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Alastra Aileen Gwen

Batis, Sarah Jane
Boreres, Nolyn Erica

• The Ivatan People, Ethnolinguistic Group in The Islans of Batanes. The Ivatans are a
Filipino ethnolinguistic group predominant in the islands of Batanes of the Philippines.
Their ethnogenesis is unclear; their origins remain untraced among scholars, but they
are believed to be an Austronesian group, related to neighboring Ilocanos on purely
linguistic basis.
• Documents do not show much about the history of the Ivatans and at present, scholars
who study their origins are still unsure as to their exact origin. They question whether
the pre-historic Ivatans came from the northern part of Luzon or southern portions of
China and Taiwan. The structure of their language could mean they came from other
parts of the Philippines.
• By tracing their roots through Batanes' folklores, Omoto, a Japanese anthropologist of
the Yami of Orchid Island (Lanyu), has demonstrated a closer genetic affinity of the
Yami to the Tagalog and Visayan and a linguistic connection to the Batanic (Bashiic)
sub-branch of the Malayo-Polynesian branch.
• Ivatans were living in Batanes before the Spaniards arrived in the Philippines in the
16th century, protected by fortresses known as idjang, and living autonomously long
thereafter. On June 26, 1783, Batanes was incorporated into the Spanish East Indies. In
1686, Ivatans were forced to resettle in the lowlands of Batanes.
• The Ivatans lived under Spanish rule for 115 years, and gained their independence on
September 18, 1898. However, June 6 is celebrated in Batanes as its founding day.



• Batanes is the northernmost province in the Philippines and is often considered the
country's gateway to Taiwan. It holds the distinction of being the smallest province in
terms of land area, covering only 203.2 square kilometers. This compact size makes it
one of the most geographically unique provinces in the country.
• Batanes is composed of a group of ten islands, each with its own charm and natural
beauty. The primary islands include Batan, Sabtang, and Itbayat, each offering a diverse
range of landscapes, from rolling hills to breathtaking cliffs and pristine beaches. The
province's terrain is marked by picturesque hills and valleys, giving it a distinct, almost
otherworldly appearance.
• Beyond its natural beauty, Batanes is also known for its rich cultural heritage. The
Ivatan people, the province's indigenous inhabitants, have a unique culture and
traditions that are deeply rooted in their close-knit communities. Ivatan architecture,
such as the well-known stone houses, is designed to withstand the region's frequent
• Batanes is renowned for being one of the most peaceful provinces in the Philippines.
The tight-knit Ivatan communities foster a sense of security and cooperation among its
residents. Crime rates are impressively low, and the people of Batanes are known for
their hospitality and warmth, making it an attractive destination for both local and
international tourists.


The Vakul is a distinctive headgear worn by Ivatan women. It is fashioned from the shredded
leaves of the voyavoy palm, a material that is abundantly available on the islands. This conical-
shaped headgear is designed to protect the wearer from the harsh elements, particularly the
intense tropical sun and the frequent rains that bless the province. The Vakul is secured to the
head with a chin strap and provides ample shade, offering comfort during outdoor activities. It
is not only a practical item but also a symbol of Ivatan identity, with various Vakul designs
reflecting the creativity and craftsmanship of the weavers.


In contrast to the Vakul, Ivatan men traditionally wear the Kanayi, a vest also crafted from
voyavoy palm leaves. The Kanayi serves as an outer layer of clothing, protecting the wearer
from the sun and rain while allowing for ease of movement. It is a testament to the Ivatan
people's resourcefulness in using available materials to create practical attire that suits their
daily needs.


• Fishing has been a cornerstone of Batanes' economy and food security. The province's
proximity to the sea and rich marine resources makes it an ideal location for fishing
activities. Ivatan fishermen utilize traditional methods such as small-scale net fishing,
handline fishing, and boat fishing, aligning with sustainable fishing practices that
prioritize the preservation of marine ecosystems.
• Fishing not only provides a source of income but also plays a significant role in the
Ivatan way of life. The fish caught are a vital component of their diet, and the surplus
is often traded or sold to other communities. This close connection between the Ivatan
people and the sea reflects their deep respect for the environment and its resources.


