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NAME :.........................................
SCHOOL : .....................................

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Name : _________________________________Stream___________

1. Fill in the correct word

(a) The bird is flying _______________ the tree.
(b) Do not lean ___________________ the wall.
(c) Who was sitting __________________ the stool?
2. Join to make one word
(a) Class + teacher _____________________________
(b) Bed + room _____________________________
(c) Flower + pot _____________________________
3. Give one word for many
(a) Beds, chairs, tables and cupboards are ____________
(b) Knives, forks and spoons used for eating are ____________
4. Read and draw pictures.
(a) The girl is lying under the tree.

(b) The boys are playing soccer.


Name : __________________________________Stream___________
1. Expand these numbers correctly
40 = __________________________
93 = __________________________
802 = __________________________
2. Write the place value of the circled figures.
(a) 7 3 0 = ___________________________
(b) 5 2 = ___________________________
(c) 9 3 0 = ___________________________
3. Work out:
(a) 3 + 2 =

(b) 5 - 3 =

4. Draw these shapes

(a) Triangle (b) Rectangle
Literacy I

Theme: Our Environment

NAME: ____________________________________STREAM___________

1. Fill in the missing letters

f__uit lea__es __oot st__m
2. Use the words in the table below to complete the composition
people, environment, non-living, chairs, living, land
__________________ are the things around us. Things which have
life are called ____________________ things. Examples of living
things are:- plants, animals, birds and ___________________.
Things which do not have life are called __________________
things. Examples of non living thing are:- stones, pens,
______________, balls and shoes. People grow crops on
________________ and graze animals grass.
3. Fill small words from the big words.
(a) teacher _________________ forest ____________________
4. Re-arrange the words to make correct sentences
(a) sells fish monger a fish
(b) chasing is a rat cat a
(c) over the flying trees the bird is.

Name : _________________________________Stream___________

5. Name any two sources of food.

(i) _________________________________________________
(ii) _________________________________________________
6. Smoking is one of the ways of preserving food. Give three
other ways of preserving food.
(i) _________________________________________________
(ii) _________________________________________________
(iii) _________________________________________________
7. Draw and name any two fruits you know

8. Why do we boil water for drinking?

9. What is personal hygiene?

10. Match tools to their uses
Slasher scrubbing
Rake sweeping
Broom slashing
Brush collecting rubbish
11. Mention four people found at school.
(i) _________________________________________________
(ii) _________________________________________________
(iii) _________________________________________________
(iv) _________________________________________________
12. Draw the members of a nuclear family.

13. Write the motto of your school.

Name : _________________________________Stream___________

1. Make sentences



2. Fill in the correct tense

(a) Peter _________________ to school every morning. (go)
(b) Who ________________ your uniform yesterday. (wash)
(c) They are _________________ to visit today. (come)
(d) I __________________ fish every weekend. (eat)
(e) Write in full
(a) Tr. ______________________________
(b) Dr. _______________________________
(c) Can’t _______________________________

Name : __________________________________Stream___________
1. Write these figures in words
(a) 1st = _______________ (b) 14 = _______________
(c) 203 = __________________________
2. Complete the number sequence
(d) 3, 6, ____, 12, 15, ______, 21.
(e) 90, 80, ___, ____, 50, 40, ___, ___, 10.
(f) 1st, 2nd, 3rd , ____, ____, 6th , 7th, ____, 9th, 10th
3. Add correctly.
(c) 5 litres + 4 litres = _____ litres.
(d) 8 7 litres
+ 1 2 litres

4. Set A = a, b, c, d, e, f 
Set B = a, e, i, o, u
(a) Find the common members.
(b) How many members are in set A?

Name : ____________________________________Stream___________
Theme: our Environment

1. What is the name of your country?

2. Make a list of living things only. stones
___________________________ birds
___________________________ plants

3. Complete the riddle correctly

(a) My home is a burrow. I eat people’s clothes. I can be
eaten by cats. You don’t like me. What am I?
(b) I am part of a plant. I hold it firmly in the soil.
What am I? ____________________________
4. Re-arrange the sentences to make a meaningful story
Then I board it and move.
After school, I wait for a taxi
When I reach, I ask the driver to stop
When a taxi comes, I stop it.
I pay money to the conductor and move out.

