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Name: Resh S. Garcia Grade and Section: 12 - Cassiopeia

Direction: Write at least 3 considerations you will take before doing the actions below.
1. Buying new clothes I’ll consider:
 My budget and the price of the clothes.
 My personal style and preferences.
 The quality of the clothing compared to the price.
 The occasion or event that is suitable for the
2. Buying a new gadget I’ll consider:
 My budget and the price of the gadget.
 The purpose of the gadget and how I will use it.
 The reputation of the manufacturer or brand and
their reliability.
 The warranty terms and customer support.
 It’s features, lifespan, durability, and usability.
3. Choosing friends I’ll consider:
 Their reliability and trustworthiness.
 Their values and principles.
 Our compatibility and shared interests in terms of
hobbies and activities.
 If they are willing to help and support during
challenging times.
 Their influence to my decisions and behavior.
 Respect for each other.
4. Eating food I’ll consider:
 The nutritional value of the food, and its impact to
my health.
 The cost of the food and my budget.
 My taste preferences and cravings.
5. Deciding where for study for college I’ll consider:
 The availability of job opportunities through the
 The cost of the tuition fee.
 The distance of the school from my house; the
commute time and convenience.
 The programs available in the college that align
with my career goals.
 The reputation of the college.
 Scholarships, grants, and financial aids.
6. Deciding where to work I’ll consider:
 The job that aligns with my career goals and
 The salary.
 The opportunities for advancement within the
 The stability of the company and industry.
 The company’s culture and values.
7. Deciding your major in college I’ll consider:
 My interests and passion.
 My strength and skills.
 My career goals.
 The opportunities provided by my chosen major in
terms of career options.
 The demand for jobs in my chosen field.
8. Choosing a hobby/sport I’ll consider:
 My interests.
 The time that I’ll devote for the hobby.
 The cost of equipment or membership fee needed
for the hobby.
 The benefits brought by the hobby.
9. Joining a club or organization in school I’ll consider:
 My interests.
 The time that I will commit for the club.
 The potential for making new friends and building
 The impact and contribution of the club within the
school and community.
10. Choosing a wife/husband/partner I’ll consider:
 Our values, goals, and life aspirations should be
 Our ability to communicate and to resolve conflict.
 Family planning.
 The roles and responsibilities within the
 Our willingness to commit to a long-term
 Our family and cultural background.
 If we are ready to support each other during
difficult times.
2. What do you want to achieve in life? Why do you want to achieve this? Explain your answer on the
space provided.
There are many things that I want to achieve in my life, like having a successful life, contributing
to our society, paying back my parents for what they did for me, and most of all, happiness. First, I want
to be successful because it will allow me to live comfortably, help my family, and pursue my passions
and hobbies without financial constraints. Success, to me, is reaching my career goals (being a successful
engineer), improving as a person (learning a lot of new things), and achieving financial stability.
Additionally, I believe in giving back the support and blessings that my parents and the community have
provided for me throughout my life. By helping my parents and contributing to the improvement of our
country, I intend to repay my gratitude to them. Ultimately, my final goal is happiness, and I believe that
achieving all of these things will lead to my happiness.

3. Discuss an existing problem your family is facing right now. Describe the problem and give a possible
solution for it. Write your answer on the space provided.
Our family is currently facing financial problems, and this is a problem that many families are also
currently experiencing. This is because our expenses have been exceeding our income, making us
stressed and concerned. One solution for this problem is to budget our money by tracking our income
and expenses and saving money on unnecessary expenses. It may also be necessary to explore different
sources of income in order to lessen the pressure financially.

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