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TG: @Chalnaayaaar


• Theory 01-20
• Exercise-1_Intext Questions 21-25
• Exercise-2_NCERT Exercise Questions 26-44
• Exercise-3_Exemplar 45-49
• Exercise-4_MCQ, A/R, Case Based Questions 50-56
• Previous Years Questions 57-66
• Practice Test 67-70


A solution is a homogeneous mixture of two or more than two components.
• Homogeneous means : The mixture has same chemically composition and same physical
properties throughout the solution.
• When the solution is composed of only two chemical substances, it is termed as binary solution,
similarly, it is called ternary and quaternary, if it is composed by three and four components
• For binary solution : Solution = solute + solvent
SOLUTE : Generally the component present in lesser amount than other component in solution, is
called solute.
SOLVENT : Generally, the component present in greater amount than all other components, is called
the solvent.

Type of Solutions Solute Solvent Common Example

Gaseous Solutions Gas Gas Mixture of oxygen and nitrogen gases

Liquid Gas Chloroform mixed with nitrogen gas
Solid Gas Camphor (C10H16O) in nitrogen gas
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Liquid Solutions Gas Liquid Oxygen dissolved in water

Liquid Liquid Ethanol dissolved in water
Solid Liquid Glucose dissolved in water

Solid Solutions Gas Solid Solution of hydrogen in palladium

Liquid Solid Amalgam of mercury with sodium
Solid Solid Copper dissolved in gold

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(a) Molarity (M)
The number of moles of solute present in one litre solution is called its molarity(M).
Number of moles of solute n
Molarity =
volume of solution (in litre) V L
(b) Molality (m)
The number of moles of solute present in 1 kg of the solvent is called molality of the solution.
Number of moles of solute Number of moles of solute 1000
Molality of a solution = =
Mass of solvent kg Mass of solvent g
(c) Concentration in terms of percentage
(i) Percent By Mass (w/W) or Mass percentage (w/W) :
Mass of solute (in g) present in 100 g of solution (g) is called mass percent of the solute.

Where 'w' gram of solute is dissolved in W gram of solvent.
Mass of solute g 100 w 100
Mass percent
Mass of solution g w W
Mass percent is independent of temperature.
(ii) Percent By Volume (v/V) or Volume percentage (v/V) :
This method is used for solutions of liquid in a liquid. The volume of liquid (solute) in mL
present in 100 mL of solution in is called volume percent.
Volume of solute 100
Volume percent =
Volume of solution
(iii) Percent by strength /percentage mass by volume or Mass by volume
percentage : Mass of solute (in g) present in 100 mL solution is called mass by
w mass of solute g
% 100
V volume of solution mL
(d) Parts Per Million (ppm)
This method is used for expressing the concentration of very dilute solutions such as hardness of
water, air pollution etc.
Number of parts of the component
Parts per million = 106
Total number of parts of all components of the solution
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Mass of solute g 106

ppm of substance (by mass) =
Mass of solution (g)
Volume of solute(mL) 106
ppm (by volume) =
Volume of solution(mL)
w mass of solute g
ppm by 106
V volume of solution mL
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(e) Mole Fraction
The ratio of the number of moles of one component to the total number of moles of all the
components present in the solution, is called the mole fraction of that component.
moles of solute n nB
Mole fraction of solute XB =
moles of solute n moles of solvent N nA nB

moles of solvent N nA
Mole fraction of solvent XA =
moles of solute n moles of solvent N nA nB


Solubility of a substance is it’s maximum amount that can be dissolved in a specified amount of

solvent at specific temperature and pressure.
• Solubility is affected by nature of solute and solvent as well as by temperature and pressure.
(I) Solubility of Solid in Liquid
Solid in liquid type of solution

Solute : Solid Solvent : Liquid

** The solution in which solid solute dissolve in liquid solvent at specific temperature
and pressure to form saturated solutions, known as solubility of solid in liquid.
Saturated Solutions : The solution in which rate of dissolution is equal to the rate of
crystallisation at specific temperature is known as saturated solution.
Factor affecting the solubiity of a solid in liquid :
1. Nature of solute and solvent : (like dissolve like)
Polar solutes are soluble in polar solvent and non polar solutes are soluble in non polar solvent
due to similar intermolecular forces.
Ex. NaCl dissolved in water because both are polar in nature.
Naphthalene dissolved in benzene because both are non-polar in nature.
2. Effect of temperature :
When solid solutes are dissolved in solvent then following equilibrium exists.
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Solute + Solvent Crystallization

(solid) (Liq.) (Solid in liq.)

Solubility of solids is affected by temperature according to Le-chatlier's principle.
* If dissolution is exothermic then solubility decreases with increase in temperature.
H<0 Temperature Solubility
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Ex. Dissolution of CaCO3 is more effective at low temperature because the dissolution of CaCO3 is
an exothermic phenomenon. Hence, according to Le-chatelier’s principle the dissolution increase
at low temperature.
* If endothermic then solubility increases with increase in temperature.
H>0 Temperature Solubility
Ex. The dissolution of NaCl in aqueous solution is more at high temperature because the dissolution
of NaCl in aqueous solution is an endothermic phenomenon. So, on increasing the temperature
solubility increases.
Note : Solubility of solids is not affected by pressure significantly since solids are highly
The solution in which gaseous solute dissolve in liquid solvent at specific temperature to

form saturated solution, known as solubility of gas in a liquid solution.
Factor affecting the solubility of gas in liquid solution :
1. Nature of solute :
The polar gas like NH3, HCl and SO2 are highly soluble in water while non-polar gases like
CO2, O2, N2 etc. are less soluble in water.
2. Temperature : Gas in a liquid is an exothermic phenomenon. So, on increasing
temperature solubility decreases according to Le-chatelier’s principle.
Ex. Gases always tends to be less soluble in liquid as the temperature is raised.
Ans. Gas + Liquid Solution + E
(Solute) (Solvent)
Dissolution of gas in liquid is an exothermic process, as the temperature is raised, the
equilibrium shifts in reverse direction, It results in decrease of solubility of gas in liquid.
Ex. Aquatic species are more comfortable in cold water than that of warm water because
dissolution of oxygen in water is more at low temperature due to exothermic phenomena.
(III) Effect of Pressure :
The solubility of gas in liquid increases with increase in pressure.
Note : Solubility of a gas in liquid can be explained by HENRY’S LAW.
According to Henry’s law : “At constant temperature the solubility of a gas in a liquid is
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directly proportional to the partial pressure of the gas present above the surface of liquid or
* Amount of gas which can be dissolved in solvent can be expressed in terms of
concentration i.e., mole fraction. Therefore, Henry’s law may be explained as follows :

Mole fraction of gas in the solution is proportional to the partial pressure of the gas over the
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The partial pressure of the gas in vapour phase (P) is proportional to the mole fraction of
the gas (X) in the solution. (This is most common definition)
Pg Xg ........(1)
Pg = KH Xg ........(2) KH = Henry's Constant
Pg KH.
ng n

ng n

Pg KH.

Note: (i) Henry's Constant is not a universal constant. It depends on nature of gas and
(ii) KH increases with increase in temperature therefore solubility of
gas decreases.
(iii) According to Henry’s law : Pg
Pg = KH Xg
(y = mx) Xg


(1) To increase the solubility of CO2 in soda water and soft drinks, the bottles are sealed under
low temperature and high pressure.
(2) The people, suffer from ANOXIA at high altitude due to less partial pressure of oxygen
solubility of oxygen in Haemoglobin decreases.
(3) At hight altitude the partial pressure of oxygen is less than that of ground level. This leads
to low concentration of oxygen in the blood and tissues of people which are living at high
Low blood oxygen causes climbers to become weak and unable to think clearly. Such
symptoms is known as a condition called 'ANOXIA'.
(4) Scuba divers intake oxygen dilute with He. Due to low solubility of He in the blood and to
avoid 'BENDS' as well as toxic effect of high concentration of nitrogen(N2).
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Note :- When the scuba divers comes towards surface, their pressure gradually decreases. This
release the dissolved gases and leads to the formation of bubbles of N2 in the blood. This block
capillaries and creates and medical condition which is known as 'BENDS', which is painful and
dangerous for life.
• The solution in which solute and solvent both are liquid
• The solubility of liquid-liquid solution depends upon vapour pressure.
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At a constant temperature, the pressure exerted by the vapours of a liquid on its surface when
they (liquid and its vapours) are in equilibrium, is known as vapour pressure.
Factors affecting the Vapour Pressure
(1) Nature of liquid–

(2) Temperature–

Vapour Pressure Temperature
• Solubility of liquid-liquid solution can be explained by Raoult’s law.
Raoult’s law :
According to Raoult’s law “The partial vapour pressure of any component is proportional to its
mole fraction.”
According to Raoult’s law
P1 X1 …..(1)
P1 P1o X1 …..(2)
P1 = Vapour pressure of component 1
P1o = Vapour pressure of that component 1 at pure state P1
X1 = Mole fraction of that component 1
(Binary liquid solution in which both component are volatile)
According to Raoult’s law “The total pressure of the solution for a binary component is equal to the
sum of partial vapour pressure of that component.”
Let us consider that in a binary solution there are two volatile components 1 and 2, are present which
vapour pressure p1, p2 and mole fraction X1, X2 respectively.
According to Raoult’s law : The partial vapour pressure of any component in volatile solution is
proportional to its mole fraction.
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P1 X1

P1 P1o X1 ………(1)
y = mx
P2 X2

P2 P2o X 2 ………(2)

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PT = P1 + P 2

PT P1o X1 P2o X 2 ………(3)

X1 + X2 = 1
X1 = 1 – X2
PT = P1o (1 X 2 ) P2o X 2
PT P1o P1o X 2 P2o X 2

PT P1o X 2 (P2o P1o ) ……..(3)

y c x m


Vapour pressure

P2o > P1o

X1=1 Mole fraction X1=0

X2=0 X2 X2=1

Note :
(1) Total vapour pressure of the solution varies linearly with the mole fraction of component.
(2) Component (1) is less volatile than component (2).
Solute : Glucose, sugar, Urea (Non-volatile)
Solvent : Water (volatile)
* When solute is non-volatile then only the solvent molecules are present in vapour phase and
contribute to vapour pressure.
According to Raoult’s law for a solution which contain a non-volatile solute – “If solute is non-
volatile then its partial vapour pressure is equivalent to zero, hence only solvent molecules are
contributes in total pressure.”
PT = P1 + P2 ……..(1) P1 = P1o X1 vapour pressure of
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pure solvent
(Component 2 is non-volatile solute) P2 = P2o X 2 0
PT = P1 + 0 PT
1 ……..(2)
0 X1 1
y m x
Equation (2) is a mathematical expression of Raoult’s law for a solution which contains
non-volatile solute.
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(i) Benzene and toluene (ii) CCl4 and SiCl4
(iii) n-hexane and n-heptane (iv) C2H5Br and C2H5Cl
(v) PhCl and PhBr (vi) n-butylchloride and n-butylbromide
• Those solutions which do not obey Raoult's law are called non-ideal solutions.
• For non ideal solutions ; A–A interactions or B-B interactions A-B interactions.
• For such solutions ; PA PAo X A ; PB PBo X B
• Non ideal solutions are formed when the components differ much in their structures and
So H mixing 0 and Vmixing 0

Deviation from Raoult’s law
• Non ideal solutions show either positive or negative deviations from Raoult's law.
• The vapour pressure of such solutions is either higher or lower than expected by Raoult’s
i.e., PT = PAo (PBo PAo )X 2 or PT (P2o P1o )X 2 P1o
If it is higher then solution shows +ve deviation and if it is lower then it shows –ve
deviation from Raoult’s law.
(a) Non ideal solutions having positive deviation from Raoult's law.
• The solutions in which the vapour pressure comes out to be more then expected on the
basis of Raoult’s law. It is due to decrease in IMFOA between new component hence
vapour pressure of the solution increases.
Properties :
• In these solutions A-B interactions are less than A-A and B-B molecular interactions.
PA PAo X A or P1 P1o X1

PB PBo X B or P2 P2o X 2
• The total vapour pressure of the solution will be greater than the corresponding vapour
pressure expected in case of an ideal solution of same composition. i.e.
Ptotal ( PAo X A PBo X B ) or Ptotal ( P1o X1 P2o X 2 )
• Hmix > 0 ; endothermic dissolution ; heat is absorbed.
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• Vmix >0. ; volume increases after dissolution, i.e., (Vsolute + Vsolvent < Vsolution).
• 'A' and 'B' escape easily showing higher vapour pressure than the expected ideally.
(B.P.)th > (B.P.)exp ; (V.P.)cal. < (V.P.)obs.
• ( S)mix = +ve , G = –ve
Entropy change in mixing is positive.

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• Escaping tendency of both components 'A' and 'B' is lowered showing lower vapour
pressure than expected ideally.


