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3. What are some strategies that you did to manage the online classroom management issues?

Establish a dedicated study space: I set up a designated area in our home that is solely for studying and
attending online classes. Having a dedicated space helps create a focused environment and reduces

Create a daily schedule that includes specific study times and breaks. Following a routine helps establish
structure and ensures I allocate enough time for studying, attending classes, and completing

Stay organized: Keep track of my assignments, deadlines, and class schedules using a planner or digital
tools like calendars and task management apps. This helped me stay on top of my responsibilities and
prevent last-minute rushes.

Communicate with your instructors: If I have any questions or concerns, I don't hesitate to reach out to
my r instructors.

Manage time effectively: Practice good time management skills by breaking down my tasks into smaller,
manageable chunks. Prioritize my assignments based on their deadlines and allocate specific time blocks
for each task. This helped me to avoid procrastination and ensure that I'm stay on track with my

Take breaks and practice self-care: It's important to take regular breaks to rest and recharge. Engage in
activities that help me relax and maintain your overall well-being. This could include hobbies or
spending time with friends and family (virtually).

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