• The agriculture sector in Batanes is predominantly small-scale and subsistence farming.

Root crops such as sweet potatoes, taro, and yams, along with vegetables, are cultivated.
The province's topography, marked by rolling hills and fertile valleys, supports
agriculture despite its limited land area.
• Farming is crucial for the self-sufficiency of the Ivatan people. The staple crops they
grow are essential for their diet, and farming allows them to maintain food security.
The Ivatan farmers employ organic and traditional methods, avoiding the use of
chemicals, which aligns with their commitment to environmental preservation.


-Its population as determined by the 2020 Census was 18,831. This

represented 0.51% of the total population of the Cagayan Valley
region, 0.03% of the overall population of the Luzon Island group,
or 0.02% of the entire population of the Philippines. -The constant
population can be attributed to the lack of economic opportunities,
which has led those who cannot be absorbed by the small island
economy to migrate to other parts of the country


According to the 2015 Census, the age group with the

highest population in Batanes is 10 to 14, with 1,815
individuals. Combining age groups together, those aged 14 and
below, consisting of the young dependent population which
include infants/babies, children and young
adolescents/teenagers, make up an aggregate of 28.75%
(4,959). Those aged 15 up to 64, roughly, the economically
active population and actual or potential members of the work
force, constitute a total of 62.43% (10,767). Old dependent
population consisting of the senior citizens, those aged 65 and
over, total 8.81% (1,520) in all.


A distinct language called Ivatan is spoken

on the Batanes islands and by those who have
relocated to the Bukidnon area, Lanao del Sur,
Cotabato, Manila, and Palawan. Yami, a language
used in the Orchid island of Taiwan, is reported to
be similar to Ivatan. Aside from Ivatan, Filipino,
English, and Ilocano are also spoken.

Example of Ivatan Alphabet

• Example of Ivatan Proverb
• Ipangudidi mu u mapya nanawu.
(Carry with you good teaching, always bear in mind sound advice.)
• Arava u mayet an namaes u ryes.
(There is no strong man when the sea is at its worst.

The Ivatans have little to say regarding national

political decisions. However, in their local government, they
have the right to vote their choice of leadership and they can
participate in their local development.



Ivatan society is patriarchal, with strong family ties and a focus on extended family
structures. Marriage is considered essential and typically involves some traditional customs
and rituals.

Arranged marriage is the traditional custom among the Ivatan, but unlike in other Philippine
societies that practice child marriage, the betrothed girl and boy would be wedded only when
they reach adulthood.

The Ivatan courtship practice is typical among the Filipinos from Luzon. A man has to
render service to the family of the woman he'd like to marry.

✓ Mayprisinta - time where the groom-to-be personally visits the family of his
partner alone and formally informs about his desire to marry their daughter.
✓ Manukud su - the groom-to-be selects a spokesperson who will head to the
partner's family to confirm the young man's attention.
✓ Kayun - occasion where parents of couples meet, to confirmed the marriage plans
and details om wedding day are planned.
✓ Kapaychakuvut - wedding day, wherein entire community is involved. Selected
men and women in the community serve as manayay whose principal duty is getting
people to dance the fundanggo.


At present, most Ivatans are Catholics, some continue to adhere to a form of ancestor
worship called anito (who is responsible for the success and failures of their relatives.)

It was the Ivatan belief that when people from the elite class died, their souls were taken to
heaven where these were transformed into stars. The souls of the poor, however, wandered all
over the world and became spirits.