Vapour Pressure

X1=1 Mole Fraction X1=0

X2=0 X2  X2=1
 X1

Ex.1 Mixture of acetone + Chloroform
A mixture of chloroform and acetone forms a solution with negative deviation from
Raoult’s law. This is because chloroform molecule is able to form hydrogen bond with
acetone molecules. as shown. This decreases the escaping tendency of molecules for each
components and consequently the vapour pressure decreases. Resulting in negative
deviation from Raoult’s law.
H3C .. Cl
C=O . . ---H — C Cl
H3C Cl
Mixture of Phenol + Aniline
On mixing the phenol in Aniline, it forms H-bonding hence IMFOA, between the two
components increase and vapour pressure decrease.
H—O - - - H — N - - - H — O - - - H — N - - -

Ex.2 (i) CHCl3 and CH3COCH3 (vi) H2O and HCl

(ii) CHCl3 and C6H6 (vii) H2O and HNO3
(iii) CHCl3 and C2H5OC2H5 (viii) CH3COOH and CH3OH
(iv) CHCl3 and HNO3 (ix) CH3COOH and C5H5N
(v) CHCl3 and CH3COOH (x) CH3COCH3 and Aniline
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Some liquids on mixing, form azeotropes which are binary mixtures having the same
composition in liquid and vapour phase and boil at a constant temperature, the liquid and vapour
have the same composition, and no further separation occurs.
Components form azeotrope can't be separated by fractional distillation but can be separated by
azeotropic distillation.
Solutions showing Positive deviation form minimum boiling azeotrope and solutions showing
negative deviation form maximum boiling azeotrope.
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There are two types of azeotropes :

(1) Minimum boiling azeotrope
The solutions which show a large positive deviation from Raoult’s law form minimum
boiling azeotrope at a specific composition. For example, ethanol-water mixture (obtained
by fermentation of sugars) on fractional distillation gives a solution containing
approximately 95.5% v/v ethanol.
(2) Maximum boiling azeotrope
The solutions that show large negative deviation from Raoult’s law form maximum boiling
azeotrope at a specific composition. Ex. nitric acid and water. This azeotrope has the
approximate composition, 68% nitric acid and 32% water by mass with a boiling point of
393.5 K.
Those physical properties of a solution which depends upon the relative number of particles of

solute and do not depend on nature of solute particles are called colligative properties.
CP Number of solute particles
Number of molecules (in the solution of non-electrolyte)
Number of ions (in the solution of electrolytes)
Number of moles of solute
Mole fraction of solute
The following four properties are colligative property :
(1) Relative lowering in vapour pressure of solvent
(2) Elevation in boiling point ( Tb) of solvent
(3) Depression in freezing point ( Tf) of solvent
(4) Osmotic pressure ( or P) of solution
(a) Relative Lowering in Vapour Pressure
• When a non-volatile solute is dissolved in a pure solvent, the vapour pressure of the
solvent is lowered i.e. the vapour pressure of a solution is always lower than that of
pure solvent, because the escaping tendency of solvent molecules decreases
• Due to lesser solvent molecules per unit surface area.
If at a certain temperature P1° is the vapour pressure of pure solvent, and Ps is the
vapour pressure of solution then
Lowering of Vapour pressure = P1o PS ……..(1)
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P1o PS
Relative lowering of vapour pressure = ……..(2)
According to Raoult's law :
When a non-volatile and non-electrolyte solute is dissolved in a pure solvent then
relative lowering of vapour pressure of solvent is equal to the mole fraction of the
solute, dissolved in the solution.
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P1o –PS
 = X2
P1o Component (2) is solute
P1o –PS n2
P1 n1 + n 2 Component (1) is solvbent
For a very dilute solution n2 << n1
P1o  PS n 2

P1o n1

P1o  PS w 2 / M 2
 
P1o w1 / M1

• Relative lowering depends upon relative number of solute particles. Therefore it is

called colligative properties.
(2) Elevation in Boiling Point
• The boiling point of a liquid is that temperature at which its vapour pressure
becomes equal to the atmospheric pressure.
• When a non-volatile solute is dissolved in a pure solvent, its vapour pressure is
decreased and boiling point increases. The difference of boiling points of the solution
and pure solvent is called elevation in boiling point.(Tb)
There are a vapour pressure – temperature curve shows for pure solvent and non-volatile solute
containing solution.
Boiling point of pure solvent = Tbo
Boiling point of solution = Tb
Elevation in boiling point  Tb  = Tb – Tbo …….(1)

Experiments have shows that for dilute solution elevation in boiling point (Tb) is directly proportional
to molal concentration of the solute in solution.
1.013 bar
Tb  m or 1 Atm
Tb  K b .m ………(2)
Vapour pressure
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Kb = molal elevation constant or Ebullioscopic constant

(Unit = mol–1)
Kb The Tb produced when one mole of a non-volatile
Tb0 Tb
solute is dissolved in 1 kg of solvent. Tb
If w2 gm of solute of molar mass M2 is dissolved in w1 gm of Temperature
solvent then
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w 2 / M2
Molality (m) =
w1 /1000
1000 w 2
m= …….(3)
M 2 w1
Put the value of ‘m’ in eq. (2)
1000 × w 2
Tb = K b × ……(4)
M 2 × w1

Eq. (4) is relation in between molar mass of non-volatile solute and boiling point elevation.
• Kb depends only on nature of solvent which can be explained by thermodynamic relation.
M w R Tb0
Kb =

1000 H vap

Where Tb0 = Boiling point of pure solvent.

Mw = Molar mass of pure solvent.
Hvap = Enthalpy of vapourisation per mole of solvent
R = Gas constant
For water, Kb = 0.52 K kg mol–1
• The freezing point of a liquid is that temperature at which the liquid and its solid state exist in
equilibrium with each other.
• On addition of non-volatile solute, vapour pressure of the solution decreases, liquid solution is to
freeze more to equalize its vapour pressure to the vapour pressure of the solid. Decrease in
freezing point of solution due to addition of non-volatile solute is known as depression in
freezing point.
• It may be defined as the temperature at which the liquid and solid states of a substance have the
same vapour pressure.
Relation in between molar mass of non-volatile solute and
depression in freezing point :
There are a vapour pressure – temperature curve shows for pure solvent and
non-volatile solute containing solution.
Vapour pressure

Freezing point of pure solvent = Tfo

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Freezing point of solution = Tf

Depression in freezing point Tf Tfo Tf …….(1) Tf
Tf Tf0
The difference in freezing point of pure solvent and solution is known as
depression in freezing point. Temperature (K)

Experiments have shows that for dilute solution Tf is directly proportional to molal concentration of
the solute in solution.
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Tf m
Tf K f .m ………(2)
Kf = molal depression constant or Cryoscopic constant.
(Unit = mol–1)
Kf The Tf produced when 1 mole of a non-volatile solute dissolved in 1kg of solvent.
If w2 gm of solute of molar mass M2 is dissolved in w1 gm of solvent then
w 2 / M2
Molality (m) =
w1 /1000
1000 w 2
m= …….(3)
M 2 w1
Put the value of ‘m’ in eq. (2)
1000 × w 2
Tf = K f × ……(4)

M 2 × w1
Eq. (4) is relation in between molar mass of non-volatile solute and depression in freezing point.
• Kf depends only on nature of solvent which can be explained by thermodynamic relation
R Tf0 Mw
Kf =
1000 H f
Where T0f = Freezing point of pure solvent
Mw = Molar mass of pure solvent
Hf = Enthalpy of fusion per mole of solvent
For water, Kf = 1.86 K kg mol–1
(d) Osmosis and Osmotic Pressure
Osmosis : Osmosis is defined as the spontaneous net flow of solvent molecules through
semipermeable membrane from a solvent to a solution or from a dilute solution to a concentrated
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, sugar solution, shrink
10% 20%
H.C. (L.C.) 10% (H.C.)

• Endo osmosis • exo osmosis

• Swelling • shrink
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Osmotic Pressure (p or )
• The external pressure which must be applied on the p

solution in order to stop the flow of solvent into the h = hdg

solution through semipermeable membrane is known
as osmotic pressure Solvent
• Hydrostatic pressure developed in a vertical column
when solution and solvent are separated by SPM. Semipermeable
Osmotic pressure = hydrostatic pressure Level of solution rises in the thistle
funnel due to osmosis of solvent
= hdg

where h = increase in level in the tube of unit cross section

d = density of solution
g = acceleration due to gravity
Examples of osmosis and osmotic pressure:
• The climbing of water up a tall tree from the soil is also due to osmosis.
• Bursting of red-blood cells when placed in water, is due to the movement of water into the cell.
• A raw mango when placed in a concentrated salt solution shrinks due to the movement of water
from the mango to the salt solution due to osmosis.
• When blood cells are placed in water containing less than 0.9% salt (mass to volume), they swell
• Preservation of meat by adding salt and fruits/fruit juices by adding sugar is due to the loss of
water by any bacterium due to osmosis.
Van't Hoff law for Dilute Solution
According to it Gas equation PV = nRT is also followed by dilute solution when pressure of gas is
replaced by osmotic pressure of solution.
PV = nRT
= osmotic pressure of solution (atm)
V = nRT
V = volume of solution (L)
n = moles of solute
R = (S) gas constant / solution constant = 0.0821 L atm mol–1K–1; 0.083 L bar mol–1 K–1
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w2 RT
M2 V
At constant temperature C is a colligative property.
• On the basis of osmotic pressure solution can be classified by following ways :

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Conditions to determine the accurate osmotic pressure :
(i) The temperature of system should be constant i.e., room temperature (25°C)
(ii) The solution should be dilute
(iii) The solute particle do not undergoes associate or dissociate in side the solution.
(iv) The spm should be perfect.
(i) Isotonic solutions : Solutions having same osmotic pressure are called isotonic solution.

1 2 ; primary condition

C1RT = C2RT (at same temperature)

C1 C2 (secondary condition) ; means

n1 n2
; such solutions are known as isotonic
V1 V2

(ii) Hypertonic solution : The solution having higher concentration than other.
(iii) Hypotonic solution : The solution having lower concentration than other.
If external pressure greater than osmotic pressure is applied, the flow of solvent molecules can be
made to proceed from solution towards pure solvent, i.e., in reverse direction of the ordinary
osmosis. Reverse osmosis is used for the desalination of sea water for getting fresh drinking
(P) Pressure >

Fresh water Salt water


• Phenomena on the basis of osmosis People taking a lot of salt or salty food experience water
retention in tissue cells and intercellular spaces because of osmosis. This resulting puffiness or
swelling is called edema.
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• It has been observed that difference in the observed and calculated molecular masses of
solute is due to association or dissociation of solute molecules in solution. It results in a
change in the number of particles in solution.
Molar masses that are either lower or higher than the calculated (expected) or normal value are
called abnormal molar mass.

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• van't Hoff factor (i) is defined as the ratio of the experimental or observed value of the
colligative property to the calculated value of the colligative property.
number of particles after dissociation or association
• i
number of particles before dissociation or association
observed colligative properties
calculated colligative properties
calculated molecular mass
observed molecular mass
• If i = 1 Neither dissociation nor association ; Ex. glucose, urea, sugar
• if i > 1 Dissociation will occur ; Ex. NaCl, KCl, BaCl2
• if i < 1 Association will occur ; Ex. CH3COOH, PhCOOH in benzene

DISSOCIATION OF SOLUTE : Molecules of electrolytes undergo ionization or dissociation
in polar solvents to give two or more particles in solution. This dissociation results in an increase
in the total number of particles, and therefore the value of colligative properties of such solutions
will be higher. As the colligative properties are inversely related to molecular weight, so the
molecular weight of ionizable solute will be less than the theoretical value.
Number of solute particles in solution increses.
• observed / experimental C.P. > calculated C.P. (normal)
• observed /experimental molecular weight of solute < calculated (normal) moleclar weight
of solute
molecular weight of solute
• Calculation of 'i' : Let solute be AxBy (electrolyte)
AxBy xAy+ + yBx– ; x + y = n (total number of ions)
Initially 1 mol 0 0
After dissociation (1– ) x y
Total number of solute particles = 1– + x + y
= 1 – + (x+y)
= (1– + n )mol
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Observed colligative property is proportional to observed number of solute particles (1– + n )

number of particles after dissociation 1 n
i =
number of particles before dissociation 1
i 1
i 1 (n 1) ;
n 1
where is the degree of dissociation
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• For strong electrolytes
If = 1 or 100% then i n
Ex. NaCl i =2; = 100%
K2SO4 i=3 = 100%

Ex. K4[Fe(CN)6] i =5 for = 100%

For = 50% i = 1 + (n–1)
i =3
If K4[Fe(CN)6] 50% ionised in aqueous solution.
= 50% = 0.5

i=1– +n
= 1 – 0.5 + 5 × 0.5
= 0.5 + 2.5 = 3
ASSOCIATION OF SOLUTE : The formation of a bigger molecule by the union of two, three
or more solute molecules is called association. As a result, the total number of particles in
solution becomes less than the number of molecules initially dissolved in the solution and hence
the colligative properties will have lower value. As the molar mass of solute is inversely
proportional to the colligative properties, so the molar mass of solute will be greater than
theoretical value.
Number of solute particles in solution decreases.
• Observed /experimental C.P. < calculated C.P.
• Observed / experimental molecular weight of solute > normal molecular weight of solute

C.P. ; i < 1 for association.
Molecular weight of solute
• Calculation of i
nA –––––– [A]n
Initially 1 0
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After association (1– )


Total number of solute particles = 1 mol


Observed C.P. observed number of solute particles 1

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number of particles after association 1

Van't hoff factor (i) = ;i n
number of particle before association 1

n(i 1)
i 1
n 1 n
= degree of association
n = number of solute particles which are associated.
• If = 100% or 1 or is not specified then i

Some Important facts :

• Intramolecular H-bonding lowers boiling point.

• Benzoic acid and acetic acid dimerises in benzene.
• When egg is kept in saturated salt solution after removing the hard shell using dil. HCl, egg will
shrink due to osmosis.
• CaCl2 acts as a non-volatile solute and results depression in freezing point. Thus, snow is
reduced (as it melts) and prevents blocking of roads in cold region.
• Ethylene glycol is mixed with radiator water to decrease the freezing point of water in cold
• Camphor is used for molecular mass determination due to its volatile nature.
• To increase the solubility of CO2 in soft drinks, the bottle is sealed under low temperature and
high pressure.
• Helium-oxygen mixture is used by deep sea divers because of its low solubility in blood.

