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Name ___________________________________ Class 4 Sec _______ Roll no ______

I. Answer the following questions

1. I held the trunk with both my hands

And looked abroad on foreign lands

a. Who climbed the tree? What tree is it?

b.What are the foreign lands that can be seen from the top of the tree?
c. Are these really foreign lands? Why does the speaker say they are?
1. Mouse: William the Conqueror, was the Norman king of England.
a. What does the Mouse start telling the group?
b. What does he mean by a ‘dry story ’?
c. Does the group like the story? What do they say?

II. Give the meanings of the following

a. abroad - _____________________ b. trampling - ____________________
b. out of breath - _____________________ d. double up - ___________________

III. Complete the following sentences

1. Alice needed the ___________________________________________________________________

2. The child wishes to find __________________________________________________________


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