(a) ____________________________________________________
(b) ___________________________________________________
(c) __________________________________________________
(d) __________________________________________________
(e) ___________________________________________________
(f) ____________________________________________________

Name : _________________________________Stream___________

1. Animals kept at home are called ________________________

2. Beef is to cow as _______________________ is to sheep.
3. Draw and name any two wild animals

4. Use true or false

(a) A young rabbit is a kitten __________________________
(b) A fry is a young sheep _____________________________
(c) A nymph is a young cockroach _____________________
5. Match animals to their sounds.
Elephant sings
Monkey neighs
Horse trumpets
Bird chatters.
6. Write down two reasons why animals move from one place to
(i) _________________________________________________
(ii) _________________________________________________
7. What is a weapon?
8. Complete correctly.
(a) Snake is to fangs as ___________________ is to sting.
(b) Trunk is to an elephant as __________________ is to cat.
(c) _________________ is to crocodile as hands is to man.
9. Give any two examples of domestic birds.
(i) _________________________________________________
(ii) _________________________________________________
10. Why do we eat food? Give two reasons.
(i) _________________________________________________
(ii) _________________________________________________
11. Write down any two disciples of Jesus Christ.
(i) _________________________________________________
(ii) _________________________________________________
Name : _________________________________Stream___________

1. Match animals with their sounds

dog trumpets
cat low / mows
sheep bleats
elephant mews / purrs
cow barks
2. Read and draw pictures

cat birds lion

3. Arrange in abc order
a)stove, cat, drum, axe
b)farm, bag, zebra

Name : __________________________________Stream___________
1. Fill in hundreds tens and ones
(a) 90 = _________ tens _________ ones
(b) 3 = ______hundreds ______ tens _____ ones
(c) 402 = ______ hundreds ______ tens _____ ones.
2. _____________ is the amount of liquid a container can hold.
3. Write in figures
(e) Third _________________
(f) One hundred _________________
(g) Fifty five _________________
4. What number has been expanded?
500 + 20 + 7 = ________________
90 + 4 = ___________________
5. Tell the time.

It is __________________ O’clock.

6. Show the time. It is 3 O’clock

Name : __________________________________Stream___________
1. Name the parts of a plant.
Stem, roots, leaves, flower, fruit

2. Use these words to complete the composition below
building, food, medicine, living.

Plants are _______________ things. They have many uses to

people. Some plants are used for ________________ while
others are used as medicine. We get ______________________
materials from plants. These are some of the plants from
which we get food; banana plant, mango plant, potato plant
and many more. From sere plant and Kigaji plant we get
3. Re-arrange the following words to make correct sentences
(a) are grass two cows eating
(b) book is reading the boy a

Name : _________________________________Stream___________

1. Complete the table

Animal Young one home
Sheep a. ______________ Pen/fold
b ______________ Fry Water
bird nestling c ______________

2. Circle the odd man out

mosquito farm purrs
housefly water bleats
dog garden hutch
wasp market brays
bee tent

3. Fill in some or any

(a) Do you have _________________ money now?

(b) _______________ one has taken my bag.

4. Make sentences using these words.

(a) cow ______________________________________________

(b) goat ______________________________________________


Name : __________________________________Stream___________

1. Set D = , Set E =

(a) Find the common members.

(b) Draw members of set E.
Set E = ___________________
(c) Represent the above information on a venn diagram.