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1. Calculate the mass percentage of benzene (C6H6) and carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) if 22g of
benzene is dissolved in 122 g of carbon tetrachloride.
Ans. Total mass = 22 + 122 = 144 g
Mass % of benzene = = 15.28%
Mass % of CCl4 = ×100 = 84.72%
2. Calculate the mole fraction of benzene in a solution containing 30% by mass in carbon
Ans. Mass of benzene = 30 g

Mass of carbon tetrachloride = 100 – 30 = 70g
Molar mass of benzene (C6H6) = 78 g/mol
Molar mass of carbon tetrachloride = 154 g/mol
w 30
Moles of benzene = = 0.385
m 78
w 70
Moles of carbon tetrachloride = = = 0.455
m 154
Total moles = 0.385 + 0.455 = 0.84
moles of benzene 0.385
Mole fraction of benzene = = = 0.458
total moles 0.84
Mole fraction of carbon tetrachloride = 1 – 0.458 = 0.542
3. Calculate the molarity of each of the following solutions :
(a) 30 g of Co(NO3)2 . 6H2O in 4.3 L of solution,
(b) 30 mL of 0.5 M H2SO4 diluted to 500 mL.
Ans. (a) Molar mass of Co(NO3)2.6H2O = 291 g/mol
w 30
Molarity = = = 0.024 M
m× V(lit) 291× 4.3
(b) M1V1 = M2V2,
M1 = 0.5, V1 = 30 mL, M2 = ?, V2 = 500 mL
0.5 × 30 = M2 × 500
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or M2 = 0.03 M
4. Calculate the mass of urea (NH2CONH2) required in making 2.5 kg of 0.25 molal aqueous
Ans. 0.25 molal aqueous solution means
Moles of urea = 0.25, Mass of water = 1 kg = 1000 g
0.25 mole urea = 0.25 × 60 = 15 gram
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Total mass of solution = 1000 + 15 = 1015g = 1.015 kg

1.015 kg solution contains urea = 15 g
15× 2.5
2.5 kg solution contains urea = = 36.94 gram
5. Calculate (a) molality, (b) molarity, (c) mole fraction of KI if the density of 20% (mass/mass)
aqueous KI is 1.202 g/mL.
Ans. 20% mass/mass aqueous KI means
Mass of KI = 20 g, Mass of water = 80g,
Mass of solution = 100 g
(a) For molality :
Molar mass of KI = 39 + 127 = 166
w 20
= 1.51 mol kg –1

Molality = =
m× mass of solvent in kg 166×80×10-3
(b) For Molarity :
mass 100
Volume of solution = = = 83.2 ml.
density 1.202
w 20
Molarity = = = 1.45 mol L–1
m× V(lit) 166×83.2×10-3
w 20
(c) Moles of KI = = = 0.12
m 166
w 80
Moles of water = = = 4.44
m 18
Total moles = 0.120 + 4.444 = 4.56
Mole fraction of KI = = 0.0263
6. H2S, a toxic gas with rotten egg smell, is used for the qualitative analysis. If the solubility of H2S
in water at STP is 0.195 m, calculate Henry's law constant.
Mass of solvent (water) = 1kg = 1000 g.
Ans. Solubility = 0.195 mole in one kg of water
Mass of solvent (water) = 1kg = 1000 g
w 1000
Moles of water = = = 55.55
m 18
Total moles = 0.195 + 55.55
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Mole fraction of H2S X H 2S in solution = = 0.0035
0.195 + 55.55
Pressure of H2S at STP = 0.987 bar.
Since partial pressure of the gas is given,
p H2S = KH × X H2S
or 0.987 = KH × 0.0035 or KH = 282 bar
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7. Henry's law constant for CO2 in water is 1.67 × 108 Pa at 298 K. Calculate the quantity of CO2 in
500 mL of soda water when packed under 2.5 atmospheric CO2 pressure at 298 K.
Ans. KH = 1.67 × 108 Pa,
PCO2 = 2.5 atm = 2.5 × 101325 Pa

PCO2 = KH × X CO2

or 2.5 × 101325 = 1.67 × 108 × X CO2

or X CO2 = 1.517 × 10–3

n CO2 n CO2 3
X CO2 = = = 1.517×10
n H2 O n CO2 n H2O

n CO2 is neglected in denominator in comparison to n H2 O .

Water = 500 mL = 500 g,

n H2 O 27.78 mol
n CO2 3
= 1.517×10
n H2 O

n CO2 3
or = 1.517×10
or n CO2 = 42.14 × 10–3

Mass of CO2 = moles × molar mass

= 42.14 × 10–3 × 44 = 1.854 gram
8. The vapour pressure of pure liquids A and B are 450 and 700 mm Hg respectively at 350 K. Find
out the composition of the liquid mixture if total vapour pressure is 600 mm Hg. Also find the
composition of the vapour phase.
Ans. PA0 = 450 mm Hg, PB0 = 700 mm Hg, PTotal = 600 mm Hg
Solution contains two liquids,

Applying Raoult's law liquids : Ps = PAo X A + PBo X B

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or Ps = PAo X A + PBo (1– X A ) [ XA + XB = 1]

or Ps = PBo + X A (PAo – PBo )

600 = 700 + XA (450 – 700)

or XA = = 0.40

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XB = 1 – XA = 1 – 0.40 = 0.60

PA = PA0 X A = 450 × 0.40 = 180 mm Hg

PB = PBo X B = 700 ×0.60 = 420 mm Hg
Total vapour pressure = 180 + 420 = 600 mm Hg
PA 180
Mole fraction of A in vapour phase = = = 0.30
Ptotal 600
PB 420
Mole fraction of B in vapour phase = = = 0.70
Ptotal 600
9. Vapour pressure of pure water at 298 K is 23.8 mm Hg. 50 gram of urea (NH2CONH2)
is dissolved in 850 g of water. Calculate the vapour pressure of water for this solution and its
relative lowering.

PAo – PS w × M
Ans. Solution contains non-volatile solid. Our aim is to calculate Ps and =
PS m× W
PAo = 23.8 mm Hg , w = 50 g, W = 850 g, Ps = ?, M = 18 g/mol for H2O, m = 60 g/mol for urea

PAo – PS w × M
PS m× W
23.8 – Ps 50×18 3
or = = 0.0176
Ps 60×850 170
or Ps = 23.4 mm Hg
PAo PS 23.8 – 23.387
Again, relative lowering in V.P. = = = 0.017
PS 23.4
10. Boiling point of water at 750 mm Hg is 99.63ºC. How much sucrose is to be added to 500 g of
water such that it boils at 100ºC ? Kb = 0.52 K kg/mol.
Ans. Tb = 100 – 99.63 = 0.37 K
w = ?, W = 500 g, M = 342 g/mol for sucrose,
Kb = 0.52 K kg/mol
K b × w ×1000
Tb =
0.52× w ×1000
or 0.37 =
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or w = 121.67 g
11. Calculate the mass of ascorbic acid (vitamin C, C6H8O6) to be dissolved in 75g acetic acid to
lower its melting point by 1.5ºC. Kf = 3.9 K kg/mol.
K f × w ×1000
Ans. Tf =
Formula for lowering in freezing point or melting point is same.
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Tf = 1.5 K, w = ?, W = 75g,
M for ascorbic acid = 176 g/mol
3.9× w ×1000
1.5 = w = 5.08 g
12. Calculate the osmotic pressure in pascals exerted by a solution prepared by dissolving 1.0g of
polymer of molar mass 185000 in 450 mL of water at 37ºC.
Ans. Since mass of solute is given, V =
= ?, V = 0.450 litre, w = 1g, M = 185000,
R = 8.314 kPa LK–1 mol–1 8.314 × 103 Pa LK–1 mol–1
T = 37 + 273 = 310 K

1×8.314×103 ×310
× 0.450 =
or = 30.96 Pa 31 Pa (approximately)
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1. Define the term solution. How many types of solutions are formed? Write briefly about each type
with an example.
Ans. Homogeneous mixtures of two or more than two components are known as solutions.
There are three types of solutions.
(i) Gaseous solution : The solution in which the solvent is a gas in called a gaseous solution.
In these solutions, the solute may be liquid, solid, or gas. For example, a mixture of oxygen
and nitrogen gas is a gaseous solution.
(ii) Liquid solution : The solution in which the solvent is a liquid is known as a liquid
solution. The solute in these solutions may be gas, liquid, or solid.

For example, a solution of ethanol in water is a liquid solution.
(iii) Solid solution : The solution in which the solvent is a solid known as a solid solution. The
solute may be gas, liquid or solid. For example, a solution of copper in gold is a solid
2. Give an example of solid solutions in which the solute is a gas.
Ans. A solution of hydrogen in palladium is a solid solution in which the solute is a gas.
3. Define the following terms :
(i) Mole fraction (ii) Molality
(iii) Molarity (iv) Mass percentage
Ans. (i) Mole fraction : The mole fraction of a component in a mixture is defined as the ratio of the
number of moles of the component to the total number of moles of all the components in
the mixture.
Number of moles of the component
i.e., Mole fraction of a component = .
Total number of moles of all components

Mole fraction is denoted by 'x'.

If in a binary solution, the number of moles of the solute and the solvent are nA and nB
respectively, then the mole fraction of the solute in the solution is given by, x A .
nA nB
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Similarly, the mole fraction of the solvent in the solution is given as : x B .
nA nB

(ii) Molality : Molality (m) is defined as the number of moles of the solute per kilogram of
the solvent. It is expressed as :
Moles of solute
Molality (m) =
Mass of solvent in kg
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(iii) Molarity : Molarity (M) is defined as the number of moles of the solute dissolved in one
Litre of solution. It is expressed as :
Moles of solute
Molarity (M) =
Volume of solvent in Litre
(iv) Mass percentage : The mass percentage of a component of a solution is defined as the
mass of the solute in grams present in 100g of the solution. It is expressed as :
Mass of component in solution
Mass % of a component = 100
Total mass of solution
4. Concentrated nitric acid used in laboratory work is 68% nitric acid by mass in aqueous
solution. What should be the molarity of such a sample of the acid if the density of the solution is
1.504 g mL–1 ?

Ans. Concentrated nitric acid used in laboratory work is 68% nitric acid by mass in an aqueous
solution. This means that 68 g of nitric acid is dissolved in 100 g of the solution.
Molar mass of nitric acid (HNO3) = 1 × 1 + 14 + 3 × 16 = 63 g mol–1
Then, number of moles of HNO3 = mol = 1.079 mol
Given, Density of solution = 1.504 g mL–1
Volume of 100 g solution = mL = 66.49 mL = 66.49 × 10–3 L
Molarity of solution = = 16.23 M
66.49 10 3 L
5. A solution of glucose in water is labelled as 10% (w/w), what would be the molality and mole
fraction of each component in the solution? If the density of solution is 1.2 g mL–1, then what
shall be the molarity of the solution?
Ans. 10% w/w solution of glucose in water means that 10 g of glucose in present in 100g of the
solution i.e., 10 g of glucose is present in (100 – 10) g = 90 g of water.
Molar mass of glucose (C6H12O6) = 6 × 12 + 12 × 1 + 6 × 16 = 180 g mol–1
Then, number of moles of glucose = mol = 0.056 mol
Molality of solution = = 0.62 m
0.09 kg
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Number of moles of water = 1
= 5 mol
18 gmol
Mole fraction of glucose x g = 0.011
0.056 5
And, mole fraction of water xw = 1 – xg = 1 – 0.011 = 0.989
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If the density of the solution is 1.2 g mL–1, then the volume of the 100 g solution can be given as :
V= 1
= 83.33 mL = 83.33 × 10–3 L
1.2g mL
0.056 mol
Molarity of the solution = = 0.67 M
83.33 10 3 L
6. How many mL of 0.1 M HCl are required to react completely with 1 g mixture of Na2CO3 and
NaHCO3 containing equimolar amounts of both ?
Ans. Let the amount of Na2CO3 in the mixture be x g.
Then, the amount of NaHCO3 in the mixture is (1 – x) g.
Molar mass of Na2CO3 = 2 × 23 + 1 × 12 + 3 × 16 = 106 g mol–1

Number of moles Na2CO3 = mol
Molar mass of NaHCO3 = 1 × 23 + 1 × 1 × 12 + 3 × 16 = 84 g mol–1
1 x
Number of moles NaHCO3 = mol
x 1 x
According to the question, 84x = 106 – 106x
106 84
190x = 106 x = 0.5579.
Therefore, number of moles of Na2CO3 = mol = 0.0053 mol
1 0.5579
And, number of moles of NaHCO3 = = 0.0053 mol
HCl reacts with Na2CO3 and NaHCO3 according to the following equation.
2HCl Na 2CO3 2NaCl H 2 O CO 2
2mol 1mol

HCl NaHCO 3 NaCl H 2O CO 2

1mol 1mol

1 mol of Na2CO3 reacts with 2 mol of HCl.

Therefore, 0.0053 mol of Na2CO3 reacts with HCl = 2 × 0.0053 mol = 0.0106 mol.
Similarly, 1 mol of NaHCO3 reacts with 1 mol of HCl.
Therefore, 0.0053 mol of NaHCO3 reacts with 0.0053 mol of HCl.
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Total moles of HCl required = (0.0106 + 0.0053) mol = 0.0159 mol

0.1 mol of HCl is preset in 1000 mL of the solution.
1000× 0.0159
Therefore 0.0159 mol of HCl is present in mol = 159 mL of the solution
Hence,159 mL of 0.1 M of HCl is required to react completely with 1 g of mixture of Na2CO3
and NaHCO3 containing equimolar amounts of both.
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7. A solution is obtained by mixing 300 g of 25% solution and 400 g of 40% solution by mass.
Calculate the mass percentage of the resulting solution.
Ans. Total amount of solute present in the mixture is given by.
25 40
300× + 400× = 75 + 160 = 235 g
100 100
Total amount of solution = 300 + 400 = 700 g
Therefore, mass percentage (w/w) of the solute in the resulting solution
= 100% = 33.57%
And, mass percentage (w/w) of the solvent in the resulting solution,
= (100 – 33.57%) = 66.43%

8. An antifreeze solution is prepared from 222.6 g of enthylene glycol (C2H6O2) and 200 g of water.
Calculate the molality of the solution. If the density of the solution is 1.072 g mL–1, then what
shall be the molarity of the solution?
Ans. Molar mass of ethylene glycol [C2H6O2] = 2 × 12 + 6 × 1 + 2 × 16 = 62 gmol–1
Mass of solvent (H2O) = 200 g = 0.200 kg
Number of moles of enthylene glycol = = 3.59 mol
62gmol 1

3.59 mol
Therefore, molality of the solution = = 17.95 m
0.200 kg
Total mass of the solution = (222.6 + 200) g = 422.6 g
Density of the solution = 1.072 g mL–1
422.6 g
Volume of the solution = 1
= 394.22 mL = 0.3942 × 10–3 L
1.072 g mL

3.59 mol
Molarity of the solution = = 9.10 M
0.39422 10 3 L
9. A sample of drinking water was found to be severely contaminated with chloroform (CHCl3)
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supposed to be a carcinogen. The level of contamination was 15 ppm (by mass) :

(i) express this in percent by mass
(ii) determine the molality of chloroform in the water sample.
Ans. (i) 15 ppm (by mass) means 15 parts per million (106) of the solution.
Therefore, percent by mass = 6
100% =1.5 ×10–3%
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(ii) Molar mass of chloroform (CHCl3) = 1 × 12 + 1 × 1 + 3 × 35.5 = 119.5 g mol–1

