)

a) Classifiaction of Lymph nodes in the Neck.

b) )Sialoadenitis of Submandibular Salivary Gland
c) Metabolic Acidosis
d) Branchial Fistula
Q-4 Answeronly in 2-3 sentences any FIVE (out of 6) (10)
Define Ulcer
bCharateristric signs of Sebaceous cyst
Define Autoclaving
Paradoxical Respiration. P»cult chest P.T.O
Section-l| (0rthopedics, AnesthesiologY, Radiodiagnosis and Dentistry.)
Question 5 Write Short Notes on (Any One) Sx2=10]
K Calcium metabolism in detail and Rickets- Signs, Symptoms, Management
2. Management, Treatment and Complications of Shaft Femur Fracture

6. Answer Any TWO (12 Marks)

1. A9 year old female comes to your OPD with complain of left forearm swelling and pain and
fever since 2days. She has h/o blunt trauma to left forearm 10 days back, pt had taken
treatment at bone-settler and some sort of slab was applied.Two days back slab was removed
resulting reduction in swelling.At present there is excruciating tenderness and increased local
temperature ,with leucocytosis.

1. What is the most likely diagnosis for his condition? (1)

2. What are further investigations you will suggest for this condition? (1)
3 How will you manage this condition? (4)

Z.A 25 year old male pt comes to your opd with c/o Right shoulder pain after episode of
convulsion.. Pt finds difficulty to move his shoulder but power is normal. On examination there is
abduction and external rotation of right shoulder. Xray shows no fracture. Distal pulse and
movements are normal.

1.What are the most probable diagnosis for his condition? (1)
2.What X-ray views you will suggest in this condition?(1)
3.How will you manage this case? (4)
3. Write a note on examination and treatment of DDH. (6 marks)

Question 7. Write Short Notes On (Any Three) [6x3=18)

1. Terrible Triad lnjury of elbow

2 . Osteoporosis Risk Factors, Pathology and Management
3. Compartment Syndrome- Pathology, Signs, Symptoms, Treatment
4 Counselling and Ponseti management in club foot

Questjon 8Write answer in two or three sentences (Any Five)(5*2=10)

A. Enchondroma &en loleulater t wyalin cotinge
2. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome-Enumerate Signs, Symptoms and ,treatment
. Signs of Cauda Equina Syndrome sq webto, eyuay, sem
4. Lisfrank Injury Tane Hetatitr,1e bonu +
, Teriparatide: Uses and Mechanism of Action
6. Orthopaedic Complications of long term inflammatory skin disease treatment
1. Figure on right indicates full marks
2. Use separate answer book for each section
3. Draw diagram whenever necessary
4. Write legibly

Section I

Q. 1. Write in detail on any one of the following 10

1. Define Infant Mortality Rate, Perinatal Mortality Rate, Neonatal Mortality
Rate. Write in detail National Immunization Schedule.
2. Write in detail about anatomy of Uterus. Write in detailabout structure and
function of Placenta

Q. 2. Write short notes on any two of the following 12

"1, A 26 years old patient has presented with 3 months of amenorrhoea. She
has complaint of acute lower abdominal pain, and per vaginum discharge of grape
like vesicles for last 7 days. Write in detail on management of this patient.
2. Acouple has come to the hospital for permanent sterilization. Write in detail
about allthe point you are supposed to provide to the couple and how you would
counsel husband for vasectomy and wife for tubal ligation.
3. Write in detail about CAFETARIAapproach for contraception.

Q.3. Write short notes on any three of the following 18

1. Define Normal Labour. Write about stages of labour.
Define Puerperium. Write in detail about lochia.
3 Define hyperemesis Gravidarum. Write about its clinical managemernt.
. 4. Define Ectopic pregnancy.Write clinical features and management of
ruptured tubal ectopic pregnancy.