2. Complete the table.

X 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 ___ ___ 4 ___ 8 ____ 12

3. There were 23 eggs on a tray. A cat stole 2 of them. How

many eggs were left?
4. There were 54 pupils in P.2. 21 of them were girls. How many
were boys.
Name : ____________________________________Stream___________

Theme: our Environment

1. Write group names

(a) Sweet banana, apple, pawpaws and mangoes are

(b) Sunday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday are
(c) hens, ducks, turkeys and pigeons are __________________
2. Find names of animal young ones from the puzzle and write
them down
a _______________
p u p p y c
k i t t e n u
i g b a b y b
d u c k l i n g
c h i c k
3. Complete these sentences sensibly
(a) A bird sings while a duck ___________________________
(b) A ___________________ barks while an elephant trumpets.
(c) A caterpillar wriggles while a _________________ glides.
(d) Nose is for smelling as _________________ is for tasting.
(e) A rat squeaks but a sheep ________________.

4. Why do we need the following on our environment?

(a) Plants: ___________________________________________
(b) water: ___________________________________________

Name : _________________________________Stream___________

1. Write any three symbols of the school.

(i) _________________________________________________
(ii) _________________________________________________
(iii) _________________________________________________
2. Name one disease spread by houseflies.
3. What do we call insects that make holes in seeds?
4. Draw and name the parts of a plant.

5. What is weather?

6. Name any two dangers of too much sunshine.

(i) _________________________________________________
(ii) _________________________________________________
7. Write down any two uses of plants to man
(i) _________________________________________________
(ii) _________________________________________________
8. Give two plant roots we eat as food.
(i) _________________________________________________
(ii) _________________________________________________
9. Draw Jesus on the cross.

10. Where do Moslems go for Juma prayers?


Name : _________________________________Stream___________

Date: Friday 20th June, 2014

1. Write out the adjectives
(a) I saw a very tall man yesterday.
(b) Father has a new car.
(c) Why is the box heavy?
2. Fill in the missing letters
(a) cassa ___a (b) p___wpaw (c) ya ___
3. Give the pronouns of the underlined words.
(a) Joan and I were absent.
(b) Where did Anna go?
(c) Mother has a big bag.
(d) The children are shouting.
(e) How old is Alex?
Name : __________________________________Stream___________
Date: Friday 20th June, 2014
1. Add correctly.
(a) 8 tables + 7 tables = _______ tables.
(b) 7 9 (c) 3 1 cats
+ 1 3 + 9 cats

2. What is the place value of the underlined digit?

(a) 6 6 6 = _____________________________
(b) 94 = _____________________________
3. Name these shapes.
(a) _____________ (b) ____________

4. Fill in correctly.
(a) __________________ = 2 hundreds 0 tens 4 ones.
(b) 1 3 9 = _________ hundreds _______ tens ______ ones.
(c) 8 tens 5 ones = _____________.
5. Daddy bought 55 books. Mummy bought 26 books. How
may books did they buy altogether?
6. Allen has 17 skirts. Rose has 7 skirts. How many skirts do they
have altogether?
Name : ____________________________________Stream___________

Theme: Our Environment

1. Write words with these sounds.
ai ____________________ _____________________
oa __________________ _____________________
th __________________ _____________________
oo __________________ _____________________

2. Choose the right word from the brackets.

(a) We ate rice and ____________________ for supper.
(kitchen, chicken)
(b) __________________ are living things. (plants, plates)
(c) Lakes and ______________ are water bodies (rivers, livers)
3. Write out only useful insects
Wasp Black ant
White ant bee _________________
Dragon fly _________________
Grasshopper _________________
4. Read and draw the tools below.

panga watering can trowel axe

5. Write “Yes’, or No; sensibly.

(a) Roots hold the plant firmly in the soil.

(b) Plants breath through the spiracles found leaves.

(c) An insect has three main body parts.