Now, according to the question,
15 g of chloroform is present in 106 g of the solution.
i.e., 15 g chloroform is present in (106 – 15) 106 g of water.
Molality of the solution = 119.5 = 1.25 × 10–4 m
106 ×10-3 kg
10. What role does the molecular interaction play in a solution of alcohol and water?
Ans. In pure alcohol and water, the molecules are held tightly by a strong hydrogen bonding. The
interaction between the molecules of alcohol and water is weaker than alcohol-alcohol and water-
water interactions. As a result, when alcohol and water are mixed, the intermolecular interactions
become weaker and the molecules can easily escape. This increase the vapour pressure of the

solution, which in turn lowers the boiling point of the resulting solution.
11. Why do gases always tend to be less soluble in liquids as the temperature is raised ?
Ans. Solubility of gases in liquids decreases with an increase in temperature. This is because
dissolution of gases in liquids is an exothermic process.
Gas + Liquid Solution + Heat
Therefore, when the temperature is increased, heat is supplied and the equilibrium shifts
backwards, thereby decreasing the solubility of gases.
12. State Henry's law and mention some important applications?
Ans. Henry's law states that partial pressure of a gas in the vapour phase is proportional to the
mole fraction of the gas in the solution. If p is the partial pressure of the gas in the vapour
phase and x is the mole fraction of the gas, then Henry's law can be expressed as :
Pg = KHXg
where, KH is Henry's law constant
Some important applications of Henry's law are mentioned below.
(i) Bottles are sealed under high pressure to increase the solubility of CO2 in soft drinks and
soda water.
(ii) Henry's law states that the solubility of gases increases with an increase in pressure.
Therefore, when a scuba diver deep into the sea, the increased sea pressure causes the
nitrogen present in air to dissolve in his blood in great amounts. As a result, when he comes
back to the surface, the solubility of nitrogen again decreases and the dissolved gas is
released, leading to the formation of nitrogen bubbles in the blood. This results in the
blockage of capillaries and leads to a medical condition known as 'bends'..
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Hence, the oxygen tanks used by scuba divers are filled with air and diluted with helium to
avoid bends.
(iii) The concentration of oxygen is low in the blood and tissue of people living at high altitudes
such as climbers. This is because at high altitudes, partial pressure of oxygen is less than
that at ground level. Low-blood oxygen cause climbers to become weak and disables them
from thinking clearly. These are symptoms of anoxia.

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P 2°

Vapour Pressure
X1=1 Mole Fraction X1=0
X2=0 X2 X2=1

Vapour pressure of a two - component solution showing negative deviation from Raoult's law
In case of an ideal solution, the enthalpy of the mixing of the pure components for forming the

solutions is zero.

sol H=0
In the case of solutions showing positive deviations, absorption of heat takes place.

sol H = Positive
In the case of solutions showing negative deviations, evolution of heat takes place.

sol H = Negative
15. An aqueous solution of 2% non-volatile solute exerts a pressure of 1.004 bar at the normal
boiling point of the solvent. What is the molar mass of the solute?
Ans. Here, Vapour pressure of the solution at normal boiling point ( P1 ) = 1.004 bar

Vapour pressure of pure water at normal boiling point ( P10 ) = 1.013 bar

Mass of solute, (w2) = 2g

Mass of solvent (water), (w1) = 98 g
Molar mass of solvent (water), (M1) = 18 g mol–1
According to Raoult's law,

P10 PS w 2 M1
PS M 2 w1
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1.013 1.004 2 18
1.004 M 2 98

1.004 2 18 36.144
M2 40.98 41 g mol–1
0.009 98 0.882
Hence, the molar mass of the solute is 41.35 g mol–1.

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16. Heptane and octane form an ideal solution. At 373 K, the vapour pressure of the two liquid
components are 105.2 kPa and 46.8 kPa respectively. What will be the vapour pressure of a
mixture of 26.0 g of heptane and 35 g of octane ?
Ans. Vapour pressure of heptane ( P10 ) = 105.2 kPa

Vapour pressure of octane ( P20 ) = 46.8 kPa

We know that,
Molar mas of heptane (C7H16) = 7 × 12 + 16 × 1 = 100 g mol–1
Number of moles of heptane = = 0.26 mol
Molar mass of octane (C8H18) = 8 × 12 + 18 × 1 = 114 g mol–1

Number of moles of octane = mol = 0.31 mol
Mole fraction of heptane, X1 = 0.456
0.26 0.31
And, mole fraction of octane, X2 = 1 – 0.456 = 0.544
Now, partial pressure of heptane, P1 = P10 X1 = 105.2 × 0.456 = 47.97 kPa

Partial pressure of octane, P2 = P20 X 2 = 46.8 × 0.544 = 25.46 kPa

Hence, vapour pressure of solution, Ptotal P1 P2 = 47.97 + 25.46 = 73.43 kPa
17. The vapour pressure of water is 12.3 kPa at 300 K. Calculate vapour pressure of 1 molal solution
of a non-volatile solute in it.
Ans. 1 molal solution means 1 mol of the solute is present in 1000 g of the solvent (water).
Molar mass of water = 18 g mol–1
Number of moles present in 1000 g of water = = 55.56 mol
Therefore, mole fraction of the solute in the solution is X 2 0.0176
1 55.56
It is given that,
Vapour pressure of water, P10 = 12.3 kPa
Applying the relation,
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12.3 PS
0.0176 12.3 = 1.0176 PS
PS =
PS = 12.08 kPa (approximately)
Hence, the vapour pressure of the solution is 12.08 kPa.
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18. Calculate the mass of a non-volatile solute (molar mass 40 g mol–1) which should be dissolved in
114 g octane to reduce its vapour pressure to 80%.
Ans. Molar mass of solute, M2 = 40 g mol–1
Mass of octane, w1 = 114 g
Molar mass of octane, (C8H18), M1 = 8 × 12 + 18 × 1 = 114 g mol–1
Applying the relation,
p10 ps w 2 M1 100 80 w 2 114
ps M 2 w1 80 40 114
20 w 2
w2 = 10 g
80 40
Hence, the required mass of the solute is 10 g.
19. A solution containing 30 g of non-volatile solute exactly in 90 g of water has a vapour pressure

of 2.8 kPa at 298 K. Further, 18 g of water is then added to the solution and the new vapour
pressure becomes 2.9 kPa at 298 K. Calculate :
(i) molar mass of the solute
(ii) vapour pressure of water at 298 K.
Ans. (i) Let, the molar mass of the solute be M g mol–1
Now, the no. of moles of solvent (water), n1 1
5 mol
18g mol
30 g 30
And, the no. of moles of solute, n 2 1
M mol M
PS = 2.8 kPa
PA0 PS n2
Applying the relation :
PS n1
P10 2.8 M
2.8 5
After the addition of 18 g of water :
90 18g
n1 6mol
P1 = 2.9 kPa
P10 PS n2
Again, applying the relation :
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PS n1
P 2.9 M
2.9 6
Dividing equation (i) by (ii), we have :
P1o 2.8 2.9 30 6M
2.8 P1 2.9 5M 30
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14.5 P1o 2.8 16.8 P1o 2.9

8.12 = 2.3 PAo

Vapour pressure of water ( P1o ) = 3.53 kPa
Put value of P1o in eq. (i)
3.53 2.8 30
2.8 5M
30 2.8 84
Molar mass of solute (M) 23u
0.73 5 3.65
20. A 5% solution (by mass) of cane sugar in water has freezing point of 271 K. Calculate the
freezing point of 5% glucose in water if freezing point of pure water is 273.15 K.
Ans. Here, Tf = (273.15 – 271) K = 2.15 K

Molar mass of sugar (C12H22O11) = 12 × 12 + 22 × 1 + 11 × 16 = 342 g mol–1
5% solution (by mass) of cane sugar in water means 5 g of cane sugar is present in
(100 – 5) g = 95g of water.
Now, number of moles of cane sugar = mol = 0.0146 mol
0.0146 mol
Therefore, molality of the solution, m = 0.1537 mol kg–1
0.095 kg
Applying the relation,
Tf = Kf × m
Tf 2.15 K
Kf = 1
= 13.99 K kg mol–1
m 0.1537 mol kg
Molar mass of glucose (C6H12O6) = 6 × 12 + 12 × 1 + 6 × 16 = 180 g mol–1.
5% glucose in water means 5g of glucose is present in (100 – 5) = 95 g of water.
Number of moles of glucose = mol = 0.0278 mol
0.0278 mol
Therefore, molality of the solution, m = 0.2926 mol kg–1
0.095 kg
Applying the relation,
Tf = Kf × m
= 13.99 K kg mol–1 × 0.2926 mol kg–1
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= 4.09 K (approximately)
Hence, the freezing point of 5% glucose solution is (273.15 – 4.09) K = 269.06 K.
21. Two element A and B form compounds having formula AB2 and AB4. When dissolved in 20 g of
benzene (C6H6), 1 g of AB2 lowers the freezing point by 2.3 K whereas 1.0 g of AB4 lowers it by
1.3K. The molar depression constant for benzene is 5.1 K kg mol–1. Calculate atomic masses of
A and B.
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1000 w 2 k f
Ans. We know that M 2
Tf w1

1000 1 5.1
Then, M AB2 = 110.86 g mol–1
2.3 20
1000 1 5.1
M AB4 = 196.15 g mol–1
1.3 20
Now, we have the molar masses of AB2 and AB4 as 110.87 g mol–1 and 196.15 g mol–1
Let the atomic masses of A and B are x and y respectively.
Now, we can write :
x + 2y = 110.87 ...........(i)

x + 4y = 196.15 ...........(ii)
Subtracting equation (i) from (ii), we have
2y = 85.28
y = 42.64
Putting the value of 'y' in equation (1), we have
x + 2 × 42.64 = 110.87
x = 25.59 u
Hence, the atomic masses of A and B are 25.59 u and 42.64 u respectively.
22. At 300 K, 36g of glucose present in a litre of its solution has an osmotic pressure of 4.98 bar. If
the osmotic pressure of the solution is 1.52 bars at the same temperature, what would be its
Ans. Here, T = 300 K;
= 1.52 bar;
R = 0.083 bar L K–1 mol–1
Applying the relation,
C = = 0.061 mol
RT 0.083bar L.K 1mol 1
300 K
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Since the volume of the solution is 1 L, the concentration of the solution would be 0.061 M.
23. Suggest the most important type of intermolecular attractive interaction in the following pairs.
(i) n - hexane and n-octane (ii) I2 and CCl4
(iii) NaClO4 and water (H2O) (iv) methanol and acetone
(v) acetonitrile (CH3CN) and acetone (C3H6O).
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Ans. (i) Van der Wall's forces of attraction.
(ii) Van der Wall's forces of attraction.
(iii) Ion-dipole interaction.
(iv) Dipole - dipole interaction.
(v) Dipole - dipole interaction.
24. Based on solute- solvent interactions, arrange the following in order of increasing solubility in
n-octane and explain. Cyclohexane, KCl,CH3OH, CH3CN.
Ans. n-octane is non-polar solvent. Therefore, the solubility of a non-polar solute is more than that of a
polar solute in the n-octane.
The order of increasing polartiy is :
Cyclohexane < CH3CN < CH3OH < KCl
Therefore, the order of increasing solubility is :

KCl < CH3OH < CH3CN < Cyclohexane.
25. Amongst the following compounds, identify which are insoluble, partially soluble and highly
soluble in water ?
(i) phenol (ii) toluene (iii) formic acid
(iv) ethlene glycol (v) chloroform (vi) pentanol.
Ans. (i) Phenol (C6H5OH) has the polar group –OH and non-polar group –C6H5. Thus, phenol is
partially soluble in water.
(ii) Toluene (C6H5–CH3) has no polar group. Thus, toluene is insoluble in water.
(iii) Formic acid (HCOOH) has the polar group –OH and can from H-bond with water. Thus,
formic acid is highly soluble in water.
(iv) Ethylene glycol HO
has polar –OH group and can form H–bond. Thus, it is highly

soluble in water.
(v) Chloroform is insoluble in water.
(vi) Pentanol (C5H11OH) has polar –OH group, but it also contains a very bulky
non-polar –C5H11 group. Thus, pentanol is partially soluble in water.
26. If the density of some lake water is 1.25 g mL–1 and contains 92 g of Na+ ions per kg of water,
calculate the molality of Na+ ions in the lake.
92 g
Ans. Number of moles present in 92 g of Na+ ions = 1
= 4 mol
23g mol
4 mol
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Therefore, molality of Na+ ions in the lake = =5m

27. If the solubility product of CuS is 6 × 10–16, calculate the maximum molarity of CuS in aqueous
Ans. Solubility product of CuS, Ksp = 6 × 10–16
Let’s be the solubility of CuS is mol L–1.
CuS Cu 2 S2
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Now, Ksp = [Cu2+] [S2+]

= s × s = s2
Then, we have, Ksp = s2 = 6 × 10–16
s 6 10 16
= 2.45 × 10–8 mol L–1
Hence, the maximum molarity of CuS in an aqueous solution is 2.45 × 10–8 mol L–1.
28. Calculate the mass percentage of aspirin (C9H8O4) in acetonitrile (CH3CN) when 6.5 g of C9H8O4
is dissolved in 450 g of CH3CN.
Ans. 6.5 g of aspirin (C9H8O4) is dissolved in 450 g of acetonitrile (CH3CN)
Then, total mass of the solution = (6.5 + 450) g = 456.5 g
Therefore, mass percentage of C9H8O4 = 100% = 1.424%
29. Nalorphene (C19H21NO3), similar to morphine, is used to combat withdrawal symptoms in

narcotic users. Dose of nalorphene generally given is 1.5 mg. Calculate the mass of 1.5 × 10–3 m
aqueous solution required for the above dose.
Ans. The molar mass of nalorphene (C19H21NO3) is given as :
19 × 12 + 21 × 1 + 1 × 14 + 3 × 16 = 311 g mol–1
In 1.5 × 10–3 m aqueous solutions of nalorphene,
1 kg (1000 g) of water contains 1.5 × 10–3 mol = 1.5 × 10–3 × 311 g = 0.4665 g nalorphene
Therefore, total mass of the solution = (1000 + 0.4665) g = 1000.4665 g
This implies that the mass of the solution containing 0.4665 g of nalorphene is 1000.4665 g.
Therefore, mass of the solution containing 1.5 mg of nalorphene is :
1000.4665 1.5 10 3
g = 3.2 g
Hence, the mass of aqueous solution required is 3.2 g
Note : There is slight variation in this answer and the one given in the NCERT textbook.
30. Calculate the amount of benzoic acid (C6H5COOH) required for preparing 250 mL. of 0.15 M
solution in methanol.
Ans. 0.15 M solution of benzoic acid in methanol means, 1000 mL of solution contains 0.15 mol of
benzoic acid.
0.15 250
Therefore, 250 mL of solution contains = mol of benzoic acid
= 0.0375 mol of benzoic acid
Molar mass of benzoic acid (C6H5COOH) = 7 × 12 + 6 × 1 + 2 × 16 = 122 g mol–1
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Hence, required benzoic acid = 0.0375 mol × 122 g mol–1 = 4.575 g

31. The depression in freezing point of water observed for the same amount of acetic acid,
trichloroacetic acid and trifluoroacetic acid increases in the order given above. Explain briefly.
H Cl F
H Cl F
Acetic acid Trichloroacetic acid Trifluoroacetic acid
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Among H, Cl, and F, H is least elecronegative while F is most electronegative. Then, F can
withdraw electrons towards itself more than Cl and H.
Thus, trifluoroacetic acid can easily lose H+ ions i.e. trifluoroacetic acid ionizes to the largest
extent. Now, the more ions produced, the greater is the depression of the freezing point. Hence,
the depression in the freezing point increases in the order.
Acetic acid < trichloroacetic acid < trifluoroacetic acid
32. Calculate the depression in the freezing point of water when 10 g, CH3CH2CHClCOOH is added
to 250 g of water, Ka = 1.4 × 10–3, Kf = 1.86 K kg mol–1.
Ans. Molar mass of CH3CH2CHClCOOH = 15 + 14 + 13 + 35.5 + 12 + 16 + 16 + 1 = 122.5 g mol–1
No. of moles present in 10 g CH3CH2CHClCOOH = = 0.0816 mol
122.5g mol-1
It is given that 10 g CH3CH2CHClCOOH is added to 250 g of water.