• The Kankanaey, also Kankanay, Kankanai, and Kankana-i, refers to the culture and the
people who primarily reside in Benguet and Mountain Province of the Cordillera
Administrative Region.
• The Kankana-ey people are one of the indigenous groups in the northern part of the
Philippines, particularly in the northwestern part of Luzon. They predominantly inhabit
areas of the Mountain Province and the northern part of Benguet in the Cordillera.
• As with many indigenous groups in Southeast Asia, it is believed that the ancestors of
the Kankana-ey people were part of early Austronesian-speaking migrants who moved
from Taiwan to the Philippines thousands of years ago.
• Due to geographical isolation and the need to adapt to mountainous terrains, the
Kankana-ey, along with other neighboring tribes like the Ibaloys and the Ifugaos,
developed distinct cultures, languages, and traditions that set them apart from lowland
• The Kankana-ey, like other indigenous groups, have oral traditions that recount their
origins, migrations, and establishment in the region. These stories have been passed
down through generations and serve as a cultural repository of their history and beliefs.



• Benguet is celebrated for its diverse landscapes and natural beauty. The province's
terrain is characterized by towering mountains, rolling hills, and fertile valleys. Its high-
altitude location contributes to a cool, temperate climate that distinguishes it from other
provinces in the Philippines. The geography of Benguet not only adds to its visual
appeal but also plays a significant role in shaping the lives and livelihoods of its


• A Centuries-Old Practice Terrace farming, also known as rice terracing or step farming,
is a method that has been passed down through generations of Kankanaey farmers. It
involves creating a series of level steps or platforms on steep mountain slopes. These
terraces serve several essential purposes, including soil conservation, effective water
management, and maximizing arable land in the challenging topography of Benguet.

Crops Cultivated Through Terrace Farming:

✓ Rice: The Kankanaey people are renowned for their rice cultivation. Terrace farming
allows them to grow this staple crop even in regions with steep slopes, ensuring food
security for their communities.
✓ Vegetables: In addition to rice, a wide variety of vegetables, including root crops like
sweet potatoes and high-value crops like cabbage and carrots, are cultivated on these
terraces. The cool climate of Benguet is ideal for vegetable farming.
✓ Coffee: Coffee production has become a significant part of the local economy. The
terraces provide an ideal environment for cultivating coffee beans, contributing to both
domestic consumption and exports.



KANKANAEY: 466,970 people Residing

mostly in the Cordillera-Caraballo Mountain
ranges of northern Luzon, these people are part
of the larger Meso' -Cordilleran Family such as
the Itneg, Kalinga, Ifugao, Pangasinense,
Ilongot, and Ibaloi among others.


✓ Mankayan which is closely related to the languages of the Ifugao and Bontok, two
groups with which Kankanaey share geographical borders.
✓ Bakun - Kibungan, Guinzadan, Kapangan, and
Mankayan - Buguias are classified as dialects
of the Kankanaey language.

Example of Kankanaey Alphabet

"The tongue of the righteous is as choice

silver, but the heart of the wicked is worthy

The Province of Benguet excluding Baguio City has the most number of registered
marriages, accounting for 28 out of every 100 marriages in the Region. Followed by Baguio
City with 26 per 100 marriages. Marriage customs of the Kankanaey are similar to the Ibalois.
They practice parential marriage. A wedding is celebrated with big feast and many rituals done
before and during the wedding ceremony.

Two main approaches to marriage

✓ Customary - parental arrangement, which is the old tradition

✓ Courtship - which has increasingly gained favor among the new generation.

Educational Attainment

The Kankanaey, having been reached by modern amenities, live in big communities and
are aware of the importance of education. Because they have a big population, they have a
strong influence both local and national government. There are many socio-economic
development programs being done in the area. Many memebers of of the Kankanaey tribe are
educated and professionals, so they are the ones who are leading their people towards
improvement and better living.


Kabunian - creator of all beings and living things in the world. Kabunian is mainly responsible
for the welfare and general well-being of all those he created.

✓ Tayaw is a community dance usually performed at weddings. It may also be danced by
the Ibaloi tribe, but in a different style.
✓ Pattong is also a mountainous community dance, with each municipality having its
own style. Balangbang is the modern term for Pattong.

Other dances performed by the Kankanaei family include Sak Tin, Pinang Yuan (wedding
dance) and Boogie Boogie (courtship dance).

Tayaw Balangbang dance

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