Q. 4. Write 2-3 sentences for any five of the following 10

1 Define Septic abortion
2 Define Puerperal pyrexia
3. What is Hellin's rule?
4 Define Obstetric Conjugate
5. Functions of Ovary
6. What are the remnants of Wolfian duct in fermale?
Section I

Q. 1. Write in detail on any one of the rnanagement of a
Antepartum Hemorrhage. Clinical features and
1 Define
placenta previa same.
counseling. Write in detail about the
2. Define preconceptional
Write short notes on any two of the amenorrhea
Q. 2. presented with 6 months of
1 27 years old primi gravida has
Write in detail about managing this
with random sugar level of 250 mg/dl.
pregnancy further. amenorrhoea, with
A 20 years old patient has presented with 8 months of
2. pallor with
On examination she has severe
difficulty in breathing and palpitations.
managing her further.
tachycardia. Write in detail about 15 minutes
parturient (primigravida) delivered 3 kg healthy female child
3. A Write in detail about her
complete perineal tear.
back. She is found to have
of the following
Write short notes on any three
Q. 3. for Rh Negative mother having 7 months
1 Write in detail about investigations
of amenorrhoea
successful vaginal birth after
2. Write in detail about points to be looked for
cesarean section
in obstetrics
3. Write in detail about sonography
4. Write in detailabout fetal
the following
Q. 4. Write 2-3 sentences for any five of
1 Define Uterine Apoplexy
Define superfecundation
3 What is Lovset Maneuver?
Define Bandl's ring
Management of Third Stage of Labour
5. Enumerate components of Active
for induction of labour
6. Side effects of Misoprostol used
DATE: 13/10/2023 TIME: 1:00 TO 4:00 PM

INSTRUCTIONS: A-figure on right indicates full marks

B- use separate answer books for each section.
C- draw diagram whenever necessary.
D- write legibly.


Q1. Write in detail of anyone of the following (10)

A. Describe the anatomy of ureter in female pelvis.What are the sites of ureteric injury
during surgery and how can they be prevented.
2. Describe the pathophysiology of AUB. Discuss its management.
Q2Write short note on any 2 of the following (12)
1. Case scenario :(compulsory)
A 65 year old patient came in opd with complain of something coming out per
vaginum. On per speculum examination, 3rd degree descent , cystocele +t, rectocelet, on
per vaginal examination, uterus anteverted, normal size, cervix firm, fx free.

A. What is your diagnosis and how will you manage this patient?
B. Which are the risk factors for this condition and their preventive

C. Which are the different conservative surgeries for young patient

with this condition

2. .What are the precancerous lesions of the cervix? Describe different methods for
diagnosis of CIN.


3. Universal precautions of HIV.

Q3. Write short ns on any 3 of the following. (18)

,K Drugs for ovulation induction.

2. Tanners stages of puberty in female.
Primary amenorrhea.
,4. HRT in menopause.
Q4. Write two - three sentences for any 5 of the following. (10)

HPV vaccine.

2. MRKH syndrome.
3. IUI.
A. Name the parts of fallopian tube.
1-5. Bartholin abscess.
B. Dilatation and Curratage.

Q1. Long question - any one of the following. (10)

X Hormonal contraception.
2. PCOD in infertility.
Q2. Write short note on any 2 of the following. (12)
K Case scenario:
A30 years oldfemale came with complain of abdominal pain and missing
thread of IUCD. On per speculum examination, thread was not seen.
a. How will you investigate and manage this case?
b. Advantage of IUCD over 0C pills.
C. Time and method for insertion of interval lUCD.
2. FIGO classification of Endometrial Carcinoma.
3 Dermoid cyst.
Q3. Write short note on any three of the following. (18)
1. Priciples of myomectomy.
A. Pre menstrual syndrome.
8. Different ART techniques.
A. Non surgical management of fibroid.

Q4. .Write two -three sentences for any5 of the following. (10)
Vaginal candidiasis.
2 Define infertility.
,3. Anti mullerian hormone.
Various methods for assessment of tubal patency.
5. Indications and complications of hysteroscopy.
6. Pearl index.

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