Molality of the solution, = 1000 = 0.3265 mol kg–1
Let a be the degree of dissociation of CH3CH2CHClCOOH.
CH3CH2CHClCOOH undergoes dissociation according to the following equation :
Initial conc. C mol L–1 0 0
At equilibrium C(1 – ) C C
C .C C
Ka =
C1 1
Since a is very small with respect to 1, 1 – 1
Now, Ka = C 2
Ka 1.4 10 3
= 0.0655 (Ka = 1.4 × 10–3)
C 0.3264
Initial moles 1 0 0
At equilibrium 1–
Total mass of equilibrium = 1 – + + = 1 +
i = 1 + = 1 + 0.0655 = 1.0655
Hence, the depression in the freezing point of water is given as :
Tf = i.Kfm = 1.0655 × 1.86 kg mol–1 × 0.364 mol kg–1 = 0.65 K
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33. 19.5 g of CH2FCOOH is dissolved in 500 g of water. The depression in the freezing point
of water observed is 1.0°C. Calculate the van't Hoff factor and dissociation constant of
fluoroacetic acid.
Ans. It is given that :
w1 = 500 g, w2 = 19.5 g
Kf = 1.86 K kg mol–1, Tf = 1 K
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K f w 2 1000
We know that : M2
Tf w1
1.86 K kg mol 1 19.5g 1000g kg 1
= = 72.54 mol–1
500 g 1K
Therefore, observed molar mass of CH2 FCOOH, (M2)obs = 72.54 mol
The calculated molar mass of CH2FCOOH is :
(M2)cal = 14 +19 + 12 + 16 + 16 + 1 = 78 g mol–1
(M 2 )cal 78g mol 1
Therefore, van't Hoff factor, i 1
= 1.0753
(M 2 )obs 72.54 g mol
Let a be the degree of dissociation of CH2FCOOH

Initial conc. C mol L–1 0 0
At equilibrium C (1 – ) C C Total = C (1 + )
= i – 1 = 1.0753 – 1 = 0.0753 = 7.53%
Now, the value of Ka is given as :
[CH 2 FCOO ][H ] C .C C
Ka = =
[CH 2 FCOOH] C1 1
Taking the volume of the solution as 500 mL.
We have the concentration : 19.5 M
weight = 19.5 g
Concentration = 78 ×1000 = 0.5 M
Therefore, K a
0.5 0.0753 0.5 0.00567
= = = 0.00307 (approximately)
1 0.0753 0.9247
= 3.07 × 10–3
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34. Vapour pressure of water at 293 K is 17.535 mm Hg. Calculate the vapour pressure of water at
293 K when 25 g of glucose is dissolved in 450 g of water.
Ans. Vapour pressure of water, P10 = 17.535 mm of Hg
Mass of glucose, w2 = 25 g
Mass of water, w1 = 450 g

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We know that,
Molar mass of glucose (C6H12O6), M2 = 6 × 12 + 12 × 1 + 6 × 16 = 180 g mol–1
Molar mass of water, M1 = 18 g mol–1
Then, number of moles of glucose, n 2 1
= 0.139 mol
180g mol
And, number of moles of water, n1 1
= 25 mol
18g mol
We know that,
n1 25 17.535 25
P1 P1o P1 17.535
n1 n 2 25 0.139 25.139
17.535 – P1 = 0.097 P1 = 17.44 mm of Hg

Hence, the vapour pressure of water is 17.44 mm of Hg.
35. Henry's law constant for the molality of methane in benzene at 298 K is 4.27 × 105 mm Hg.
Calculate the solubility of methane in benzene at 298 K 760 mm Hg.
Ans. Here, P = 760 mm Hg ; kH = 4.27 × 105 mm Hg
According to Henry's law,
p 760 mm Hg
Pg = KHXg x =
KH 4.27 105 mm Hg
= 177.99 × 10–5 = 178 × 10–5 (approximately)
Hence, the mole fraction of methane in benzene is 178 × 10–5.
36. 100g of liquid A (molar mass 140 g mol–1) was dissolved in 1000 g of liquid B (molar mass
180 g mol–1). The vapour pressure of pure liquid B was found to be 500 torr. Calculate the
vapour pressure of pure liquid A and its vapour pressure in the solution if the total vapour
pressure of the solution is 475 Torr.
Ans. Number of moles of liquids A, n A mol = 0.714 mol
Number of moles of liquids B, n B mol = 5.556 mol
Then, mole fraction of A,
nA 0.714
xA = = 0.114
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nA nB 0.714 5.556
And, mole fraction of B, xB = 1 – 0.114 = 0.886
Vapour pressure of pure liquid B, p0B = 500 torr
Therefore, vapour pressure of liquid B in the solution,
pB p B0 x B = 500 × 0.886 = 443 torr
Total vapour pressure of the solution, ptotal = 475 torr
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Vapour pressure of liquid A in the solution,

pA p total p B = 475 – 443 = 32 torr

pA 32
Now, p A p0A x A p0A = = 280.7
xA 0.114
Hence, the vapour pressure of pure liquid A is 280.7 torr.
37. Vapour pressure of pure acetone and chloroform at 328 K are 741.8 mm Hg and 632.8 mm Hg
respectively. Assuming that they form ideal solution over the entire range of composition, plot
ptotal' pchloroform' and pacetone as a function of xacetone. The experimental data observed for different
compositions of mixture is :

100 × xacetone 0 11.8 23.4 36.0 50.8 58.2 64.5 72.1

pacetone/mm Hg 0 54.9 110.1 202.4 322.7 405.9 454.1 521.1

pchloroform/mm Hg 632.8 548.1 469.4 359.7 257.7 193.6 161.2 120.7

Ans. From the question, we have the following data

100 × xacetone 0 11.8 23.4 36.0 50.8 58.2 64.5 72.1

pacetone/mm Hg 0 54.9 110.1 202.4 322.7 405.9 454.1 521.1

pchloroform/mm Hg 632.8 548.1 469.4 359.7 257.7 193.6 161.2 120.7

Ptotal/(mm Hg) 632.8 603.0 579.5 562.1 580.4 615.3 615.3 614.8

Vapour pressure (mm Hg)

500 Pch
400 rm a

300 ane
200 P acet
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
100 × x acetone

It can be observed from the graph that the plot for the ptotal of the solution curves downwards.
Therefore, the solution shows negative deviation from the ideal behaviour.
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38. Benzene and toluene form ideal solution over the entire range of composition. The vapour
pressure of pure benzene and toluene at 300 K are 50.71 mm Hg and 32.06 mm Hg respectively.
Calculate the mole fraction of benzene in vapour phase if 80 g of benzene is mixed with 100 g of
Ans. Molar mass of benzene (C6H6) = 6 × 12 + 6 × 1 = 78 g mol–1
Molar mass of toluene = 7 × 12 + 8 × 1 = 92 g mol–1
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Now, no. of moles present in 80 g of benzene = mol = 1.026 mol
And, no. of moles present in 100 g of toluene = mol = 1.087 mol
Mole fraction of benzene, xb = = 0.486
1.026 1.087
And, mole fraction of toluene, xt = 1 – 0.486 = 0.514
It is given that vapour pressure of pure benzene, p0b = 50.71 mm of Hg
and vapour pressure of pure toluene, p0t = 32.06 mm of Hg
Therefore, partial vapour pressure of benzene,
pt = xt × pt = 0.486 × 50.71 = 24.645 mm of Hg
And, partial vapour pressure of toluene,

p1 = x1 × p1 = 0.514 × 32.06 = 16.479 mm of Hg
Hence, mole fraction of benzene in vapour phase is given by :
pb 24.645 24.645
= = = 0.599 = 0.6
p b p1 24.645 16.479 41.124
39. The air is a mixture of a number of gases. The major components are oxygen and nitrogen
with approximate proportion of 20% is to 79% by volume at 298 K. The water is in equilibrium
with air at a pressure of 10 atm. At 298 K if the Henry's law constants for oxygen and nitrogen
are 3.30 × 107 mm and 6.51 × 107 mm respectively. Calculate the composition of these gases
in water.
Ans. Percentage of oxygen (O2) in air = 20%
Percentage of nitrogen (N2) in air = 79%
Also, it is given that water is in equilibrium with air at a total pressure of 10 atm, that is,
(10 × 760) mm Hg = 7600 mm Hg
Partial pressure of oxygen, pO 2 7600 mm Hg = 1520 mm Hg
Partial pressure of nitrogen, p N 2 7600 mm Hg = 6004 mm of Hg
Now, according to Henry's law : p = KHx
For oxygen : pO 2 K H .x O2

pO2 1520 mm of Hg
xO2 = 7
(Given KH = 3.30 × 107 mm of Hg = 4.61 × 10–5.
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KH 3.30 10 mm of Hg
For nitrogen, pN2 K H .x N 2
p N1 6004 mm Hg
x N2 = 7
= 9.22 × 10–5
KH 6.51 10 mm Hg
Hence, the mole fractions of oxygen and nitrogen in water are 4.61 × 10–5 and 9.22 × 10–5
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40. Determine the amount of CaCl2 (i = 2.47) dissolved in 2.5 litre of water such that its osmotic
pressure is 0.75 atm at 27°C.
Ans. We know that, i RT
w MV
i RT w
= 0.75 atm
V = 2.5 L
i = 2.47
T = (27 + 273) K = 300 K
R = 0.082 L atm K–1 mol–1

M = 1 × 40 + 2 × 35.5 = 111 g mol–1
0.75 111 2.5
Therefore, w = = 3.42 g
2.47 0.0821 300
Hence, the required amount of CaCl2 is 3.42 g.
41. Determine the osmotic pressure of a solution prepared by dissolving 25 mg of K2SO4 in 2 liter of
water at 25°C, assuming that it is completely dissociated.
Ans. When K2SO4 is dissolved in water, K+ and SO 24 ions are produced.
K2SO4 2K+ + SO 24
Total number of ions produced = 3
Given, w = 25 mg = 0.025 g
T = 25°C = (25 + 273) K = 298 K
Also, we know that :
R = 0.0821 L atm K–1 mol–1
M = (2 × 39) + (1 × 32) + (4 × 16) = 174 g mol–1
Applying the following relation.
i RT
w1 0.025 1
0.0821 298 = 5.27 × 10–3 atm
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=i RT = 3
Mv 174 2

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1. On dissolving sugar in water at room temperature solution feels cool to touch. Under which of
the following cases dissolution of sugar will be most rapid?
(a) Sugar crystals in cold water. (b) Sugar crystals in hot water.
(c) Powdered sugar in cold water. (d) Powdered sugar in hot water.
Ans. (d)
2. Considering the formation, breaking and strength of hydrogen bond, predict which of the
following mixtures will show a positive deviation from Raoult’s law?
(a) Methanol and acetone. (b) Chloroform and acetone.
(c) Nitric acid and water. (d) Phenol and aniline.
Ans. (a)
3. Which of the following aqueous solutions should have the highest boiling point?

(a) 1.0 M NaOH (b) 1.0 M Na2SO4 (c) 1.0 M NH4NO3 (d) 1.0 M KNO3
Ans. (b)
4. In comparison to a 0.01 M solution of glucose, the depression in freezing point of a 0.01 M
MgCl2 solution is _____________.
(a) the same (b) about twice (c) about three times (d) about six times
Ans. (c)
5. An unripe mango placed in a concentrated salt solution to prepare pickle, shrivels because
(a) it gains water due to osmosis. (b) it loses water due to reverse osmosis.
(c) it gains water due to reverse osmosis. (d) it loses water due to osmosis.
Ans. (d)
6. At a given temperature, osmotic pressure of a concentrated solution of a substance
(a) is higher than that at a dilute solution.
(b) is lower than that of a dilute solution.
(c) is same as that of a dilute solution.
(d) cannot be compared with osmotic pressure of dilute solution.
Ans. (a)
7. Which of the following statements is false?
(a) Two different solutions of sucrose of same molality prepared in different solvents will have
the same depression in freezing point.
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(b) The osmotic pressure of a solution is given by the equation = CRT (where C is the
molarity of the solution).
(c) Decreasing order of osmotic pressure for 0.01 M aqueous solutions of barium chloride,
potassium chloride, acetic acid and sucrose is BaCl2 > KCl > CH3COOH > sucrose.
(d) According to Raoult’s law, the vapour pressure exerted by a volatile component of a
solution is directly proportional to its mole fraction in the solution.
Ans. (a)
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8. The values of van’t Hoff factors for KCl, NaCl and K2SO4, respectively, are _____________.
(a) 2, 2 and 2 (b) 2, 2 and 3 (c) 1, 1 and 2 (d) 1, 1 and 1
Ans. (b)
9. Consider the Fig. 2.1 and mark the correct option.