Name : _________________________________Stream___________

1. Name any two examples of food we eat.

(iv) _________________________________________________
(v) _________________________________________________
2. What is a balanced diet?
3. Which classes of food gives us the following?
(a) Energy ____________________________________________
(b) Protecting us from diseases _________________________
(c) Building our body __________________________________
4. Underline useful insects.
Bees, flies, butterflies, caterpillars, months.
5. How can we protect ourselves from mosquito bites?
6. Draw and name any three food crops.
7. What are cash crops?
8. Write down the products got from these cash crops
(a) sugarcane ______________________________________
(b) tea _______________________________________________
(c) tobacco __________________________________________
(d) cotton ____________________________________________

9. Draw these things.

timber nails hammer

10. List down any four religious names.

(i) _________________________________________________
(ii) _________________________________________________
(iii) _________________________________________________
(iv) _________________________________________________
Name : _________________________________Stream___________

1. Draw these things we make

basket balls doll pot

2. Give the opposites of the underlined words.

(a) Musa is taller than Jane.
(b) Are the elephants heavy animals?
3. Arrange to make a good word
(a) tams _____________________
(b) refibs ______________________
4. Make small words
(a) butcher _____________________
(b) father _____________________

Name : __________________________________Stream___________
1. Work out:
(a) 8 + 3 = ___________________
(b) 4 x 3 = ___________________
(c) 12 ÷ 6 = ___________________
(d) 8 - 3 = ___________________
2. Draw these shapes.
Kite Oval Cone

_____________ ______________ ________________

3. Complete the magic circle

+2 14
___ 8

4. Twelve plus eight equals

Name : __________________________________Stream___________

1. Read the story below and answer the questions in full

One Sunday morning Sarah and her mother went to the shops.
They went shopping for many items. They came to a craft shop.
Mother said that the craft shop was for Mrs. Budongo. In Mrs.
Budongo’s shop, Sarah saw many crafts. Crafts are things we
make with our hands from local materials. These are baskets, dolls,
toycars, bangles, necklaces and many more. Sarah picked a nice
doll and her mother paid for it.
(a) What is the heading of the story?
(b) On which day did Sarah and her mother go to the shop?
(c) Whose craft shop did Sarah and her mother find?
(d) What are crafts?
(e) Which local materials are used to make:-
(a) baskets ________________ (b) toycars ______________
(f) What did Sarah pick from the craft shop?
Name : _________________________________Stream___________

1. What are building materials?

2. (a) Name this house __________________________________

(b) Name the type of house shown.


(c) Write down any three building materials used to build this
3. How do we care for plants? Give two ways.
(i) _________________________________________________
(ii) _________________________________________________
4. Draw and name the main parts of a plant.

5. What is germination?
6. List down any three conditions needed by plants to
(i) _________________________________________________
(ii) _________________________________________________
(iii) _________________________________________________
7. Name the three stages of a plant.
(i) _________________________________________________
(ii) _________________________________________________
(iii) _________________________________________________
8. How do we call a young plant?
9. Match correctly
John the Baptist doubted Jesus
Simon Peter betrayed Jesus
Judas Iscariot baptized Jesus
Thomas Denied Jesus
10. (a) Write down any two leaders in a mosque.
(i) _____________________________________________
(ii) _____________________________________________
(b) Give two Moslem names for boys.
(i) _______________________________________________
(ii) _______________________________________________

Name : _________________________________Stream___________

1. Complete the table

One two many

Lazy a. __________ laziest

b. ___________ Thinner thinnest
smart smarter c. ____________

2. Make sentences using these words

(c) over ______________________________________________
(d) brooms ____________________________________________

3. Fill in the correct word

(c) __________________ at me now.
(d) The boy is running _________________ the ball.
(e) The ___________________ is flying over the house.

4. Use the correct questioning words.

(c) __________________ is your teacher?
(d) ___________________ many brothers do you have?
Name : __________________________________Stream___________
1. Write the shaded fraction.
(a) (b)
2. Multiply:
(a) 3 0 (b) 3 2 3
x 2 x 2

3. Divide:

(a) 4 20 (b) 4 32

4L 8L

Which mug holds more water?

Which mug holds less water?
How many litres to the 2 mugs holds?
Name : __________________________________Stream___________

Theme: Things we make

1. Read the conversation below and answer the questions in full

Mr. Matovu: Good morning Sam, How can I help you?
Sam : Mummy has sent me for a well made
Mr. Matovu: Cupboard! Can you get it from Mr. Matovu a
doctor? Can a doctor make cupboards?
Sam : Who can help me then?
Mr. Matovu: Try Mr. Musoke the carpenter who works in that
(a) How many people are talking in the conversation?
(b) Who spoke last?
(c) What is the work of Mr. Matovu?