(a) water will move from side (A) to side (B) if a pressure lower than osmotic pressure is

applied on piston (B).
(b) water will move from side (B) to side (A) if a pressure greater than osmotic pressure is
applied on piston (B).
(c) water will move from side (B) to side (A) if a pressure equal to osmotic pressure is applied
on piston (B).
(d) water will move from side (A) to side (B) if pressure equal to osmotic pressure is applied
on piston (A).
Ans. (b)
10. We have three aqueous solutions of NaCl labelled as ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ with concentrations 0.1M,
0.01M and 0.001M, respectively. The value of van’t Hoff factor for these solutions will be in the
(a) iA < iB < iC (b) iA > iB > iC (c) iA = iB = iC (d) iA < iB > iC
Ans. (b)
11. On the basis of information given below mark the correct option.
(A) In bromoethane and chloroethane mixture intermolecular interactions of A–A and B–B
type are nearly same as A–B type interactions.
(B) In ethanol and acetone mixture A–A or B–B type intermolecular interactions are stronger
than A–B type interactions.
(C) In chloroform and acetone mixture A–A or B–B type intermolecular interactions are
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weaker than A–B type interactions.

(a) Solution (B) and (C) will follow Raoult’s law.
(b) Solution (A) will follow Raoult’s law.
(c) Solution (B) will show negative deviation from Raoult’s law.
(d) Solution (C) will show positive deviation from Raoult’s law.
Ans. (b)
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12. If two liquids A and B form minimum boiling azeotrope at some specific composition then
(a) A–B interactions are stronger than those between A–A or B–B.
(b) vapour pressure of solution decreases because more number of molecules of liquids A and
B can escape from the solution.
(c) vapour pressure of solution decreases because less number of molecules of only one of the
liquids escape from the solution.
(d) A–B interactions are weaker than those between A–A or B–B.
Ans. (d)
13. KH value for Ar(g), CO2(g), HCHO (g) and CH4(g) are 40.39, 1.67, 1.83 × 10–5 and
0.413 respectively.
Arrange these gases in the order of their increasing solubility.

(a) HCHO < CH4 < CO2 < Ar (b) HCHO < CO2 < CH4 < Ar
(c) Ar < CO2 < CH4 < HCHO (d) Ar < CH4 < CO2 < HCHO
Ans. (c)
14. Explain why on addition of 1 mol of NaCl to 1 litre of water, the boiling point of water increases,
while addition of 1 mol of methyl alcohol to one litre of water decreases its boiling point.
Ans. NaCl is a non-volatile solute. So, its addition to water lowers the vapour pressure of the water.
Hence, boiling point of water (solution) increases. Whereas methyl alcohol is more volatile than
So, its addition to water increases the total vapour pressure over the solution. It results in the
decreases of boiling point.
15. Why is the vapour pressure of an aqueous solution of glucose lower than that of water?
Ans. In pure liquids, the entire surface of liquid is occupied by the molecules of water. When a
non-volatile solute, e.g., glucose is dissolved in water, the fraction of surface covered by the
solvent molecules gets reduced because some positions are occupied by glucose molecules.
So, number of solvent molecules escaping from the surface is reduced. That is why vapour
pressure of aqueous solution of glucose is reduced.
16. How does sprinkling of salt help in clearing the snow covered roads in hilly areas? Explain the
phenomenon involved in the process.
Ans. When salt is spread over snow covered road, snow starts melting from the surface because
depression of freezing point of water takes place due to addition of salt. It helps in clearing of
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Hence, the phenomena is depression in freezing point which helps in clearing the snow covered
roads in hilly areas.
17. Give an example of a material used for making semipermeable membrane for carrying out
reverse osmosis.
Ans. Since pressure required for the reverse osmosis is very high, so a suitable material is used for
making semipermeable membrane. It is generally cellulose acetate placed over suitable support.
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18. Match the items given in Column I and Column II.
Column I Column II
(A) Saturated solution (1) Solution having same osmotic
pressure at a given temperature as
that of given solution.
(B) Binary solution (2) A solution whose osmotic pressure
is less than that of another.
(C) Isotonic solution (3) Solution with two components.
(D) Hypotonic solution (4) A solution which contains maximum
amount of solute that can be dissolved

in a given amount of solvent at a
given temperature.
(E) Solid solution (5) A solution whose osmotic pressure
is more than that of another.
(F) Hypertonic solution (6) A solution in solid phase.
Ans. A-4, B-3, C-1, D-2, E-6, F-5
19. Match the items given in Column I with the type of solutions given in Column II.
Column I Column II
(A) Soda water (1) A solution of gas in solid
(B) Sugar solution (2) A solution of gas in gas
(C) German silver (3) A solution of solid in liquid
(D) Air (4) A solution of solid in solid
(E) Hydrogen gas in palladium (5) A solution of gas in liquid
(6) A solution of liquid in solid
Ans. A-5, B-3, C-4, D-2, E-1
20. Match the laws given in Column I with expressions given in Column II.
Column I Column II
(A) Raoult’s law (1) Tf = Kfm
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(B) Henry’s law (2)  = CRT

(C) Elevation of boiling point (3) p = x1p1o  x 2 p o2

(D) Depression in freezing point (4) Tb = Kbm

(E) Osmotic pressure (5) p = KH . x
Ans. A-3, B-5, C-1, D-1, E-2
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21. Match the terms given in Column I with expressions given in Column II.
Column I Column II
Number of moles of the solute components
(A) Mass percentage (1)
Volume of solution in litres
Number of moles of a component
(B) Volume percentage (2)
Total number of moles of all the components

(C) Mole fraction (3) Volume of the solute component in solution 100
Total volume of solution
Mass of the solute component in solution
(D) Molality (4) 100
Total mass of the solution
Number of moles of the solute components
(E) Molarity (5)

Mass of solvent in kilograms
Ans. A-4, B-3, C-2, D-5, E-1
Note: In the following questions a statement of assertion followed by a statement of reason is given.
Choose the correct answer out of the following choices.
(a) Both (A) and (R) correct and (R) is correct explanation of (A).
(b) Both (A) and (R) correct and (R) is not correct explanation of (A).
(c) (A) is correct but (R) is wrong.
(d) (A) Assertion is wrong but (R) reason is correct.
22. Assertion (A) : Molarity of a solution in liquid state changes with temperature.
Reason (R) : The volume of a solution changes with change in temperature.
Ans. (a)
23. Assertion (A) : When methyl alcohol is added to water, boiling point of water increases.
Reason (R) : When a non-volatile solute is added to a volatile solvent elevation in boiling point
is observed.
Ans. (d)
24. Assertion (A) : When NaCl is added to water a depression in freezing point is observed.
Reason (R) : The lowering of vapour pressure of a solution causes depression in the freezing
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Ans. (a)
25. Assertion (A) : When a solution is separated from the pure solvent by a semipermeable
membrane, the solvent molecules pass through it from pure solvent side to the solution side.
Reason (R) : Diffusion of solvent occurs from a region of high concentration solution to a region
of low concentration solution.
Ans. (b)
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(Introduction, Types of solutions, concentration terms)

1. 8 g NaOH is dissolved in one litre of solution, its molarity is:
(a) 0.8 M (b) 0.4 M (c) 0.2 M (d) 0.1 M
2. If 18 g of glucose is present in 1000 g of solvent, the solution is said to be:
(a) 1 molar (b) 0.1 molar (c) 0.5 molar (d) 0.1 molal
3. The molarity of pure water is:
(a) 100 M (b) 55.5 M (c) 50 M (d) 18M
4. The mole fraction of oxygen in a mixture of 7g of nitrogen and 8g of oxygen is:
(a) (b) 0.5 (c) 0.25 (d) 1.0
5. An example of liquid in solid is:

(a) Bronze (b) Alchol solution (c) Sugar Solution (d) Amalgam
(Solubility, Henry's Law)
6. Which of the following gas will have most solubility in water ?
(a) NH3 (B) H2 (C) O2 (D) He
7. Value of Henry’s constant KH ____________.
(a) increases with increase in temperature. (b) decreases with increase in temperature.
(c) remains constant. (d) first increases then decreases.
8. Increase in temperature solubility of H2 gas in water:
(a) Increase (b) Decrease (c) Remain unchanged (d) None of these
9. Low concentration of oxygen in the blood and tissues of people living at high altitude is due to
(a) low temperature
(b) low atmospheric pressure
(c) high atmospheric pressure
(d) both low temperature and high atmospheric pressure
10. Maximum amount of a solid solute that can be dissolved in a specified amount of a given liquid
solvent does not depend upon ____________.
(a) Temperature (b) Nature of solute (c) Pressure (d) Nature of solvent
(Vapour Pressure, Raoult's law, Ideal-Non ideal Solutions)
11. Which condition is not satisfied by an ideal solution?
(a) H mixing = 0 (b) V mixing = 0
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(c) S mixing = 0 (d) Obeyance of Raoult's law

12. Among the following, that does not form an ideal solution is :
(a) C6H6 and C6H5CH3 (b) C2H5Cl and C6H5OH
(c) C6H5Cl and C6H5Br (d) C2H5Br and C2H5I
13. An azeotropic mixture of two liquids has b.p. lower than either of them when it :-
(a) shows a (+ve) deviation from Raoult's law (b) shows no deviation from Raoult's law
(c) shows (+ve) deviation from Henry's law (d) shows (–ve) deviation from Henry's law
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14. The mixture that forms maximum boiling azeotrope is :
(a) Water + Nitric acid (b) Ethanol + Water
(c) Acetone + Carbon disulphide (d) Heptane + Octane
15. For a solution of volatile liquids the partial vapour pressure of each component in solution is
directly proportional to –
(a) Molarity (b) Mole fraction (c) Molality (d) Normality
(Colligative Properties: (a) RLVP (b) Elevation of Boiling points
(c) Depression in Freezing Point)
16. Which of the following compounds can be used as antifreeze in automobile radiators ?
(a) Nitrophenol (b) Ethyl alcohol (c) Methyl alcohol (d) Glycol
17. The relative lowering of vapour pressure is equal to the mole fraction of the nonvolatile solute,
This statement was given by :

(a) Raoult (b) Henry (c) Joule (d) Dalton
18. The unit of ebulioscopic constant is _______________.
(a) K kg mol–1 or K (molality)–1 (b) mol kg K–1 or K–1(molality)
(c) kg mol–1 K–1 or K–1(molality)–1 (d) K mol kg–1 or K (molality)
19. Pressure cooker reduces cooking time for food –
(a) Heat is more evenly distributed in the cooking space
(b) Boiling point of water involved in cooking is increased
(c) The higher pressure inside the cooker crushes the food material
(d) Cooking involves chemical changes helped by a rise in temperature
20. The molal elevation constant is the ratio of the elevation in B.P. to –
(a) Molarity (b) Molality
(c) Mole fraction of solute (d) Mole fraction of solvent
(Osmotic Pressure)
21. At constant temperature the osmotic pressure of a solution is :
(a) Directly proportional to the concentration
(b) Inversely proportional to the concentration
(c) Directly proportional to the square of concentration
(d) Directly proportional to the square root of concentration
22. Which inorganic precipitate acts as semipermeable membrane?
(a) Calcium sulphate (b) Barium oxalate
(c) Nickel phosphate (d) Copper ferrocyanide
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23. If mole fraction of the solvent in solution decreases then :

(a) Vapour pressure of solution increases (b) B. P. decreases
(c) Osmotic pressure increases (d) All are correct
24. The osmotic pressure of a solution increases if :
(a) Temperature is lowered (b) Volume is increased
(c) Number of solute molecules is increased (d) None
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25. In osmosis –
(a) Solvent molecules move from higher concentration to lower concentration
(b) Solvent molecules move from lower to higher concentration
(c) Solute molecules move from higher to lower concentration
(d) Solute molecules move from lower to higher concentration
(Abnormal molar mass, Van’t Hoff factor)
26. Van't Hoff factor i
Normal molecular mass Observed molecular mass
(a) (b)
Observed molecular mass Normal molecular mass
(c) Less than one in case of dissociation (d) More than one in case of association+
27. The Van't Hoff factor will be highest for

(a) Sodium chloride (b) Magnesium chloride
(c) Sodium phosphate (d) Urea
28. Which of the following salt has the same value of Van't Hoff factor i as that of K 3 [Fe(CN)6 ]

(a) Al2 (SO 4 )3 (b) NaCl (c) Na 2SO 4 (d) Al(NO3 )3

29. The observed osmotic pressure of a solution of benzoic acid in benzene is less than its expected
value because
(a) Benzene is a non-polar solvent
(b) Benzoic acid molecules are associated in benzene
(c) Benzoic acid molecules are dissociated in benzene
(d) Benzoic acid is an organic compound
30. The experimental molecular weight of an electrolyte will always be less than its calculated value
because the value of Van't Hoff factor “i” is
(a) Less than 1 (b) Greater than 1
(c) Equivalent to one (d) Zero

Q. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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Ans. c d b b d a a a b c
Q. No. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ans. c b a a b d a a b b
Q. No. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Ans. a d c c b a c a b b
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10. Assertion (A) : Nitric acid and water form maximum boiling azeotrope.
Reason (R) : Azeotropes are binary mixture having the same composition in liquid and vapour
11. Assertion (A) : The vapour pressure of 0.1 M sugar solution is less than that of 0.1 M potassium
chloride solution.
Reason (R) : Lowering of vapour pressure is directly proportional to the number of species
present in the solution.
12. Assertion : The freezing point of solution is always lower than that of pure solvent.
Reason : Non-volatile solute decreases the vapour pressure of the solvent.
13. Assertion (A) : Depression in freezing point is depends upon Kf.

Reason (R) : It depends molality of solution.
14. Assertion (A) : Cryoscopic constant is also known as molal freezing point depression constant (Kf).
Reason (R) : It contains 100g of solvent for 1 molal solution.
15. Assertion (A) : Kf is not unit less.
Reason (R) : Unit of Kf is K kg mol–1.