(d) Where does a carpenter work?

2. Re- arrange these words to form meaningful sentences
(a) Crops growing best loam soil is the soil for
(b) mats palm leaves use we make to.
3. Use correct or incorrect
(a) A carpenter makes utensils. ________________________
(b) cows, pigs, donkeys and goats are domestic birds.
(c) A president stays in a state house. _________________
Name : _________________________________Stream___________

5. How do we call things we make using local materials?

6. Draw these examples of things we make.

doll hats ropes

7. What is an accident?
8. Write down two causes of accidents on the road.
(i) _________________________________________________
(ii) _________________________________________________
9. Name two dangerous things found on the road.
(iv) _________________________________________________
(v) _________________________________________________
10. Circle type of accidents.
burns, animals, cuts, electricity, poison, bites.
11. How do we call the way of talking to God / Allah?

Name the Holy books for:-

(a) Christians ________________ (b) Moslems ______________

Name : _________________________________Stream___________

1. Give the opposites of the underlined words

(a) We was unlucky yesterday.
(b) Are you happy now?
(c) He was so kind to me.
(d) Untie your shoe laces.
2. Write these words correctly.
(a) atbo ______________________
(b) anitr ______________________
3. Re- write as instructed
(a) I have a book.
I have a pencil. (Join using …….. and ……)
(b) Maris is playing.
Richard is playing. (Join using ……. and ……)
(c) Birds fly. Fish swim. (Join using …………… but ……….)
Name : __________________________________Stream___________
1. What do these symbols mean?
> ___________________________
< ___________________________
= ___________________________
2. Use >, <, or = to complete
(a) 2 + 3 …………………. 1 x 3
(b) 4 + 4 …………………. 9 - 1


3. Add these fractions.

(a) 1 1
+ = _________
3 3
(b) 3 1 1
+ = _________
6 6 6
(c) 2 5
+ = _________
9 9
4. Write the un shaded fractions.

______________ _____________

Name : __________________________________Stream___________

Theme: Things we make

1. Read the rhyme below and answer the questions in full

Ding Dong Bell
Ding dong bell
Pussy cat is in the well
Who put her in?
Little Johny thin.
Who pulled her out?
Little Tonny Stout.
What a naughty boy Johny thin was?
To drown poor pussy cat,
Who never did any harm.
But killed all the mice in the farmer’s barn.
(a) What is the little of the rhyme?
(b) Who put pussy cat in the well?
(c) What did Tonny stout do?
(d) Who was the naughty boy?
(e) Was the cat friendly to the mice?
(f) Draw pussy cat in the well.

Name : _________________________________Stream___________

1. Name these garden tools.

2. Name two activities done in these seasons.

(a) Dry season ________________ _______________
(b) Wet season ________________ _______________
3. Write down any two causes of drowning.
(a) _________________________________________________
(b) _________________________________________________
4. Which food do we get from bees?
5. List down any two insects which sting.
(vi) _________________________________________________
(vii) _________________________________________________
6. Why are grasshoppers and white ants important to people?

Name : _________________________________Stream___________

1. What is a school?
2. Give two causes of problems between a school and neighbor
(i) _________________________________________________
(ii) _________________________________________________

3. How do we call a type of family where we find father, mother

and their children?
4. Give three examples of members in an extended family.
(i) _________________________________________________
(ii) _________________________________________________
(iii) _________________________________________________
5. I am a member of the family. I am the father of your father
and mother. Who am I?

6. I am a member of the family. I am the sister of your father

and mother. Who am I?
7. Who heads a family?
8. Write down any two duties of a mother at home.
(i) _________________________________________________
(ii) _________________________________________________
9. Draw these places found in a community.

Church hospital Mosque

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