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Q. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ans. c a a a b b a c a b
Q. No. 11 12 13 14 15
Ans. d a b c a

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Henry was the first to give a quantitative relation between pressure and solubility of a gas in a
solvent which is known as Henry’s law. The law states that at a constant temperature, the
solubility of a gas in a liquid is directly proportional to the pressure of the gas. Dalton, a
contemporary of Henry, also concluded independently that the solubility of a gas in a liquid
solution is a function of partial pressure of the gas. If we use the mole fraction of a gas in the
solution as a measure of its solubility, then it can be said that the mole fraction of gas in the
solution is proportional to the partial pressure of the gas over the solution. The most commonly
used form of Henry’s law states that “the partial pressure of the gas in vapour phase (p) is

proportional to the mole fraction of the gas (x) in the solution” and is expressed as : p = KHx
Answer the following questions :
(a) Why are aquatic species more comfortable in cold water in comparison to warm water?
Ans. Aquatic species are more comfortable in cold water due to the presence of more oxygen.
Solubility of oxygen in water increases with decrease in temperature as solubility of a gas in
given liquid decreases with increase in temperature.
Why soda water bottle kept at room temperature fizzes on opening?
Ans. Soda water bottle kept at room temperature fizzes on opening due to different pressure inside and
outside the bottle. When the bottle is opened to air, the partial pressure of CO2 above the solution
decreases. As a result, solubility decreases and hence CO2 bubbles out.
(b) Why do gases always tend to be less soluble in liquid as the temperature is raised ?
Ans. As a dilution of a gas in liquid is exothermic process therefore, the solubility should decrease
with in increase in temperature.
(c) Explain the following phenomena with the help of Henry’s law.
(i) Painful condition known as bends.
(ii) Feeling of weakness and discomfort in breathing at high altitude.
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Ans. (i) Henry's law represents a relation between solubility of gases in liquid and pressure. Scuba
drivers when comes towards surface, the pressure gradually decreases. This reduce pressure
releases the dissolve gas present in blood and leads to formation of bubbles of nitrogen in
the blood.
(ii) At high altitude atmospheric pressure is low as compared to surface which causes difficulty
in breathing. On that condition we feel weakness and discomfort.
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Case - II
When a non-volatile solute is added to a solvent, the freezing point of the formed solution is
always lower than that of pure solvent. This difference in freezing point is known as depression
in freezing point. If Tfo is the freezing point temperature of pure solvent and Tf is the freezing
point temperature of the solution when non-volatile solute is dissolved in it, then depression in
freezing point ( Tf) is given by
Tf = Tfo – Tf

For dilute solutions, Tf = Kf m [where, m = molal concentration of the solution]

Answer the following questions :
(a) Why the freezing point of solution is always lower than that of pure solvent ?
Ans. The freezing point of the solution is always lower than that of pure solvent as the vapour pressure

of the solvent decreases in the presence of non-volatile solute.
(b) Define the proportionality constant (Kf)
Ans. Molal freezing point depression constant (Kf) or cryoscopic constant is defined as the depression
in freezing point for 1 molal solution i.e. a solution containing 1 g mole of solute dissolved in
1000 g of solvent.
(c) Calculate the depression in freezing point of 5% glucose in water.
Ans. Given,
wsolute = 5g, Msolute = 180 g mol–1 wsolvent = 95 g
5 1000
Molality of glucose solution = 0.2924
180 95
Tf = Kf × m
Tf = 0.2924 4.08 K
(i) Write the formula relating depression in freezing point with molar mass of solute.
Ans. Depression in freezing point ( Tf) = Kf × m
K f w solute 1000
w solvent M solute
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K f w solute 1000
Msolute =
Tf w solvent
(ii) Write the unit of Kf.
Ans. The unit of Kf is K kg mol–1.

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1. Value of Henry's constant KH : [1] (CBSE 2023)
(a) increases with decrease in temperature
(b) decreases with increase in temperature
(c) increases with increase in temperature
(d) remains constant.
Ans. (c)
2. An azeotropic mixture of two liquids will have a boiling point lower than either of the two
liquids when it [1] (CBSE 2023)

(a) shows a negative deviation from Raoult's law
(b) forms an ideal solution
(c) shows a positive deviation from Raoult's law
(d) is saturated
Ans. (c)
3. Solubility of gas in liquid decreases with increase in [1] (CBSE 2023)
(a) Pressure (b) Temperature
(c) Volume (d) Number of solute molecules
Ans. (b)
4. Assertion (A) : Osmotic pressure is a colligative property. [1] (CBSE 2023)
Reason (R) : Osmotic pressure is proportional to the molality.
Ans. (c) (A) is correct but (R) is wrong.
5. Assertion (A): Elevation in boiling point is a colligative property. [1] (CBSE 2023)
Reason (R): The lowering of vapour pressure of solution causes elevation in boiling point.
Ans. (a)
6. Assertion (A) : The enthalpy of mixing mix H is equal to zero for an ideal solution.
Reason (R) : For an ideal solution the interaction between solute and solvent molecules is
stronger than the interactions between solute-solute or solvent-solvent molecules.
[1] (CBSE 2023)
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Ans. (c)
7. Increasing the temperature of an aqueous solution will cause : [1] (CBSE 2022 Term -I)
(a) Increase in Molarity (b) Increase in Molality
(c) Decrease in Molarity (d) Decrease in Molality
Ans. (c) An increase in temperature increases the volume of the solution and thus, decreases it's
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8. Which of the following conditions is correct for an ideal solution ? [1] (CBSE 2022 Term-I)
(a) Hmix = 0 and Vmix = 0 (b) Hmix > 0 and Vmix > 0
(c) Hmix < 0 and Vmix < 0 (d) Hmix > 0 and Vmix < 0
Ans. (a)
9. For determination of molar mass of polymers and proteins, which colligative property is
used ? [1] (CBSE 2022 Term-I)
(a) Relative lowering in vapour pressure (b) Elevation in boiling point
(c) Osmotic pressure (d) Depression in freezing point
Ans. (c) Osmotic pressure
Because this is the only method which takes place at room temperature and all biomolecules are
unstable above room temperature.

10. Pure water boils at 373.15 K and nitric acid boils at 359.15 K. An azeotropic mixture of H2O
and HNO3 boils at 393.55 K. Distilling the azeotropic mixture will cause :
[1] (CBSE 2022 Term -I)
(a) Pure nitric acid to distil over first
(b) Pure water to distil over first.
(c) One of them to distil over with a small amount of the other.
(d) Both of them to distil over in the same composition as that of the mixture being distilled.
Ans. (d) Some liquid on mixing forms azeotropes which are binary mixtures having the same
composition in liquid and vapour phase and boil at constant temperature. The liquid and vapour
have the same composition and no further separation occurs.
11. A 5% (by mass) solution of glucose (molar mass = 180 g mol–1) is isotonic with 1% solution
(by mass) of a substance 'X'. The molar mass of 'X' is : [1] (CBSE 2022 Term -I)
(a) 36 g mol–1 (b) 18 g mol–1 (c) 72 g mol–1 (d) 900 g mol–1
Ans. (a) For isotomic solution
C1 = C2
n1 n2 w1 / m1 w 2 / m2 5 1
v v v v 180 x
x = 180/5 = 36 g mol–1.
12. When 2.5g of a non-volatile solute was dissolved in 50 mL of water, it gave boiling point
elevation of 0.52 °C. The molar mass of the solute is (Kb for water = 0.52 Km–1)
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[1] (CBSE 2022 Term -I)

(a) 100g mol–1 (b) 50g mol–1 (c) 25g mol–1 (d) 75g mol–1
w 2 1000
Ans. (b) Tb = kbm = k b
M 2 w1
2.5 1000 0.52 2.5 1000 1
0.52 = 0.52 × w1 50g mol
50 w1 50 0.52
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19. The vapour pressure of pure liquid X and pure liquid Y at 25°C are 120 mm Hg and 160 mm
Hg respectively. If equal moles of X and Y are mixed to form an ideal solution, calculate the
vapour pressure of the solution. [2] (CBSE 2023)
Ans. PT PA0 X A PB0 X B
XA XB (As nA = nB)
1 1
PT 120 160
2 2
= 60 +80
= 140 mm Hg
20. For a 5% solution of urea (Molar mass = 60 g/mol), calculate the osmotic pressure at 300 K.

[R = 0.0821 LatmK-1mol-1] : [2] (CBSE 2020)
Visha took two aqueous solutions - one containing 7.5 g of urea (Molar mass = 60 g/mol) and
the other containing 42.75 g of substance Z in 100 g of water, respectively. It was observed that
both the solutions froze at the same temperature. Calculate the molar mass of Z.
Ans. = CRT (Volume of solution = 100 mL) [½]
RT [½]
5 0.0821 300
60 0.1
= 20.5 atm [½]
Tf(urea) = Tf(Z) [½]
w urea 1000 wz 1000
kƒ kf [½]
M urea w solvent Mz w solvent
7.5 1000 42.75 1000
60 100 Mz 100
42.75 60
Mz = 342 g / mol [½]
21. Give reasons :
(a) Red Blood Cells (RBC) shrink when placed in saline water but swell in distilled water.
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(b) Aquatic animals are more comfortable in cold water than in warm water.
[2] (CBSE 2019)
Ans. (a) RBC looses water in saline water and absorb water in distilled water due to osmosis. [1]
(b) In water, oxygen is in dissolved state & as temperature rises, the solubility of oxygen
decreases, It means the solubility of oxygen is less in warm, because of this reason
Aquatic animals are more comfortable in cold water than in warm water. [1]

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22. Give reasons :
(a) A decrease in temperature is observed on mixing ethanol and acetone.
(b) Potasium chloride solution freezes at a lower temperature than water. [2] (CBSE 2019)
Ans. (a) Due to positive deviation. [1]
(b) Due to more van't hoff factor. [1]
23. Calculate the freezing point of a solution containing 60 g of glucose (Molar mass = 180 g mol–1)
in 250 g of water.
(Kf of water = 1.86 K kg mol–1) [2] (CBSE 2018)
Ans. w1 = 250 g ; w2 = 60g ; M2 = 180g/mol or 180g mol–1
Kf = 1.86 k kg mol–1

Tf = Kf m [1/2]
w 2 (g) 1000 60 1000
Tf = Kf × 1.86 [1/2]
M 2 w1 (g) 180 250

= 2.48 K [1/2]
Tf = t(solvent) – t(solution) [1/2]
t(solution) = t(solvent) – Tf
= 273.15 – 2.48 = 270.67 K [1]
24. What concentration of nitrogen should be present in a glass of water at room temperature?
Assume a temperature of 25°C, a total pressure of 1 atmosphere and mole fraction of nitrogen in
air of 0.78 [KH for nitrogen = 8.42 × 10–7 M/mm Hg] [2] [CBSE 2018)

Ans. Given PN2 = 1 atm

Applying Henry's law

PN2 K H . X N2

PN2 1
X N2 7
KH 8.42 10

n(N2 ) n(N2 )
Since X N2
n(N 2 ) n(H 2 O) n(H 2 O)
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n(N2) = X N2 . n(H2O) [ n(H2O) = = 55.5 moles]

= 7
× 55.5 = 6.59 × 107 moles.
8.42 10

Hence concentration of nitrogen in water = 6.59 × 107 mol L–1.

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25. 100 mg of a protein is dissolved in enough water to make 10.0 mL a solution. If this solution
has an osmotic pressure of 13.3 mm Hg at 25°C, what the molar mass of protein ?
(R = 0.0821 L atm mol–1 K–1 and 760 mm Hg = 1 atm) [2] (CBSE 2018)
Ans. Here w = 100 mg = 0.100 = 0.1 g; V = 10.0 mL = 0.01 L
= 13.3 mm Hg = atm ; T = 25°C = 25 + 273 = 298 K
R = 0.0821 L atm mol–1K–1; M=?
Molar mass, M =
.1 0.0821 298 .1 0.0821 298 760 1859.4008
M= = =
13.3 13.3 0.01 0.133

M = 13980.4 g mol–1
26. When 19.5g of F–CH2–COOH (Molar mass = 78 g mol–1), is dissolved in 500 g of water, the
depression in freezing point at observed to be 1ºC. Calculate the degree of dissociation of
[Given : Kf for water = 1.86 K kg mol–1] [3] (CBSE 2023)
Ans. It is given that : w1 = 500 g,
w2 = 19.5 g
Kf = 1.86 K kg mol–1, Tf = 1 K
K f w 2 1000
We know that : M2 [½]
Tf w1

1.86 K kg mol 1 19.5g 1000g kg 1

= = 72.54 mol–1 [½]
500 g 1K
Therefore, observed molar mass of CH2FCOOH, (M2)obs = 72.54 mol
The calculated molar mass of CH2FCOOH is :
(M2)cal = 14 +19 + 12 + 16 + 16 + 1 = 78 g mol–1

(M 2 )cal 78g mol 1

Therefore, van't Hoff factor, i 1
= 1.0753 [½]
(M 2 )obs 72.54 g mol
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Let a be the degree of dissociation of CH2FCOOH

Initial conc. C mol L–1 0 0
At equilibrium C (1 – ) C C
Total = C (1 + )
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i [½]
i=1+ [½]
= i – 1 = 1.0753 – 1 = 0.0753
= 7.53% [½]
27. Calculate the mass of ascorbic acid (Molar mass = 176gmol ) to be dissolved in 75g of acetic
acid, to lower its freezing point by 1.5°C. (Kf = 3.9 K kgmol–1) [3] (CBSE 2020)
Ans. Tf Kf m [1]
w 1000
Tf Kf [1]
m W
w 1000
1.5 3.9 [1]

176 75
mass of ascorbic acid (w) = 5.08 g
28. A solution containing 1.9 g per 100 mL of KCl (M = 74.5 g mol–1) is isotonic with a solution
containing 3 g per 100 mL of urea (M = 60 g mol–1). Calculate the degree of dissociation of
KCl solution. Assume that both the solutions have same temperature. [3] (CBSE 2019)
Ans. 1(urea) = 2[KCl]

C1RT = iC2RT [1]

n1 n2
i (V1 = V2)
V1 V2
3 1.9
i [1]
60 74.5
i = 1.96
i 1 1.96 1
= 0.96 or 96% [1]
n 1 2 1
29. 15.0 g of an unknown molecular material is dissolved in 450 g of water. The resulting solution
freezes at –0.34°C. what is the molar mass of the material ? (Kf for water = 1.86 K kg mol–1)
[3] (CBSE 2019)
Ans. Tf = iKfm
Tf = 273 – (–0.34 + 273) = 273 – 272.66
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= 0.34 K
0.34 450 15
0.34 = 1.86 M
450 1.86 1000 M
1000 1.86
or M = = 182.35 gm/mol
0.34 30
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30. A solution of glycerol (C3H8O3) in water was prepared by dissolving some glycerol in 500 g of
water. This solution has a boiling point of 100.42°C. What mass of glycerol was dissolved to
make this solution? (Kb for water = 0.512 K kg mol–1) [3] (CBSE 2019)
Ans. Tb = Kb × m
100.42 – 100 = 0.512 × 92 = wB = 37.8 gm
31. Give reasons for the following :
(a) Measurement of osmotic pressure method is preferred for the determination of molar
masses of macromolecules such as proteins and polymers.
(b) Aquatic animals are more comfortable in cold water than in warm water.
(c) Elevation of boiling point of 1 M KCl solution is nearly double than that of 1M sugar

solution. [3] (CBSE 2018)
Ans. (a) Protein are high molecular mass material, the magnitude of colligative property depends
inversely on the molecular mass and osmotic pressure is the only colligative property
have measurable magnitude. So, the Osmotic pressure method is preferred for the
determination of molar mass of macromolecules as proteins & polymers. [1]
(b) In water, oxygen is in dissolved state & as temperature rises, the solubility of oxygen
decreases, It means the solubility of oxygen is less in warm, because of this reason
Aquatic animals are more comfortable in cold water than in warm water. [1]
(c) The value of Van't Haff factor is twice in 1M KCl than 1M sugar solution due to which
elevation of Boiling point is more.
The solvent is somewhat but KCl is ionic due to which it dissociates completely.
The elevation of B.P. is Tb i K b m {In both 1 M KCl & 1M sugar solution} [1]
32. What concentration of nitrogen should be present in a glass of water at room temperature?
Assume a temperature of 25°C, a total pressure of 1 atmosphere and mole fraction of nitrogen
in air of 0.78 [KH for nitrogen = 8.42 × 10–7 M/mm Hg] [3] [CBSE 2018)
Ans. Given PN2 = 1 atm
Applying Henry's law
PN2 K H . X N2
PN2 1
X N2 7
KH 8.42 10
n(N2 ) n(N2 )
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Since X N2
n(N 2 ) n(H 2 O) n(H 2 O)
n(N2) = X N2 . n(H2O) [ n(H2O) = = 55.5 moles]
= 7
× 55.5 = 6.59 × 107 moles.
8.42 10
Hence concentration of nitrogen in water = 6.59 × 107 mol L–1.
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33. Boiling point of liquid solution would be affected by the dissolved solids in the liquid phase. A
soluble solid in solution has the effect of raising its boiling point. The addition of non-volatile
substances to a solvent decreases the vapour pressure and the added solute particles affect the
formation of pure solvent crystals.
According to many researches the increase in boiling point directly correlated to the
concentration of solutes dissolved in the solvent. This phenomenon is expressed as boiling
point elevation and it is useful for several applications such as boil concentration of liquid food
and to find the molar mass of an unknown solute in the solution.
The boiling point elevation is referred as a colligative property and it is proportional to the
molar concentration of the solution (m), along with vapour pressure higher, boiling point
elevation and osmotic pressure. These are physical characteristics of solutions that depend only

on the identity of the solvent and the concentration of the solute. The characters are not
depending on the solute's identity.
The following questions are multiple choice questions. Choose the most appropriate
(a) Two liquids A and B boil at 145°C and 190°C respectively. Which of them has higher
vapour pressure at 80°C ? [1]
Ans. Liquid A with lower boiling point is more volatile and hence will have higher vapour
(b) Define molal elevation constant or ebullioscopic constant ? [1]
Ans. Molal elevation constant is defined as the elevation in boiling point when molality is
equal to one.
(c) What are maximum boiling azeotropes ? Give one example. [2]
Ans. The solutions which show a large positive deviation from Raoult's law form minimum
boiling azeotropes at a specific composition.
Example : Ethanol water mixture.
Why is the elevation in boiling point of water differnet in the following two solutions ?
(i) 0.1 molar NaCl solution
(ii) 0.1 molar sugar solution
Ans. NaCl is an electrolyte. It dissociates to give Na+ and Cl– ions in the solution. Sugar is a
non-electrolyte. It does not dissociate in the solution. Thus, the number of particles is
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greater in 0.1 M NaCl solution than in 0.1 M sugar solution. Hence elevation in boiling
point is greater in case of NaCl solution.
34. (a) State Henry’s law and mention its two applications. [2]
(b) 5% aqueous solution of a non-volatile solute was made and its vapour pressure at 373 K
was found to be 745 mm. Vapour pressure of pure water at this temperature was
760 mm. Calculate the molar mass of solute. [3]
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(a) Give two differences between ideal and non-ideal solutions. [2]
(b) Calculate the amount of NaCl (M = 58·5 g mol ) that must be added to 100 g of water
so that freezing point is depressed by 2 K. Kf for water is 1·86 K/m. [3]
[2 + 3 = 5] (CBSE 2021 Compartment)
Ans. (a) The partial pressure of the gas in vapour phase (P) is proportional to the mole fraction of
the gas (X) in the solution. (This is most common definition) [1]
P = KHX KH = Henry's Constant
Applications : [1]
(1) To increase the solubility of CO2 in soft drinks and soda water, the bottle is
sealed under high pressure.
(2) At high altitudes the partial pressure of oxygen is less than that at the ground level.

This leads to low concentration of oxygen in the blood and tissues of people living
at high altitudes or climbers. Low blood oxygen causes climbers to become weak
and unable to think clearly, symptoms of a condition known as anoxia.
PA0 Ps nB Given:
(b) Raoult's law, [1]
Ps nA WB(mass of solute) = 5g in 100 g of solution
760 745 5 / mB WA = 95 g mass of solvent) ;
745 95 / m B mA (molecular mass of water) = 18 g
mB (molecular mass of solute) = ?
5 18 745
mB = 47.05g / mol [1]
15 95 PAo (V.P. of pure water) = 760 mmHg ;
Ps (V.P. of solution after addition of solute)
= 745 mm Hg
(a) Ideal solution Non-ideal solution
(i) It obeys Raoult's law over the (i) Does not obey Raoult's law over the
entire range of concentration. entire range of concentration.
(ii) mix H = 0 (ii) mix H is not equal to 0.

(b) Tf = i × kf × m [1] NaCl Na+ + Cl– i = 2.

w 1000 w1 = 100 g
Tf = i × kf × [½]
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m w M2 = 58.5 g mol–1
w 1000
2 = 2 × 1.86 × [½]
58.5 100
w =
1.86 10
w = 3.145 g [1]

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1. Isotonic solutions have same [1]
(a) vapour pressure (b) freezing temperature
(c) osmotic pressure (d) boiling temperature
2. The mixture which shows positive deviation from Raoult's law is :- [1]
(a) Chloroethane + Bromoethane (b) Ethanol + Acetone
(c) Benzene + Toluene (d) Acetone + Chloroform
3. Which of the following statements is correct regarding a solution of two compounds A and B
exhibiting positive deviation from ideal behaviour? [1]
(a) Intermolecular attractive forces between A-A and B-B are stronger than those between A-B.

(b) mix H = 0 at constant T and P
(c) mix V = 0 at constant T and P
(d) Intermolecular attractive forces between A-A and B-B are equal to those between A-B.
4. The density of 2 M aqueous solution of NaOH is 1.28 g/cm3. The molality of the solution is
[Given that molecular mass of NaOH = 40 g mol–1 ] [1]
(a) 1.20 m (b) 1.56 m (c) 1.67 m (d) 1.32 m
5. For an ideal solution, the correct option is :- [1]
(a) mix S = 0 at constant T and P (b) mix V 0 at constant T and P
(c) mix H = 0 at constant T and P (d) mix G = 0 at constant T and P
Note : In the following questions a statement of assertion followed by a statement of reason is
given. Choose the correct answer out of the following choices.
(a) Both (A) and (R) correct and (R) is correct explanation of (A).
(b) Both (A) and (R) correct and (R) is not correct explanation of (A).
(c) (A) is correct but (R) is wrong.
(d) (A) Assertion is wrong but (R) reason is correct.
6. Assertion (A) : NaCl in water and organic acids in benzene show abnormal molecular mass. [1]
Reason (R) : Abnormal molecular mass is obtained when the substance in the solution undergoes
dissociation or association.
7. Assertion (A) : Osmotic pressure is a colligative property. [1]
Reason (R) : Osmotic pressure of a solution depends on the molar concentration of solute at any
temperature T.
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8. State the following ;
(i) Henry’s law about partial pressure of a gas in a mixture. [1]
(ii) Raoult’s law in its general form in reference to solutions. [1]
9. (i) Write the colligative property which is used to find the molecular mass of macromolecules [1]
(ii) In non-ideal solution, what type of deviation shows the formation of minimum boiling
azeotropes? [1]
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10. Define the term 'osmotic pressure'. Describe how the molecular mass of a substance can be
determined on the basis of osmotic pressure measurement. [2]
11. Define the following terms:
(i) Molarity [1]
(ii) Molal elevation constant (Kb) [1]
12. Calculate the temperature at which a solution containing 54 g of glucose, C6H12O6, in 250 g of
water will freeze. [Kf for water = 1.86 K kg mol–1] [3]
13. A solution containing 8g of a substance in 100 g of diethyl ethane boils at 36.86 °C, whereas
pure ether boils at 35.60 °C. Determine the molecular mass of the solute.
(For ether Kb = 2.02 K kg mol–1) [3]

14. When a solution does not obey Raoult's law over the entire range of concentration, then it is
called non-ideal solution. The vapour pressure of such a solution is either higher or lower than
that predicted by Raoult's law. If it is higher, the solution exhibits positive deviation and if it is
lower, it exhibits negative deviation from Raoult's law. This variation is due to change in the
strength of the forces of attraction between solute and solvent molecules as compared to pure
solvent or solute. [1+1+2=4]
Answer the following questions :
(a) 10 mL of liquid A was mixed with 10 mL of liquid B. The volume of the resulting solution
was found to be 19.9 mL. What do you conclude ?
Two liquids A and B on mixing produce a warm solution. Which type of deivation from
Raoult's law does it show ?
(b) Why is the vapour pressure of a solution of glucose in water lower than that of water ?
(c) Give reasons :
(a) Cooking is faster in pressure cooker than in cooking pan.
(b) An increase in temperature is observed on mixing chloroform and acetone.
15. (a) A solution prepared by dissolving 8.95 mg of a gene fragment in 35.0 mL of water has an
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osmotic pressure of 0.335 torr at 25ºC. Assuming that the gene fragment is a non-electrolyte,
calculate its molar mass.
(b) What mass of NaCl (molar mass = 58.5 g mol-1 be dissolved in 65 g of water to
tower the freezing point by 7.5ºC? The freezing point depression constant, Kf, for water is
1.86 K kg mol-1. Assume van’t Hoff factor for NaCl is 1.87. [2+3=5]

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1. (c)
2. (b)
3. (a)
4. (c)
5. (c)
6. (a)
7. (a)

8. (i) Henry's law : It states that at constant temperature, the solubility of a gas in a liquid is
directly proportional to the pressure of the gas.
(ii) Raoult’s law : It states that for a solution of volatile liquids, the partial vapour pressure of
each component in the solution is directly proportional to its mole fraction.
9. (i) Osmotic pressure
(ii) Positive deviation from Raouts’ law/ Positive deviation
10. Ans. (i) Osmotic pressure : It is the pressure of the solution column that can prevent the
entry of solvent molecules through a semipermeable membrane, when the solution and
the solvent are separated by the same. It is shown by . It's unit is mm of Hg of
(ii) Relation between osmotic pressure and molar mass :
We know that V = B RT (Solution equation)

w B RT
or V=

( B = , where wB is mass of the solute and MB is molecular mass of the same)

Thus V MB = wBRT
w B RT
or, MB =
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This is the required relation.
11. (i) Molarity : Molarity (M) is defined as the number of moles of the solute dissolved in one Litre
of solution.
(ii) Molal elevation constant can be defined as the elevation in boiling point produced when one
mole of non-volatile solute is dissolved in 1 kg of the solvent.
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12. Molecular mass of glucose , MB = 72 + 12 + 96 = 180
K f w B 1000 1.86 54 1000 100440
Tf = 2.23
MB wA 180 250 45000
Freezong point of solution = 0 – 2.23 = – 2.23°C
13. We have, mass of solute, w2 = 8g
mass of solvent, w1 = 100g
elevation of boiling point, Tb = 36.86 – 35.60 = 1.26°C
Kb = 2.02 K kg mol–1
Molecular mass of the solute
1000 w 2 K b 1000 8 2.02 161.6 1
M2 = = 128.25 g mol
Tb w1 1.26 100 1.26

14. (a) Due to increase in extent of attraction forces between molecules A and B there is a slight
reduction in volume and mixture will show negative deivation from the Raoult's law.
Warming up of the solution means that the process of mixing is exothermic, i.e.,
Hmixing = –ve. This implies that the solution shows a negative deviation.
(b) A part of the water surface is occupied by non-volatile glucose molecules. This decreases
the effective surface area for the vapourisation of water molecules consequently, the vapour
pressure of a solution of glucose in water is lower than that of water.
(c) (a) Due to increase of pressure in cooker, boiling point of water increases
(b) Due to negative deviation
15. (a) wB = 8.95 mg = 8.95 × 10 g
= 0.335 torr = atm , T = 25ºC = 25 + 273 = 298 K.
R = 0.0821 L atm K–1 mol–1
V = 35 ml = 35 × 10–3 L
w B RT 8.95 10 3 g 0.0821L atm K 1mol 1 298 K 760
Molar Mass (MB) =
V 0.335atm 35 10 3 L
= 14193.29 g mol–1.
(b) Here M2 = 58.5 g mol–1, w1 = 65 g, w2 = ?
Tf = 7.5ºC, i = 1.87, Kf = 1.86 K kg mol–1
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Using the formula,

Tf = i Kf m
w2 1000 w 2 1000
Tf i Kf 7.5 1.87 1.86
M 2 w1 58.5 65
7.5 58.5 65 28518.75
w2 8.199 g
1.87 1.86 1000 3478.2
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